rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • smmiranda
    smmiranda Posts: 27 Member
    My 20 year old son pointing at my rolls saying while you said for me to say something about your weight. NO NOT MY OWN FLaSSION BLOOD>
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    I cringe because my brother says some mean things to my 10 year old who is over 5'3" and 120ish lbs. Yes she is carrying a bit of weight in her mid section but this is what happens with some girls in puberty. I just want to tell him to go f himself and like it helped me to hear things like this when I was her age. I just hope I can instill some sense of self in her that shows it doesn't matter but worse thing is some other kids have noticed. :( JERKS!!

    I would support your daughter in front of your brother and let her know that what he is doing is inappropriate and unkind. I wish someone would have done that for me growing up. Stand up for her whenever you can and teach her to do the same for herself.

    ^^^ This....absolutely ^^^ He has no business saying mean things to your 10 year old. It's unfair and nasty for an adult to take on a child who can't defend herself. I'm sure she feels that as a (supposedly trusted) family member, that it's ok for him to say these things. He needs to be stopped in his tracks immediately when he starts.

    If any of my brothers ever said anything to my daughter like that, there would be blood, and lots of it. Sorry, but i'm primal when it comes to protecting my child.
  • reedusf
    reedusf Posts: 19 Member
    An old man walked past me and said "Every time you see a n*gger, they are big and fat". Racism and fat shaming all in one sentence!
  • WildcatDeLalune
    WildcatDeLalune Posts: 74 Member
    I've already contributed to this thread once with the picture of the whale my coworkers drew depicting me =/ But I've had a bad day, and I feel better when I vent on these forums. So I'll throw in some more crap that's happened to me over the years just to get it off my chest.

    1) Age 9, homeschooled, overweight with short hair and meeting public schooled friends after school at the bus stop. A girl leans out the bus window and goes "Hey are you a boy or a girl?" and I go "Uhh a girl" , only 9 and thinking it should be obvious. Her response? "Did you say a hippopotamus???" Bus drives away with all the kids laughing at me

    2) Never picked for anything (dodgeball, three legged race etc) during youth group at church. The church youth leader usually ended up pairing me with one of the kids with disabilities. They were always very nice.

    3) Always cornered in the back hall of my old karate school by classmates who were all male and older than me. Poking my fat and saying things like "At least she has boobs" to which one of their friends would laugh and go "Boobs don't count if you're a fat***"... I was only 11 and only girl in the class

    4) Being an overweight pre-teen then an obese teen, hiding my rolls under guys clothing and usually had a short haircut. Only people (even at church) wouldn't just call me fat now, they started saying things like I was going to hell because I was "obviously a *kitten*"

    5) Having some random stranger sitting at the bar where I used to work say very loudly when I walked by "D***! Look at that huge b**** !!!"

    6) Having all my younger sisters tell me that they just prayed they "wouldn't end up like me when they were older"

    7) Having friends and coworkers I thought I was close to, tell me things like "I really really like you. I just can't do the whole fat girl thing though."

    8) Having my brother, who I've always considered my closest friend, pull a chair out for me "like a gentleman" at a birthday party with a bunch of mutual friends around... only to yell "TIMBER!!" as I sat down. None of our friends laughed or even smiled and I think he knew right away when he saw my face what he did was wrong. I got up right away, ran home crying.

    9) When the girl my ex cheated on me with sent me a text saying "I would've told you to your face what was going on but I was afraid you were going to eat me". Well I got that b**** back by facebooking her husband who was currently deployed, telling him the situation. Days later I got another text from her cursing me out and just saying psycho things because he was threatening to divorce her, she said she was going to kidnap me and throw me into a woodchipper!! All I said was "karma is a b**** , lumberjack" and that was that.

    There have been LOTS of these situations but those stick out the most. Nowadays I just remind myself that if someone is treating me sh**** that there is something wrong with THEM, not me. Normal people don't go around treating people that way.

    I personally want to slap every one of these people for you.
  • dmlove128
    dmlove128 Posts: 57 Member
    "ARE YOU PREGNANT" ? Ugh coming from my mother in law. seriousy.....dont you think i would tell you?!?!?!
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    The part that's blowing me away about all these comments is that most people who have had cruel things said about their weight are actually well within the "normal" range! People are just jerks.

    Worst thing ever said to me was my freshman year college boyfriend. I was head-over-heels in love ... him, not so much. I had a funny body composition with big muscular legs and thighs and a very slender (flat!) upper body. He kept trying to put me on a diet, assign me exercise, and one time he said, "You look like they cut a fat person and a skinny person each in half and stuck them together." When he (inevitably) cheated on me and dumped me, his only excuse was "Well, I like PRETTY girls".

    Fortunately, my taste in men has improved (now 15 yrs married to a wonderful guy who loves me unconditionally, faults and all!), but my self-esteem is still in the toilet.
  • MWojdak
    MWojdak Posts: 20 Member
    You go girl! You are a lot nicer then I am.
  • WildcatDeLalune
    WildcatDeLalune Posts: 74 Member
    It really isn't fair for parents to comment on the kid's weight when they supply the crap and don't monitor where and how much each kid eats!

    I don't bring crap into the house now and it's so much easier to resist. My "first line of defense" is to keep it out of the house.

    I completely agree. Through all my phases of growing up, my mother would constantly pick on my size--even though I had no control over what was for dinner or what was in the fridge. That, along with other teasing from family, "friends", and schoolmates, led me down a path of self-hate. In middle school, I would do 300 crunches a day hoping that would rid me of my stomach fat and the shame associated with it. Around this same time, I decided to forego Thanksgiving with my family. While they were eating all the typical deliciousness, I only allowed myself one sandwich. That was an awful time in my life and I still haven't fully recovered, especially since my mom teases me to this day. But after she had her fifth child, she never shrunk back to the slim size she was before. And even though she talks about wanting to lose weight, she doesn't take any of the necessary actions and continues to judge me.

    On top of this, my family, "friends", and schoolmates would always pick on me because my hair wasn't being long enough, and that it was "nappy", and because I used to bite my nails, and I was always called ugly. I don;t know how I survived the teasing and bullying I went through all those years. Just bringing it up makes me want to cry all over again.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,339 Member
    I used to hear, "sister sue, short and stout, didn't grow up, she grew out."
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 421 Member
    This happened when I was in the process of loosing weight the first time around. My husband and I were leaving the movie theater from a date night and there were some teenage boys standing around talking. As we walked by one of the boys went, "Moooo." Needless to say it was hurtful and I just kept walking. My husband didn't hear them or else he would have confronted them.

    The other thing happend at my great grandmother's funeral. My grandma was talking about how she was a big women and how much weight she had lost within the last year or so to a church member. Then she pointed at me and said, "She was about that big." There were more fat remarks in that same trip to from her. I love her dearly and I know she has my best interests at heart but those comments hurt. Even when I had lost 70+lbs all she said was "You look great BUT you still need to work on those hips. They are still too wide." Venting done!
  • gillianjanem
    gillianjanem Posts: 7 Member
    Someone asked me how my husband is even attracted to a person like me! :X
  • Lozibeth
    Lozibeth Posts: 47 Member
    I was once on the train with my boyfriend, we were at a table with 4 seats and were sitting together on one side and a lady was on her own at the opposite side. She started chatting to my boyfriend by asking if she knew him from somewhere, thought he looked familiar blah blah. I tried to join in the conversation but she kept brushing me off and focusing on my boyfriend…basically flirting with him, WTF lady??

    Anyway she did say one thing to me and it was “when are you due?”…I was really shocked and just laughed and said I wasn’t pregnant. She didn’t even seem embarrassed and didn’t apologise, only said it looked like I was because of the way I was resting my hands on my belly….erm ok.

    The best part was this woman was obese easily over 100lbs+ overweight, and I was only around 10lbs over weight at the time.I wish I had asked her when her triplets were due in response but I’m too nice!!
  • Goodgollylolli
    Goodgollylolli Posts: 8 Member
    In my past at my heaviest weight::

    Them: "are you pregnant?!" While they reach to touch my belly
    Me: "no"
    Them: "are you sure??"
  • Grumpybearthatneedsanap
    Well its not a rude comment my mother would purposefully give smaller portions then everyone else(like toddler size portions) especially if she was mad at me.i was of course still hungry and would ask for more and she would say no you've had enough or no there isnt enough but happily give seconds to everyone else.

    coming home from school i would be very hungry because i wouldnt eat at school and i said omg i am starving can i make a sandwich and she would snicker and say you dont look like your starving...

    she once told me ''you know when i was your age i would eat everything i wanted but then vomitted it up after so i didnt gain weight''this was after asking if i could go to a friends house.

    random strangers have told me ''you wouldnt need your walker if you werent so fat'' or you wouldnt have problems with your back if you werent so fat.i have actual problems that started before i got fat but all people see is someone who is fat and our culture encourages abusing fat people.

    my father told me i look like a god damned beach whale when i was 13-14.

    he will call me saddle bags.

    kids have made earthquake noises when ive walked down the street.

    oh and my ex sister in law asked me during thanksgiving while eating,out of the blue ''why dont you get your stomach stapled. I could go on and on but won't.
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    I cringe because my brother says some mean things to my 10 year old who is over 5'3" and 120ish lbs. Yes she is carrying a bit of weight in her mid section but this is what happens with some girls in puberty. I just want to tell him to go f himself and like it helped me to hear things like this when I was her age. I just hope I can instill some sense of self in her that shows it doesn't matter but worse thing is some other kids have noticed. :( JERKS!!

    I would support your daughter in front of your brother and let her know that what he is doing is inappropriate and unkind. I wish someone would have done that for me growing up. Stand up for her whenever you can and teach her to do the same for herself.

    ^^^ This....absolutely ^^^ He has no business saying mean things to your 10 year old. It's unfair and nasty for an adult to take on a child who can't defend herself. I'm sure she feels that as a (supposedly trusted) family member, that it's ok for him to say these things. He needs to be stopped in his tracks immediately when he starts.

    If any of my brothers ever said anything to my daughter like that, there would be blood, and lots of it. Sorry, but i'm primal when it comes to protecting my child.

    My uncle used to do that thinking he was funny. My mum didn't allow me to be upset since 'that is how he is'. I don't see him a lot any more....but at least now I know what I can say back...
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Oh man, after all these posts maybe we should start a thread of the nicest things people have said to you...
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh man, after all these posts maybe we should start a thread of the nicest things people have said to you...

    Someone already did.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    I was shopping once and wanted to try on some clothes. The sales clerk unlocked the handicapped accessible dressing room and said, "You can use this one because there's more room."

    On my wedding day my father, who I rarely saw, said to me, "I almost didn't recognize you. . . . .you've gotten so big!" I was a size 14 and 4 months pregnant.

    One of my (now ex) husband's friends said to him upon meeting me for the first time, "I see you like big girls too!" I was 8 months pregnant.

    We use to be in business with my ex father-in-law. He thought he was the emperor and we were his serfs. Since we were all equal partners in the business, I set him straight pretty quick. He proceeded to tell me that we were nothing but huge whales that flopped around in the water all day.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    So my mom flew into today to visit for a week....

    She says "Are you ok?, You look poorly."
    "There's no glow in your face."

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    moms I swear:laugh: :laugh:
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    Well, it's clear why you will never get a boyfriend.