Does anyone here eat real food?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    All of my food seems to be real. Except desserts. Pretty sure at least some of those are imaginary.

    Yah I was thinking that too...unless my grapes are those plastic ones and I haven't noticed yet.
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 548 Member
    Just wanted to say that I toured the Ben & Jerry's factory last week. nom nom nom
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    LOL people can not help themselves. Got to put down or make fun of what someone wants to do with their way of life. Just because it doesn't work for you does not mean it doesn't work for someone else. SMDH. If I had the energy to plant a garden and can everything in said garden, and raise my own chickens and pigs and beef I'd do that too. I just don't have the want to, but if you want to go for it. Personally I think nothing tastes better than fresh green beans from the garden or fresh corn on the cobb. I personally think it tastes so much better than all the stuff out of a can. I prefer making my own pasta, why because it tastes better, so very tender and yummy. I also enjoy eating my homemade cheesecakes way better than buying them from a store. But I enjoy eating bacon and ham and greek yogurt too. I may try my hand at homemade greek yogurt and mozzarella cheese one day but until then I'll buy it. I prefer ham slices over deli ham slices, both are processed but I like one better than the other. As a matter of fact tomorrow I'm making banana cupcakes with salted caramel/peanut butter buttercream frosting and it's all from scratch except the peanut butter and that's okay (but I do love home processed peanut butter, yum yum). We all want or like to eat what we eat.

    Eating real food will always work for everybody, all food is real, whether you make it yourself or not.

    But eating "real food" without all that added sodium to enhance the flavor of it, tastes so much better. If you have to use flavor enhancers because you've processed all the flavor out in order to make it keep for months on the shelf is IMO silly. Why would you eat it processed to death then enhanced to bring flavor back to it along with all the artificial flavorings they put in it when you can have it freshly made and no need to add a butt ton of salt to it because it already has amazing flavor. Food is best, and I'm talking taste wise, not necessarily health wise, in it's original form, without all that processing and enhancing. That's the way I like it best.

    I don't put artificial flavourings on my food, I just like to eat what I like to eat :)
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    You might want to go over to the Paleo/Primal boards. That sounds like what you're doing.
  • jessidoto
    jessidoto Posts: 1
    No - Mrs. Dash is not a salt substitute. Mrs. Dash is a salt free spice mix to use instead of salt. Salt substitues are potassium based instead of sodium based. I use it in my daughter's eggs every day. It's recommended for those with hypertension so they stay away from sodium...
  • kittenrocket
    kittenrocket Posts: 1 Member
    Tuna is awesome, however watch out as it is quite high in mercury. I also think that going to somewhere like wholefoods/a market is the best way to get unprocessed produce w/o the distraction of delicious chemicals!
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    You might want to go over to the Paleo/Primal boards. That sounds like what you're doing.
    No, I don't have a problem with grains. Almonds don't grow here but wheat, barley and oats do.
    I prefer to eat local where possible.
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    No - Mrs. Dash is not a salt substitute. Mrs. Dash is a salt free spice mix to use instead of salt. Salt substitues are potassium based instead of sodium based. I use it in my daughter's eggs every day. It's recommended for those with hypertension so they stay away from sodium...
    This is our equivalent product in the UK.- is that a fair comparison?
    It's a little difficult sometimes translating food products. Better to start with the ingredients. :smile:
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    Tuna is awesome, however watch out as it is quite high in mercury. I also think that going to somewhere like wholefoods/a market is the best way to get unprocessed produce w/o the distraction of delicious chemicals!
    Even better - I grow it! Veg and fruit, that is!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I need to read all of the comments on this. I have chocolate filled twinkies logged in my diary like everyday this week. I wish I were a better cook :/

    The sooner you start learning to cook, the sooner you'll start thanking yourself for it. I started out absolutely awful (way back in the day when middle schoolers had to take Home Economics, I got a pity C in the class). But I'm finally getting somewhere with it, and I haven't killed anyone yet!
  • jango56
    jango56 Posts: 1 Member
    i use maggis cook in the bag for a variety of flavor for chicken have asked my dietician and she say,s its a good idea
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    Real food? Nah, I only eat the little plastic toy kind
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I need to read all of the comments on this. I have chocolate filled twinkies logged in my diary like everyday this week. I wish I were a better cook :/

    The sooner you start learning to cook, the sooner you'll start thanking yourself for it. I started out absolutely awful (way back in the day when middle schoolers had to take Home Economics, I got a pity C in the class). But I'm finally getting somewhere with it, and I haven't killed anyone yet!

    Start with the simple stuff. If you get really good at making a simple stir-fry, you can feed yourself for life.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Real food? Nah, I only eat the little plastic toy kind
    And again, with the same sad little comment.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I need to read all of the comments on this. I have chocolate filled twinkies logged in my diary like everyday this week. I wish I were a better cook :/

    The sooner you start learning to cook, the sooner you'll start thanking yourself for it. I started out absolutely awful (way back in the day when middle schoolers had to take Home Economics, I got a pity C in the class). But I'm finally getting somewhere with it, and I haven't killed anyone yet!

    Start with the simple stuff. If you get really good at making a simple stir-fry, you can feed yourself for life.
    Excellent advice.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I need to read all of the comments on this. I have chocolate filled twinkies logged in my diary like everyday this week. I wish I were a better cook :/

    The sooner you start learning to cook, the sooner you'll start thanking yourself for it. I started out absolutely awful (way back in the day when middle schoolers had to take Home Economics, I got a pity C in the class). But I'm finally getting somewhere with it, and I haven't killed anyone yet!

    Start with the simple stuff. If you get really good at making a simple stir-fry, you can feed yourself for life.
    Excellent advice.

    Hey, I got a pitty D in home economics (about the same in wood shop but at least I didn't lose any fingers). Apparently, cursing at sewing machines and throwing things is a big no no (who knew?), but I did learn to cook. It can be done.
  • doIdaretoeatapeach
    doIdaretoeatapeach Posts: 26 Member
    I dropped out of home ec because it was too silly, and opted to work in the library instead. I was a nerd before nerds were cool. :glasses: Or maybe I was just hopelessly uncool. Fortunately my mother taught me how to cook. I never really learned to sew though, other than stitching flesh.

    OP, I can't attest to the diet friendliness of this sandwich, which is one of my all time favorites. I haven't made it for a while and never figured out the calories. But with portion control it would probably be safe: whole wheat pita stuffed with some sliced sharp cheddar and whatever raw veggies strike your fancy - lettuce, tomato, sliced peppers, sliced mushrooms. The finishing touch is a smear of sesame mayonnaise. I have a recipe somewhere for making the mayo from scratch, but now that I'm lazy I'd probably try adding a little toasted sesame oil to prepared mayo. Toasted sesame oil was the basis of the homemade version. The sesame mayo really transformed an otherwise fairly ordinary sandwich.

    Melting the cheese in the pita helped, too.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    LOL people can not help themselves. Got to put down or make fun of what someone wants to do with their way of life. Just because it doesn't work for you does not mean it doesn't work for someone else. SMDH. If I had the energy to plant a garden and can everything in said garden, and raise my own chickens and pigs and beef I'd do that too. I just don't have the want to, but if you want to go for it. Personally I think nothing tastes better than fresh green beans from the garden or fresh corn on the cobb. I personally think it tastes so much better than all the stuff out of a can. I prefer making my own pasta, why because it tastes better, so very tender and yummy. I also enjoy eating my homemade cheesecakes way better than buying them from a store. But I enjoy eating bacon and ham and greek yogurt too. I may try my hand at homemade greek yogurt and mozzarella cheese one day but until then I'll buy it. I prefer ham slices over deli ham slices, both are processed but I like one better than the other. As a matter of fact tomorrow I'm making banana cupcakes with salted caramel/peanut butter buttercream frosting and it's all from scratch except the peanut butter and that's okay (but I do love home processed peanut butter, yum yum). We all want or like to eat what we eat.

    Eating real food will always work for everybody, all food is real, whether you make it yourself or not.

    But eating "real food" without all that added sodium to enhance the flavor of it, tastes so much better. If you have to use flavor enhancers because you've processed all the flavor out in order to make it keep for months on the shelf is IMO silly. Why would you eat it processed to death then enhanced to bring flavor back to it along with all the artificial flavorings they put in it when you can have it freshly made and no need to add a butt ton of salt to it because it already has amazing flavor. Food is best, and I'm talking taste wise, not necessarily health wise, in it's original form, without all that processing and enhancing. That's the way I like it best.

    I don't put artificial flavourings on my food, I just like to eat what I like to eat :)
    of course you don't and that's my point. processed foods comes with all that added stuff. I don't care who eats what, I choose to eat my food with nothing but fresh garlic, or pepper or other types of seasonings, not red dye #4 #5 and #6 and maybe #12 #16 and #21 too. But if you enjoy that then by all means eat it. That was my whole point, why give someone grief over the way they eat if it makes them feel better. Your food intake your way my food intake my way and we are both happy with it.