Can't give up alcohol - started replacing meals with beer...



  • v6s30
    v6s30 Posts: 43
    Im 5'6 and 132 pounds and looking to lose another 5 or so...i have a calorie goal of 1350 a day...i also enjoy my tequila daily...or at least most days...I just add 500 calories into my daily allotment for alcohol and eat healthy meals/snacks around that....for me its just preplanning....on the days i don't drink its amazing how much more you can EAT...but i also am with you...when i drank beer, yes its very filling and i also didn't eat dinner....

    THANK you!
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Ok I've had the best idea... I can have a beer with a vodka added... beer taste... more alcohol!

    Or since you don't count your tea/coffee, put the vodka in there! No calories at all!
  • srl32000
    srl32000 Posts: 29 Member
    Bourbon is my solution.. something strong... !
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    I personally enjoy an adult beverage at the beach. I used to have a few drinks every night, but drastically stopped drinking. Now I indulge maybe 1 or 2xs a week if that. I enjoy getting a buzz as much as the next person, but I enjoy losing weight more. Now if I need to unwind I put in a good movie and enjoy my dachshund. It's ok to go over on calories a little bit, just make up for it another day. So if you have those 4 beers tonight and go over 200 cal. Try to slowly chip off and make up for it over the week to maintain your deficit. It's not drinking every night, but it's at least a healthier alternative to just skipping meals.

    Otherwise - stick with liquor. Lowest calories and biggest bang for your buck. Vodka avg. around 69 calories for an OZ.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Instead of drinking regular beer (miller, bud ect..) Try getting into good quality craft beers. It's usually the caloric equivalent of 2 of those beers, but twice as good. If you have a sweet tooth, you can find solid, hearty beers that are like drinking dessert. Here's my favorite:

  • o2cnpl
    o2cnpl Posts: 23 Member
    I've done my homework, I too indulge on occassion. :)

    Beck light 64 calories 3.8 % alcohol
    miller 64 calories 2.8% alcohol
    Michelob ultra 95 4.2% alcohol
    amstel light 95 calories 3.5% alcohol
    coorlight 102 calories 4.2% alcohol
    corona light 99 calories 4.5% alcohol.
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    I've done my homework, I too indulge on occassion. :)

    Beck light 64 calories 3.8 % alcohol
    miller 64 calories 2.8% alcohol
    Michelob ultra 95 4.2% alcohol
    amstel light 95 calories 3.5% alcohol
    coorlight 102 calories 4.2% alcohol
    corona light 99 calories 4.5% alcohol.

    Ha this is awesome - I love corona light and coors. Guilty pleasure. Nothin like a corona at the beach... ahhhhhh
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Oh my, lots of non drinkers chiming in so I will add my thought as a "drinker"
    You can have a few and lose weight. I drink every day and enjoy it. I always had an enormous beer gut and decided to change that. I reduced my beer and scotch intake. I started drinking wine to replace beer because I really like the heavy craft beers. For some reason I think wine doesn't go to my belly the way beer does. I also reduced or eliminated my bad foods increased my good foods and exercise. The exercise seems to be the key for me. I would routinely exercise and burn about 1000 calories and then drink back many of them. I recently stopped logging but when I did, I always logged what I consumed even if it was alcohol. Anyway I have been maintaining for about two months, no longer have a beer gut, dropped my cholesterol 50 points, get up at 4:30 AM each day, run 25 miles a week, lift weights three days a week. I also have 2 oz. of scotch, at least 350 ml. of wine and a beer each weekday. It is too much by many standards but works for me. Cheers!
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Only you know if you have a problem or not (if you're honest with yourself). But do think about the strain habitual drinking on an empty stomach puts on your liver. Being a woman puts you at higher risk.

    If you choose to drink this much make sure you have you're liver checked at your regular check ups.
  • Labaeraz
    Labaeraz Posts: 1 Member
    I, too, happen to like beer and know what it feels like to "need" a drink or two. The truth is that you don't really need it at all. You only think you do. A couple of months ago, I was having trouble staying within my calorie limit and decided to give up beer. I have not had any alcohol since May 31st. I don't think switching to a low cal alternative is the answer. I have lost 15 lbs. since June 1st. I no longer feel the "need" for a drink. In fact, I feel better than I have in years and may continue to abstain from alcohol even after I reach my weight loss goal. Alcohol is empty calories. Your body regards it as sugar. It messes with your metabolism and increases appetite. Be open to the idea of giving it up, at least for awhile, if for no other reason than to prove to yourself than you can. Then maybe when you are back in control, you can take it or leave it, rather than need it.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Instead of drinking regular beer (miller, bud ect..) Try getting into good quality craft beers. It's usually the caloric equivalent of 2 of those beers, but twice as good. If you have a sweet tooth, you can find solid, hearty beers that are like drinking dessert. Here's my favorite:


    I like craft beers too but I was not a fan of the Banana Bread beer. I went in with high expectations and left with meh.
  • Firstly I think you need a 12 step program like AA because you sound like a raging alcoholic. No one should be skipping meals to drink alcohol (which to the other comment-er your body DOES treat like poison fyi) and the mentality of need a drink to deal with your problems or setting your life aside for drinking is like a MASSIVE sign of an addiction/problem. You can talk about how much you're not addicted but why don't you go to a psychologist and prove it to yourself.

    Secondly if you're only eating 1250 calories a day and exercising AND not eating it back, that's not good. Based off of all the comments you've made you sound like you have an eating disorder. Plus looking at your photo you already look REALLY thin. Massive collar bones sticking out, no "meat" on your hands and tiny little wrists.

    Assuming you're NOT a troll, I would advise AA meetings and an evaluation for an eating disorder at this point. OR stop drinking, eat back your calories and actually attempt to be healthy. Maybe eat MORE calories, I don't know your size.

    So here's the deal: Your argument is entirely invalid. There's a logical fallacy called affirming the consequent. In laymen's terms, it's basically the act of making a gigantic, unjustified assumption. You can read more about it here:

    We know that alcoholics feel as if they require alcohol due to their addiction. That is a true statement, and there exists a plentiful amount of data to back it up.

    The individual starting this thread made a statement saying they don't want to cut out beer. That is also a true statement, as we have all seen with our own eyes.

    However, by assuming that the original poster of this thread is automatically an alcoholic due to their affinity to beer, you're just affirming the consequent. It's not logically sound.

    Beyond basic rules of logic, however, you're also being a downright bully. No joke. Accusing someone of having an eating disorder, even going as far as ragging on their physical appearance when you say "Plus looking at your photo you already look REALLY thin. Massive collar bones sticking out, no "meat" on your hands and tiny little wrists."? That's bully material.

    If you were addressing someone overweight, it would certainly be considered bully-like behavior to say something like "Based off everything you said, it seems like you have a massive over-eating problem; I mean LOOK at your photo, you already look REALLY FAT, with your MASSIVE hips with SO MUCH "meat" on them. Obviously that's an awful thing to say. Why is it suddenly any less awful when it's targeting the physical traits of a thinner girl, instead of a heavier one?

    I would strongly advise you to reconsider the way in which you both formulate your arguments, and the manner in which you use those illogical conclusions to mistreat others. Especially in a community aimed at the betterment of its individuals.
  • dgoupil66
    dgoupil66 Posts: 17
    I was drinking every day. My choice was whiskey (6 - 8 0z) chased with soda (12 oz). May double that on some occasions. When I couldn't fit into fat clothes anymore, I had to change something. It was hard at first and I thought maybe I'd need some help but after a week or so, I started feeling a WHOLE LOT BETTER. Now, I only have 1 or 2 Miller Lites or sip on whiskey a couple of nights a week provided I can stay under my calorie budget. Sometimes I go over but as long as it's not everyday, I'll keep going in the right direction. I don't recommend replacing a meal with alcohol.
  • jojokmack
    jojokmack Posts: 117
    I am a recovering alcoholic (dry 6 years) and I think you should seriously think about your 'need' for a drink every day. That is how it starts,......and it is a very slippery slope. Just saying :/
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Firstly I think you need a 12 step program like AA because you sound like a raging alcoholic. No one should be skipping meals to drink alcohol (which to the other comment-er your body DOES treat like poison fyi) and the mentality of need a drink to deal with your problems or setting your life aside for drinking is like a MASSIVE sign of an addiction/problem. You can talk about how much you're not addicted but why don't you go to a psychologist and prove it to yourself.

    Secondly if you're only eating 1250 calories a day and exercising AND not eating it back, that's not good. Based off of all the comments you've made you sound like you have an eating disorder. Plus looking at your photo you already look REALLY thin. Massive collar bones sticking out, no "meat" on your hands and tiny little wrists.

    Assuming you're NOT a troll, I would advise AA meetings and an evaluation for an eating disorder at this point. OR stop drinking, eat back your calories and actually attempt to be healthy. Maybe eat MORE calories, I don't know your size.

    So here's the deal: Your argument is entirely invalid. There's a logical fallacy called affirming the consequent. In laymen's terms, it's basically the act of making a gigantic, unjustified assumption. You can read more about it here:

    We know that alcoholics feel as if they require alcohol due to their addiction. That is a true statement, and there exists a plentiful amount of data to back it up.

    The individual starting this thread made a statement saying they don't want to cut out beer. That is also a true statement, as we have all seen with our own eyes.

    However, by assuming that the original poster of this thread is automatically an alcoholic due to their affinity to beer, you're just affirming the consequent. It's not logically sound.

    Beyond basic rules of logic, however, you're also being a downright bully. No joke. Accusing someone of having an eating disorder, even going as far as ragging on their physical appearance when you say "Plus looking at your photo you already look REALLY thin. Massive collar bones sticking out, no "meat" on your hands and tiny little wrists."? That's bully material.

    If you were addressing someone overweight, it would certainly be considered bully-like behavior to say something like "Based off everything you said, it seems like you have a massive over-eating problem; I mean LOOK at your photo, you already look REALLY FAT, with your MASSIVE hips with SO MUCH "meat" on them. Obviously that's an awful thing to say. Why is it suddenly any less awful when it's targeting the physical traits of a thinner girl, instead of a heavier one?

    I would strongly advise you to reconsider the way in which you both formulate your arguments, and the manner in which you use those illogical conclusions to mistreat others. Especially in a community aimed at the betterment of its individuals.

    Holy Crap! Extraordinarily well said :love:
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Thanks (most of you) for your advice. I have decided to stop eating back my exercise calories so 1250 is total calories. I don't want to use my exercise kcals every day because unfortunately I sometimes have to have cheat days which I use my exercise calories for. I am thinking of switching to spirits but I don't enjoy drinking them and I drink beer because I love the taste as well as the alcohol. Maybe I should explore some spirit options that I will like. I think my family will start judging me if I start drinking vodka alone though....

    I'm not going to make a judgement call on your actual drinking because it really isn't any of my business. The problem with alcohol is it is for the most part it is empty calories although beer has been shown to aid in muscle recovery after running and there are associated health benefits to drinking wine. Years ago, port wine was recommended for those who were anemic. Aside of that, if you are skipping meals in favour of alcohol, you have an increased risk of malnutrition and associated problems. Since you are not eating back exercise calories on a regular basis, you could try eating back perhaps half of them to give you a bit more caloric room for the alcohol you want. At any rate, any calories from actual food should be high quality calories meaning no junk food, no fast food (high sodium which adds to the dehydrating issue of alcohol), and limited processed foods. Aim instead for whole foods that will help minimize the effects of the alcohol on your health.

    There is an eating disorder where folks limit their caloric intake so they can drink alcohol and substance abuse is associated with 50% of eating disorders This may or may not be of interest to you. I'm just putting it out there in case it may be of use to you or someone else reading.
  • Dr__Girlfriend
    Dr__Girlfriend Posts: 100 Member
    You're really not eating enough calories. MFP calculators are terrible, go use the ones on

    If you were completely sedentary, you will lose on 1487 kcals a day. If you exercise 3 times a week, you will lose at 1700-1600 as a 5'8", 146 lb woman.

    Why starve yourself? Please reconsider. Your body needs nutrients and if you're eating so few calories and empty ones like alcohol at that, you won't be getting the vitamins, minerals and nutrients your body needs to survive. Think long term results, love.
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    Well, ask yourself in the longrun, what do you REALLY want? DO you want beer more now while you're losing weight, MORE THAN losing weight? Or are you ok to just throw it into you cheat days, and have more calories to work with when you hit maintenance?
    I have cheat days, or days that I just cheat during, but I don't tell myself I can't go without any of it. I tell myself when I have to go without it, I will.
    When you're having to compromise your health (skipping meals that give your body the rest of the nutrients it needs) to fit a guilty pleasure in regularly, on the chance of this sounding blunt, but your weight probably isn't your first problem. If you had said you couldn't lay off cheetos, or fries, it may have been one thing. But we all know alcohol can be it's own problem when treated like an addiction.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Instead of drinking regular beer (miller, bud ect..) Try getting into good quality craft beers. It's usually the caloric equivalent of 2 of those beers, but twice as good. If you have a sweet tooth, you can find solid, hearty beers that are like drinking dessert. Here's my favorite:


    I like craft beers too but I was not a fan of the Banana Bread beer. I went in with high expectations and left with meh.

    We will have to agree to disagree here. I'd love to have those on tap. This one is a good second place:

  • sarahb2023
    sarahb2023 Posts: 17
    I love beer too and I cant stand the low cal ones. I either stick with one higher cal/ alcohol content or a glass of wine or whisky lol I am an everyday moderate drinker myself after work, 1-2 drinks but no meal replacing, just have a bunch of veggies!

    And I agree with some other post, just answer the f***ing question. She didnt ask for your opinion or your two cents.