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Your most notable rejection
The partial list of rejections:
I like you like a brother.
I like you as a friend.
You're really sweet, but I don't like you like that.
I'm washing my hair.
I'm grading papers.
You're sweet, but I was hoping to go out with your friend.
Well, you're cute, but you'd be cuter if you lost some weight.
When I first moved from California to Arkansas, I like a girl who lived down the road from us. She was all my 12 yr old mind could think of. I got to know her and we got to talking and we had several things in common. I was just about to ask her to some church function or school dance or whatever, but before I could, my brother told her I liked her. The next time we had an actual conversation was 6 yrs later and that was one time and very short conversation about senior/graduation related stuff. She ignored me for 6 yrs, we spoke for 15 minutes, and never again. I do get an occasion "like" on a facebook post from her though, so there's that.
HIgh School = 90% of the rejection excuses listed above. Not one single date. However, the next year after graduation, I had at least 3 girls I was interested in, who really never paid much attention to me or acknowledge my existence, tell me that they would have gone to prom with me if I had asked them.
Still High School - New girl started around the Jr. year. She was from California and I thought we could at have that in common. I tried to say hi and ask her how she was adjusting to living in redneck/hillbilly country. She looked at me, rolled her eyes, and walked off. Never talked to her again until about 1 yr before our 20 yr reunion (geez I'm freakin' old)...we're really close friends now.
18 - I really liked this girl and she seemed to like me. When we finally kissed, it was on her front porch. When she went back into the house, her dad said that she could date me over his dead body. She was 16 I was 18. She told me her dad wouldn't let us date but when she turned 18 she could do what she wanted. I waited for 2 years. She turned 18, went on a date with one of my friends and then another. Nothing really mostly as friends. I finally went on a date with her, and I tried to be different than the dinner and a movie thing. I took her to eat and then to a play in the park. My friend's dad was in the play. To this day, she says it's the worst date she's ever been on. We talked about "us" that evening and I said that I wanted to be serious. She told me that she was about to go to college and that she wanted to leave her options open. I hated her from that moment on.
20 yrs old, totally in lust with a girl one of my friends know. We were introduced, engaged in small talk for a while and I thought we hit it off. I waited a day or two then called her and asked her out for Friday night (this was a Wednesday), she literally said she was washing her hair. I said, fine...how about Saturday night...or is that the night you're going to be drying it?
19 - 23 = More of the same as what is listed above.
23 - Get married. She first cheats on me within 3 1/2 months, around Valentines Day. Stay "legally married" for 4 yrs. We had separated more times than I could count, got back together, separate...over and over. I stayed with her 100% for my son. We finally got a divorce after she had another guys baby and was pregnant with his second one. We got divorced because our marriage interfered with her dating life.
23 - 34 Got really bitter about life and women. Got rejected some more...rejected some of my own.
35 - Got married again - still married. Married the girl I waited 2 yrs for earlier who wanted to go to college and "keep her options open."0 -
Pizza Hut always rejects me.
[img][/img]0 -
When I was in 7th grade some girls came and told me one of the guys was going to come ask me out, but he was only doing it to turn it around on me and make fun of me.. so I rejected him first. He was pissed.0
My ex-fiance broke our engagement in a letter. That I got on Valentines Day. It's been 12 years since it happened, and I still hate that day of the year.
A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
IDEA Fitness member
Kickboxing Certified Instructor
Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition0 -
I've never asked anyone out...because I have rejection issues. O.o0
i weirdly kinda asked a girl out and she said i don't know. That's probably the only time I asked a girl out. What was I thinking lol0
the other time (though not sure it counts as a rejection) was senior year and prom coming up. my friend (least i thought she was) told me to ask the captain of the cheerleaders out that she knew she wasnt asked yet and really wanted to go. i naturally assumed it was a joke but this friend convinced me otherwise.
day im going to ask her and a kid in my home ec class comes up to me and says dont do it. i said do what. never talked to him and pretty much we didnt speak so i asked do what again. he said youre going to ask so and so to the prom and its just to see if you will do it as shes going with someone else. middle of class an i yelled that effin c-word and punched the cupboard. broke two knuckles and left class looking for my so called friend. the teacher loved me and when i came back just told me to calm down and not worry about it.
when i did find her later she denied up and down that it was a joke but my yelling of you back stabbing cword pretty much let her know i didnt believe her.
since then i have actually only asked 2 gals out0 -
There was this guy that I sort of dated for a little while, and even though I'd fallen hard and I thought he felt the same, he eventually cut me off without another word.
Later, I found out that while I was hospitalized for an eating disorder, he was trying to sleep with my best friend.
Still hurts.0 -
I don't pursue anyone so I don't get rejected. Except this one time my first bf found out (after I broke up w him) that I liked another guy. He told the guy About my crush and then I got an AIM message from the guy telling me he wasn't looking for a gf at the time. He started dating a girl I knew a few weeks later lol.0
Mine was in 2010 shortly after my divorce. I asked him if he wanted to go out for a drink and he told me he doesn't date fat chicks. I ran into him at my bodybuilding competition last year and had the opportunity to return the favor of rejecting him.
Being able to reject him....that must've felt awesome!0 -
I was engaged years ago. My then-fiancé suddenly decided that he could not bear to "restrict" himself to me. He dumped me. On my lunch break. Three weeks before the wedding.0
I sent some flowers to a guy and said if he was interested to ring me at a particular time. But the eejit didn't wait did he and rang when I wasn't at home. He proceeded to tell my brother about these flowers and demanded to know who the hell I was. I was mortified. Of course my family teased me endlessly and I said that a friend had set me up.0
Bought a dozen roses for a girl on Valentines Day.....she SOLD them to her history teacher. FML0
Once, when I was younger and working as a lifeguard, I asked one of the young ladies attending the pool out. She said, "No."
I stood there and blinked for a few seconds and tried to wrap my mind around the concept. It was unreal.
I still wake up screaming about that one sometimes.0 -
Does it count if it wasn't a breakup, but just one of the worst things a partner said to you?
As in, You have a great body but only an OK face, and yes, being pretty will always be more important than a great body.
Or, my all-time favorite "You're the first girl I dated for something other than what she looked like". He kinda probably meant it as a compliment, but....you can't say that.0 -
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Does it count if it wasn't a breakup, but just one of the worst things a partner said to you?
As in, You have a great body but only an OK face, and yes, being pretty will always be more important than a great body.
Or, my all-time favorite "You're the first girl I dated for something other than what she looked like". He kinda probably meant it as a compliment, but....you can't say that.
My current husband, yes, I actually married the idiot who said this...."I mean, our girlfriends aren't supermodels, but it's not like they're ugly."0 -
Definitely the most notable was when I was rejected by hearing the boy I had a crush on yell over a crowd of about 60 other 6th graders between us, "MICHELLE!? She's so UGLY, I would NEVER go out with her!"
I cried the whole way home on the bus.
My favorite rejections were from the boys that later asked me out in high school and I got to say no. Well, I said it in a meaner way.0 -
I have never been rejected or dumped.
Unless, I count someone declining my FR.
I only send a FR once in an LTR.0 -
A long long time ago and in another universe I wanted to work for a specific company so badly that I applied for virtually every job opening they had everytime they had a job opening. Except that one time I didn't.
I got a rejection letter from that company for a job I never applied for and didn't even know they were acceptin applications.0 -
Lol, I totally forgot about this one:
Being a huge 49er fan, I thought it would be cool to get a job at the practice facility (I was 19 at the time). So I applied as a janitor. 3 weeks later I got a rejection letter stating "At this time there are no openings for this position. Thank you for submitting your application." :laugh: :laugh:
A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
IDEA Fitness member
Kickboxing Certified Instructor
Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition0 -
"you're too nice"
hmmm.. really?? Ok... because i tell ya what, get to know me, and you'll see that i'm actually a nasty bit of work0 -
When I was is 10th grade, I was dating a boy for a couple of weeks. It was Christmas time, and the school newspaper was selling candy cane grams. So, I get one from him
"To: Kelly W.
From: Tom
Except that I don't spell my name with a "y" so the other Kelly W. in my class got it, and came over to me and said "Um, I think this is for you."0 -
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