
  • fishandcamp
    fishandcamp Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there. Not sure how this message board works but I was encouraged to read your post. I have just begun and boy was I discouraged today. I ate a good breakfast, exercised and earned food and then ate lunch which turned out to be a disaster. I used all but 40 calories for the day. WOW.... I guess I need to exercise now to earn some food. I think I will like this site once I figure it out. I am encouraging my daughter to join me. Thanks again.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,
    I am working all day today (13.5 hours) so I will be under calorie. (nothing like a captive audiance to keep a person good) and off tomorrow. I have been finding it challenging on my days off I try to antisipate my calories but my dad's cooking is tough to gauge. The good news is at least he is cooking for himself.

    DF and I were looking at old pictures yesterday and boy what an eye opener!!!! I am embarrased even more at what I allowed to happen to myself!!!! One thing I have noticed that I really hadn't expected even though someone (Amanda I think) mentioned it in a past post, my ring doesn't fit. I have had to have a ring guard put on so my ring doesn't drive me any crazier then I already am. :blushing:
    Also my shoes don't fit :noway: I was walking quickly across the street and my shoes kept slipping off. I'm not complaining .... just surprised. I'm happy to get new clothes but I hadn't expected to need new shoes. :laugh:

    I just made my colonoscopy appointment...They give you a seditive??? I now have to line a driver up. I want prepared for that. Isn't getting older fun :tongue:

    Darlis - my fingers are crossed and prayers are said.

    Amanda - Running??? you are very hard to keep up with. :drinker:

    Everyone else is in my thoughts and prayers.

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Darlis- Prayers are being sent your way

    Peggy- They put you totally under when you have the colonoscopy. You won't feel or remember a thing. If you can get by the prep- the rest is a piece of cake. Good Luck.

    Weight was up a pound from last week''s weigh in, though I did eat some ham the last few days and did an especially strenuous strength training work out at the gym Saturday. Hopefully it will come off this week.

    Plan on going to my favorite zumba class tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • (" I ate a good breakfast, exercised and earned food and then ate lunch which turned out to be a disaster.") Hi Fish & Camp, I'm pretty new also and I did the same thing today! I was doing great then ate spareribs and mashed potato's for lunch--NOT"!!! Don't eat them, its a disaster! My neighbor has a restaurant and he brought me his ribs since he knows I love them. Guess I will have to pass the next time. I'm working too hard to blow it on a 1/2 rack of ribs! Live and learn! Carol
  • A quick hello...

    Izzy and I took a walk again this morning. I'm lucky to have good weather for her first few days. I went a little farther than yesterday and am feeling good about it! It's more difficult than walking on the bike trail (hillier) but more beautiful.

    Izzy has calmed down some. Thank goodness. I was thinking of naming her WD for whirling dervish. She is a sweetie...loves the kids; heels when she walks (!); knows how to sit and fetch (pretty reliably); and doesn't bark much (amazing!). We're working on potty training and not jumping up. I'll post pics soon.

    Joy, tell your hubby to get packin'! I retired this year and am loving it, although I am thinking I'd like to work part-time. Not because I'm bored but because some extra moola would be nice.

    I live in the Sierra foothills in California. It's relatively inexpensive to buy a house here now - prices are down 40% or more since 2002. That hurts, as my daughter and her family and I just finished building a home less than 2 years ago. (My space is still not finished, but getting there.) Fortunately, we like where we are as we'll probably be here for awhile!

    We're just about 15 minutes from the freeway, making it easy to get places. We're about half an hour from Folsom, which has pretty good shopping (stunning new mall to open soon!) and an hour from Sacramento, an even bigger town, which I don't love. Going in the other direction, we're just an hour-and-a-half from Lake Tahoe, where my folks have a little cabin.

    Amanda, you are amazing! Another aqua-fit class? Not long ago you were not so sure about the water! Re the surgery, my cousin just had an ablation and it worked like a charm. He had ventricular fibrillation, which can be dangerous. We're very glad for the good results.

    Barbie, good for you for getting the colonoscopy. It's reassuring to know you're in good shape (and essential to know if you're not!) I hope everything comes out well. :bigsmile: I wouldn't worry too much about calories!!! The prep is way worse than the procedure. Whatever joy juice they give you for the procedure leaves you feeling very happy, and no hangover!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi there. Not sure how this message board works but I was encouraged to read your post. I have just begun and boy was I discouraged today. I ate a good breakfast, exercised and earned food and then ate lunch which turned out to be a disaster. I used all but 40 calories for the day. WOW.... I guess I need to exercise now to earn some food. I think I will like this site once I figure it out. I am encouraging my daughter to join me. Thanks again.

    Believe me, most of us probably went over a lot at the beginning; don't feel bad. You will learn, and it will get somewhat easier to "budget" your calorie intake. You have come to the right place for encouragement. Hang in there!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Well I finished my first full week on the carb lovers diet. I lost 3.5 pounds. I was mostly following it to the letter; however I had 2 glasses of wine on Friday night and 2 more on Saturday. Also I went to an irish wake and had lots of wine on Wednesday. So imagine how much I would have lost if I followed it religiously.

    I am gonig to repeat the opening fast start 7 days - mostly because I want to lose some more fast - before I leave for Florida on Feb. 18 - and because I love the recipes. I am never hungry and have more energy than before.

    It is only about 1200 calories. If I do feel I have stalled this week or get hungry I will just throw in an extra snack - which is what the 21 day 2nd phase does anyway.

    I am excited to start losing again.

  • I've recently turned 50 so I believe I'm in the right spot. I was hoping to loose this weight and be healthier before 50 but.....life gets in the way as usual. I've spent the last 17 days seeing heart doctors, GP, and sports medicine pedorthists. Looks like my heart scare was unfounded. Good thing! Arthritis has had it's way with me though. Inner Knees, Hips, Lower Back and Neck taking the brunt of it. I'm still walking twice a day roughly 30 minutes each time (thank heaven for my little pugs) but tomorrow I'm to be out fitted with leg braces for better balance and less pain when exercising. I really hope this helps. Anyone out there have experiences with these new leg braces?
    My goal for January is to lose 5 lbs. This looks like a great place to start. Everything looks easy to use and record. I was even able to find an app for my ipod when I'm not at home. I haven't been writing down all my calories....I know bad thing, but I have been making better choices. No junk food in the house. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables though. I have also been working on my water intake. Never realized how hard it is to drink 8 plus glasses. This could be why I feel so dehydrated all the time.
    After I have water and exercise on track I will move on to logging all my calories. Goal for this would be February 1st. Looking forward to making new friends. Looking for motivation, tips, laughs, and friendship.
    Have a great day.
  • > I found that when I planned my meals and snacks ahead of time and posted them on MFP, then I was relieved of the need to think > about food because all the food decisions had already been made......additionally I made the decision to accept no food that was
    > offered to me and eat only what I had planned for the day. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    This is a great idea, makes so much sense - I'm starting it as of now. Thank you.

    Good luck on Tuesday.


    This seems like a better way to approach calorie records. Doing on the fly seems to invite more calories.
    Thanks for the tip.
  • RGonVSH
    RGonVSH Posts: 44 Member
    Hey...a group I can relate to! haha! Well, I am definitely 50+ (60 on my next birthday). I am feeling pretty challenged these days. I have allowed myself to get so out of shape that I am finding it difficult to really push myself during my workouts. :embarassed: Besides being unable to catch my breath, walking too far or working out too hard leaves me sore for days beyond what I think I should. I keep thinking that I need a personal trainer, but I have no money for that. At any rate, I want to get into shape again. I want to look like this picture again. Okay, I know I will still have the wrinkles that I didn't have in this picture, but I want very much to get into shape so that I can be the active, outdoor person I used to be.
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    Was just wonderng ......do you collect frogs? I do. I love frogs!!!:bigsmile:

  • Exercised yesterday and wanted to do it again today....but woke up with a head cold! grrrrr....as a teacher I'm exposed to sooooo many germs on a daily basis and I thought I had held this at bay. Hate getting sick.....resting today so I can make it through tomorrow and the rest of the week. With only 4 days, it will be fast and furious!

    Be safe, be well y'all!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Yes I collect frogs too. However I made a rule a few years ago, that any new frogs coming into the house had to be "functional" frogs. That is, they need to serve a purpose, can't be just a figurine. (I was starting to get too many dust catchers) So, I have frog lamps, pillows, pitchers, etc. I also have a pair of slipper socks that have frog heads on them and when you press it, they croak. Only thing is, they are in the laundry room and for some unknown reason, they keep croaking by themselves. They have been doing this every few minutes for hours now. I feel like it must be springtime! :laugh:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Welcome, Newbies. We are all in the same boat here and that is maintaining mastery over our calorie "budget."

    Some of you mention going to zumba class. I just got the wii zumba -- only used it twice so far, not sure if I like it. I almost think I would do better putting on my oldies and doing my own dance.

    Or I could just go to bed earlier, get up earlier and walk in the mornings. I'm still struggling with turning off the computer early enough.

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone!:flowerforyou:


    I know what you mean by them being dust catchers. PLUS everyone started giving me frogs because they knew I liked them. Problem is I am kind of fincky about the frogs I collect. I don' collect the kind you can buy at a Wal Mart or Target. Those types were what I used to by when I was in my 20's. My entire kitchen was frogs from a series that Sears sold back then. I still have the porcelain frog canisters and salt and pepper shakers. I keep thinking that they might be worth something someday, they are just so cute. But all my cheesy stuff got eventually tossed. Now I collect unusual frogs. I have glass frogs, an enamel frog made out of a goose egg and trimmed in gold and tigers eye for its eyes. I also collect Tim Cotterill frogs. I guess most of my pieces I have now are considered art worthy. However I do have a frog lamp that I refuse to get rid of!! He's just cool looking.:laugh: At any rate frogs are fun!

    Okay not to be funny or anything but I think I am losing weight. My weigh in isn't until Feb 1st, but I have a kitchen table with hardwood chairs and every time I sit on them now I feel the bones in my butt hitting the chair now and it hurts. I must be losing weight in my butt!! (Thank goodness, as it is huge!):noway: I never used to need cushions for the chairs and now I think I need to get them! Makes me wonder how my son used to sit on these without complaining! I guess it is a good thing, but it sure doesn't feel so great when I am eating or on the computer.:ohwell:

    I am also starting to log in my food again. I think my mom has finally hit her plateau in mood swings because after all her complaining and me still making her do her exercises anyway, she is beginning to see the results. She is standing more often through the day and she is noticing toning in her legs.We only had one crying episode today and it didn't last too long. Crossing my fingers this keeps up. I still am getting her counseling though, she really needs it.

    Well good night to you all. Eat well.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning ladies and welcome all our newcomers :flowerforyou:

    I have a few spare mins before taking the doggies out for their morning walk, so thought I'd just pop in for a chat :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I probably am a little sleep deprived, I don't always have a good night's sleep, sometimes it's hubbys fault, (snoring and fidgeting, talking in his sleep etc) other times I can't sleep and think morbid thoughts. I tell myself stop thinking just go to sleep but when I start to relax back come the dark thoughts. I usually put the radio on to listen to, but sometimes the music is not relaxing, it's rock or bouncy music. I put it on low so it's something to concentrate on in the background.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet glad to hear your mum has settled down again and isn't giving you too much of a hard time.

    :flowerforyou: Mrsanderson hope the cold doesn't last too long and you feel better soon.

    Well this has turned out to be shorter than I thought, need to get my boots on, it's another dark morning, roll on spring !

    Back to work too after my long weekend off, I have a shorter week than usual tho, I've got Wednesday off and Friday too, seems I had a lot of holidays left over from last year so thought I'd take a few days off Wednesday to see my Aunt and Friday because it's the last running club day and both Jane and I will be able to go if it's my day off, (we both can't go to lunch at the same time).

    Thankfully my leg ache seems to have gone.

    Take care everyone chat again soon :heart: :heart:

    Viv xx
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi - I used to run much more than I do now. My feet are starting to act up.....yuck!!! Shoes are very important for a comfortable run. The first l0 to 15 minutes your body is saying to you......what are you nuts? Lets stop this now.....try try not to listen to that. If you keep going (even very slowly), your body will adjust and say "ok, I guess I can do this"....our breathing gets easier and it feels lots better. Hope this helps.

    Thanks for the advice here, I need to remember to work through that internal battle and push myself for just a bit longer.
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Darlis, I will most definitely pray for you and your husband.
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning everyone, I know I am new here, but really appreciate the motivation and support that you offer. I lost three pounds over the last week, Unfortunately, it is the same three pounds I have been losing off and on for the last year.

    I feel different this week though. This week, I feel like I will finally see a new weight loss and am finally on my way to getting back to my goal weight...which I haven't seen in thirty years. I got within 7lbs once, but then just rewarded myself with food and before long...I was right back to where I started.

    I went over my calorie intake a little yesterday by not making the wisest food choice when we went out to dinner. Plus, I had planned on going walking and the minute we started, the cold rain came-- so I didn't exercise as much as I planned. In the past, I would throw in the towel and eat junk, not exercise and gain back what I've lost. I would beat myself up for being such a failure at everything. Not anymore-- Today I am going to finish this post and then I am going to go do a cardio fitness DVD and workout out on the bowflex- since it is still raining here on the East Coast.. Today, I am going to pay attention to my calorie intake closer than I did over the long weekend.
  • good morning all. how is everyone we are having more bad weather the chidren have another day off of school and they are not happy the really would like to be in school. that makes me feel good cause some days i know they want to be out i have a son who is a senior and hes saying mom i don't want any add on snow days.
    joy honest danceing to the oldies i love when i am home alone i put the music on and dance away i love the oldies .
    ugh i at after work last night i have been trying so hard not to eight after 8. it is a lot better for me though i use to eat to much every night and now i slip up just a few times. ok kids are calling . debi
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