At what point did you finally decide "this is it..."



  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    When it took effort to tie my shoes and I ran out to breath walking up the stairs - i said enough is enough and started to watch what i eat.
  • rebeccaplatt21
    For all of my teens and twenties I was obese, but didn't mind. Seriously. It felt normal for me and I didn't have any problems with work, friends, relationships, clothes, etc. I had loads of energy and was GENERALLY healthy. I had no health issues, normal BP and blood sugar and periods, didn't take medicine, etc. But...yes I was very obese.

    omg that is EXACTLY me!!!^^ except now i do care, like you mentioned further on in your post!!!!
  • emilyb117
    emilyb117 Posts: 56 Member
    6 weeks ago when one day I say the scale and thought.. "hmm, I wonder what I weigh" because the last time I had weighed just a few months before I was around 180, I got on the scale and it said "205"... I stepped off and I started crying, I had a major epiphany, it was terrible.

    OMG this is exactly me.. exactly. It has been months since I stepped on a scale and I did the other day and it was 207. It hurts, but it definitely was the kickstarter I needed to get on track.
  • CarlaNB
    CarlaNB Posts: 38
    Thanks you all for sharing these sometimes scary, sometimes sad, sometimes funny moments! I always marvel at how honestly people here will relate their stories...makes me proud to be a part of it all! "this is it" moment was this spring, after being sick all winter, I got an opportunity to spend 4 days at a beautiful resort in Palm Springs in exchange for helping out some friends.
    I was so looking forward to laying in the sun and paddling around in the pool...until I had fro put on my bathing suit.
    UGH!!!!! I had to jump around, wiggle, tuck parts in!!! I looked like a damn sausage in that thing. I was so disappointed in myself that I MADE myself go out, no matter how awful I looked. I felt I deserved that humiliation I guess.
    I have happily since forgiven myself, and am grateful to have found MFP!!
  • beachbodyproject
    beachbodyproject Posts: 47 Member
    When my fat jeans no longer fit and hurt to button.

    When I was wearing my fat jeans at work, sitting all day, and I just couldn't take it anymore, I just had to unbutton them. It's a good this I had a long shirt. Lol :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    I was tired of my waist band rolling over and was afraid that I wouldn't be able to buy clothes at my favorite store.
    I hated pictures of myself at family events.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I wanted to participate in track and field in high school. My doctor hesitated to give me the OK to do so because of my weight (BMI of over 37). She also tested me for pre-diabetic. I realized then that I wasn't heading for a fun life if I didn't get my health in check.
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    :sad: I was tired of my waist band rolling over and was afraid that I wouldn't be able to buy clothes at my favorite store.
    I hated pictures of myself at family events. After Easter I said enough was enough 20 lbs. down:smile:
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    When I got my driver's license renewed and saw the picture. It was disappointing to say the least. I had gone from a perfectly healthy weight to obese and it really showed in the pictures. Heck my passport picture is still from when I was at a healthy weight.
  • Tessiek613
    Tessiek613 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 37, this January I had my 2nd child. I reached 340 lbs. The biggest I've ever been. Yes I know I was pregnant, and all pregnant women are uncomfortable, but I got so uncomfortable and remember thinking OMG I never want to feel like this again! I couldn't breath, couldn't walk without feeling like I was wobbling, and had to take frequent breaks when I tried to do anything! Well after the baby I lost all 80 lbs. I'd gained I felt like myself again! GREAT Right? WRONG! I easily put the thoughts of how I'd felt at over 300 lbs. Until about a week and a half ago, I hadn't stepped on a scale after losing the 80 lbs! My husband and I went grocery shopping, well I noticed all the same things happening to me, shortness of breath, back & sides aching, legs hurting! And this was just to do a small store run! Needless to say, when I got home I went straight to the scale and of course I'd gained 18 lbs. Back! I have my mind set now that I will lose weight, and this time I'm not stopping at the weight before the baby! I have almost 100 lbs. To go till my goal, but I have my mind set that I will be much happier when the weight is gone!
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    When I got to the point to where I didn't walk, I waddled.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For all of my teens and twenties I was obese, but didn't mind. Seriously. It felt normal for me and I didn't have any problems with work, friends, relationships, clothes, etc. I had loads of energy and was GENERALLY healthy. I had no health issues, normal BP and blood sugar and periods, didn't take medicine, etc. But...yes I was very obese.

    omg that is EXACTLY me!!!^^ except now i do care, like you mentioned further on in your post!!!!

    I always like to try to keep it real! I mean, a lot of people act like every person over 200 lb is suicidal with 25 medical diagnoses ;-)
  • sheddingmyskin99
    When I felt ashamed to exist and had a chronic fear of going out and doing things because I wouldn't be able to fit into the seats and hearing the staff at the steak house make fun of me out on a date with my bf I was done.
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    I was always thin as a child/teenager, then I had my son and got married and the weight started creeping up. Through dumb "luck" (really a few very depressing months and some out of whack hormones) I dropped all the weight without really trying. I had my second child in 2012 and since I have yet again let my weight creep back up. I went in for my yearly chekup and realized I had put on 15 lbs in one year, and I knew I had to break that trend.
  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    When I realized I didn't have anything to wear anymore and even my only "fat" jeans didn't fit. Left spandex pants and t-shirts looking like tents I decided "this is it" screw you Menopause :-)

    This was 81 days ago.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I tried to get up off the floor. It took me 4 attempts. I was tired but ...
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    After seeing 250 on the scale! That was enough for me.
  • CommittedAndMotivated
    CommittedAndMotivated Posts: 71 Member
    Today although it's been coming. I put on about 50 pounds since my parents died 41/2 years ago. About a month ago I began waking up from a long period of grieving. I was first in shock that I had been on auto pilot and had allowed my physical health and fitness to go to the wayside. Tomorrow is my 55th birthday so today is the day that I make a commitment to reclaim my life. Great question!
  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    For me, it wasn't just one thing. I have always had a weight problem, the only time I weighed what I was supposed to was the day I was born and it has been a battle ever since. I have gained and lost 250ish pounds over the course of my life, 25 here, 50 there and I always, always gained it back. One day I was getting out of the shower and I saw myself for real, the huge belly, huge *kitten*, blobs of blob everywhere. I don't like myself, find it hard to take a compliment and I know it is all tied to my weight.

    I want to accept myself for the first time, I want to buy clothes in the "normal sized" section. I just want to live a life I have never lived because I was embarrassed to. I know there is a fearless female inside of me, I think it's time she came out.
  • CommittedAndMotivated
    CommittedAndMotivated Posts: 71 Member
    "Screw you Menopause" this made me laugh, and I love your profile photo! Yes, Menopause took its toll on my mind and body...but Thank the Gods, its behind me now...although I am now left in this fat-suit brought on by the changes in my body and in my life.