I made goal!! And celebrated by gaining 80 lbs.



  • LorrieGrace88
    LorrieGrace88 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey, where is everyone?? LOL:smile: Is this topic finished? I have enjoyed everyone that has posted and am glad that I am not alone. There are people out there who have done this and we SHALL prevail again.
  • LadyKim66
    LadyKim66 Posts: 20 Member
    I can relate.. I start, I do well, get bored, stop, gain back.. ugh. a never ending cycle. I have chosen to restart again, but this time got my family involved... they are loving the new recipes I have found. Everyone's happy... Only been back about 10 days, have lost 3.5 of the 40, can always use friends.

    please add me!!
  • LorrieGrace88
    LorrieGrace88 Posts: 11 Member
    I don't know if anyone is coming back to this topic or not, but today I FINALLY made myself get on the treadmill, albeit for 10 minutes. I am out of shape in the worst way. Hopefully, every day I will increase it until I get to where I want to be. I miss you guys.:sad:
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    Relapser right here! :drinker:

    Actually I let it all go to my head. I became a little overly cocky because of the progress I made. I felt amazing, I believed I looked sexy, I started to feel overtly confident. Then things in my life started to change and more was added to my plate (physically and metaphorically) and because of how damn skinny I started to feel I began saying "oh, I can binge and drink, look how well I fit in my old jeans" even though I was still ten pounds away from my goal at the time.
    Anyhow, that went on basically everyday, every meal, paired with giving up logging and added stress.

    So... here I am after seeing holiday photos (that is always how it seems to happen) when I realized how poorly I was looking. Lifestyle change indeed. *sigh*
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Lost 80 lbs on MFP Previously... 6ft 1 guy on a 1,200 kcal diet with vigerous exercise and walking everywhere.... Didn't listen to the "mean people" and didn't change my perception of food. Swapped bad behaviours for more bad behaviours. Crashed big time, had all the negative fallout from such a low kcal diet, metabolic etc etc. Then tried stupid fad diets and bounced between Atkins low carb and low fat. Demonized entire food groups instead of realising my moderation was the problem, rapidly gained the weight back and had a rough time recovering.

    Came back a couple of years later and doing it the proper way, everything in moderation. Food isn't evil.
    Thank you mean people.
  • MrsCC76
    MrsCC76 Posts: 3 Member
    I truly believe we've all been there, to one extent or another. In fact, I am just getting back into MFP now after a relapse of my own. It's a hard reality to face when we realize we've let ourselves down. The good news is that you know you can do it! With the support of people on here, I believe we can all reach our goals. We just have to accept that the road will include detours and won't be tall sunny skies, but if we keep moving forward, we will reach our desired destination.
  • twikoff
    twikoff Posts: 65 Member
    right there with you man
    lost 60 last year.. then started transformation/bulk process and meant to put up 10-20
    instead i put on 35-40 lbs of fat
    so right back at it... back down a few lbs.. and still 30 below where i originally started.. but at least 10 lbs over high end of my ideal weight.. and a long way from transformation
  • Rachelmilloy
    Rachelmilloy Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for all your stories, I'm hoping I can learn from them! All the best everyone!
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for all the response and personal stories.

    I'm in my second week of LOSE THE FAT 2.0

    Maybe the time I can take it off and KEEP it off. You stories and insights will help me a LOT.

    Love you guys
  • justlikeaholiday
  • casifraz
    casifraz Posts: 2 Member
    Lost 138, regained 120... lost 117, regained 60... yoyo'ed up and down 20 pounds for the past couple of years. Currently working my way back down with probably 45 still to go.
    Guess it's a good thing we're not quitters!;)
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Lost 138, regained 120... lost 117, regained 60... yoyo'ed up and down 20 pounds for the past couple of years. Currently working my way back down with probably 45 still to go.
    Guess it's a good thing we're not quitters!;)

  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I lost weight a total of 3 times in my life. I gained it back the first 2 times because I would deem specific foods and food groups as "bad" and would not eat them. I restricted calories excessively and did an unreasonable amount of cardio. While this approach was effective in making me lose the weight initially, it was neither a healthy nor sustainable way to keep that weight off. I have kept the weight off for over two years this time because I learned that I can eat anything that I love within reason and moderation. I also enjoy weight lifting and moderate cardio.
    The key for me was to find something that I could do for the rest of my life and be happy about it.
  • not_alone
    not_alone Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with everyone. Plus one day at a time philosophy helps... so while today is not my day for a huge slice of cherry pie, I don't demonize the food... it's just not in my plan for today. What about tomorrow? Or the next day? Well, I say to myself, tomorrow and the next day will have choices and struggles (and successes) all of thier own. Today has a lot of living to do, so I'll let tomorrow and the next day happen in thier own time. With that approach, I've been able to do many hard things.
  • rachk8
    rachk8 Posts: 1
    I started late last year, stopped after the death of my father and put back all the weight I lost and then some.
    I think you need to be in the right place to start again. I think I have finally found myself in that place.
    We all have to start somewhere :D Its probably better to keep trying even if you have a few days when things don't go according to plan and to learn from those days and keep on trying.
    I'm back too and I wish you all the best :flowerforyou:
  • fierydeluge
    You're not alone there. I was a relapser. The worse part was I lose a few and gained double. That was until I realized what I have been doing with myself and decided it's time for a permanent change. Now I'm down 70lbs and doing maintenance for the last 2 months to check and make sure that the habits I formed stick.
  • LuisaMagnolia
    LuisaMagnolia Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 50 and gained 60 back after 6 years. I was upset for a while, but now I'm just focusing in the future, what matters is that I'm doing this, because I really want to weight 150 pounds, for the rest of my life. Some people want money, some people want power. I want to be 150 pounds. Funny huh?
  • marandy39
    marandy39 Posts: 2 Member
    Familiar story.. I lost 20 kg's 2 years ago.. But now I am back where I started..
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I recently read a quote that said something like... "Giving up just because you have one bad day is like slashing the other 3 tires just because you got a flat." :) Best of luck to all of you on your journey to good health!

    If you drive a modern 4wd vehicle you a as well...they tell you that you can't replace just one or the pair...you must replace em all...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Man, I think most people have been there. I lost over 70 lbs, got within 7 lbs of my ultimate dream weight, (I never thought I'd actually make that goal), kept it off for a few years, then gained it all back eventually...now I've started my journey back down again. I am working SO hard this time to make sure I don't become complacent and let it happen again. Losing the weight isn't so hard this time (ok, sometimes it is), the real challenge will be keeping it off.