

  • MollyMamaBear
    MollyMamaBear Posts: 6 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
    I am trying hard to catch up.This group has really grown !Bravo :flowerforyou:

    I used to go by Mollybesweet.
    If any wish to add me I would love it.

    A special thank you to Yanniejannie =)
    You kept me all through everything and always kind and concerned.

    Molly in cooler WV
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good morning, all.

    First things first: Q: How many times can one person start over on this journey?
    A: As many as it takes! Yep, that's me. Starting over one more time.

    Now that that's out of the way, I'll share my sex-ed story. My mother never told us anything. I got most of my information from my younger sister. In sixth grade they sent the boys out of the room and the girls watched a film strip that explained your period. That was the first I had heard of it and was terrified! Every time I went to the bathroom from that time forward until it finally started in 8th grade I was looking for it. But I digress. Fast forward to the night before my wedding. My girlfriends and I were sitting around taking when my sister dared me to ask Mama to explain the facts of life to me, so I did. I said, "Mama, I'm getting married tomorrow and I know NOTHING! Please tell me what to expect." She wouldn't do it! Luckily by then I had already figured it out or I would have been in big trouble. It was great fun embarrassing Mama, though, and my girlfriends got a big kick out of it, too. The funny thing is, she's not the least bit prudish now (in her eighties).

    Y'all have a good day.
  • KarenNami
    KarenNami Posts: 2
    I'm new to submitting posts and have a question: I'm seeing several folks posting "bump" . . . what does that mean? Thanks.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    drkatie- I heard about the same amount of info from mom as you. We also had the filmstrip in 6th grade. As for starting over, I am right there with you. I allowed the the stress from work derail me. I kept my weight stable although I think my fat percentage is probably up some and muscle mass down some due to lack of exercise. You would think that I have been out of work long enough to get back into it, but I really haven't made the all out effort I need to. Maybe we can encourage each other.

    Amanda- So good to see your post! Sorry you are still waiting for surgery. I watched my daughter suffer from gallbladder problems for over a year before she got the correct diagnosis and had the surgery. Hope things settle down and you can have it done.

    Jane- Hope you get the housing situation settled quickly. I can't imagine the stress!! Lots of hugs coming your way!

    Mimi- Thinking of you and your procedure. Hope all is well.

    jb- Mariah is beautiful!! What an infectious smile! My prayers and thoughts are with her and her family daily.

    Thank you to all who have sent prayers for my nephew. He is doing okay, but will have a long road to recovery.

    DeeDee- Your new picture is beautiful! Hope your remodeling finishes quickly so you can enjoy the results.

    I need to get moving. Lots to do!

    Deb A in CNY
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I admire people who post every day.I seem to read posts every few days,meaning I end up confused about who posted what.Hopeless is me????????

    ????Carol in Monroe, diet/health talk is low on the totem pole.Maybe ppl think we are talking about their problems
    With those topics?

    ????Mimi, Dr mentioned that for DH,but so far ...hasn't been needed. best of luck,Hope you are soon back to normal.
    ????JB Wonderful to see Mariah smiling.

    ????Glad to hear that Guy F from Food network is not acting. On my travels I occasionally will look up what diners and dives he recommends.
    Both of our DDs like trying GF restaurants.They said they find winners & losers.

    ????Carol in NC,great news about your house. Your son sounds like a great young man.He will surely make a success of college.
    Our only Grandaughter was a slob in her teens,drove her parents crazy.......anyway,they recently visited her & BF.
    Food was ordered in & SIL started to bite into his pizza,when GRdau said " oh,no Dad,everyone has to eat at the table,not make a mess in the living room."Parents moved to table. LOL

    ????"Yesterday I got a haircut that was SO bad that I went back to the salon (Regis) today and asked to get it fixed but the girl said the only person who could do it was the manager, who doesn't work on Monday, unless I wanted to pay full price for another haircut. Which I don't. Even hubby, who normally thinks all my bad haircuts are wonderful, said this one was bad. So I have an appointment at 3:00 tomorrow and have to walk around till then with hair that looks like I cut it myself without my glasses on. "

    " I am up a half pound...........I want to scream, yes, I know all the reasons and rationalizations, but I STILL want to "
    Been there !!!!,

    ????While I generally believe that weight loss is a simple math equation, I learned a long time ago (and am living proof myself) that the "rules" don't always apply to everyone. I'm eating the same amount of calories as before, and exercising less for the moment and losing weight. I am convinced it's because of how this food plan, similar to Shred, is laid out and the proportions of proteins, carbs, fat, etc.. It's the one thing that seems to be stoking my comatose metabolism. I wish it was just "really hard" for me to lose at this point, circumstances in my life because I sure have been working hard for a really long time but, I think with some of us, it's a little more than that. "
    I surely agree. Some things....be it diet/health simply don't work in a way that makes sense!
    ????Jane, you don't need more stress! Just wanted to say I was called back once ,so was DD. Rattled us both????,but all was well. Wishing the same for you.
    ????"We will never be 18 again.
    But we will be healthy and the best we can be". Heather
    great statement !!!!!!

    "Sorry to rattle on, but I'm still so pumped up I can hardly sit still. When I get another coupon we are going to do it again for back to school clothes". SYLVIA
    ????bless you for being such a wonderful part of the Grkids lives.Memories they will never forget! I can just see the smiles & most important,the love they feel for you.

    ????After we got done we stopped by McDonalds and got an ice cream cone. 170 calories only but I wanted this to be a fun day with two sisters having a good time. So that is why I justified eating that ice cream. Oh well, all in the name of love.
    Joyce,That's what sisters are for & you are so nice to yours.

    That is enough for one day ☺️....Pat in Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Gloria - 4 lbs!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Carol - I wouldn't want to share my son's bathroom either! Euw!:laugh:

    Michele - I don't normally ice them. It was more a joke for DH. Today he had his plain. They could always ice them when they got them home!:happy: Yes I think everyone I know has a freezer!:tongue:

    WELCOME all the new people!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia - I feel your pain with the phone and the hair! :flowerforyou:

    Mimi - hope all is going ok with you.:flowerforyou: You cannot leave sugar alone, I am the same with French cheeses.:embarassed: Last time I was given a big runny Brie I had to give it away!:cry:

    I have chickened out of phoning the property management again,:embarassed: but I have emailed them. We have to decide how much to deduct from the tenant's deposit for cleaning and repairs snd then she has to agree or it goes to arbitration. As she has gone back to Spain I don't know how all that is going to go.:grumble:
    I also emailed the solicitor about my legacy. I think it is 9 years since my ex DMIL died and the estate still isn't sorted.:explode:
    DH has temporarily lent me the money for the Sri Lanka deposit, but I don't like that. My only independent income is from the flat and there wont be any of that for a couple more months.

    Went to yoga this morning and did an hour's gardening and watering this pm. Dug up the garlic. We have 17 heads! Put more beer in the slug traps. Very satisfying bounty!:laugh:
    At yoga I was able, for the first time since I started, three and a half years ago, to do the yoga squats, with my heels on a block. My knees have never been up to it before. All that hard work with knee exercises must be paying off. I might be dancing soon!:bigsmile: Also I do a lot of foot/arch exercises and I believe the swellings around my ankle bones are diminishing. I was told by a doctor that they would never go away as they are caused by adhesions from several sprains. Well, I think I am almost ready for some capri leggings!:laugh: I was always too embarrassed to wear them as I hated my bulgy ankles.:blushing:

    Tonight is venison burger with the rest of the chimmichurri from yesterday which was delicious. Our own chard.

    In the Slimming Magazine I was reading yesterday with the chimmichurri recipe in it, there was an article about how to deal with stress without resorting to food. My DDIL's book "This Book Will Make You Calm" was cited and there were lots of quotes from the book in the article. I texted her and she has just replied to say she hasn't seen it yet.:love::love: :heart: I am one lucky mother in law. ! ! ! ! ! ! Can't wait to see them all this weekend. Still haven't finalised the menu.:tongue:

    Love to all. I was fascinated by all your first period stories!

    Heather in sunny and warm Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I read DSIL both ways depending on context. It can be confusing. Regarding first periods, my mom brought me a pamphlet produced by Disney that explained the basics and a box Kotex Pads. She didn’t have much to say except that her mom never told her anything and she’d thought SHE was going to die. :frown: BUT the Principle of our grade school taught a class to all the 6th grade girls that included a Disney movie, handouts, and discussion. She was the one who explained things. I was very grateful to her sensible and open discussion. Miss Gillis was never married and was gray haired when I was in grade school. While I was in college, in a city 70 miles from where I grew up, I heard from another former classmate that she was in the local hospital. I went to visit her. I was not the only former student who did. :heart:

    Amanda: Thanks so much for the update. I’ve been thinking of you and worrying. I’ll look forward to seeing your posts more often. I know your medical system operates differently than ours, but I was only in the hospital overnight with my surgery and was able to do quite a bit in the days that followed. As a teacher, I’d scheduled the surgery during summer break. The first week or two back to work I took it easy and got tired quickly. I’m sending good wishes to you AND your dad.:flowerforyou:

    Pat in OH: I post every day that I can. I don’t know what I’d do without everyone’s support.:flowerforyou:

    Yoga was cancelled for today. I’m dressed and ready to go, and also disappointed. I don’t begrudge the teacher for having more family time. She deserves it. The next class is tomorrow evening, but evenings don’t work for me. The next morning class is Thursday.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Pamala28
    Pamala28 Posts: 18 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Carol, your son sounds amazing. We are a family of introverts so I always admire people that are comfortable speaking in front of a group. I did it while teaching, but that feels different somehow.

    What is he majoring in?

    Rori, I love the idea of a Colorado contingent! Can I be a honorary member?

    Kim, thank you for your kind words. It brought a tear to my eye. I didn't realise how much it was bothering me until then.

    I have enjoyed all the sex ed posts. We also had a film and discussion. What I remember most was the fact that used sanitary napkins would undergo a 'chemical change'. After years I finally figured out that that meant they would stink.

    My mother didn't feel comfortable telling me anything. She was open to questions. It seems we learned nearly everything on the playground from each other. A lot of it was not true of course.

    I over did my scrubbing of the stones paving our front drive and patio area. We are having it raised and relaid in a few weeks. There is a blackish green mold on the stones. I have tried everything to get it off, but scrubbing is the only thing that works. I wore myself out after two days of it. My son will help me finish tomorrow. We are leaving for vacation Friday and it will be done when we get back.

    I bought an electric bicycle a few weeks ago. It is incredible! As I didn't have many steps today I went for a spin after dinner. I'm not sure how to count calories as it has a boost function. I put my fitbit on my sandal so it counted steps and added gently cycling even though I was going really fast. I felt the workout. I plan to ride to school once it starts again in August. It is about 30 minutes each way.

    I'm trying to keep you all straight. sorry for those i did not address personally.

    Pamala from The Netherlands.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :drinker: Today was weigh in day and I am down 2.4 :happy: so happy about that. We are back at cooler weather. Sure felt good opening the windows yesterday and letting the fresh air in. Sounds like it will be this way most the week.

    Kim--I agree that I also take things for granted and I am so Blessed. Trying to do better. I know that when I started my period mom gave me a book put out by Kotex.:blushing:

    jb--thanks for sharing the picture of Mariah. She is such a ray of sunshine.:heart:

    Sylvia--sorry about your phone. Hope you get it replaced soon. Glad to hear you got a new phone. Sorry to hear about your haircut. Hope they got it done right this time. :mad:

    Joyce--great news about DS. She knows you care and was worried. Sounds like you had fun at church. I move to the music as we sing at church.

    Mimi--I agree, sugar is not some of our friend.
    Heather--good news about the apartment. God does have a way of working things out.:heart:

    Karen--welcome, come back often.:flowerforyou:

    juditsastre--welcome and don't give up. This is a life style change and doesn't happen fast.:flowerforyou:

    Carol--sounds like he got alot out of the trip and being able to share like he does is a gift. You have every right to be proud. :wink: I hope he gets his work done also.

    Rori--what is the name of the place that prints the calorie and nutrition on the receipt? That would sure be helpful.

    Amanda--I do hope you get sometime to take care of yourself.:heart:

    Katiebug--we start over as many times as we need. I have started over so many times I lost count. I am so grateful for this group and not being judged when I need to start over.:blushing:
    Well ladies enjoy the rest of your day and remember we are all in this together.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, am reading but have been busy the last few days.
    Thinking of all of you!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    So I went to call about the townhouse,haven`t heard anything.Now they have a problem with our cats,we did tell them in the begining.This is a family owned place and 1/2 want us to rent the others have a problem with cats.:explode: :explode:

    So next plan is to check out a mobile home.It`s getting frustrating and expensive.Each time you go they want you to fill ot a credit report.This one is 50,the last 2 were 30 each.We meet next thurs.I just want to cry:cry::cry: :cry:
    HUGS jane
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Amanda, sorry for all your problems right now. I commend you though for your devotion to your father even if it is sometimes inconvenient. You give me so much encouragement just looking at your ticker. It is amazing that some one has lost over 200 pounds and done it the way you have. So even though you aren't here, just know you give encouragement. But I know the big thing about about our family here is that we also give you encouragement and support.

    Drkatiebug, start over as many times as you need. The important thing is that you do start again. I have successfully gotten down to my goal weight several times, to only get it all back again. I just hope that with the help I get here that this time it will stay off.

    Why is it that women of our generation weren't taught much or nothing about our sexuality???? I know it made me more determined to be the kind of Mom to my girls that I needed to be.

    My sister saw the doctor today and talked him into letting her take this medicine that last week he said was so dangerous to take. She said that he did talk to her husband and said that it was contingent on him monitoring her and letting him know if there was any sign of any cognitive changes. She didn't like it when I said that this doctor was just as bad as her pain specialist and would let his patients push him into ordering something that was medically unsafe. He was just there to please his patients because it made his job easier. He also said that he would be able to subscribe her Oxycodone for her instead of her seeing the pain specialist. She would have to see him every month which she would love to do. I told ehr that I jsut don't want to see her handcuffed and put in a police car because she was driving under the influence. She said she wouldn't be in jail long. She would just have to show her actual prescription and would be out. As far as hitting some one, she said that's what her insurance is for and then she was sure that that insurance would cancel them. In other words, she isn't concerned at all. She just knows that she has her medicine back. I know that I can't really imagine the level of pain that she is in. But I can still worry and no one is going to take that away.

    Joyce, INdiana
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    I've finally caught up on your posts! Hello to all the new ladies!

    I have decided to be a big girl and stop making excuses as to why I can't go to the gym and exercise. Have gone three times since Friday which is more than I have done in the past three months. Now to keep at it. Have also stopped eating like there is no tomorrow. Sheesh. Binges are awful.

    Son with the migraines continues to do well! No headaches! He even got his first job ... working at a nursery (aka manual labor) ... and even with long days and the heat he has been ok! Still eliminating trigger foods and the Botox is still in his system of course.

    Older son is not well ... medication changes causing reemergence of mental health issues. Hoping for positive changes after this week's blood work.

    Had hoped to have the whole family go with me to visit my parents this weekend but younger son has to work (and isn't comfortable asking off as it's his first week) and older son won't handle the drive right now. So I'll go alone and husband will stay home with his boys. Feel compelled to see my folks as often as I can since they're in their mid-eighties. And I don't see them often enough as it is.

    Jb ... thanks for the photos of Mariah.
    Carol ... what does your son plan to study?? Had to laugh though ... so understand the proud one moment/could kill the next thing! ????
    Jane ... is the repeat mammo scheduled?
    Drkatiebug ... everyone starts over at some point!

    Can't remember any more ...
    Have a good evening.
    Beth in Western New York
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: At the last minute on Thursday morning, my laptop gave me a message that the battery needed to be replaced so we decided to leave it at home…….a blessing and a burden. I missed being touch with all of you, but I didn’t have to carry the computer in my backpack during all my walking in the airport, and with no computer to entertain me, I walked a lot more. We stayed in a hotel on the Green Belt at the Boise River. The Green Belt is a great paved trail that afforded me a lot of good walking. The temperature during the day got up to 100 but before sunrise was about 68 so I was able to walk for 90 minutes or more and enjoy the sunrise.

    :flowerforyou: Jake likes to get to the airport super early so I said I would agree but he would have to agree that I could walk as much as I wanted to pass the time…..it turned out great for both of us.

    :flowerforyou: I brought my Isagenix blender and shake powder for breakfast and bedtime snack and some lunches and when we went to a restaurant I ordered a broiled chicken breast with sliced tomatoes and steamed vegetables I resisted the impulse to eat potatoes just because I was in Idaho.

    :bigsmile: Laptop is working but I get the battery message when I turn it on….when I chatted with Dell support, the guy said that they may not even stock the battery for my computer because it is so old…..it works plugged in so I am grateful to have it for now.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Cynthia, my hubby and I plan to make use of your wise words
    “Patience is your friend”


    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 25,000 steps today----early to bed

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie I like that patience is my friend.

    Beth I know how hard it is when your children are hurting. :flowerforyou: Hope older son finds the right balance.

    Joyce I am sorry your sister is in so much pain.:flowerforyou:

    Jane prayers that you find the right place soon. I know this has been hard for you.:flowerforyou:

    Pamala I just used some elbow power and washing machine soap to scrub off some green mess off some siding. Yes had to put some muscle to it, but it worked fairly well.

    Pat love the flowers.

    Gloria 4 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yannie jannie sorry you are having a heat wave. :glasses: We have had summers like that here, and it is miserable.:grumble:

    Son sold his house yesterday. He and DDIL are ending their short marriage. It is sad for all concerned. Now that house is sold hopefully they both can move forward. They did not have children.

    DSIL will be in the hospital for another week. She is not happy about her situation. At least she is on the mend.

    Today we went to an estate planning seminar, so tomorrow when we do the right steps our estate will stay out of probate.
    We learned if you do nothing or only have a will the estate goes to probate. Probate is not a good choice for us.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMagaret
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here and raining AGAIN. Felt like staying in bed all day but got up at 9am. Do NOT feel like training so gave myself a day off. NOT like me. Food posted and looks fine
    Lesley, Tasmania, Australia
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a workout on the bosu today. Tomorrow the plan is to go to yoga, then take the deep water class.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Rori - the place you went for lunch, they print out the calories and nutritional info on the receipt, can you view this BEFORE you order?

    Kim - what a hoot that story about getting your period. What brand of pedometer do you have? I found that when I pulled my pants down to go to the bathroom, it would register steps!

    Lestan - I bet you do get your steps in, probably lots of walking in the grocery store

    Viv - good luck to you on your review.

    Amanda - take care of YOURSELF!

    yanniejannie - we HOPE the drainage problem is solved. We ran the hose thru the drain and the water went into the pipe and then into the drain in the backyard. Now the next test will be when we have a heavy rain. Now that we can't simulate, unfortunately. Update: we just had a downpour. Not a real gully washer, but a pretty good downpour. And it looks like the drain did the job!!!! I know that Vince is soooo relieved

    Heather - big congrats on being able to do the yoga squats. Oh, I bought some fondant planning to make a slide for the pool cake, only it wound up looking like a big turd. So I'm not going to do that. I really don't want to throw out the fondant. Is there anything I can do to make it a decoration on top of a cupcake or something?

    jane - I do hope something works out for you real soon. I don't know why someone would have a problem with cats. They're quiet, don't pee or poop on the lawn but in the litter box. Well, everyone is different

    Joyce - so sorry for your sister's pain. I can understand her feeling. But I can also see what a loving, considerate, concerned sister you are

    Beth - so glad to hear younger son is doing so well, but sad to hear about the older one.

    barbie - what great choices at that restaurant! Lately, for some reason, I've been avoiding potatoes (except the purple ones when I can get them)

    I'm SOOO tempted to put these cookies for Vince in the freezer, but I just know that if I do, I'll have one and I don't want to do that. Wish he'd eat some of the things I've baked for him that don't have the preservatives rather than chips and stuff that does.

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello friends! I'm sorry to be so far behind on my reading and posting. I've been tearing my hair out today trying to get my new phone to tether to my old computer so I could do an "emergency" drafting job. Finally managed the job using a combination of my computer, hubby's laptop, my new cell phone and a flash drive. After fighting with it for about 6 hours I had a headache.

    At 3:00 I went back to the salon and got my hair re-cut by the manager. She did a much better job. It's still not great, but it's at least ok. The first stylist cut some parts of it so short that there wasn't much to work with in those areas. What I didn't get from her was any kind of an apology or even an explanation or excuse. Probably won't go there again.

    Today at swim lessons, hubby showed up to watch. My middle grandchild wanted to show grandpa how well she can dive, so she got to do that.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    Seems an elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a number of years.

    He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to hear 100%. The elderly gentleman went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, "Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased you can hear again."

    To which the gentleman said, "Oh, I haven't told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will five times!"


    Good night all!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I've been reading the posts, but no time to post. Although I must say I am so thrilled to read those who do post. I am with you.

    Vancouver Island, BC. Where it has been unusually hot
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm feeling tired and stressed today. We will be hosting our DDIL's parents in a couple of weeks. We need to replace our fishing boat motor because it went bad--this is still in process, and DS tells me we need new mattresses. I'm not a happy girl at the moment. All at once, it is WAY too much. The mattresses aren't great and do need replacement, but the motor will cost thousands. One of the things I feel is overwhelmed. The other shows itself in a cute little face :sad: