At what point did you finally decide "this is it..."



  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    My clothes which were already only one size below the national average (UK Size 16) and I gained weight meaning those clothes were starting to feel tight, a number of them only recently bought. Currently wanna get back to my original weight right now which is losing 2-3 stone, then drop more til I'm in a healthy range, but not super skinny.
  • inneedofanap
    inneedofanap Posts: 63 Member
    When a coworker asked me when I was "due".... I had a hysterectomy 11 years ago.

    My oldest brother died at 47. My only other sibling had a massive heart attack at 47. I'm 44 and I have Metabolic Syndrome. If I die at 47 it won't be because I LET it happen.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I joined a dance class and watching my overweight self be so uncomfortable with dance moves all the while watching myself in the huge giant mirrors in front was it!
    Also just before that while visiting family, unnecessary comments from far relatives and also clothes shopping! I had to start buying clothes from Big stores :noway: Now i am in Medium :drinker:
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I think that I have never actually been as big as I think I am, but I am medically obese. I realized that my son is weeks from leaving for the USAF, yet there are less than 2 dozen pics of the 2 of us together because I avoided cameras at all costs! I WILL lose this weight & take pics at basic training grad & again next year when I finally get to see him again!
  • laura102281
    laura102281 Posts: 11 Member
    Not having any energy! That was the worst for me! Coming home after work, shower and lay down. No energy for the family. Same on the weekends. Just sitting around all day feeling tired and drained.
    I had enough of it and had to make a change!! It feels so much better to wake up in the morning ready for the day!
  • Shaystays
    Shaystays Posts: 34
    6 weeks ago when one day I say the scale and thought.. "hmm, I wonder what I weigh" because the last time I had weighed just a few months before I was around 180, I got on the scale and it said "205"... I stepped off and I started crying, I had a major epiphany, it was terrible.
  • anielameinhaldt
    Breathing hard just walking up a flight of stairs was a tip off I was way too overweight. Not being able to give myself a pedicure anymore. And then I saw the pictures of me at my wedding the other day. So many people took side view pictures and I was horrified. So my new hubby and I are very motivated to lose weight and get healthy! Just started the journey yesterday..
  • aprilshowers0417
    aprilshowers0417 Posts: 14 Member
    my throid went haywire and i gained 25 lbs in 3 mths/nothing fits and i already looked like a moose so the weight gain really hit me hard. i also want to live to see my grandchildren grow up/even though my precious gdaughter made the comment about my ex's new wife/"gma she looks like you only you have 3 chins/oh my /that was the proverbial straw. not to mention diabetes is big in my family/and cardiac so here i go on my journey to loose at least 2 chins:)
  • 2kellymike
    2kellymike Posts: 72 Member
    I'm going to be 50 in January. 18 months ago, I just decided that it was time to get my act together. I set 2 goals to reach by the time I reach the big 5-0.
    #1 - lose the weight, permanently. I started at 165 lbs. I'm just 5 feet tall, so that was heavy for me. I weighed more than I did during any of my pregancies. 32 lbs down and I am almost at GW.
    #2 - master eyeliner, LOL. Still practicing on that. :laugh:
  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    mine is more embarrassing than the rest but ill share it anyways :blushing:

    the first time I started was when I had to start shoppin in the fat ppl section clothes at Walmart. lost 50 pounds then gained it all back cuz I went back to my old dumb habits :(
    second time: im still in the fat people section but its getting harder and harder to find clothes that fit me. I want to wear the cute clothes. they just don't make cute clothe for my fat short body. I want to look in the mirror and like what I see. I want to not be embarrassed and ashamed of myself when me and hubby have sex. I have soo many goals for myself
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    I met my half-sister and wanted to look like her...I always thought the weight was in my family because everyone was...curvey.

    Yeah not so much.
  • Fitdoge
    Fitdoge Posts: 52 Member
    Mine was an accumulation of a thousand things stuffed into my only pair of work jeans that are very uncomfortable to fit into. That, and my job has a very small space and I am not a small person. But I could be. I could be a lot prettier and happier and the only thing stopping me from that is myself.

    Everyone's stories here are so inspiring!
    You're all much stronger than you think you are and I wish everybody the best of luck and the healthiest and happiest of days. <3
  • SamanthaRonnie
    SamanthaRonnie Posts: 49 Member
    My husband left for 14 weeks and I guess I just wanted him to see me in a different way. I put on nearly 70lbs since we first met 5 years ago.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    In March of 2013 I went on a family vacation and the fair weather clothes that I had packed for the trip (which I didn't bother to try on before packing) didn't fit. I had to go out to a bargain store and buy huge stretch clothes to cover up my body and and pics from the vacation were awful. That was it. I came home from the trip, joined MFP and focused on my eating habits. Later I introduced walking. I allowed myself a week here or there on vacations and I can honestly say I've enjoyed myself a LOT over the past 16 months!

    I hit goal a few months ago and I'm playing around with maintenance. I've just started training for a 5k run...we'll see how that works out!

    Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • BeardedYoung
    BeardedYoung Posts: 229 Member
    I haven't been doing it long enough to know if I'm serious but I want to be. I have always been a chubby guy and I'm not really ashamed of it because I just think I make a good fat guy... anyways I'd always say "Come on it's not like I'm 300lbs or anything. Then I was in the Dr. with a serious (so I thought) health scare (like an extra lump where only two should be) and when I got on the scale I always push the weight to where I think it should be because they always try and be too kind, anyways I kept pushing it and it didn't balance off till 298lbs and I was in utter shock. I had gained 20lbs in less than a year. The Dr. says your in here because you are scared that you have something serious, but your weight is your most serious health issue... Here I am, hoping this time I'm serious!
  • ZuriLady
    ZuriLady Posts: 3 Member
    I enjoy baking, cooking and eating heavy meals. I have a husband who loves me fat or skinny - he also made it clear that I needed to eat more vegetables. I tried on a size 16 pants and couldn't believe it. I bought a scale and to my surprise, I was 215 pounds. I am disappointed with myself for allowing my joy of food, to cloud the reality of my health - I had 2 major surgeries less than 2 years ago. I was warned to keep my weight at a healthy number and to exercise regularly in the pool.
    I was doing well for a while... then I keep baking the most delicious cakes.

    Well, I lost 6 pounds in my first week, I am eating my greens, drinking lots of water and back in the pool.

    I have to do this for me - I want to live and happy healthy lifestyle. This is more than weight loss, this is about changing my beliefs and actions in regards to my body.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For all of my teens and twenties I was obese, but didn't mind. Seriously. It felt normal for me and I didn't have any problems with work, friends, relationships, clothes, etc. I had loads of energy and was GENERALLY healthy. I had no health issues, normal BP and blood sugar and periods, didn't take medicine, etc. But...yes I was very obese.

    Then at 30-32 I started a new career and gained 40-50 lb mainly from stress eating and having $$ to dine out all the time. I turned into a type of person I'd never been before...I had trouble walking up stairs or long distances. My ankles & feet swelled in the summer. I felt gross even in my baggy 3X tops. It was just time for change, I couldn't continue feeling "like that". I started hating every non-face pic of myself and hiding even from fun social outings...I had always been obese but never "like that".

    So I lost 45 lb before joining this website (through exercising a LOT more and laying off the Starbucks) and I kept it off for a couple years.

    At that point, I was back to my normal self. Fat & happy. Really. I wasn't miserable. The only problem I had was being embarrassed if my boobs and belly were touching the table when my friends insisted on a booth, or cringing at full length photos because was I really THAT much bigger than all of my girlfriends?!? But I felt great.

    Joining My Fitness Pal for me was a great thing because it has taught me a lot about what I actually eat...calorie wise and nutritionally. I have not had any problems at all losing 85 lb since I joined in March 2013. It has honestly felt much easier to me than the 45 lb I lost before I joined, when I was clueless about calories and thought cereal with milk was a light healthy breakfast. Now I'm at my lowest weight since middle school (I'm 37).
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    When I had back pain from my chest getting too big and I started documenting it with my doctor in preparation for a breast reduction. When I started researching surgeons and seeing everything involved with the procedure and recovery I said OK- I'm gonna give this everything I got before trying surgery. I did and I lost NINE inches on my boob measurement dropped from a 36DDD to a 34D. Success!
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Christmas this year, I seen a photo of me playing video games with my mum and thought "who the hell is that fat guy".

    After being extremely skinny for the first 29 years, I had then all of a sudden gained a but load of weight out of no where.

    5-6 months later I am back to 63kg (from 83kg).

    was the best wake up call ever
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I was at wally world, bent over to get 40 lb bag of dog food and my shorts went rippppppppppppppppp alllllllllllll the way up!! lol.........