What book(s) are you currently reading?



  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm currently about half-way through The Book Thief. Great read!

    I just received the first 5 books of A Song of Ice and Fire, so I'm really anxious to start that! :)
  • pnkpassion
    pnkpassion Posts: 64 Member
    Reading 2 right now.

    Saving Cee-Cee Honeycutt, which is an amazing, funny coming of age story about a girl in the south and a crazy mother &
    The Talker 25, Dragons,excitement but is losing me
  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    The Spell Realm
    Furies of Calderon
    The Alloy of Law
    The Chronicles of Prydain
    Michael Vey 3
    The Third Kingdom
    The Choosing
    Constellation Games

    Yes all at once...I flip from one to another whenever I feel like it. ...and this doesn't count sequels I am waiting for.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,072 Member
    "The Kite Runner" - Khaled Hosseini :smile:

    Yes I've read that - is very good.

    I have also read and recommend his other 2 books "A thousand splendid suns" and "And the mountains echoed"
  • aprildaguilar
    aprildaguilar Posts: 1,926 Member
    The Compleat Slave - J Rinella
    Utopia A Hybrid - N Giovanni
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Ironweed by William Kennedy. It's a Pulitzer Prize winner (1984). I thought it would be a quick read, but it's quite heavy. He really has a way with words.

    I'm also reading the collected Grimm Fairytales. I hate it. A lot of the stories teach anti-morals. Like the princess and the toad is the worst story ever. In the story she rejects the toad and throws him against a wall and she's just a horrible brat and then he turns into a prince and they live happily ever after. There are weird redemptions and the good guys can be as awful as the bad ones.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews. 7th book in the series, just came out tuesday. Sqeeee!
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    I started reading The Hunger Games back in December when I got it for xmas, got to the bit about the avox and haven't touched it since. My bf says I have to read all 3 before the next movie comes out o.O
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I started reading The Hunger Games back in December when I got it for xmas, got to the bit about the avox and haven't touched it since. My bf says I have to read all 3 before the next movie comes out o.O
    I couldn't get past chapter 6. I was so bored. And then I got dragged to the movie and that bored me, too.
  • fjanet
    fjanet Posts: 19
    The Target by David Baldacci
    Chestnut Street by Maeve Binchy
  • Lilla35
    Lilla35 Posts: 99
    The Shack - William P. Young
  • Chalk_Slinger
    Chalk_Slinger Posts: 1,012
    Philip Pullman's new translation of Grimm's Fairy Tales and Jim Carroll's THE BASKETBALL DIARIES
  • CarolineW37
    Just finished the Princess Sultana trilogy, which is a fascinating/horrifying look into how the women of Saudi Arabia live.

    I'm also in the middle of a book on the 1909 disappearance of the passenger steamship SS Waratah, called "In Search of the Waratah" by David Willers. It's a fictionalized account of what the author believes happened, but it's very engrossing.

    Next on my list is "Mortality" by Christopher Hitchens. That should be a light-hearted romp. ;)
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Just finished listening to Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid... Hilarious

    About to start the Dirk Gently series for a book club. Loved all the Hitchhiker to the Galaxy books - so hoping this will be just as funny.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    "The Blue Plate Special" by Kate Christensen. It is a sweet memoir of growing up in the 60's while obsessed with FOOD! You will love it and want more!
  • Frayde
    Frayde Posts: 321 Member
    A Most Wanted Man by LeCarré for my reading group. I don't know...not really into spy novels. But just finished the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. Wonderful and awesome!!!
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    The Spell Realm
    Furies of Calderon
    The Alloy of Law
    The Chronicles of Prydain
    Michael Vey 3
    The Third Kingdom
    The Choosing
    Constellation Games

    Yes all at once...I flip from one to another whenever I feel like it. ...and this doesn't count sequels I am waiting for.

    Don't you lose your sense of story though? I mean Alloy of Law and Warbreaker use totally different types of magic - doesn't it take awhile to get back into it?
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews. 7th book in the series, just came out tuesday. Sqeeee!

    I love the genre, but haven't read anything about Ilona Andrews. Is she awesome? For example, I totally love Kresley Cole because she is funny.
  • bezerkus
    bezerkus Posts: 79 Member
    Pistol: The Life of Pete Maravich


    I'm not a big Sports book fan but I love true stories. This guy was an artist and the basketball court was his canvas. His scoring records in college have never been broken. Not by Michael Jordan, not by Lebron James. They never will be broken. His story is amazing what he went through, yet still made it to the Hall of Fame.
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    Star Trek: Time For Yesterday by A.C. Crispin.

    It's the sequel to my all-time favorite Star Trek novel; Yesterday's Son.
