I made goal!! And celebrated by gaining 80 lbs.



  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    I did this too! TWICE!!! Four years ago I was 175lbs (minimum), I then lost weight aiming for 147lbs, I got down to 147.25lbs.... celebrated (even though i didn't reach my goal!) back up to 172lbs 2 years ago! 14 months ago I was back down to 147.25lbs.... celebrated AGAIN and reached 172bs AGAIN about 7 months ago. So I changed my goal to 132lbs and started losing again, got past the 147lbs mark now and there was no need to celebrate. I've now got 12.75lbs to go before goal, but because I'm passed my original goal of 147lbs I'm happy losing weight very slowly, so I'm slowing down to 0.25-0.5lbs loss per week until I am eating just below maintenance and then adjusting to maintenance will be easier. The last times I went from losing 1-2lbs per week to eating enough to maintain, which was such a big change I just went crazy with the freedom! I am very confident I'll be successful this time because I'm changing from losing to maintenance gradually!
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    In 2012 I lost 70 pounds. I was so happy, however, in 2013-2014 I gained 30 pounds back. The sad thing is that I weighed myself back when I only regained 8 pounds and could have prevented this 30 pound weight gain then. Now I'm working out and eating right again. I lost 20 pounds since June 27th.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I did this too! TWICE!!! Four years ago I was 175lbs (minimum), I then lost weight aiming for 147lbs, I got down to 147.25lbs.... celebrated (even though i didn't reach my goal!) back up to 172lbs 2 years ago! 14 months ago I was back down to 147.25lbs.... celebrated AGAIN and reached 172bs AGAIN about 7 months ago. So I changed my goal to 132lbs and started losing again, got past the 147lbs mark now and there was no need to celebrate. I've now got 12.75lbs to go before goal, but because I'm passed my original goal of 147lbs I'm happy losing weight very slowly, so I'm slowing down to 0.25-0.5lbs loss per week until I am eating just below maintenance and then adjusting to maintenance will be easier. The last times I went from losing 1-2lbs per week to eating enough to maintain, which was such a big change I just went crazy with the freedom! I am very confident I'll be successful this time because I'm changing from losing to maintenance gradually!

    you too eh? When I say I made 170 i fibbed a wee bit. I actually hit 170.2

    isn't that odd? I'll take your example and set my goal to 155.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Welcome back! And great, honest post.
  • samersb
    samersb Posts: 2
    Hello! I'm pretty sure we've all been there at some point. We loose, we gain, good bye determination, we loose, gain...its a vicious cycle! I've noticed it's best to NOT "restrict" and go into "diets" rather than tweak my foods around for better choices. Whenever I would go on a diet and lose the weight, I would be like "HEY, I'M WHERE I WANT TO BE! WHERE'S THE FOOOOD".
    horrible idea! That has happened multiple times, so basically small changes, it's okay to make mistakes. we're only humans, food is good!

    Cheers! And Welcome Back!!
  • norcalbeezy
    norcalbeezy Posts: 220 Member
    I did the exact same thing! I lost about 45 pounds and was feeling GREAT! So I went out and enjoyed myself...a lot... and here I am again :sad: determined to look like my profile picture again! We can do it :happy:
  • Congrats! Now do it again! Hope this app helps us...Good luck!
  • riotsgram
    riotsgram Posts: 24 Member
    I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the times I've been down this road. Maybe it's my age and this time I feel I have a little more wisdom. Maybe it's fear because diabetes runs in my family. There is MAGIC to this process. It's being accountable for every bite that goes in your mouth. Good, bad, ugly, we all have to be willing to log every bite that goes into our mouths, during our weight loss and after hitting goal. It's obviously a lifetime battle. When you hit goal again, which you are going to do, keep on logging and don't kick your butt all over town when you falter, just get back on that pony and ride.......the next day......not two years from now :)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Maintenance is a *kitten*! I think maintaining is harder than losing the weight to begin with! I think the important thing is you recognize what worked/what didn't and just keep it moving!

    Right now, I'm not even focused on weight loss, I'm focused on endurance, eating as clean as possible and STAYING smoke free.

    I think that's part of the problem I had. I was TOTALLY unprepared to enter my Maintenance phase. I was mentally ready but not motivated ready. If that makes sense.

    I went from losing to gaining. I had reached my goal. But then I was GOAL-LESS.

    When I reach target weight I will set up NEW GOALS. These will be MEASUREMENTS of biceps, chest, waist etc. Maybe start some weight lifting and track that progress.

    IMHO GOALS is what keeps me focused. When I lose goals, I drift

    It makes perfect sense. Honestly, maintenance has always been a tough one for me. I have to have a goal - even if it's a small "I want to shave off 30 seconds from my best mile speed" - it gives me something to work towards.

    I think the bigger part of the conversation is you recognize that maintenance is going to require just as much diligence as losing the weight.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member

    I was wondering how in the world was I going to start all over again. Relearn all those recipes, reweigh everything, on and on.

    Then it hit me. Just go back to my logging in 2013. I perused a few days and can't believe how well I was eating.

    LOL. I'm going to go back and learn from me.
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    Mucho respect for such an honest/keeping it real intro. Good luck!!
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Mucho respect for such an honest/keeping it real intro. Good luck!!

    Thanks. It wasn't hard to admit the truth. In fact it's more difficult to log everything I put in my mouth because I don't want to see it written down.

    Too real.
  • Chronic relapsed here, too. In the last 4 years I've gone from 240 to 210 to 240 to 210 to now 270! With lots of smaller ups and downs in between.

    Whenever I'd reach a low, I'd feel good about myself, and just want a break from having to try. Just wanted to eat what everyone else was eating and not worry.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Chronic relapsed here, too. In the last 4 years I've gone from 240 to 210 to 240 to 210 to now 270! With lots of smaller ups and downs in between.

    Whenever I'd reach a low, I'd feel good about myself, and just want a break from having to try. Just wanted to eat what everyone else was eating and not worry.

    Just sent you a friend request. Let's do this together, ok?
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    I lost 32 last time then quit MFP and gained a lot of it back. Sometimes I feel the temptation to stop thinking "oh I've got my routine down now" but I resist because it's SOOOO important to keep oneself accountable.

    The good news for me is, as of this morning, I'm back at the weight I'd hit in 2012 so was pretty thrilled about that.

    I've got a 120 lb goal total so here's to keeping motivated and staying the course!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if desired and great story!


    PS - Falcons suck, go Packers! lol
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    Chronic relapsed here, too. In the last 4 years I've gone from 240 to 210 to 240 to 210 to now 270! With lots of smaller ups and downs in between.

    Whenever I'd reach a low, I'd feel good about myself, and just want a break from having to try. Just wanted to eat what everyone else was eating and not worry.

    Those days are over, the new you's journey starts NOW! :)

    Feel free to add friend if desired.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    HI, Iost 135 lbs and had a tummy tuck to remove the excess fat, Since then I have haven't been able to lose a pound and that was in July of last year. I have gained back almost half of what I lost. I would welcome Anybody that has been through this and was able to start losing again. Just send me a FR. Thanks, We can do this!! :smile:
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I didn't make it to goal, I'd only lost 50, before deciding to maintain through a stressful patch.... well, that stressful patch turned into almost 2 years, and maintaining turned into gaining that 50 back, plus 30 for good measure.

    Today, I got to celebrate getting rid of that additional 30, and I'm now back to my initial start weight when I decided to lose back in March of 2011 before I got married. :-|
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I didn't make it to goal, I'd only lost 50, before deciding to maintain through a stressful patch.... well, that stressful patch turned into almost 2 years, and maintaining turned into gaining that 50 back, plus 30 for good measure.

    Today, I got to celebrate getting rid of that additional 30, and I'm now back to my initial start weight when I decided to lose back in March of 2011 before I got married. :-|

    you're not "back at the beginning" you're 30 pounds down. GREAT JOB!
    thanks for sharing
  • MandiS80
    MandiS80 Posts: 127 Member
    I relapsed too, this is my second go at MFP (only a couple days in) the first time I lost 16 pounds, didn't really notice a change in my body and got discouraged and quit. I gained it all back, plus another 10. Ugh, why can't it be easy to lose weight??
    Anyways, best of luck on your journey