At what point did you finally decide "this is it..."



  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I was adopted out as a baby.

    In June of 2012, I got to meet my biological Aunts for the very first time.

    Everyone was floored, amazed, shocked at how me and a certain aunty looked the same, acted the same, gestured the same, same face, same laugh, EVERYTHING.

    The only difference was, even with me being at 245lb at the time, this aunt was a couple hundred pounds bigger than me.

    I saw my future self that day, and even learned that everyone in the family has type 2 diabetes.

    I also had not weighed in quite some time, and it was there I found that I weighed in at 245lb, alone in the bathroom.

    That day I was determined to change the family line, and be the one who broke the generational obesity and diabetes.

    A few months later, after deep contemplation and beginner efforts, I took my "health oath" (an oath is a very, very serious commitment which not fulfilling is quite punishable and shameful in my religion) and have been going strong every since.


    Edited to remove names.
  • sparklefrogz
    sparklefrogz Posts: 281 Member
    My clothes shopping selections became undeniably restricted to the Plus size section at Walmart, and were heading quickly into specialty plus-size store only territory.

    I knew things had to change. (Not least because I didn't have the money to go to those kinds of stores!)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I've had many of those times. I usually manage to lose 20-50 pounds before motivation wanes. Then I gain it back and start over next time.
    This time, thanks to MFP I didn't gain during my unmotivated period, so now when I am motivated again, I'm not starting over completely. yay!
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Not liking what I saw in pictures. I never felt big IRL and then I saw pics. And was like oh. LOL

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG this made me laugh out loud... This is exactly what I always felt like when I saw pictures of myself
  • linsdog
    linsdog Posts: 94 Member
    Rode mountain bike to a bar 2 blocks away and was out of breath. Decided it was time to get back in shape!
  • emilyb117
    emilyb117 Posts: 56 Member
    After avoiding the scale for so long because I was scared of it, I decided to weigh myself after I saw an awful picture of myself.
    The number I saw snapped me back into reality so I could no longer be in denial. I used to tell myself I was just "curvy," but now I know I need to make a real change. It is about admitting it to yourself.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    When my friend joined Weight Watchers and let me log into her account and I saw that it was pretty easy.
    Then I remembered how I had always told myself "when you move away from your parent's you'll have more control on what you cook and eat" and realized I'd eaten pasta and almost only pasta for a year an a half after moving out.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I should have had many "a ha" moments, but I didn't. Two days after Christmas in 2012 I decided to log in here again. The following week I started running. Two months later, I started lifting. The diet part was the hardest to get under control, but once it was, things finally started changing.
  • PoseysMama
    My mother died at 59, when my daughter was only 5 months old. I am an only child and my daughter is most likely going to be as well. My grandmother and uncle both died prematurely due to health conditions that were made worse due to their weight. I decided that it had to end with me. I had to set an example for my daughter. I want to be able to do more with her AND be able to be around for my daughter as an adult because a girls need for her mama doesn't end in childhood. I know that it is said if you don't do it for yourself first you won't succeed, but I don't believe that. My daughter is my inspiration and I live for her, so she is my number one reason!
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    When my fat jeans no longer fit and hurt to button.
  • brandiegirl16
    brandiegirl16 Posts: 372 Member
    For me it was vanity. I got engaged and didn't want to be a "fat" bride (my thought of myself weighting in at 200 lbs at the time). I stayed committed to my goals and lost the weight i wanted to in order to look "ideal" in my dress. Four days before the wedding, it was cancelled, i lost the guy.. i lost the return, i gained EVERYTHING!!! I found myself again, i was in a body that i worked hard to attain, i had my self esteem. If i didn't take the weight loss journey when i did, i think the result would of been devastating and debilitating. I found my self worth in putting myself first... and all the other silver linings immediately showed themselves to me. He wasn't the right guy for me.

    I have maintained a 60 lbs loss for 5 years.
  • poshtigress
    poshtigress Posts: 8 Member
    OK this is going to read in a shocking way. And I apologise if it offends anyone, that really isn't my intention. This is the absolute truth.

    I got married in my early twenties (20 years ago) and was slim and reasonably fit. My marriage lasted 6 years and I gained weight during it, and it was an unhappy marriage that nevertheless produced two beautiful children. A long story and twenty years later, I need to lose 100 pounds. In around August 2015, my ex-husband will be released from prison, where he is serving 2.5 years for child indecent assault offences (the victims are not my children). I have let him ruin a lot of my life, I'm not going to let him ruin the rest of it. I'm going to get slim and healthy and stick two fingers up to the little s*d. There, I've said it.
  • tracy_getsfit
    tracy_getsfit Posts: 106 Member
    When my 5 year old pointed out that I was too big to go down the slide with him. He said he was sad and wished I could. Turned my life around 154 pounds lost in little over a year...I sure do fit down those slides now just fine!!
  • Lucas2kj
    Lucas2kj Posts: 2
    Two things made me realize I needed to actually get fit and exercise again. The first was seeing pictures of myself where I thought I looked good but when I actually saw was like "wow, thats how I look?" And secondly planning my wedding and buying a wedding dress.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I almost died giving birth to my daughter, who was also close to death. I had developed preeclampsia and diabetes (most likely because of my weight) and had to be induced to save the baby and I. 27 long hours later, I gave birth, and my daughter had to be revived while I was passed out, needing a blood transfusion. Nothing like being at the edge of death to get that urge to live again.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    People ask me this all the time and I don't really know the answer. One day I just went and joined a gym, after my free session with a personal trainer, I hired him and we changed my diet. In the back of my mind it could be that I was 38 and wanted to look and feel better at 40 (which I did). Not sure though, 1.5 years ahead of turning 40 would be early for my to decide this since I usually procrastinate.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    When I saw myself in the picture in my profile and realised how far gone I was. Then went to the doctor and they wanted to put me on heart medicine. I lost a good amount and then they found out I had a thyroid disorder and it's been difficult during the stupid medication transition but it's not going to stop me. Just another hurdle.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    When I was in the dressing room at Macy's, trying on bras, and none of them fit. Not because they wouldn't go around, but because of spillage.

    I refuse to buy granny bras.

    I decided then and there.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    My Mom died suddenly a year and a half ago, at 54. It has been hard to cope with her loss and I gained more and more. I finally hit a magic number on the scale that shocked me into thinking I could be taking years off of my own life.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    When I broke down and bought a 'Pill Organizer,' I was taking one pill a day for High Blood Pressure and then the doctor wanted to give me another pill to counter the side effects of that medication . . . I could see my future with the large super duper pill organizer - just like my mother!

    I had thought that I was trying to take care of myself by visiting the doctor regularly but in reality I was not working WITH my doctor.

    Weight was always an issue and since losing the weight I have received a clean bill of health, no existing conditions and no pre-conditions!

    Bottom line is that it happens when you are ready for it to happen - and when it is for yourself!