
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    well Homer made it through surgery. got his teeth cleaned, what he has left.. they pulled 10 :noway: he has no top teeth left poor guy...
    asked the tech how he will eat, and she said oh they eat dont you worry....
    well I got the lawn mowed too. now off to make dinner and his lunch...
  • djking2
    djking2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I am new to this part of MFP. I am looking for encouragement to stick with it. This seems like a topic that is perfect for that. I like the quote I read about giving up what I want permanently for a temporary fix.

    DJK from West Virginia
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Whew! Just read through several pages ...

    Came completely off the rails yesterday with my eating ... a bona fide binge of epic proportions! Ridiculous ... :grumble:

    Weather was crazy in NY Tuesday... I was to travel into central NY (not the area where the tornadoes landed), but my husband asked me to stay home... he had "bad feelings" about my driving through thunder storms ... so sad ... NY is poorly prepared for weather of that nature. Now snow ... that's a different story!

    Carol ... we have an "abuse" policy in our church as well ... required to receive insurance. Our changing tables are able to be viewed by anyone who wants to observe what's going on. Windows in all doors ... mirrors strategically placed. Never, never one child to one adult! Your reaction is valid ... but keeping calm and working through it with the uninformed will see to it that no child is harmed. I wouldn't quit squawking on this one!

    Heather ... when you say summer pudding ... is this what I would consider jelly or jam? I used to have property with gooseberries, red and black currants and would make various jellies! Miss that. Now I just have grapes ... which are promising to yield a bumper crop!

    Sylvia ... glad you're feeling a little better.

    Alison ... hope the hip heals quickly!

    Hope those with vacations have a restful time and to those with family and personal situations ... I'm praying.

    Beth in WNY
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Haven't caught up,but wanted to share this before I forget/lose it.

    There was a post on MFP from someone who had lost 100 pds,with 50 more to go,but the wt loss stopped
    due to wk end parties & with lots of eating /drinking.Long story short,felt like a diet keeps you from enjoying
    all that.
    This is one of the replys,full of common sense. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Pat in Ohio

    "So here's my take on this. I have lost a little over 100 pounds in 2 years. I have somewhere around 35 - 40 pounds to go. I have no idea what my goal weight needs to be and it's really not my focus. I will know when I am where I want to be.

    So the biggest battle for me over the last 2 years was dealing with my issues with food. The losing and exercise part is all math and hard work. The food...well, that's an entirely different duck. So this is about changing your mindset. You will never be able to eat the way you did in the past. Ever. Never. Ever.

    Have you faced that yet? There is no end zone. There is no finish line. When you have been significantly overweight, you have to be conscious of your food and exercise balance forever. You have to make changes and then stick to them all week. The weekends still have to be within your calories. Otherwise you will wipe out your hard work from all week. Then you end at the starting point week after week.

    Change your mindset. Start working on self control. Be mindful of your food all week long. Work on keeping your portions controlled. Have treats, just work them into your daily calories. Realize that even if everyone around you is pigging out - those days are over for you.

    But, the upside of all this? You get your health back. You get your life back. You control things - they don't take you over anymore. It's hard. But, you can be one of the ones that are successful. Best of luck".
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Beth - Summer Pudding is a mix of berries poached in a sugar syrup and they are spooned into a pudding basin which has been lined with white bread. Then a lid of white bread. You leave the fruit to seep through the bread and chill it overnight, or longer, in the fridge. It turns out like a pudding (I use cling film to line the basin to make that easier) and you pour excess juice you have saved over the top. Serve with double cream. For those of us in the UK it is the essence of summer.:bigsmile: :drinker:
  • djking2
    djking2 Posts: 3 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Heather ... yum!

    Patceoh ... while I wasn't the one with the parties ... your advice is spot on for me! Thank you!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    The families that have been affected by the tornado are struggling. The community is working together to help them in any way possible. Very tragic. The deceased include a mom and her infant. Very strange weather for our area. Last year there was a horrible flood. Many of those displaced by the flooding have still not gotten answers concerning their homes. One of my friends is still living with her husband and 4 daughters in an apartment while also paying their mortgage.

    I made home-made yogurt yesterday and just tried it with strawberries and Kashi Crunch. Yum!! I will never buy yogurt again!

    Deb A in CNY
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    A quick hi! I took the day off to work in the house. I need another couple of days to focus to get it finished. I am soooooo tired! I've spent the day moving stuff, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning walls and cabinet and refrigerator and freezer fronts, sweeping, dusting, down on my hands and knees cleaning floors near furniture and cabinets, and tidying as I went. I've earned massive exercise calories but have eaten them all back so far (including the dinner that I haven't eaten yet). Hopefully, by the time I reach my 11,000 steps, I will have a few left over. I still have a couple of projects that I want to finish before bedtime. In the meantime, I need to go shower and get ready for a Finance Team meeting at church tonight. I'm so tired that I'm kind of afraid I will fall asleep while bathing. :laugh: :yawn: :yawn: :laugh:

    I hope to check back in later. Have a great evening!
  • lcarrollccc1
    lcarrollccc1 Posts: 5 Member
    How the heck does one lose weight when going through menopause?!! It seems that I can eat 1,200 calories and still not lose--that's with exercise every day! I am so frustrated and ready to scream. I need to lose a good 30 pounds but I can't seem to do it. I end up eating the wrong things when I see the scale not budging and this goes into a vicious cycle. Anyone else experience this and break through the stall? I'm only 51--how can it be this difficult to lose weight?!!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    How the heck does one lose weight when going through menopause?!! It seems that I can eat 1,200 calories and still not lose--that's with exercise every day! I am so frustrated and ready to scream. I need to lose a good 30 pounds but I can't seem to do it. I end up eating the wrong things when I see the scale not budging and this goes into a vicious cycle. Anyone else experience this and break through the stall? I'm only 51--how can it be this difficult to lose weight?!!

    I have tried EVERYTHING for almost 4 years since my hysterectomy with NO RESULTS. I just started on one of the Biggest Loser eating plans a couple of weeks ago and it APPEARS that I might just be losing.

    I'll be doing the happy dance here Monday or crying into a bowl of Skinny Pop. Gee have I mentioned how much I miss my Skinny Pop over the past two weeks lately??????:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Mammogram done.
    Getting nervous about this townhouse ,they have another applicant.Still no word on current landlady.
    The house here was suppose to have a sherrif sale today,still no word from the bank.
  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    Well my day has been great so far..well i did eat a piece of cheese that just jumped into my mouth when I was making pineapple salad for my husband but i guess I will just walk just a little more tonight!
    I almost have all my water in too. Hoping I make that goal today!
    I believe Shrimp and salad is for supper tonight!
  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    I know that menopause has been a struggle for me as well. I know that if I dont keep active in some way that everything I eat forms a nice little tire around my mid section. Ugh so freaking frustrating! I have done 800 cals and I have done p to 1400 cals with no real results, but then I think that I just get impatient and say what the heck,,i dont care,,but,,who am I kidding??? I do care! I just need to stay healthy!
  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    can someone just reply to me and tell me if I am posting correctly on this forum???
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    How the heck does one lose weight when going through menopause?!! It seems that I can eat 1,200 calories and still not lose--that's with exercise every day! I am so frustrated and ready to scream. I need to lose a good 30 pounds but I can't seem to do it. I end up eating the wrong things when I see the scale not budging and this goes into a vicious cycle. Anyone else experience this and break through the stall? I'm only 51--how can it be this difficult to lose weight?!!

    Don't get impatient with the scale. Otherwise it becomes you worst enemy. As we age our metabolic rate slows, and if you're not pushing yourself in an exercise routine burning a few hundred calories a day, it's going to be a long haul.

    I let 25 pounds sneak up on me over several years, I rejoined my Jazzercise class, took off about 18 pounds in 9 months, got on a plateau that lasted well over a year, then joined MFP, started counting my calories, thereby making certain how much I was eating and the scale finally started to budge. I then bought a Jawbone UP similar to Fitbit. And I can add in my exercise in Up plus it counts the steps, so I have a fairly accurate count of how many calories I am consuming, plus what I am burning. Now I just have a few pounds to go.
  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    guess i will go back over to spark people where the friendly people are
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Dragonfly,I see 3 of your posts. Hope that helps
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks to those who remembered me and gave me such a warm welcome back! :smile: I am trying very hard to be consistent and on my second day of logging again, yay me. Second day with the new job and even though it is a little stressful with so much to learn, everyone is extremely friendly and my immediate boss seems nice. Hard to get back into the swing of things with my classes but I'll get there. Skipped the gym tonight but did a short Pilates and stretching workout and will be at water Zumba bright and early tomorrow. Skimmed the posts so I would not get too far behind with all you great gals.

    Dragonfly-Yes you are posting correctly!

    Enjoy the rest of the evening!

    Kathy from IL :drinker:
  • lcarrollccc1
    lcarrollccc1 Posts: 5 Member
    LOL I know exactly how you feel! I had a hysterectomy one year ago, leaving my ovaries and cervix. I am just now going through menopause--and I know this because of the constant hot flashes, hair falling out suddenly, weight won't budge, and extremely moody (probably due to lack of sleep!). I bought a Fitbit and I always get at least 10,000 steps in per day, but unless I barely eat or do even more exercise, this weight won't budge and I don't have the time or inclination to run my life around the gym and weighing food! I feel like this is running my life! I start weight training and have been tracking my calories, so we'll see if that helps, but so far it hasn't. Thanks to everyone who posted and said they did start losing again--it gives me some hope! Enjoy that skinny cow! :)