I made goal!! And celebrated by gaining 80 lbs.



  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    Same story here in Belgium. I lost 20 pounds, and regained 25 and counting.
    I did good for about 6 months, but was caught off guard after the summer hollidays 2 years ago. More work, more meetings, 3 kids back to school.... My old habits were much easier to maintain than excercising and diet.

    So, to my shame, I had to discover during our trip to Austria a few weeks ago, that none of my shorts fitted...

    The few weeks left of Summer, I will use to make up a plan: logging my progress here, get up early to excercise, and prepare! My meals for tomorrow are already prepared and waiting in the fridge. Hopefully it will be a habit by the time September comes.

    Shall we all try and lose 25 pounds in the next 6 months?
  • Stanlee202
    Stanlee202 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one. I lost 40 lbs doing a low carb diet, and ended up gaining 30 of it back. Now I'm trying to lose it all again, but without restrictions, just portion control. Good luck everybody :)
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Lost 60lbs, and put 35 of them back on. I think I was just unprepared for actually reaching my target, and in hindsight what I really needed was a new goal. That said, when I lost that weight, it was through mostly eating better carbs, in moderation, and using my willpower to resist any slips. When I gained back the weight, it was through consistently eating moderate amounts of junk food I like, like a few biscuits, a little chocolate, and some jellies most days, even though I was still eating healthily otherwise.

    It all adds up over time unfortunately, but I think I'm better prepared this time, in that I shall not be found lacking in the goal department, and also I'm finding adopting a lower carb approach I find I need to exercise less willpower every day, as with decent amounts of fat and protein in my diet, I'm just never really hungry. I think this is a good thing, as depending on a little willpower to steer you through each day can breakdown at some point, whereas now I feel I have that willpower for the times I need it most.

    Carbs ain't the enemy, but they sure are easy to overeat on, so think keeping them in moderation shall be the way forward for me. Oh, that and reducing my sugar weakness :)
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one. I lost 40 lbs doing a low carb diet, and ended up gaining 30 of it back. Now I'm trying to lose it all again, but without restrictions, just portion control. Good luck everybody :)

    Apparently you are I are not the only ones.

    But togehter we can get back on track
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Same story here in Belgium. I lost 20 pounds, and regained 25 and counting.
    I did good for about 6 months, but was caught off guard after the summer hollidays 2 years ago. More work, more meetings, 3 kids back to school.... My old habits were much easier to maintain than excercising and diet.

    So, to my shame, I had to discover during our trip to Austria a few weeks ago, that none of my shorts fitted...

    The few weeks left of Summer, I will use to make up a plan: logging my progress here, get up early to excercise, and prepare! My meals for tomorrow are already prepared and waiting in the fridge. Hopefully it will be a habit by the time September comes.

    Shall we all try and lose 25 pounds in the next 6 months?

    I'm with you!!! Yes, we can lose 25 together.
  • Lien4health
    Lien4health Posts: 11 Member
    Reading the posts gave me an ah ha moment realizing I'm not alone when falling off the wagon. I am becoming more aware of my addictive behaviors with food. I too "treat" myself with food when I have been good during the week! Crazy! I have gained and lost the same 10 pounds for about 30 years now and added extra weight along the way. A death in the family, a celebration or 2 or 3, being bored, etc. You all give me hope and remind me that I am not alone and it can be done, once and for all! Here's to us, making the change!
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I can totally relate. I lost 50 pounds, gained 15 of it back. I am almost at the weight I was last year. They key is increasing my water intake, hitting the gym, and of course watching what I eat. you can do it! Welcome back!

    Thank you. Happy to be back.
  • MarcieColley
    MarcieColley Posts: 4 Member
    Great job on the loss. Relapser is my middle name so totally understand.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I lost 100lbs back in 2009-2010. Life happened/got busy/had some large stressors and I lost focus (thyroid issues too) and gradually regained 70lbs.

    I am focusing on the fitness aspect now and trying to make wiser food choices. I want to fit back in my cute smaller clothes. If the scale moves too I am happy with that.

    Good luck to you getting back on track! It isn't an easy thing to do. I have found it harder this time around, but I know I can do it.

    I know we can do it......why? We already did it.

    Now we are even smarter. We have the experience of what worked and what didn't work.
    We know what killed our positive health habits (for me it was a week at the beach)

    Good luck to you!!!!
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Reading the posts gave me an ah ha moment realizing I'm not alone when falling off the wagon. I am becoming more aware of my addictive behaviors with food. I too "treat" myself with food when I have been good during the week! Crazy! I have gained and lost the same 10 pounds for about 30 years now and added extra weight along the way. A death in the family, a celebration or 2 or 3, being bored, etc. You all give me hope and remind me that I am not alone and it can be done, once and for all! Here's to us, making the change!

    Here, here!!

    To US!
  • dmcowger
    dmcowger Posts: 3
    Congratulations to you for trying again. It is never easy. I'm presently on a mission to lose 100 myself.
  • jbse26
    jbse26 Posts: 39 Member
    At last some realism!A refreshing change from "this is not a diet but a lifestyle change" whatever that means in standard English. This is, from what i read exactly how it is for most people, though not all. I've lost 3 stones or more at least four times. The last time was on here when I lost 4 stone then I had to start again in May 2014 having gained another 10 lbs on where i originally started. ( up to 17 stone for 172 cms high male !)

    But this time i won't be aiming for a goal weight, which i have learnt for me is a fatal flaw. I'm going for fitness instead. Also, i used to smoke 40 a day, began smoking age 15 , it took me 7 attempts to give up, but i have been smoke free for 3 years now So, each time is one step closer to success!.Let's stick wth it and even if it takes some of us a few attempts, we will do it! Why did people let it all go? For me, i just lost the will to carry on making an effort and didn't think carefully enough about how to keep the weight off. and thought i would get a grip sooner or later. Sadly it was oh so much later.LOL
  • OhCora
    OhCora Posts: 72 Member

    I lost 86 pounds. gained 32. can't seem to shake that weight. working on it anyway.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member

    I lost 86 pounds. gained 32. can't seem to shake that weight. working on it anyway.

    Relapses seem to be a VERY common problem.

    After seeing all your posts I may have to research the Anatomy of a Relapse.
    Maybe there's a way to battle relapses.

  • AngiKell
    AngiKell Posts: 20 Member
    I didn't just gain back what I had lost, I gained back 15 additional pounds. Yay! So you're not the only one back.

    This time, rather than dieting, I'm trying to change the way I see food. Instead of it being comfort, something to do when I'm bored or a reward for making it through a day, I'm trying to look at it as what it really is: a source of nutrition. Garbage in, garbage out. Learning to like healthy food, not because it's sweet and rich, but because I feel better when I stick to it. I hate that bloated, tired feeling after eating fattening, greasy foods.

    Best wishes to you and all of us who are boomerangs.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    This is what scares me as I'm within a pound of goal. I think I'll be too scared to ever quit logging. It's worked so well for me. And I'll never let my scale break again and use that as an excuse to not weigh myself. The scale will keep me honest. Good luck to all of you on your journeys.


    Now, what's you next goal?
    I didn't have one other than "maintain?
    I think that's part of what did me in
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I didn't just gain back what I had lost, I gained back 15 additional pounds. Yay! So you're not the only one back.

    This time, rather than dieting, I'm trying to change the way I see food. Instead of it being comfort, something to do when I'm bored or a reward for making it through a day, I'm trying to look at it as what it really is: a source of nutrition. Garbage in, garbage out. Learning to like healthy food, not because it's sweet and rich, but because I feel better when I stick to it. I hate that bloated, tired feeling after eating fattening, greasy foods.

    Best wishes to you and all of us who are boomerangs.

    I went to a birthday party last night. Pizza was served. I deferred and went to the salad we brought. Watching everyone else chow down on pizza felt odd. Normally I'd be right their with them.
    The shock was 30 minutes later when they started complaining about feeling bloated.

    Instead of saying anything about Pizza and Beer I bit my lip and stayed on course.
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    I did the same type of thing. I almost made goal - only 10 pounds away after a 60 pound loss and then I started eating.
    I stopped myself at 50 pounds to lose instead of 70 so that's a win.
    Good luck! We did it once, we can and WILL do it again!!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I did the exact same thing, pretty much the exact same amount lost and then regained..... I'm now down 25lb, on my way back. You're not alone, I think it's quite common. Reaching a goal and stopping. I remember being so relieved, like ' Oh thank god I can have whatever I want, and it's ok to miss exercise" I also believed that I could just 'lose it again' when I gained a few lbs.... but instead I continued to gain. Then it all went out of control and like you, days turned into months, turned into years, and before I knew it I was up 80 lbs. I hope you find sucess on here! It's taking me longer than I'd like, but It also took me 3 years to gain it all so, I'm taking the losses in stride. Cheers to you and your further sucess!
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I did the same type of thing. I almost made goal - only 10 pounds away after a 60 pound loss and then I started eating.
    I stopped myself at 50 pounds to lose instead of 70 so that's a win.
    Good luck! We did it once, we can and WILL do it again!!

    Yes we can!!