Your most hated BUG!



  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    Well The one thing im afraid of is not actually a bug BUT NOT ANOTHER LIVING SOUL (my mommy knew but she gone, miss you so much) KNOWS ABOUT IT! ! !
    Here's why .. .
    I was in elementary when a girl confessed to a group of us that she was terrified of worms ... WELL WHATA KNOW, some boys disappeared during breaktime and dug up the grass and earth behind one of the portable building and brought back a cup FULL OF EARTH WORMS and threw them on her ! ! !
    She screamed, hollared, cried, even ripped her clother ... Her mother had to be called to pick her up from school ... SHE WAS hysterical ! ! !
    ALL I could think was, "NEVER EVER EVER TELL ANOTHER LIVING SOUL what Im AFRAID of because if that happened to me ... I
    DIE ! ! ! ! "
    When I say nobody knows ... Thats what I mean ... NO BODY ....Not my husband or children .... I definitely don't think my kids would ever "throw" any on me BUT suppose they slip one day and say it around someone else ... OH HELL NO ...
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Camel spiders


    horse and deer flies - the ones that bite a chunk of flesh out of you.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    CENTIPEDES. Centipedes are TERRIFYING to me. My cat ran into my bedroom with the tail of a mouse in his mouth, and that didn't phase me nearly as much as a centipede. Their speed is frightening, and they are so ugly. All those damn legs.

    This. I can't...even deal with them. Too many legs. Ugh.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Spiders scare the ever living hell out of me!

    Other bugs are just annoy, but to top the list of annoying is Love Bugs. Those little *kitten* will peel the paint right off your car! I am so glad I don't live in Florida during love bug season anymore!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    My brother used to go to the corner store and pick them up for bait.

    then he would taunt me with them and stick them in my face.

    People who say roaches do not know the terror of a palmetto bug flying at your face. (Florida to Texas transplant, they don't go away).

    I hate fire ants and any ants in my home.

    Spiders eat the things but right now it's freaking spider season in my home and my husband wants me to find an exterminator.
  • healthyscratch1978
    I've seen it mentioned before, but camel spiders/spider crickets are pretty bad.


    Pretty gross. They're sizable, and look like a mashup of spiders, crickets and roaches, and have a mottled coloring that makes them even grosser, somehow. And those long, long antennae. Normally, they live in caves. Because of this, they have terrible eyesight, so quite often they jump AT you when you're trying to kill them.

    Have never seen them in my part of the US until the last couple of years.
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    I want to be tolerant of bugs since they have a part to play on the planet, BUT...
    I am the bug slayer. There is one born to each generation. I am compelled to END any and every bug. It is a fight to the death with each bug. So far it's me 765,486 - bugs zero.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    While technically not bugs, I have a problem with anything that has more than six legs: spiders, ticks, centipedes, millipedes, silverfish, earwigs, etc.

    I'm somewhat ok with spiders but all those other things you mentioned are quite creepy. Also dobson fly larvae *shiver*. One of those evil horrid things was in my office building inching its way towards one of the restrooms and I decided it must die Die DIE!!!! Then I freaked out because its carcass was stuck to the bottom of my shoe and I wiped it off on a nearby area rug. Sorry cleaning crew!

    This thread reminded me of a dream I had Sunday morning. I was in some sort of Asian (Thai? Japanese?) restaurant with a slew of friends and family and someone ordered scorpions. All of a sudden they came to life and were crawling all over the place. YIKES!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    giant-weta-2.jpg These things are a national treasure.
    jesus christ it looks like a lobster!

    Um, no. For the record, this is what a lobster looks like.


    edited because I can't spell or code
  • Bageeeta
    Bageeeta Posts: 1,259 Member
    June bugs! Its awesome when they land in your hair cause they get all tangled and then you end up tearing them apart trying to get them out!
  • PeacefulBalance
    PeacefulBalance Posts: 473 Member
    SPIDERS...hell no! I can't do those 8 legged creatures, no no no. I'm lucky that I live in a place where they aren't that big, yet any visible spider is too big.
  • Twignasty
    Twignasty Posts: 80 Member
    Spiders....with babies on board.
  • PeacefulBalance
    PeacefulBalance Posts: 473 Member
    I want to be tolerant of bugs since they have a part to play on the planet, BUT...
    I am the bug slayer. There is one born to each generation. I am compelled to END any and every bug. It is a fight to the death with each bug. So far it's me 765,486 - bugs zero.

    Thank you for your service to slaying bugs. I appreciate it a lot!
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member

    This is the beast that can make me scream like a little girl...
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Well, I don't like tics, mosquitoes, leeches.

    And I get pretty freaked out when I find a Wolf Spider in my house.

    But, I also don't like silver fish and termites.

    I'm probably forgetting something.