Adopt a Noob - Official MFP thread



  • Melissa_mojo
    Melissa_mojo Posts: 156 Member
    Can someone adopt me:-) pwetty please? I'm 33 been doing boot camp for a year to date stopped the past 2 months but now in the gym trying to eat right (see diary hope I am) and now want to get into lifting BAD but have no clue what to do in the gym etc I wanna be toned and have definition. I am having trouble with macros etc I don't understand the lingo or how to calculate anything. I am not please with my boot camp results I lost 30 lbs but I'm skinny fat ugh :-( I am extremely determined and willing to take all the advice I can get to reach my goal. I am also in st pete fl if anyone in the area. I cant afford a personal trainer and hoping someone can help me I'm really motivated but it gets discouraging when I don't know what I'm doing :-( please !
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I couldn't help you with calculating macros or anything like that, but I will definitely adopt you to help with the clean eating and exercise ideas!!!
    Can someone adopt me:-) pwetty please? I'm 33 been doing boot camp for a year to date stopped the past 2 months but now in the gym trying to eat right (see diary hope I am) and now want to get into lifting BAD but have no clue what to do in the gym etc I wanna be toned and have definition. I am having trouble with macros etc I don't understand the lingo or how to calculate anything. I am not please with my boot camp results I lost 30 lbs but I'm skinny fat ugh :-( I am extremely determined and willing to take all the advice I can get to reach my goal. I am also in st pete fl if anyone in the area. I cant afford a personal trainer and hoping someone can help me I'm really motivated but it gets discouraging when I don't know what I'm doing :-( please !
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I couldn't help you with calculating macros or anything like that, but I will definitely adopt you to help with the clean eating and exercise ideas!!!
    Can someone adopt me:-) pwetty please? I'm 33 been doing boot camp for a year to date stopped the past 2 months but now in the gym trying to eat right (see diary hope I am) and now want to get into lifting BAD but have no clue what to do in the gym etc I wanna be toned and have definition. I am having trouble with macros etc I don't understand the lingo or how to calculate anything. I am not please with my boot camp results I lost 30 lbs but I'm skinny fat ugh :-( I am extremely determined and willing to take all the advice I can get to reach my goal. I am also in st pete fl if anyone in the area. I cant afford a personal trainer and hoping someone can help me I'm really motivated but it gets discouraging when I don't know what I'm doing :-( please !

    Another successful adoption. I love it when a plan comes together. For macro ideas, you could both have a look at this thread...

    Specifically, this link from that thread.....

    And quite possibly figure out Melissa's targets.

    I'm no expert, either, but it looks like her targets are a bit off. But that she's actually eating better than her targets. That is, her protein target is 60, but she's consistently hitting 115 for protein. And any questions you can't answer for her, one of you can always post the question in the forums, as well.

    Good luck !
  • cocaw
    cocaw Posts: 3
    I would like a mentor.. I'm 18 and trying to lose baby weight. Don't have a lot of time but I try to make due. Need some one to help and keep me in line. T_T
    Starting college very soon and having trouble maintaining calories. Also need help knowing how many calories I need to eat!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I would like to volunteer as a cautionary tale. If someone out there wishes to be mentored in how to be profane, lose friends, and alienate people I'm your huckleberry. I'm not going to read your diary. And I'm not going to celebrate every time you do 20 minutes on an elliptical. I will, however, make this whole process at least a little bit more bearable. Well, more bearable for me. Probably at your expense. Seriously, just go workout already. Less talky talky. More lifty lifty. Jeeeeez.
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    If there's a midlife mentor looking to adopt a fellow 50ish member embarking on a journey to get fit in this phase of life, I'd love it! I'm not currently tracking food in my diary (I already know what to and how to do it), so it's more about being g accountable to come here regularly, as well as to stay on track with regular exercise and eating. I'm a married woman with a dog and four cats, currently teaching college online and swimming, reading, going on day trips, and generally enjoying life.
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    I would love a mentor! I'm 35 with over 100 lbs to lose. I have been on and off of MFP for a couple years, but never used it for the support. I want to make this time work!
  • noriny83
    noriny83 Posts: 5
    Would be interested in a mentor. I'm 30 and as you can see from my pic need to lose 50 lbs. Currently 233. Plan to go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week. Mostly eat well and try to eat fruits and vegetables often. On day 4 now. Any help would be appreciated. Goal ultimately is to be healthy and have low body fat
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    I'm happy to mentor, I can help you with all aspects, nutritions and exercise.
  • mf0u1098
    mf0u1098 Posts: 61 Member
    Bump for later!
  • xchrisssy
    xchrisssy Posts: 7
    Hello I'm looking for a mentor.

    I'm 23 years old and has been overweight for as long as I can remember. I recently came out of a depression and starting to take control of my life and that means choosing to be healthier and happier.

    I'm 5'1 and weighs 191 lbs. looking to be around 115-120. I've tried Diets before but I've never had the right attitude and commitment to keep at it. What I'm looking to do now is a lifestyle change, eat healthier and be more active. I've recently lost 10 lbs. just by cutting off pop and sweets drastically and I know it's possible if I stay committed and work hard for it.

    I'm interested in finding a friend/mentor that would help me keep motivated and on track. Preferably someone who is knowledgeable or has experience when it comes to food/nutrition.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    :) I'll happily adopt a noob, but let me tell you something about my 'diet' first so you can see if I match your goals.

    1) I don't eat clean. I eat convenience.
    2) I don't lift. I'm a cardio bunny, preferably in the water, but I also have a elliptical trainer at home. (I do the odd body weight routine but honestly it bores me).
    3) I don't do shakes. I prefer to chew my food.
    4) I log everything (or near to as I can). I don't trust 'quick add calories'.
    5) I don't do cheat days. I eat everything in moderation (for example I still drink diet lemonade, and today I'll be eating a small chunk of cheesecake and a mini packet of haribo!)

    I'm 34. 5ft2ish. (I prefer 5ft2.5 lol). I currently weight 150.5lbs, have lost 23lbs, and my goal weight is 126lbs.
    I'm a teacher, during term time I eat 1400 calories plus my exercise calories.
    During the holidays I lead as sedentary life as I can, so I've knocked my basic calories down to 1200 but I still eat my exercise calories.

    So if I match your needs, send me a message.
  • kpbtm
    kpbtm Posts: 34
    How do I go about finding a mentor...? Not looking for anything radical, just someone to keep me on track with a gentle program over the next year or so.

    My background is here:
  • kathleenkilhefner
    Hi i am a noob. dont know how to add you. I am looking for a mentor. I am overweight and never had issues with weight until 1 year ago. I am looking for lifestyle change and have no idea where to start. Currently i cannot exercise due to recent umbilicial hernias repair but i am very interested in doing so in the near future. Can you help me or direct me in the right direction. Thanks Kathy
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    How do I go about finding a mentor...? Not looking for anything radical, just someone to keep me on track with a gentle program over the next year or so.

    My background is here:

    I've copied and pasted the part that pertains to you from the first post in this thread.

    New members

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or do a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success. If you have questions, please PM me.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full.

    This would be how you go about finding a mentor. Peruse all the mentors offering services in the thread, and find one, or a few who look like they'd be a good fit for you. Message them with some info about yourself, and what you're hoping to achieve, and see if they want to get involved. I think quite a few ( not all ) of the potential mentors who offered services in the early days of this thread, may be more full up... whereas, the mentors who have offered services in the later pages of this thread are more likely to still be looking for noobs. That's my advice.

    I have successfully hooked up noobs with mentors, simply by reading a 'I want a mentor post,' and PMing that noob, with the name of one of the mentors offering services in this very thread. The system works.
  • w_sarah_90
    I volunteer to be a noob! help me!
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm going to be a good and smart girl and follow the very helpful directions on contacting volunteer mentors directly. But I hope its okay to take a moment to say here, rather than message every single volunteer, just how inspiring it is just to read all of the information that volunteers have put together. It seems as though some mentors have several noobs even. I have taken the time to read each and every post (slowed down a bit by the 'pick me's) and it is refreshing to see so many dedicated to their own healthy lifestyle, as well as to helping others.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Noobs.. please read the first page carefully and good luck on your search!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    I would love to take on noobs. (Let me know that's how you found me if you decide to PM me)

    I started out at 220, now I'm at 165ish and steadily decreasing.
    I'm of the school that nothing's off limits, you just have to work hard and monitor your progress.
    I'm a big believer in goals, big and small.
    I deliver tough love if needed, or I can be a cheerleader, however you'd respond best.
    I have memorized all the advice MFP has to offer, and know how to apply it.
    We'll have fun. Pick me.
  • slimmingfairy
    slimmingfairy Posts: 58 Member
    Hi guys,
    I have sent a couple of requests to peeps who have offered their services but only had one response so far
    So if there is anyone out there wanting a "project" I may be your girl!
    I am looking for someone to mentor me, I am a bit of a failed dieter and know I need to really focus on things this time!
    I am 30 and weigh almost 18st so have a long road ahead which seems very daunting
    I do love food and love to cook and eat out (which doesn't help!) I am willing to try new things and be experimental!
    I live with my partner who is into his bodybuilding - living with someone who eats all the time is not the best diet motivation!
    If you think you can help that's would be amazing
    PS I am in the uk