Because Fat-Shaming is Sooo Cool



  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    You just can't fix stupidity.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    This is where fat acceptance comes in, and actually has a role. You can't tell a girl 'it's what is inside that counts' one day and 'how dare you even come out on the street where decent people can see you?' the next.

    Fat acceptance is about not being afraid to be happy and enjoy life despite your size. It is NOT about promoting gaining unhealthy amounts of weight for poops and chuckles. This is what a lot of people don't seem to understand.

    As someone who has been fat all my life, the fat acceptance movement really helped me lead a fuller, richer existence. It made me realize I can do well in my career, have friends, and fall in love - and that doing all of those things while being fat was ok. And in turn, it made me realize that I can take control of my weight. That's why I'm here.

    I know on MFP I'm going to take a lot of flack for being pro-fat acceptance, but there it is.

    Also please replace the word 'fat' with 'gay' and tell me if that article is still considered okay. No? Hmm, that should be a clue.

    Not a valid comparison. What we put in our mouths is a choice. Our sexual orientation is not.
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Apparently she can't discern the difference of fat and natural curves! :angry:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I take it no one here is aware that "The Daily Mail" is affectionately nicknamed "The Daily Fail"?

    ^^^^ this!

    Also OP... you complain about her shaming fatties then post a picture of her and basically make fun of her for how she looks.... isn't this a little hypocritical? Wouldn't it be better to just totally rise above shaming people over how they look? She's a pretty attractive person actually.... make fun of her opinions by all means, and the fact she's a Daily Fail journalist, but your point about not shaming fat people gets kind of lost when you turn right around and make unkind comments about her appearance.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    This is where fat acceptance comes in, and actually has a role. You can't tell a girl 'it's what is inside that counts' one day and 'how dare you even come out on the street where decent people can see you?' the next.

    Fat acceptance is about not being afraid to be happy and enjoy life despite your size. It is NOT about promoting gaining unhealthy amounts of weight for poops and chuckles. This is what a lot of people don't seem to understand.

    As someone who has been fat all my life, the fat acceptance movement really helped me lead a fuller, richer existence. It made me realize I can do well in my career, have friends, and fall in love - and that doing all of those things while being fat was ok. And in turn, it made me realize that I can take control of my weight. That's why I'm here.

    I know on MFP I'm going to take a lot of flack for being pro-fat acceptance, but there it is.

    Also please replace the word 'fat' with 'gay' and tell me if that article is still considered okay. No? Hmm, that should be a clue.

    Not a valid comparison. What we put in our mouths is a choice. Our sexual orientation is not.

    Discrimination is discrimination. A belief that someone does not have the right to be happy because they are X at the end of the day boils down to the same. I'm not trying to say that discrimination against gays is equal to discrimination against fat people because so obviously it is not. The gay communities in the U.S. and across the globe have gone through such hell as I can't even fathom.

    What I am trying to say is that the words she is using in this article are discriminatory, no matter who she is speaking against.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The sad thing is she makes some really good points, but they're overshadowed by the nastiness and hatred.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't like "fat" shaming. Just as I don't like "skinny" shaming. I hate them both equally.

    I also don't like justifications for unhealthy behavior, whether that be being overweight or underweight. I don't think unhealthy behavior should be glamorized.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Why did she focus exclusively on overweight females?
  • TheWorstHorse
    Fat acceptance is probably one of the most damaging things to health and fitness. It tells people that fat is normal and acceptable and not a very obvious sign that they need to change their habits. Fat isn't healthy, at all. It's a symptom of eating disorders, health problems, or other issues. This would be like "rash acceptance" or something. Fat is a sign of a problem. Do not embrace it and encourage it.

    I wonder if you have any actual proof for the assertions that "fat acceptance is probably one of the most damaging things to health and fitness" or that it "tells people that fat is normal" or that fat and by this I imagine you mean any fat since you weren't specfic, "is a sign of a problem"? Or if you have any background or training in any field that would qualify you to make statements like this?

    Other than giving us your opinion, I mean?

    Just asking.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Fat acceptance is probably one of the most damaging things to health and fitness. It tells people that fat is normal and acceptable and not a very obvious sign that they need to change their habits. Fat isn't healthy, at all. It's a symptom of eating disorders, health problems, or other issues. This would be like "rash acceptance" or something. Fat is a sign of a problem. Do not embrace it and encourage it.


    Spoken like someone who has NO IDEA what they are talking about. Fat acceptance is not about damaging your body. Fat acceptance is about everything except your weight. It is about being able to appreciate the other facets of life and not letting fat or size RULE your life. Fat acceptance is about taking control of the fact that you can be happy even if you are fat, and that positive reinforcement helps people take control of their weights too.

    In theory.

    Go to any major fat acceptance site and read the comments. Then please try to reconcile those comments with your claim.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm going to be the first to say that I agree with a lot of what she is saying. If fat acceptance wasn't a thing, we would have less obese people in America. I state this as a fact because many years ago, accepting "fat" people wasn't as important as it is now. And in this day and age, obesity is one of our nation's biggest health concerns. The % of the amount of obese Americans has changed too much since the early 90s, too fast for it to be just chance. There is a cause, and "fat acceptance" is probably the cause. Some could say there is too much available fast food now, but we do have to take responsibility. Nobody forced us to eat what we eat.

    Now don't get me wrong, I don't think you should go up to some happy overweight person and tell them their fat. You wouldn't go up to an anorexic person and confront them like that. And yes, I consider both of them eating disorders. It should be done by friends and family in a caring loving way out of concern. Linda Kelsey is just fed up and fired up. I do that too now and then...

    Because fat people weren't a thing before fat acceptance movements. All the fat people lost their weight after being ridiculed and made to feel worthless in every aspect of their lives from the loving and supportive family members they all had back then.

    Damn millennial fatties!

    No, fat people shouldn't be ridiculed and made to feel worthless by anyone-family, friends, or strangers. However, the poster above specifically stated, as seen in bold, that it should be done in a caring way. Someone telling you that they are concerned about your health and your weight is not saying that you are worthless. Rather I think it would indicate that they think that you are worthy enough to want to keep around, and worthy enough to be worried about!

    I think that parts of the fat acceptance movement are great-being told that you should be confident no matter what your weight/looks. However, I don't think that that has so much to do with accepting fat as the fact that I don't think that people should be judged on their appearance as heavily as this society does, it should really be about accepting all people and trying to judge less. People have worth no matter if they are fat, skinny, medium, black, white..whatever! The movement should not be to accept fat and glorify it, but to recognize that it does not have bearing on who a person is and their right to wear the clothes they want, go where they want, get a job, etc, without being made to feel uncomfortable by someone who does not think they should be able to because of their looks.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Also the woman who wrote it looks like she has been Horngry for about 10 years... that might where the venom comes from.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Who is this lady? And does she even lift? Burn.
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member

    Because fat people weren't a thing before fat acceptance movements. All the fat people lost their weight after being ridiculed and made to feel worthless in every aspect of their lives from the loving and supportive family members they all had back then.

    Damn millennial fatties!

    Not all the fat people! If you look at the statistics from the CDC, its increased by a large %.

    Anyway, no one should ever have to feel worthless just because of their appearance. When I was at that large weight, I was still a contributing member of society. I still had people I care about and they care about me. Nothing has really changed, except for how I feel. I'm not saying we should ridicule anyone, but I don't think I'd standby and let my sister gain 100 lbs from bad habits without saying a word.
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    She looks like a boiled foot.

  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Maybe I'm just contrary, but all this did was make me want to put on the skimpiest thing I could find then parade and jiggle my 300 pound self all around outside her home. Just for fun. Because she's so cheery.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    I found that as soon as I started liking myself, and caring about myself I was finally able to start making positive changes. All the years I went through bullying throughout school for being fat, I hated myself, but I never changed. As soon as I started feeling like I was worth something, I started to take control of my weight. Fat shaming doesn't work. I'm so tired of all those people who think it's okay to hate fat people because "they can change". Unless you've been morbidly obese/obese and then became healthy you can't say it's an easy fix, because you haven't experienced it. I don't see anything wrong in teaching others a healthy way of living, but some people need help, and some people aren't ready to change yet. You can help people with their weight without being an *** about it.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Maybe I'm just contrary, but all this did was make me want to put on the skimpiest thing I could find then parade and jiggle my 300 pound self all around outside her home. Just for fun. Because she's so cheery.

    XD YES
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Fat people are immoral.