Anything I can do about this woman?



  • Coltsforlife
    Coltsforlife Posts: 124
    walk your cat next time
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Just break up

    or see if IFYM

    Is this where I put the link to sexypants?

    But is the link gluten-free, clean, and does it even lift, bro?

    I was late anyway :cry:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.

    In a lot of places, pedestrians and cyclists are as entitled to the roads as vehicle. Local laws here side with pedestrians on a roadway when no sidewalk is available.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.

    I know. And the police told me I have to respect stop signs too. So much to pay attention to! Don't they know I have the RIGHT to drive to my destination without worrying about the people around me???
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    This woman's schedule seems pretty predictable, I'd have your camera ready to record and get a good description of what she looks like. She might not realize she's doing this but ignorance is no excuse, she could seriously hurt or kill someone if she continues to drive like that.

    Also, I can be a bit of a lead foot on the roads, but I always slow down to at least the speed limit when passing runners or bicyclists.
  • jsilky
    jsilky Posts: 21 Member
    I wouldn't use nails, glass, or anything that would cause flat tires because chances are some innocent person will run over them as well. AND I defiantly would not confront her in person (AS CRAZY AS PEOPLE ARE THESE DAYS) just don't think that is a good idea or safe for you!

    Good Luck!!!:smile:
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.

    I know. And the police told me I have to respect stop signs too. So much to pay attention to! Don't they know I have the RIGHT to drive to my destination without worrying about the people around me???

    If they really wanted you to stop at a stop sign, they'd put up a wall.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Air horn.

    It will scare the bejeezus out of her.

    I've done this.

    Plus pepper spray when I'm on the main road or using public transportation.

    After a couple nasty encounters, I got one and had to use it in an extremely dangerous occasion.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Double post
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.

    In a lot of places, pedestrians and cyclists are as entitled to the roads as vehicle. Local laws here side with pedestrians on a roadway when no sidewalk is available.

    That's all well and good, and I am quite cautious around the idiots in the road. However, it still pisses me off to have to drive 12mph on a 55mph road behind a biker, or 6mph behind a jogger when there are paths and trails that run parallel to the road. There is no reason why they need to impede traffic or cause motorist to drive over a double line to get by them. That's putting not only their lives, but the drivers, and on coming traffic lives at risk. When there are lovely trails and paths for them.
  • sunsoakeddreamer
    sunsoakeddreamer Posts: 36 Member
    3. Run with a sign that says "Scoot over" or "Slow down" or "Please don't freaking run me over" and hold it up when she passes.

    This, except it should say "What's your problem, b*tch-face??" or "*her license plate number* - Reported for reckless endangerment" or "Why do you try to kill me every morning?"

    This whole thread has been highly entertaining but your post had me laughing out loud!!
    Any who- I am not the confrontational sort, and I happen to think if you go to the cops things will not get any better for you, as she will likely know that it was you that reported her.
    I'd probably moon her. She'll find it either hysterical or revolting. If hysterical- maybe she'll see you as a person and respect your safety. If revolting she wont want her prissy black car anywhere near you and your deranged derrière. Or you'll find out she's blind as a bat and you'll know she really just isn't seeing you. Plus every time you and hubby see her after you can have a private chuckle about it.
    Short of that, either take a short drive to a safer route or stop and scoot over when she comes.
  • jkramsey42
    jkramsey42 Posts: 22 Member
    You're calling her a *kitten*? All of your proposed responses portray you in no better light.
  • icu814me2
    icu814me2 Posts: 212 Member
    Buy a spike strip and flatten the bi***es tires.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    In for later.
  • mmd575
    mmd575 Posts: 88 Member
    Run 1/2 hour earlier. Wait for her and then follow her to her destination. Shove dog turds in the tailpipe of her car.

    LMAO! ^ This!!!!!
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.
    That's all well and good, and I am quite cautious around the idiots in the road. However, it still pisses me off to have to drive 12mph on a 55mph road behind a biker, or 6mph behind a jogger when there are paths and trails that run parallel to the road. There is no reason why they need to impede traffic or cause motorist to drive over a double line to get by them. That's putting not only their lives, but the drivers, and on coming traffic lives at risk. When there are lovely trails and paths for them.

    I'm not going to argue with you on whether or not cyclists / joggers are "idiots in the road" or whether or not they are as entitled to use the roads as someone in vehicle. I feel we would strongly disagree in that debate, and lucky for the "inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers," the laws (at least here in America) disagree with you.

    I also won't argue with why I run when I run, or where I run but I will say this - I am not fortunate enough to live in an area where there are "lovely trails and paths" for me to run on, and certainly not ones that "run parallel to the road." I'm glad that you are, and my in laws who live in England are also fortunate enough to live near trails. I envy them. Please don't make the assumption that just because you live in an area with jogging trails that everyone else does too.

    I will say however that I was not "in the way". In this situation, I'm ENTIRELY on the shoulder and my dog is in the grass. I'm not in her lane in the slightest. My complaint is not that she won't move over or cross the double lines or even slow down - I don't expect that (although I do appreciate it.) If you read my post, my complaint is that each morning she drives farther away from the double yellow lines - to the point that she's crossing onto the shoulder in what feels like an attempt to run me over.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.

    In a lot of places, pedestrians and cyclists are as entitled to the roads as vehicle. Local laws here side with pedestrians on a roadway when no sidewalk is available.

    That's all well and good, and I am quite cautious around the idiots in the road. However, it still pisses me off to have to drive 12mph on a 55mph road behind a biker, or 6mph behind a jogger when there are paths and trails that run parallel to the road. There is no reason why they need to impede traffic or cause motorist to drive over a double line to get by them. That's putting not only their lives, but the drivers, and on coming traffic lives at risk. When there are lovely trails and paths for them.

    Don't worry - I'm cautious of idiots like you in cars as well.
  • KandGRanch
    KandGRanch Posts: 131 Member
    Not cool. I've been clipped by a car doing this-call the cops. It is one thing for a day but EVERY day and she can't move her car 6"? No. All else fails (our cops didn't care) chunk a rock or whop her car with a stick.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    That's all well and good, and I am quite cautious around the idiots in the road. However, it still pisses me off to have to drive 12mph on a 55mph road behind a biker, or 6mph behind a jogger when there are paths and trails that run parallel to the road. There is no reason why they need to impede traffic or cause motorist to drive over a double line to get by them. That's putting not only their lives, but the drivers, and on coming traffic lives at risk. When there are lovely trails and paths for them.


    This post makes me quite suspicious of "I am quite cautious".

    "quite pissed off" denoting an aroused mental state doesn't jive with "quite cautious". lulz.

    At the end of the day, bikes and pedestrians have every right to be on the roads, regardless of what entitled drivers think. *shrug* that's it. No discussion after that.