Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    I am starting over with MFP. I deleted my old account quite some time ago as I found I was getting to obsessive and was doing more harm then good. I am back now and ready to get rid of the weight I have gained over the past 5 years.

    My wish is that I did not have to a recent conversation with my husband. Of course it was all about my weight and "his concerns" but it turned into him telling me that my workouts are not intense enough but that our eating habits are good. This coming from someone who decided to that he would gain weight "just to see" how much he could gain. The whole conversation was awful. Looking forward my wishes are that I can lose this weight and feel better. I also wish that I could be my own boss but still have the benefits and retirement of working for the government!!!!

    Feel free to add me. I need all the support and motivation I can get!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @ebailey~I’m dairy sensitive too, but can get away with yogurt and aged cheeses. If you’re a milk drinker try almond milk—I love to treat myself to the dark chocolate after a hard workout! :wink: I also try to stay away from breads that contain flour, Ezekiel is a good substitution. Congrats on the promotion! :flowerforyou:

    @Laurie~I think you deserved a rest day in terms of activity, good to give your muscles a rest. Hard to believe summer is coming to an end already and school will be starting soon — I know teachers aren’t thrilled, but I know several parents that are! :laugh: Thank you, again, for taking care of mileage stats.

    @foreverdanielle~I used to have a mean soda addiction—actually lost count of how many Pepsi’s I drank a day (quit drinking soda 15-years ago). Coming off of sugar/caffeine can have the same mean physical symptoms but they don’t last but a few days. Try and wean yourself off, start out by cutting out one per day and build upon that—I think if you come off it slowly your headaches won’t be as noticeable or last as long.

    @Kate~You join by posting. You can find this thread again under “message boards” and “my topics”—anything you’ve posted to will show up in a list. I’m sorry for your string of health scares, sometimes it takes a scary diagnosis to light a fire under our butt and take action. Try not to freak out—go into this knowing that everything you have talked about is completely reversible, just losing 5-10% of your body weight makes a huge difference. So set a small goal to lose 5%--you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel. Also don’t try to change everything at once, change one thing & let that become a habit—once it’s a habit change something else. You’re more apt to stick with those changes if you do. On another note I had my gallbladder removed in 2010—quick recovery and no more gallbladder “attacks.”

    @tlh0407 (Tracy)~Oy, the perils of moving! I hope you get everything situated and organized soon. I hope Jacob enjoys his mission trip and gets a lot out of it. Yikes on what sounds like a teenage driver—we have laws around here for texting and driving, some towns have even adopted talking on the phone while driving laws. That doesn’t mean it isn’t without incident though (adults too), scary that people can’t wait to respond to a text or phone call. I NEVER use my phone while driving—city traffic is distracting enough!

    AFM~When I got to my trainer’s studio yesterday I had a horrible headache—thank goodness for some quick remedies that he had on hand to keep it from blowing up into a migraine. I was able to get through our session and then spend some time sweating it out in the sauna. Ordered some new runners yesterday too—definitely overdue. I got some Brooks Glycerin (which I love), the new ones are even lighter than the previous version. I really hate spending $150 on running shoes, though! :frown:

    July Mileage:


    Total: 91.14/100 Miles

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, run DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, elliptical/stairmill
    Friday~Run and/or Sauna
    Saturday~Rest Day (housework really)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Being it is "FRIEND DAY! I wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you. You have supported me through some really hard times this last year and I am so grateful for that. :flowerforyou:
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    Hi! I have 120 lbs to lose. Was on MFP4 years ago and lost 20 lbs, then Dad needed constant attention and I completely lost sight of me.He died last Oct and I am committed to getting this weight off. I want to feel normal again,not like a land whale.I am type 2 diabetic and usually keep my A1c below 7. At my June visit my wellness coach (free at work) challenged me to lose 6-10 lbs by our next appt Oct 23.My last A1c was 7.2,and my doctor was threating another medicine if I don't get it closer to 6.So here I am tracking and seeking support. this months goals drink 6 glasses of water a day and cut out white flour. My enemy is the community snack drawer at work that is located behind me. I haven't weighed in yet. I started at 261.25
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    good luck! keep trying. I just restated too.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    wennim - welcome - hope you find yourself comfortable here - :flowerforyou: -

    nagyca - you're funny and gracious - you'll be a welcome addition to the group !

    KateTheGreat - I sent you a PM on how to find your way back here - hope that helps. Welcome!

    Brenda - welcome. Husbands are not our weight guidance counselors - most definitely not! Their role is strictly one of saying "honey you're going so well, and Honey, youre looking great today" once he learns that (with your gentle coaxing) things will settle down. Don't say a word about his weight. after he sees your success, he'll learn by example. :wink:

    Soosun: welcome - you've really picked up great ideas from the first post. The WILL Do, WONT do ideas are great ways to start - I was really impressed when a new member proposed them. Glad you liked them.
    ConnieHGTC: welcome to you as well: sometimes it seems like we are fighting uphill with huge items on our back pulling us down, doesn't it? Well, you have us now to support you and help carry the load!.Caring for a parent is rough - the end is rougher still, but losing yourself in the process happens a lot. Glad you see what happened and are rediscovering yourself. You do have the time to get your diabetes under control - you've seized control, your in control. You will succeed, don't worry if you have a failure day along the way, just get back up and return to us. OK? That darn drawer behind you. Make your own drawer in your desk and STUFF that sucker with your own snacks!

    NEWBIES: A QUICK WAY TO FIND THIS THREAD: From your home page you will see a TAB named COMMUNITY - Click on that and you will see a TAB named MY TOPICS. Click on that and you will see a list of all the threads you have posted in. The name of this thread will be listed there. the name of this thread is "Need to lose 100 lbs-Robins Thread

    AprilShowers - where are you headed on your trip?

    beachgirl - such long hours - :noway: - great lunch planning!

    GrammyWhammy - Marsha- The August Challenge will be:

    Intake and Nutrition Month! Goal is to Track Your Intake of Calories or a particular food source. i.e. Track the Number of Days you are under your Calorie Goal. (if you’re within 100 cal. you’re within your goal) Or, if you choose, personalize the Challenge instead by counting your macros or watching a particular item such as protein, salt, or sugars/carbs intake for the month. Your choice really but its about Intake and Nutrition this month. Keep your own records and post every week.

    FeraFila - Doing the Happy Dance for You for reaching Twoderville - its a great place to be - one there you will start living there and the 300's will become the distant past!

    trulydivyn - Great goals you've chosen. I weigh myself monthly too and it works well for my -with your record keeping you'll love all the graphs and abilities MFP has available too you. The ability to take measurements all over your body and watch that decrease is so neat and amazing. Everyone seems in agreement and me too - taking progress pictures in a swimsuit or bra and pants are so helpful. You really see a change that way - do it every 4 to 6 months in the same outfit or similar if you've lost a lot of weight. in the same location.

    Teresa - great goals also. Nice to be off work for a day. African violets are so cheery, aren't they.Pots and location sound dreamy :love:

    lilshadow - EXCITED over your new pix - congrats for being almost halfway to goal! So sad to hear about your hubby and your health problems - you show exceptional strength and optimism in face of the facts. SUCH GREAT ATTITUDE! :flowerforyou:

    Bummrut - see answer to Grammy above - glad your back!.

    Laurie - I share your concern about walking alone at night. Omaha has a high crime rate even tho its not a huge city there are gangs and lots of gun crimes, senseless shootings every nite there is one more shooting victim. So I'm cautious. Walking at night is just not wise. I even took gun classes, got a "concealed carry" license and carried a handgun in my purse for a few years, but I was more afraid of the gun going off in the car and shooting a friend than actually using it to defend myself so I sold it a few years later. I only walk with a friend now just eases my mind.

    ebailley : YOU GOT THE PROMOTION -HOORAY!!!!!!! (happy dance in OMAHA!!!!) good luck shoe shopping!

    ForeverDanielle - yeah, coming off caffiene - your doing it right - nice and slow - maybe after a couple of weeks you can try a diet one and see if you can then reward yourself with a diet one once a week or so as a welcome treat. You don't want to totally deprive yourself of something your really love or you might boomarang back to it in resentment anger at your restrictions
    Glad you got some sleep - that NyQuil must be powerful!

    tih - omg - moving - AARGH! -:noway: - I've done it a lot - my utter sympathies - many, many times without professional movers - and the confusion REIGNS - one time the friends moved the sofa and there was a stash of my bras's behind it - the Kitteh had been hiding them there! Go Figure CATS out!!!
    Glad your daughter was safe but got to witness that accident - and some moms got to report the cell phone usage too! Lessons all around! Best wishes for Jacob's spiritual growth.

    Kah - I'm interested in what your trainer did to stop your headache from turning into a migraine - can you tell more? Congrats on the new runners too. I googled them. Nice shoe.!

    WalkingQueen - I feel quite close to all of you too. We go back a long way, don't we? :heart:

    AFM - afm - just to get basics done today - sheesh I've been running like mad. Yesterday I found a pharmacy lamp -brass - on Craigs List for under 20 - went to very expensive home met lovely woman - chatted about gardens then skipped home in glee with my "prize" - I get so tickled when I can buy something lots cheaper that retail! Very cautious before I go to someones home. Rather I offer to meet at public place - thats what I first suggest until I chatedt by phone - then get address and Google it - saw it was prestigious neighborhood but- I first tell them no not coming into house do you have outlet on porch - yes they did - so never went inside - worked out fine.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Sheep with quick check in--
    I did it! 2 days under my goal! Small potatoes, I know, but you can't imagine just how lost I was.

    Today's challenge is the Cheesecake Factory birthday celebration for a friend. I WILL handle this, (chanting this all a.m.).

    Thanks for "listening."

    GW-aka Marsha
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    For those looking for a way back to this thread:

    Click the COMMUNITY tab on the blue bar(on the top right of the pic below but most of COMMUNITY is chopped off), then click the My Topics


    You can also go to your PROFILE page and under your friends list is My Recent Forum Posts, where you view all of your posts by clicking the View All.

    Happy National Cheesecake Day When : July 30th National Cheesecake Day is today. As food holidays go, this is one of the tastiest of treats. Despite being a rich, high calorie, and cholesterol filled, cheesecake is a very popular dessert. Why? Because it tastes so good. It is enjoyed plain, or with your favorite fruit topping. Enjoy the day with a piece of cheesecake, along with your favorite topping. If you have time, make the cheesecake yourself.

    “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert J Collier

  • Wednesday Wishes- My wish is to get through my current college class because it is driving me insane lol and to find a job. I have been on the search and no luck and now with the kids going back to school I need one like yesterday. I wish I could handle things better and allow myself to feel, I have become so use to keeping things in that I have trouble letting others in.

    @Conniehgtv- So sorry for your loss. I have 113 pounds to lose so we are pretty close to the same boat. We can do this! My husband is also a diabetic so I understand. His AC1 was 7.1 last visit, hoping it has went down at next one.

    @Kah68- Thanks for the advice. Wow 15 years, that is awesome. Will be glad when these headaches are gone, I am one grouchoy person today lol.

    @RobinsEgg- Yes Night 2 of sleep! Yes I am taking it very slowly with the soda's, I know it will be well worth it :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kah - I'm interested in what your trainer did to stop your headache from turning into a migraine - can you tell more? Congrats on the new runners too. I googled them. Nice shoe.!

    @Robin~coffee, aspirin, an ice pack and a quiet dark room. Caffeine increases the absorption of OTC medications like asprin or tylenol and the ice helps to constrict blood vessels--after about 15-minutes I was able to function. Normally, if I can do these things early enough I can ward off a migraine and keep from having to take something stronger.

    @littleshadow (Heidi)~Great new pic! Have a great vacation and I hope your sinuses don't bother you too much.

    @grammywhammy (Marsha)~Have you considered sharing a piece a cheesecake? That's what I usually do when I go there with friends, that way I don't bring any home or consume WAY too many calories! :wink:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Happy National Cheesecake Day! Actually, today and tomorrow the Cheesecake Factory is selling slices for half price. The new cheesecake is, tah dah, Lemon Meringue.

    On that note, I wish to announce: I made it through the birthday celebration at CF and even had a half slice of the lemon meringue, sans whipped crème. My daughter is about to eat the other half, thank goodness, because it was very good. I stuck to the Skinnylicious menu as planned (turkey burger and salad-580 calories) and asked that their yummy bread not come to the table. Can't believe I survived.

    Halfway through the day and still on track. One day/hour at a time.

    Thanks for listening.

  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Okay. After sitting down and looking at my calendar for August, I've decided I won't be in a position to participate in *any* type of challenge. My month, thus far, looks something like this.

    August 1-4 - Traveling for meet and greet and vote.

    August 5-15 - packing up the non-essentials

    August 16-25 - Spending a week plus with the in-laws for visits before moving and (hopefully) ordination.

    August 26 - ?? - Packing the rest of the things and moving.

    Have to get the cats in to the vet for shots, too. But that shouldn't be *too* bad.

    So, if I'm a little inconsistent with check ins and whatnot, that's why! :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    July mileage/active minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM
    7/7: 2.5 miles 55 AM
    7/8: 5.8 miles 175 AM
    7/9: 7.5 miles 150 AM
    7/10 3 miles 90 AM
    7/11 6.5 miles 150 AM
    7/12 6.5 miles 143 AM
    7/13 12.1 miles 120 AM
    7/14 5.3 miles 122 AM
    7/15 3.2 miles 105 AM
    7/16 1.9 miles 60 AM
    7/17: 2.6 miles 63 AM
    7/18: 4.8 miles 128 AM
    7/19: 6 miles 135 AM
    7/20; 13.1 miles 260 AM
    7/21: 5.6 miles 130 AM
    7/22: 0--- REST!!!
    7/23: 4.6 miles 100 AM
    7/24: 4 miles 75 AM
    7/25: 8.4 miles 375 AM
    7/26: 0-- REST
    7/27: 12 miles 210 AM
    7/28: 3.5 miles 90 AM
    7/29: 6 miles 95 AM
    7/30: 7 miles 135 AM
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @tlh0407 Yay! Glad the move went through and that your kiddo's safe!

    @kah68 Glad the migraine was avoided! As for shoes, I've learned that the good stuff will cost more, but it's worth it to keep your feet happy, especially for running shoes.

    @conniehgtv Welcome! I'm sorry for your loss. Here's to hoping you have great success in your journey! :)

    @RobinsEgg Oo! Finding a great deal is always a nice thrill, isn't it? I like cruising the yard sales and second-hand shops. I've found plenty of neat things that way. When I was a teen, I recall buying a bunch of used jeans to use as purse-making material!

    AFM - My Wednesday wish is that I stop being an idiot and let my poor foot heal. I've gotten some hand weights and have been trying to work on my upper body strength in hopes of fending off the boredom and crankiness that comes with being stuck in the house.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Wed wish... that I can get myself out of this funk I'm in. Don't get me wrong, I've been really active every day and am enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. My eating has been awful, but that will hopefully turn around next month as I will be focusing very hard on eating right. I cancelled my physio appointments last week and yesterday. I called tonight to cancel again for tomorrow and the rest of the summer... this is the other part of my funk. I would much rather get my exercise outside, I'm getting bored of the same functional exercises, and don't like waiting around for an hour or so after work to go to my appointments.

    Anyway, I called tonight to cancel and talked to the director. I don't want to go, he wants me to keep coming, so we had to come up with some kind of arrangement that would suit me better. First he sweet talked me into coming tomorrow for a passive stretching session, which I admit, feels soooo great when someone else does the stretching for you! Then he offered to switch up the type of routines and to do some sessions outside. Now I just have to figure out a way to deal with this "dread" of having 3 appointments a week every week after work. I would just feel "more free" to just go to work, finish and feel good that I don't have anything to do afterward. (going for a hike or walk after work does not give me this feeling, I really look forward to them). It's weird that I "dread" my appointments since I feel so good when I doing my workout. I can't figure that out.

    I've been reading along but not posting any personals.. I apologize... I will get to some soon.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @kah: I haven't drank milk in over 2 years. I do not eat Ezekiel bread because it is expensive, but I have been wanting to try it. For now I just do whole grain. I like almond milk but do not like to drink it straight. I still eat ice cream and such when I want to, just have to be careful.

    Monday- C210K w10d1 DONE
    Tuesday- belly dance DONE
    Wednesday- C210K w10d2 DONE
    Thursday- strength
    Friday- C210K w10d3
    Saturday- Free choice
    Sunday- rest

    7/1: 2.5
    7/2: rest
    7/3: 2.5
    7/4: rest
    7/5: 2.5
    7/6: rest
    7/7: 3
    7/8: rest
    7/9: 3
    7/10: 11
    7/11: 0
    7/12: 4
    7/13: rest
    7/14: 4
    7/15 rest
    7/16: 4
    7/17: rest
    7/18: 0
    7/19: 4
    7/20: rest
    7/21: 0
    7/22: rest
    7/23: 0
    7/24: rest
    7/25: 0
    7/26: 1
    7/27: rest
    7/28: 4.5
    7/29: rest
    7/30: 4.5

    MTD 50.5
    Goal 50

    I DID IT!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to all the new people, you have found a great place to find support and encouragement. Please post often and get to know us and you will receive plenty of support in return.

    Kah (kelley) Glad you were able to ward off the headache before it turned into a migraine. I did need that rest day yesterday and told my trainer about it. She was like you need to take a break and it is allowed. It paid off today when I ran 2 miles.

    Skinny (Karen)- I did run today for 2 miles the good news is that I finished those 2 miles in about 24 minutes so I should be on pace to complete the 5K in under 36 minutes. The run pattern today was run 1 mile at close to race pace and the 2 mile at a slog (very slow jog). This is to help build my endurance for the run. I will be increasing the distances each week now until the 5K.

    ebailey- Congrats on the job. Have you tried the chocolate almond milk? I like the chocolate over the vanilla almond milk. Congrats on meeting your July mileage goal. :drinker:

    Tanya- I may be way off but it sounds like the physio has become a chore instead of something you enjoy. Consequently, you are not seeing the benefits of going to the sessions because you must go even through once you get there you are fine. Would you enjoy the workouts if you could pick and choose when you do them and either inside or outside with your choice of activity? Have you added any new activities to your exercise routines? I know that I need to change things up otherwise I get bored with the gym, biking or running. Try adding something totally different-either a water sport (kayaking,paddle boarding, swimming) or rock climbing (indoor) just for a change of scenery. Is the Physio more like physical therapy or a personal trainer situation? Can you make the appointments earlier so you don't need to wait so long after work? Can you go less than 3 times a week?

    tlh- Sorry the move was so rough, good luck with the unpacking.

    fera- thanks for the heads up on how busy you will be in August. Enjoy the time visiting with family.

    Wish- That everyone who is dealing with aches and pains feels better soon.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Laurie... Chore is exactly the word for it. I started going for the functional physiotherapy, but as I've progressed and my back and hips have improved, it's moved to a more of a personal training session, though I still do functional core exercises for back and hips. That is getting boring, and I don't finish work the same time every day so it's hard to make an appointment without either having to wait or rushing through work on a busy day to make it on time. They do give me lots of leeway to go early or late, but I am set in my ways of being exactly on time. I have made huge gains in my fitness and back/hip problems but I am thinking I just need a break from it or at the very least a different program for a while. I'm very interested in kayaking, my BF kayaks but I don't have a kayak, can't afford one so that's not an option right now.
  • tunetut
    tunetut Posts: 4
    @kah68 - I'm the same way - If my breakfast and lunch meals lack - I find myself wanting to binge till bedtime. I will look into the 2 people you mentioned for some direction. I would love to add you as a friend - it's great to connect with people who are working towards similar goals!
    @hansea47 - yes, I'm in the US.

    Trying to keep up with all the threads and names - being a newbie - this will take me a bit I think lol I love all the support and chit chat on this thread!

    @tanya949 - I've been in a funk this week too. Still being active but just dreading. I hope the new line up at your appts will at least make you a little more excited about going.

    AFM - my wish is to just get to a point where I don't feel like everything about my day isn't centered around and controlled by my weight problems. To be free of that is going to be probably the best reward of this journey to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Sorry I've had no time for personals this week, but I am keeping up with what's going on with everyone. It's been a whirlwind of a week so far. Training all day long (and now it's very clear this will not be my last trip to the home office to get up to speed) is making my head spin. After spending the last 2 years on the same project and then to jump headlong into another estimated to last 2-3 years with no decompression in between is exhausting. And to top it off, the guy I think is my current boss sent me an email that he also needs me on installs on a new product in my "spare" time. Unless he's referring to weekends, I'm not going to have any spare time. He needs to lose my number or clone me. I'm starting to envy my coworkers who have defined roles as opposed to my ever changing "special" projects position. It's gotten to be a running joke for coworkers who don't see me regularly to say Hi and then ask what boss/group has current custody of me. I think that answer has shifted at least 10 times in my 13 years with my company.

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)
    7/4 - 3.92
    7/5 - Rest Day
    7/6 - 2.70
    7/7 - 4.72 (2.70 walk and class)
    7/8 - 2.91
    7/9 - 2.86
    7/10 - 2.90
    7/11 - 2.90
    7/12 - 7.30 (14,615 Fitbit steps)
    7/13 - 3.98 (7,978 Fitbit steps)
    7/14 - 2.90
    7/15 - 2.88
    7/16 - 3.01
    7/17 - 3.02
    7/18 - 2.82
    7/19 - 2.84
    7/20 - Rest Day
    7/21 - 2.90
    7/22 - 2.88
    7/23 - 2.84
    7/24 - 2.86
    7/25 - 2.80
    7/26 - 2.80
    7/27 - 3.92
    7/28 - 2.96
    7/29 - 2.91
    7/30 - 4.57

    Total: 96.00