Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    It's late so just a quick update.

    Friday Fitness:
    I got to the gym and burned off a bunch of those extra calories from yesterday, AND I came in under my allowance by almost 800 to make up for the nearly 700 overage. I also pushed myself harder than I have in awhile at the gym. Ran a full 5k on the tradmill in under 34 minutes which is my fastest pace. I've done a full 5 in that time before, but ti's been awhile. Recently I've been only been running 2 miles at that pace. I also did some core work. All of you guys talking about the extra weight around the middle motivated me. :laugh:

    Well I have 6 days to make it 31 more miles to meet my goal--eek!

    1. wash/dry clean all drapes in house
    2. shred old files
    3. clean out spare bedroom

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    July Goal = 100 miles

    7/1 = 3 miles
    7/2 = 0 miles
    7/3 = 2 miles
    7/4 = 2 miles
    7/5 = 1 mile
    7/6 = 2 miles
    7/7 = 8.5 miles
    7/8 = 1.5 miles
    7/9 = 2.5 miles
    7/10 = 1.5 miles
    7/11 = 1.5 miles
    7/12 = 1 mile
    7/13 = 3 miles
    7/14 = 1.5
    7/15 = 4 miles
    7/16 = 4 miles
    7/17 = 8 miles
    7/18 = 1.5 miles
    7/19 = 1 mile
    7/20 = 8.5 miles
    7/21 - 1 mile
    7/22 = 8 miles
    7/23 = 4 miles
    7/24 = 1.5 miles
    7/25 = 4.5 miles
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    @ aimeemarie150, awesome post!!! Seriously.Awesome.Post!! I'm sure you have heard that it takes time for the skin to start to retract and tighten up. So, don't get too discourage. I have read many success stories about skin shrinking. You are an inspiration!! Can't wait to make my own list. :bigsmile:

    @ ForeverDaniel, welcome to the group! It's a great place with lots of wonderfully supportive people! :flowerforyou:

    @ skinnyjeanzbo, you are a fitness marvel!! I upped my speed on the treadmill yesterday to 3.1 for like 2 WHOLE minutes. I can only dream of someday running on the machine. You rock!! :drinker:

    Well I'm off to work where I will spend the next 12 hours. Let's all pray for more customers and less complaining salespeople! :ohwell:

    Oh and my Saturday postive is that I have really been working on my negative self-talk. Robin, I told my husband what you said to me and he now loves you. :heart:

    Have a groovy day!!!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a mileage update. I'm going to miss my goal by just a few miles, but still a pretty good month for me!

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)
    7/4 - 3.92
    7/5 - Rest Day
    7/6 - 2.70
    7/7 - 4.72 (2.70 walk and class)
    7/8 - 2.91
    7/9 - 2.86
    7/10 - 2.90
    7/11 - 2.90
    7/12 - 7.30 (14,615 Fitbit steps)
    7/13 - 3.98 (7,978 Fitbit steps)
    7/14 - 2.90
    7/15 - 2.88
    7/16 - 3.01
    7/17 - 3.02
    7/18 - 2.82
    7/19 - 2.84
    7/20 - Rest Day
    7/21 - 2.90
    7/22 - 2.88
    7/23 - 2.84
    7/24 - 2.86
    7/25 - 2.80
    7/26 - 2.80

    Total: 81.64
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    July mileage/active minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM
    7/7: 2.5 miles 55 AM
    7/8: 5.8 miles 175 AM
    7/9: 7.5 miles 150 AM
    7/10 3 miles 90 AM
    7/11 6.5 miles 150 AM
    7/12 6.5 miles 143 AM
    7/13 12.1 miles 120 AM
    7/14 5.3 miles 122 AM
    7/15 3.2 miles 105 AM
    7/16 1.9 miles 60 AM
    7/17: 2.6 miles 63 AM
    7/18: 4.8 miles 128 AM
    7/19: 6 miles 135 AM
    7/20; 13.1 miles 260 AM
    7/21: 5.6 miles 130 AM
    7/22: 0--- REST!!!
    7/23: 4.6 miles 100 AM
    7/24: 4 miles 75 AM
    7/25: 8.4 miles 375 AM
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy Aunt and Uncles Day -When : July 26th
    Aunt and Uncles Day honors a very special pair of relatives. They are your mom and dad''s brothers and sisters. We hope you have a lot of Aunts and Uncles. The more, the merrier.
    Our Aunts and Uncles mean a lot to us. Among other things, they are most likely:
    • The backup caretaker when mom and dad go out, or are at work.
    • Real characters at family get-togethers and events.
    • Someone we can talk to and related to..... some things we just can talk about with "parental units".
    • Sound counsel and advice.
    • Someone who takes you to fun places and events.
    • Someone whose house is a great place to sleepover, especially if you have cousins.
    • The ones who give you great presents for birthdays, Christmas and special events.
    • And, the benefits of Aunts and Uncles goes on, and on, and on, and.........
    Celebrate Aunt and Uncles Day by spending time with your Aunts and Uncles. If you can't visit, make a phone call. And, send them an Ecard.

    “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” ~John Wooden

  • Pamella924
    Pamella924 Posts: 11 Member
    A day late and a dollar short but my Friday fitness right now is walking. Taking advantage of the beautiful summer nights we've been having and taking my puppy for a walk at least five times a week. Must be working......

    because my Saturday success is down 1.4 lbs on the scale from last Saturday. Holla! NSV is I made it an entire week without going to Walmart. It's not that I love's just that I get antsy sitting at my desk and feel the need to get out of the building, so most days I end up at Walmart on my lunch hour. And then I buy stuff I don't need. This week I took a book and relaxed and read during my lunch. Saved money. Got a good book going and didn't have to deal with Walmart.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day! I'm going to be getting off the computer shortly so that I can get my beads out and make myself some jewelry! HOLLA!!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    A day late and a dollar short but my Friday fitness right now is walking. Taking advantage of the beautiful summer nights we've been having and taking my puppy for a walk at least five times a week. Must be working......

    because my Saturday success is down 1.4 lbs on the scale from last Saturday. Holla! NSV is I made it an entire week without going to Walmart. It's not that I love's just that I get antsy sitting at my desk and feel the need to get out of the building, so most days I end up at Walmart on my lunch hour. And then I buy stuff I don't need. This week I took a book and relaxed and read during my lunch. Saved money. Got a good book going and didn't have to deal with Walmart.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day! I'm going to be getting off the computer shortly so that I can get my beads out and make myself some jewelry! HOLLA!!!!

    Pamela - my ex-sister-in-law taught me this devilish trick. Before you think it terribly awful...consider that it keeps people employed putting stuff back on the shelves....
    If you feel the urge to go to Walmart you can get your walking in AND shop to your hearts content - take a cart and fill it with whatever your heart desires - then leave it parked so its in no ones way - then walk away and walk around for 5-10 more minutes then leave the store and leave that cart where it was. It will give you a wonderful sense of freedom that you didn't buy that $100 or more cartfull of stuff. Please don't confess this to anyone or they might "shame" you and you don't need that feeling. Just feel the positive - that you walked and didn't spend money and kept someone employed. If it helps great, if you don't even try, great!
  • Pamella924
    Pamella924 Posts: 11 Member
    I never thought of it that way. I always thought if you walked away from the cart, you were just irking the people who had to put it all back, but you're keeps them employed. Just like people committing crimes keeps me employed. : )

    Hmmmm...that's an awesome way to look at it. Getting my walking in during my lunch break. Walk for 20 minutes then and then I can either add that 20 to my normal walk with the dog when I get home....or shorten the walk with the dog if I have something else going on that night.

  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Mileage update:

    July 22 - 3.41 miles
    July 23 - 3.28 miles
    July 24 - 2.27 miles
    July 25 - 2.55 miles

    I hope everyone's having a good weekend so far! :)
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member

    Total: 56.76 / 60

    07/01 - 0 (migraine!)
    07/02 - 2.5 miles
    07/03 - 2.26 miles walking, 30 min treading water (1.5 miles)
    07/04 - 4 miles
    07/05 - 0 (storm!)
    07/06 - 3 miles
    07/07 - 5 miles
    07/08 - 3 miles
    07/09 - 3 miles
    07/10 - 3.5 miles
    07/11 - 1.5 miles
    07/12 - rest day
    07/13 - 2 miles
    07/14 - 2 miles
    07/15 - rest day
    07/16 - 3 miles
    07/17 - 4 miles
    07/18 - 1 mile
    07/19 - 1.5 miles
    07/20 - 1.5 miles
    07/21 - 4 miles
    07/22 - 1.5 miles
    07/23 - 4 miles
    07/24 - 0 miles
    07/25 - 1 mile
    07/26 - 2 miles
  • Lovin this thread! I just started back yesterday. One of my goals is to start back walking, I love to walk but since I've been doing my college classes I have slacked majorly. Can't afford to go to the gym so I plan on working out anyway I can right here at my house. I had promised my kids last year at the fair that the next time the fair came back I would be able to ride some of the rides with them, well it's only a few months away so I need get busy because they are holding me to my word :) Since it's Saturday, my success is going back to college, I'm only a few months away and I will be finished. Will be so happy to be finished and back to work, then maybe I won't be so stressed about money. Oh yes and another goal is to play more baseball with my kids, they both love it and have dragged me out to play with them everyday and I love it. I may not last long but it feels good to be moving :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Danielle can you walk in between your classes or get there early and walk before them. Is there a gym on campus could you work out there? Walking is a great exercise.

    Karen- you only have 23 miles to go to reach your goal. Very doable and I know you can reach that goal.

    Kaye your walks are very inspirational. I also enjoy walking and it is great to have an alternative to running.

    For everyone who is participating in our exercise challenge: here is a bonus challenge for you. Take an extra walk or 2 sometime during the next week. It doesn't need to be long maybe 30 minutes.

    Today was good day, I managed to swim this morning and then went for a 4 mile walk tonight. Completed the walk in a little over 1 hour. A friend met me and we walked around my neighborhood. As we were finishing up our walk I met a neighbor who happens to be a personal trainer and teaches paddle boarding. Needless to say, I am going to learn how to paddle board this summer. He was cute but to young for me. My swim this morning was tough but good. Tough because I am sore from Thursday's workout so the arms did not want to work to good.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I haven't walked much today. Too crazy hot and humid for me outside. Normally hubby and I go for a 2ish mile walk around 10pm, but at last check it was still feeling like 90+ due to humidity! One thing I won't miss about living in the south east US.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Another rest day for me (2 in one week!) but I am planning a long bike ride with my BF tomorrow. Then maybe a walk at night. My feet are sore, I bought some flat cushioning insoles to put in under my orthotics... Just realized I was walking around for months with just the orthotics in my shoes (I always take out the liners the shoes come with). The foot doctor told me to buy some insoles for cushioning but I completely forgot! Tried the gel ones, but the Dr. Scholl's ultra cushion insoles feel better so I'm buying a pair for every pair of shoes I wear. Happy feet will return soon, I think.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Grandma Kaye - thinking about your tree you took down and its 7 foot span - my friend Terry is 6'2" tall and his arms spread full distance was 6'8" so we were both amazed at the width of your enormous tree !!! No wonder it needed to come down. Your party sounds like great fun!

    ForeverDanielle - welcome - you'll find so much support here! That's terrific about returning to college and being so close to graduating! :flowerforyou: Wow playing baseball all the time! Your eyesight and coordination as well as your body are getting improved - a triple delight!

    Skinny - thats amazing a 5k on the treadmill - wow! Are you getting prepared for the upcoming school year?

    Teresa - I've been working on the neg self-talk too - and its nice to hear that sort of compliment - your hubby must be very supportive. Hope you have good sales today. We have a huge furniture store here that we brag about Nebraska Furniture Mart - it supplies lots of the midwest area as farm-land surrounds Omaha. The sale people are so nice and friendly! I guess they live and die by commissions but they never seem competitive. When I bought my sofa I sat on it for an hour and read a book just to see if it was that comfortable just to decide. They left me alone - I liked that. I'm just goofy that way. :laugh:

    Laurie - I love that you keep challenging us - wow - a Bonus Challenge! Those who came in late in the month can join in that if nothing else! Great idea. I'm glad you are enjoying your swimming and now are getting into paddleboarding.

    AFM - Remember my excitement about kayaking? Gosh that has not happened yet. Every time my friend and I plan it, something happens and it doesn't come to fruition. But, it will happen - we are determined to do it. She and her hubby invested all the money in 2 kayaks and she has only done it once. She is retiring in 2 weeks, so her schedule will open up and so will mine when I have delayed or crossed all the appts. off my schedule for protected personal time.-sheesh!!!! Time to think about caring for all of me, instead of focusing 100 % of my efforts on 1 part of me, I have to learn to divide my time and care for all the parts of me that need taking care of.

    I do that. I focus 100% on one thing and let everything else fall to the wayside. I was a workaholic before I retired - and ignored my health and body and WHOOPSIE - that did not work out very well - :noway: again I have made the same mistake - focused 100% on losing weight - then lost that focus when my health failed a while back - then focused 100% on the health problem and lost track of my healthy weight habits - WHOOPSIE AGAIN! luckily have not gained very much back but have gotten quite frustrated now that I am aware of the underlying problem which is I am an Old Dog that has to Learn a New Trick! WOOF! :laugh: I have to pay attention to the whole me - mind, body health, mental health, and the world outside of me. Praise works. Negativity hurts.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/26: 2.6 miles walking, including time spent cleaning the sawdust off of the sidewalks and porches so it won't track into the house. I remembered to put my pedometer in my pocket this morning.
    I don't have much else to report today. I have shorten all the pants that Cathy bought yesterday. She is even shorter than I am. I took a break from scones and got started on the sewing. I also took a couple of batches of laundry over to Nicole's house. I'll sure be glad when my washer is fixed.
    Have a good Sunday. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ForeverDaniell - I saw you mentioned night time snacking on your home page is a big problem right now. Its a bear for me too. Try these ideas maybe one may work for you - hiding the food inside a cooking pot with a lid inside a cupboard, so its out of sight helps, when you walk into the kitchen have a post-it note on the place where the food is at to stop you before opening whatever door it is, then go for a stroll around the house or even outside, just to push back the craving for 15 minutes then if you return to the kitchen have an alternative snack such as chipped ice or another cold crunchy substitute.

    Or, if you must have something, say potato chips, put a smaller amount than you want into a small bowl. Leave the kitchen. Don't eat there. Don't eat over the sink. Don't eat in a rush or a hurry. Plan on eating your snack very slowly. Eat a nip of whatever at a time and savor each little - emphasis on little - bite at a time and set the piece down. Its really hard to take a small bite of a potato chip at first but actually when you get into the habit its kinda funny it does become a rather pleasant way of eating and savoring food and enjoying it. You become more of a taste person. You might feel a bit disappointed you didn't get enough but wait 20 minutes and see if your belly feels satisfied after the wait. Ask yourself if your stomach feels full. That will tell you if you are truly hungry or are suffering from a craving -

    Hopefully you can progress and get a food scale and measure your allotment of your pleasurable but high calorie treats so you can enjoy them without feeling any quilt or shame! We learn to comfort ourselves and sometimes comfort has its consequences - we just have to keep on learning about moderation.

    Hope this helps.:drinker:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member

    Lost sheep trying to get back on track.

  • tunetut
    tunetut Posts: 4
    New here to MFP. After a decade struggling as a single mom of 2 - focusing all of my attention on working and raising my kids - my eating habits and exercise habits went down the toilet. Followed by getting married and acquiring 3 more children (1 by birth and 2 by marriage). Starting eating my emotions and when stressed...which is often! Been with my husband for 6 years now - and continued to focus all of my attention everywhere else but on me. Finally, I've broken down and decided it's time to focus on me. Getting myself back on track, getting control of my health and weight, and all that entails. I gave up soda 3 weeks ago and started dieting then...I'm down 19 lbs as of today (mostly water weight from my severe edema I believe) and got about 160 more to go to reach my dream weight. Staying motivated by a bet that I made with my sister on who can lose the most weight between now and Christmas...loser has to take winner's kids for a whole weekend..Friday to Sunday. I'm determined to have that weekend! But so far, Its been a close race. And hubby stepped up the motivation by giving me a shopping spree once I get to my goal weight. So far, I've just been dieting. I do go for fast paced walks every other day or so, but I want to step up my exercise more. I stay around 1200 to 1300 calories and drink nothing but water. It's been hard and most days I find myself falling too short on the 1200 calories and needing to force myself to eat the full amount. Don't want to eat less than that obviously. Spend a lot of time trying to research the best eating habits. I currently am trying to adhere to the hungry girl diet type of eating but I hate almost all fruit and have found that for me - eating the low calorie breads only make me crave more starchy carbs and eating the hungry girl recommended alternatives for snack cakes and sweets - only make me crave them I am going to drop both of those and follow more along the lines of the dr. Oz diet. I've asked for help from my doctors but in one case when I asked the dr handed me his "excuse proof" diet which was full of salt laden microwave meals and cans of soup. Since he was extremely overweight, I found his diet to be...well bad advice. Other doctor just kept saying eat plenty of veggies. Really the type of person who needs a more laid out with instructions on exactly what to eat approach...for now anyway, until I get the hang of things. Anyway, glad I found this thread. Looking to offer and recieve support and advice to help keep me motivated!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tunetut, welcome to this group. You will find lots of help here. Come back often, and participate. Read the advice that RobinsEgg posted at the beginning of this thread. Decide what will or won't work for you. Even though I am older, I am still really involved in cooking for and caring for a large family. For me, the number one thing is that I have to be able to eat what everyone else eats, because I am not willing to cook separate meals. I also know that I can't have any forbidden or 'bad' foods because that just makes me want them more. I have learned to use portion control and careful choices. I can't afford fitbits and fancy tools or a gym membership so walking is my exercise of choice. That said, I have gotten too lenient with myself, and have been stuck in the same place since March, so self-discipline is an important part of this. Logging daily really helps me, and being accountable to my online friends is very important, too. We are here for each other. Most of us prefer to visit here and give our support here rather than the home page 'friends'.
    I know you can succeed. Best wishes. Onward and downward. Kaye