Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Just checking in from sunny Michigan.. our trip down (20 hrs) went well and the boys were both rockstars. We'll be here until Sunday and then back up into Canada to visit some of my family, then Toronto, then Quebec City, then home on Friday or Saturday. I'm doing my best to make good choices - travel days are easier than eating while staying with family. Probably won't attempt to log much until we get back home, but I'll behave myself!
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    Yesterday was a good start to August. My normal life is more than sedentary so my goal is minimum 4000 steps a day. I don't really care how I get the steps, at this point it's about the number reflecting increased activity and less time sitting at my desk.

    Aug 1 - 4340 steps (1.23 mi). These steps reflect walking the hardware store - I entered the opposite side from where I wanted to be and it's a really big store. Then took mom to the grocery store and walked most of the store even though she only needed 3 items.

    I know the importance of protein, I need to focus on making my daily protein goals.

    Water - I love it. It's easy to get 64 oz. daily, yesterday I was way over. Water is also good for my lymphedema so it's a double benefit.

    Today I gotta get my 'office' work done, then get busy running errands and doing some outside work. Heat and humidity are enemies of my lymphedema so hoping the weather cooperates so I can get 'moving' outside. Otherwise, I gotta go somewhere indoors and get some walking done.

    I bit concerned about travel next week - it will be a challenge to stay on track and get steps; travel weeks usually mean long days of meetings. Gotta get a plan for next week.
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    Hi. Today's my first day. I need/want to lose 150 lbs. I'm 64 with RA and Type 2 Diabetes. I started the Paleo Plan on July 7th and am enjoying it a great deal. I love to cook and the recipes I'm finding are wonderful. Now the exercise. Um.... that's a big problem. I can't seem to get motivated to jump on my treadmill. It's currently holding the patio cushions. I also have a pool that is inviting and yet sits unused. So hopefully today will be the day that I will stop being bone lazy and do a little something. I would like to become friends with a group that knows what it's like with this weight and offer suggestions and encouragement to begin and maintain a lifestyle that includes exercise and healthy eating. I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @susan... Welcome back! So nice to see you here again and good luck with the August goals... You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie... Hope your 5k is going well, and that you have no rain for it.

    @skinny... I use protein powder in so many things other than smoothies. I make my own protein bars, frozen "ice cream" bars, add it to pancake mix, muffin mix, mix it in my Greek yogurt... Etc. I have found so many of these recipes on Pinterest. When I was eating 150g of protein daily back in the winter/spring there's no way I could have done it without 2 scoops of powder a day, so I had to find more inventive ways to use it. I bought some unflavoured powder so it really can be sneaked in without being noticed. But I love my vanilla and chocolate for smoothies and yogurt.

    Saturday Success: I made it through day one again! Made both my goals yesterday, and this morning I am hungry! So I know I've been eating more than this during the past 6 weeks. Just need about a week to adjust again I think. I was also up to the bathroom 4 times last night... Ugh, all the water. I'm also down 2 lb on the scale but I do realize that's my glycogen stores depleting. But that also means that in the 6 weeks I did not track food, I did not gain any weight back. In fact, I am now only 1.5 lb over my lowest weight seen back in June, and the body holds about 5 lb of glycogen/water at maintenance, so I may possibly weigh less than I did 6 weeks ago when the rest of the water weight is lost. :wink: Thank goodness I got all those miles in. :glasses:

    August goals:

    CALORIES: (2000-2400)

    8/1: 2381 in, 3090 out

    PROTEIN: (over 120g)

    8/1: 129 g


    8/1: 17k steps, DONE 45s plank, arm challenge DONE
    8/2: 17k steps, ______45s plank, arm challenge DONE
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    August goals:
    Stay at or under my calorie goal of 1500 every day.
    Track fitbit miles daily.

    8/1: Under

    8/1: Charging (dead from lack of use :ohwell: )

    Since I've been such a slacker, and all joints from the knees down are defunct, I can't do anything too challenging yet. Thinking with more weight loss, the pain will decrease. Still working through the pain with trainer though, so that's something.

    Rebooted to a healthier life on Monday and...5 DAYS AT OR UNDER GOAL! The best I've done in a year and a half! Lame, I know, but it's something.

    I read most of your posts and relate to many. So though I can't reply to most due to time constraints (I'm the only functional person in a household of 3), I feel your pain and rejoice at your successes.

    Welcome newbies. We've all been at the bottom of that mountain looking up. We can do this even if we stray from the trail and get lost for a time. I should know.

    Thanks for your encouragement.:flowerforyou:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Saturday Success: We let my staff know about my promotion yesterday. Everyone seemed really excited about me getting the job. Also, the big boss is going to let me do the haunted house this year.

    Friday Fitness: I didn't do anything yesterday, I had company over.

    Last night my grandma got admitted to the hospital. She had emergency surgery for a kidney stone and has pneumonia. She's 85. We are hoping to go see her today.

    August Challenge: Under calorie goals and 5% either way of macros.
    8/1: Under calorie goal. 5% over carbs, right on with protein, 5% under fats.
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    What are your protein sources that keep you within calorie goals?

    I like Carnation protein drinks because it gives me 10g of refreshing/cold protein but it is 240 calories. I cannot have drinks where soy it the main ingredient so my protein drink choices are limited.
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    Hi I am new to the thread! 100+ to lose and only 6-7 pounds in. My August goal is to "complete entry" on every day's diary. I can log in and get my streak going, but if I'm not actually logging it's not helping me! Also get in the gym more. I am about to start working 2 jobs so I'm going to be super busy - on my feet at both jobs so we'll see how the gym fits in!
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    This week has been a little difficult but somehow I made it through with going to the gym 2 days and logging my food for 3. I am shooting to food logging everyday and hitting the gym at least 4 days a week. My biggest NSV for this week was the Kudos i got from my Commander today. I brought my lunch because I know that my only other options are fastfood restaurants and I do not want to do that. I brought a salad and a chicken salad sandwich. When my Commander heard me say that I brought my lunch he asked what I was eating. After I told him he said that it was great that I was focusing on my health and that he knows how difficult it is to have to bounce back from an injury and still meet the Army standards. He went on to say that he is not concerned at all about my upcoming pt test because he can see that I am doing what I can to get back in shape. Well, if he only knew that I was FREAKING out about this pt test!!! Its a good thing I have 2 months until it happens!

    I am committed to the August challenge to stay within my calories. 1930 should be easy enough to stick with.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm way behind on personals - It might take me a couple of posts to catch up!

    Brenda - congrats on being a grandmother - it is amazing how young people become one these days! Also, I understand your fears about becoming obsessive with your eating and control but you seem to have a great handle on it so far -

    Stephgas - welcome! You accomplished great strides with your mindful attitude while eating that pizza! Great job in cutting back by savoring each flavor in it!

    Morgori - I am starting to LIVE for your daily posts!

    GrammyWhammy - this is going to be your month!

    Nagyca - thanks for your post - yes it is like a coffee klatch here! I like what your name means - what language is it? I can't advise you on the steps but I am sure one of the more proficient walkers here can!

    Fera - WOOT WOOT WOOT!! :drinker:

    Tanya - I'm so happy you have a month off of appointments!

    Teresa - hate scales too - rather, just avoid weighing during that time so you don't get bummed - every one else sees a jump at that time too. I only weigh monthly cuz my loss has slowed down so much but I don't worry about the "visitor" any more.

    Susan - so happy to see you back - I wish I could fix your problems for you - such a load you have - :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Ohio4Me - happy to have you join us! With bad knees - do start slow and gently!

    I'll post more - now I know to start at the top of page 12 - remind to myself!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    August Challenge: I am back to watching my protein yet again. I have been doing ok with my intake but being vegetarian I worry about the baby developing. My other challenge for my self is to break out and actually do those prenatal workouts I bought.

    We finally went public with our news. It was heart melting with all the wonderful responses, well wishes and support we received from everyone. I just purchased some maternity pants for fall. They fit great and are so comfortable however I am 5'1" and ordered them in a short length like I normally do. Every pair of pants I bought were about 2-3 inches too long. UGH. I guess I will have to take them to be hemmed.

    Today I began to tackle the chore of cleaning out the guest room closet. I had a lot of boxes from when we moved into the house still in there. I filled up two huge boxes of things to donate and put them in the garage. Then I filled up another box of paperwork that needs to be shredded. In the process I found two beautiful Lenox picture frames as well as my unity candle. I put my grandparents wedding picture in one of the frames and placed it on the mantle next to our wedding picture. I put the unity candle on the other side. I told Brian once the baby is born I want to do professional pictures of either the 3 of us (depending on how I think I look - LOL - you know my issue with photos of myself) or just the baby and put it in the other frame. He seemed to really like that idea. I only have a few more weeks of the summer program then I am off for two weeks before school starts up again in Sept. During my vacation, I plan on cleaning out my art room and start to move some of the stuff into the guest room. My art./workout room is what we will be using as the nursery.

    jtconst - So sorry to hear that your ankle is still bothering you. That is great that you are getting around better and listening to your body.

    Tanya - My nausea is unpredictable. In the first trimester I found I was getting nauseous only when my stomach was empty. Now that I am in the 2nd trimester I noticed the triggers happen so quickly and give me only seconds to get to the bathroom. LOL do you think I can log sprinting to the bathroom as exercise? :wink: Once it passes though I feel perfectly fine! Sometimes it is in the mornings, sometimes in the early afternoon. Very rarely is it in the evening. It is interesting though how quickly it comes on. It could be the suggestion of a food to eat, a sight or smell. That's great that it subsided for you by the 4th month. I cannot imagine having it for the duration of pregnancy. My bestie is towards the end of her 2nd trimester and she is still getting it really bad. When she tells me her stories all I can think is "wow I am lucky!"

    I was just scoping out your diary. I am always amazed at what a great job you do at getting in the protein!

    Teresa - One of Brian's coworkers belongs to an African violet club. When he told me about her I was amazed that such a thing existed.

    skinny (Karen) - Bummer. I was hoping to rope someone into weeding for me. :wink:
    I agree with what you said to Truly about the pictures. I think it is hard to see differences in ourselves when we look in the mirror but when you compare pictures it really opens your eyes at the changes that your body has gone through.

    Susan - So sorry you are going through a difficult time in your life. I remember the days of working similar hours while going to grad school. I was absolutely miserable. Please take time for yourself to do some pampering or something you like to do. You deserve it. Please know I am here for you if you ever need to vent or someone to listen to you.

    If you don't mind me asking how did you manage to only gain 15 lbs during your pregnancy with Cyrus? I have read a lot of stories on The Bump of women gaining close to 50 lbs. YIKES!!!! I cannot imagine. So far I have not had any gains and my doctors seemed pleased. I am still fluctuating between 215.8-216.8. I am being careful making sure I don't over eat and continue to watch my portions. I have been logging most everything. Sometimes I get lazy here and there and "forget" to put in a snack or log dinner. I have not been as diligent with weighing everything, I have been just eating my fruits and guestimating how much it was. I am hoping doing what I am doing combined with a little more exercise will help keep me from gaining too much.

    Ohio - Welcome. I am sorry to hear about your battle with cancer but glad you are in a place now to join us. It sounds like you have a good starting point. As you have less pain and build up your tolerance you can increase your steps to more a day. Best of luck to you!
    I have been drinking Carnations a lot now that I am pregnant. I cannot drink milk by itself. My doctor advised me to stop using my protein powder while pregnant so I am limited too. I make smoothies with Greek Yogurt and fresh fruit. Peanut butter, nuts, cheese, seeds, quinoa are some of my other favorite sources.

    Laurie - I love your honesty in your truth. I would never think in a million years that you get nervous prior to races. You have been doing so many. I hope the weather cooperated for you this morning and you enjoyed it!

    Kaye - So sorry to hear about the part for the washer. Oh my goodness to the situation with Nicole. That must be a really stressful place for her to be in at the moment especially with school starting right around the corner. I hope she hears of her placement soon.

    Kah (Kelly) - I am torn on what to do for the nursery. I have some private boards on Pinterest with various ideas of things to do. If the baby is a girl I found a beautiful bedding set that is a dusty rose color and very elegant looking. I am leaning towards that but I keep changing my mind. For a boy I was thinking of doing a sea theme with turtles or a monkey theme. Some gender neutral themes I was looking at were Dr Seuss - Oh the Places You'll Go, zoo theme, or forest theme. I am hoping to narrow it down a bit in August when the gender is confirmed to what the Maternit21 test said. We are hoping to gut and get the nursery set up early Fall. I told Brian this time around he has to stay home for the construction since I was "grounded" for 2 vacations due to the plumbing issues and floor installation. My arguing point is being pregnant it isn't good for me or the baby to be around the dust especially since I am trying not to take any medications. :wink: In all honesty, I just don't want to have that "grounded" feeling again. LOL

    tlh (Tracy) - I took my Fitbit off a while ago to charge it and I keep forgetting to put it back on. The other day I did work in the garden for a few hours and as mad when I noticed it wasn't tracking for me. OOPS!
    So sorry to hear about your husband's back. I hope he is feeling better soon. Wahoo to steps and the extra burn you get walking up and down them!

    lelser, wagglesworth, Dawn- Welcome!

    Truly - Congrats on your loss. I am so happy for you!

    Karen, Laurie and Susan - How long will you be in NY for? I am going to try my best to make it into the city to meet you ladies! Fingers crossed I am feeling great when you are here.

    Hansea - Wahoo for vacation and the much needed time to relax! I hope you have a fantastic time.

    Grammy - I have Fitbit too. Feel free to add me.

    Ebailey - I hope your grandmother is feeling better and has a speedy recovery.
  • lelser60
    lelser60 Posts: 21 Member
    Saturday--success, well, I started 3 days ago, and so far have stayed under the calories this program set, so far so good. Next week should be easier than most as both kids are at Summer camp, so I can fix what I want to eat:)

    August goal, to stay at or under my calorie limit for at least 26 out of 31 days, and to complete the food log log for at least 26 days. Might try for perfection some, month, but I am generally not perfect:) And for me when I mess up then I tend to take a break, so I do better planning on a few oops.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone!!:drinker:

    Saturday success today meant that I actually went to work today and had two very decent sales. I had thought I had lost my mojo! :noway: My boss (who has a Pollyanna complex) decided we would have no complaining at work and has set a jar in our office where we must police each other and for every complaint put a quarter in the jar. Seriously!! I policed myself and have already put in 50 cents and owe like a dollar more. The proceeds are going to our breast cancer awareness campaign and I’m sure our store alone will now cure the disease. Just saying! :tongue:

    On a good note I have stayed under my calories for the last two days. Yayyy for green numbers!! Tomorrow is weigh-in and my fingers and toes are crossed that I see a loss.

    ....and about you lovely people! :flowerforyou:

    @Susan, your August goals are awesome and I too will drink my water before having my diet coke! :drinker:

    @hansea, congrats of the weight loss, decreased measurements (not counting your chest!), and I hope you have a wonderful vacation!! :flowerforyou:

    @littleshadow, sounds like you are having a great time!! :smile:

    @Ohio, do you have a step tracker? Since getting my Fitbit I am amazed at how mindful I am about walking more. I have even stopped trying to get the closest parking space at the store! :smokin:

    @wagglesworth, welcome to the group!! You do know that it might be easier to get on that treadmill if you took the cushions off. :wink: I hate exercising but I have decided it is a must, so Monday thru Friday (if work permits) I get up and get it over with. I have NEVER come out of my exercise room thinking that was a waste of time. It’s always feels great! :happy:

    @Tanya, you are an inspiration to me! I really need to work on getting more protein in my diet. I know it’s about deficits in weight loss but I still feel that the healthier I eat the better my whole body will feel. :smile:

    @GrammyWhammy, Rebooting is great and I applaud your 5 days of success!! You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:

    @ebailey, I pray your grandma has a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou:

    @Dawn, welcome to the thread! It’s a really great group of super supportive and friendly people. I look forward to getting to know you. :smile:

    @Brenda, it’s so great that you have your Commander’s support! I’m sure you will rock out the pt test. I always bring my lunch to work and I know it saves me tons of money and calories. :happy:

    @Robin, you wanna know what kind of masochist I am? I decided to weigh-in in everyday in August and record it. I haven’t told my husband because I don’t want to see the eye-roll or hear the lecture. It’s just a little experiment I’m conducting!! :bigsmile: :devil:

    @ Nettie, purging closets is fun! I just did it not long ago and got rid of bunches of stuff. Hubby was amazed that we have only been in our new house for 2 ½ years and have accumulated so much unwanted crap. I don’t know where the stuff came from!!! :blushing:
    And I am always happy to hear about the baby!! I was overweight when I was pregnant with my daughter and really watched what I ate and only gained 20 lbs. Unlike a friend of mine who thought food was a free-for-all and gained 60lbs. Yikes!!!:noway:

    @Lelser, good start on staying under your calories. That is going to be my goal for August. We can do it!!!:drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today has been a good day. I was able to avoid mindless eating several times by reminding myself that I would have to log it. Dinner is over and I am comfortably under my calorie goal.
    Nettie, I love reading about your pregnancy and the exciting times ahead for you. I've been there 7 times. My average weight gain was about 25#. I was blessed to have very little nausea, but lacked energy a lot. Nicole had nausea for the duration. I felt bad for her. She was working during the winter and in graduate school during the first trimester. I hope that you will feel good most of the time. Just remember that you are making a baby and that is a big job. Don't be too hard on yourself. Being 5' 1" myself, I've had plenty of experience with hemming. Wish I was there to help you out. I'm sure that you have a dry cleaner nearby with a tailor.
    Susan, so glad to have you back. Hang in there.
    One of the newbies mentioned that she liked the friendly 'chatter' that we have here. I agree! Love you all. I find myself checking in several times a day just to see how everyone is doing.
    I'm trying to stay positive about things. I still have a broken washer, a big stump blocking half my driveway, and still haven't been able to coordinate a schedule with the mechanic to get new struts installed in the car. I told my sister today that I was having some negative feelings and stress about going through Daddy's stuff right now. She is having some of the same feelings so maybe it will get postponed, or maybe we won't try to do it all.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good evening everybody.

    I got hungry while I was smoking a chicken and a Boston butt for pulled chicken and pulled pork so I made these for lunch:

    Those are shrimp wrapped around some smoked sausage.

    Here is the chicken:


    This is the pork before it went in, it still has a ways to go and it has been in there for ten hours with probably another two hours to go:


    Susan- Glad to see you back! Some time when I get this smoking meat mastered You, Cyrus and your Sister should come over and try some. Being from GA you probably have had some very good smoked pork.

    Celebrated each year on August 2, it is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. This food holiday is one that will refresh each one of us, across the United States, on a warm summer day with a delicious frozen ice cream sandwich.
    The modern version of the ice cream sandwich was invented by Jerry Newberg in 1945 when he was selling ice cream at Forbes Field. There are pictures from the early 1900′s, “On the beach, Atlantic City”, that show Ice Cream Sandwiches were popular and sold for 1 cent each.
    There are alternatives to the classic ice cream sandwich using chocolate cookies, oatmeal cookies or a rice crispy wafer in place of the original chocolate one.
    Ice cream sandwiches are known around the world with different names,
    such as:
    Giant Sandwich – Monaco Bar – Maxibon – Cream Between – Vanilla Slice – Potong – Nougat Wafer – Sliders – Ice Cream Wafers – Double Nougat

    “Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.” ~H. L. Hunt

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan-Welcome back. We will have fun in New York. Remember you can call if you need to vent or just girl talk. My students also start back on August 25th. I can't believe how fast the summer is going. Find time to get back to the pool, I love it and not only do I get the exercise but I can also relax.

    Nettie we will be in NY from Saturday, Sept 27 to Tuesday, Sept. 30. Yes, we are taking time off from work and I am looking forward to my mini vacation for a good cause. I hope you can join us one of the days maybe Sunday after the race for dinner. We are also planning on celebrating Karen's birthday while we are there so you could join us for that. I am really awful when it comes to races and deciding to do them then actually do them. I am not sure why but it is most likely left over self-doubt about my ability to do something, then I wonder why I am putting myself through the mental game/anguish. :grumble: My poor trainer took the brunt of it Thursday and yesterday as I was trying to decide if I should do this race.

    Success- I completed the 5K today which was actually 3.25 miles and I finished in 38.21 minutes. I just missed 2nd place (age group) by seconds so I am annoyed with myself because I just did not have the energy to kick it up for a sprint finish. The 2nd place finisher passed me just feet from the finish line with her daughter. I had passed them earlier on the course. I was not out to set a Personal best but just to run the race so I achieved my goal. Considering that was the 3rd time I have run this week and that I climbed last night I am happy with the results. It was also a better time than the 5K I ran earlier this year. The best part was that it did not RAIN and was cool for this time of year but the humidity was coming back to the area.

    Tom- yummy pictures of the food. To celebrate ice cream sandwich I enjoyed the ice cream without the cookies but if I had known earlier the cookies would have been a part of the evening treat tonight. :laugh:

    Welcome to all the new people.

    August challenge- I am still not sure what I want to do for the August challenge. I will try to be under my calories everyday and increase my protein intake. The other thing I need to stick with is being active throughout the day and not just for exercise.

    Goals for the week
    Sunday- bike ride if not raining or gym/ pool
    Monday- walk and pool
    Tuesday- walk- and gym
    Wednesday- Pool (going to school to unpack my classroom)
    Thursday-Walk/run and gym
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Pool
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Saturday success: I went to the Y and swam for 60 minutes. This is the first on purpose exercise I have gotten since starting about 6 wks ago.
    I wish I had time to do personals every day. I do read and try to keep up with everyone.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Sneaking on while hubby is doing some prep for tomorrow.

    Had a nice time today being squired about by the church council president, he was showing us around town... And it just reinforced the fact that I have fallen in love with rural Indiana.

    Tomorrow morning is the big vote!

    So if you could send prayers and good vibes our way I (and my husband) would greatly appreciate it!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tom, that food looks amazing. Ice cream sandwiches are one of my favorite treats, but it's too late to get them tonight. I think I have some dream bars in the freezer. Maybe I can improvise. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just wanted to check in before I headed to bed. Not much to report. Jacob is back and while he is tired, he said it was a good experience. He talked about having to clean six floors of rooms and has a new appreciation for cleaning. He talked about how hard it was to imagine up to 6 people living in one of the rooms. He was given the job the first night of making sure people didn't take too much food as they went through the line. He said it was really hard to tell people they couldn't eat more when he knew they were hungry. He also said the most rewarding part was that a 4-5 year old girl gave him a hug and that it meant a lot to him.

    I met my calorie goal yesterday and today so I'm proud of that. Off to bed. Goodnight.