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Anyone using Herbalife?
I am 24 years old and trying to lose weight. I was very active in high school and very athletic. Since then I have let myself go quite a bit. My goal is to lose 85 pounds and I have already lost 14. I have been using Herbalife shakes to supplement my diet and exercise. Anyone else using Herbalife?
Oh man, people are going crazy on this topic! lol
I use it. I don't think its a miracle shake, but it helps me stay within my calorie goal for the day. It is expensive for some people, but it has saved me money. I was spending $6-$11 every day for lunch. I am lazy when it comes to going grocery shopping and making my meals the night before. Something I will have to start working on soon because I don't want to drink the shakes forever. Just easier when you are on the go. (for me at least).... So I am a fan!0 -
This. If I see a blatantly snake-oil, erroneous or otherwise foolish idea being tossed around on the forums here, you betcha I'm going to be as loud-mouthed and discouraging of it as possible. Because despite my generally crusty personality, I really do want to see people succeed with their goals and not just spin their wheels as they trial-and-error a million different miracle cures, like I did.
You...I like you.0 -
Oh man, people are going crazy on this topic! lol
I use it. I don't think its a miracle shake, but it helps me stay within my calorie goal for the day. It is expensive for some people, but it has saved me money. I was spending $6-$11 every day for lunch. I am lazy when it comes to going grocery shopping and making my meals the night before. Something I will have to start working on soon because I don't want to drink the shakes forever. Just easier when you are on the go. (for me at least).... So I am a fan!
No sorry, no one has gone crazy on this thread...other than the people trying to sell it.0 -
This thread isn't crazy.
This would be crazy:0 -
Like others have said. We do it so other people reading the thread don't fall for the sales pitch. It's against the rules here and it's really just tacky and wrong.
That's the whole purpose of these threads. If we weren't in here pointing out the truth and people didn't report these threads, the whole forum would be nothing but sales pitches for magic shakes, raspberry keytones, garcinia cambrogiala... once that happens this whole place would be useless.
[img][/img]0 -
I'm all for the herb life0
No sorry, no one has gone crazy on this thread...other than the people trying to sell it.
I just looked at your diary... Do you like the Boathouse Farms and Odwalla Protein shakes? are they expensive? I like the herbalife for now cuz its easy (and my friend is a distributor and a personal coach so i like that) but i dont want to buy it forever so i want to look at other options that i can just get myself at the store.0 -
I just looked at your diary... Do you like the Boathouse Farms and Odwalla Protein shakes? are they expensive? I like the herbalife for now cuz its easy (and my friend is a distributor and a personal coach so i like that) but i dont want to buy it forever so i want to look at other options that i can just get myself at the store.
Wow. That was a leap, wasn't it. I drink Optimum Nutrition and I plan on buying it forever..but I don't use it for weight loss, I use it to help me meet my protein macro.
And Boathouse Farms and Odwalla don't have people joining their company as independent sales reps and annoying the hell out of people left and right on every kind of forum..nor do they tout it as a weight loss product that I recall.
If you just like the taste of herbalife, that's fine. But to say you need it or should use it because it'll help you lose weight is wrong.
A calorie deficit is what it takes, period. A shake isn't magic and that's how they try to put it off. BIG DIFFERENCE then someone buying Odwalla juices because they like the taste of it.0 -
Wow. That was a leap, wasn't it. I drink Optimum Nutrition and I plan on buying it forever..but I don't use it for weight loss, I use it to help me meet my protein macro.
And Boathouse Farms and Odwalla don't have people joining their company as independent sales reps and annoying the hell out of people left and right on every kind of forum..nor do they tout it as a weight loss product that I recall.
And I don't think they've been investigated for fraudulant claims either.0 -
Wow. That was a leap, wasn't it. I drink Optimum Nutrition and I plan on buying it forever..but I don't use it for weight loss, I use it to help me meet my protein macro.
And Boathouse Farms and Odwalla don't have people joining their company as independent sales reps and annoying the hell out of people left and right on every kind of forum..nor do they tout it as a weight loss product that I recall.
If you just like the taste of herbalife, that's fine. But to say you need it or should use it because it'll help you lose weight is wrong.
A calorie deficit is what it takes, period. A shake isn't magic and that's how they try to put it off. BIG DIFFERENCE then someone buying Odwalla juices because they like the taste of it.
This...exactly this...
That was a HUGE leap you tried to make. These companies aren't selling their products disguised as "this will help with weight loss". They don't train sales people to lie to you. I use them to help with my protein macros because I'm a vegetarian and I lift heavy. I usually get my protein thru food, but seeing as I've been in and out of town with work, this was the easiest way.
These companies don't say their product is for weight loss, they don't claim it cures people of things. Big difference there. HUGE difference. Herbalife is a sham, the company lies, the creator killed himself because of being investigated for fraud. Bolthouse Farms and Odwalla don't do that, they don't try to prey on people. They offer really yummy products that are just what they are.
Does Odwalla give you a stupid sales pitch as you pass the cart by their section? Does it promise you outrageous calorie burns just by drinking their product?? (Herbalife tea)
Nope...they don't do that...but
Yes, they're totally a snake oil MLM, recruiting innocent folks into being "coaches" and distributors, even though they know nothing about the product they're being forced to sell, and not even at a profit. Yeah, you go Odwalla.
Oh wait...they don't do that either.0 -
I just looked at your diary... Do you like the Boathouse Farms and Odwalla Protein shakes? are they expensive? I like the herbalife for now cuz its easy (and my friend is a distributor and a personal coach so i like that) but i dont want to buy it forever so i want to look at other options that i can just get myself at the store.
Your friend is a charlatan who abused his relationship with you to make some quick money. One can go into a grocery store and have ample selections to compare from without the need of a "personal coach," which by the way, means jack *kitten* outside of their MLM scheme.
ETA because I can't do reading comprehension - Bolthouse Farms chocolate protein drink is pretty good. A little pricey though.0 -
This...exactly this...
That was a HUGE leap you tried to make. These companies aren't selling their products disguised as "this will help with weight loss". They don't train sales people to lie to you. I use them to help with my protein macros because I'm a vegetarian and I lift heavy. I usually get my protein thru food, but seeing as I've been in and out of town with work, this was the easiest way.
These companies don't say their product is for weight loss, they don't claim it cures people of things. Big difference there. HUGE difference. Herbalife is a sham, the company lies, the creator killed himself because of being investigated for fraud. Bolthouse Farms and Odwalla don't do that, they don't try to prey on people. They offer really yummy products that are just what they are.
Does Odwalla give you a stupid sales pitch as you pass the cart by their section? Does it promise you outrageous calorie burns just by drinking their product?? (Herbalife tea)
Nope...they don't do that...but
Yes, they're totally a snake oil MLM, recruiting innocent folks into being "coaches" and distributors, even though they know nothing about the product they're being forced to sell, and not even at a profit. Yeah, you go Odwalla.
Oh wait...they don't do that either.
Uh.. i really just wanted to know if you like the drink but I guess this answer will do lol0 -
Uh.. i really just wanted to know if you like the drink but I guess this answer will do lol
Sorry about that. I just re-read what you wrote and had a reading comprehension fail. My bad!!!0 -
Sorry about that. I just re-read what you wrote and had a reading comprehension fail. My bad!!!
lol no prob0 -
Uh.. i really just wanted to know if you like the drink but I guess this answer will do lol
Oh okay, sorry. Totally misread that...it's been a long day...
I love them, I think they taste awesome. I find the Odwalla 2 for $5 at a grocery store.
Target sometimes has those also, and in a bigger container. Or Earthfare.
Target definitely sells Bolthouse Farms for cheaper than grocery stores. I haven't tried it yet, but I may also start throwing a little extra protein in them and mixing them up...0 -
Sorry about that. I just re-read what you wrote and had a reading comprehension fail. My bad!!!
You weren't the only one that failed at reading today. Duh...0 -
As far as I'm aware, Herbalife hasn't been proved effective as a weight loss tool. Also, Herbalife is officially under the investigation of the Federal Trade Commission because of repeated allegations that they're a pyramid scheme. It's a sketchy company.0
Uh.. i really just wanted to know if you like the drink but I guess this answer will do lol
I just lmfao so hard0 -
I don't sell Herbalife, I have a real job. Thanks.
Enough said. LOL Since it's a crap product, I wouldn't consider their sales people and inter management positions real jobs either0
This discussion has been closed.
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