1200 cal is NOT enough



  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Hmm, 19 years old and knows it all! Unless your are extremely brilliant, you aren't old enough to have any credentials to make any of your advice credible. I see no scientific studies backing your position. Quite frankly, I wouldn't accept your attitude from my own kids who are considerably older than you. How about you do you and I'll do me and let everyone else do what they want to do?

    you must have missed that part where she said she took a mini class.......

    <slaps forehead>Must have! Can't argue with book learning :laugh:
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Does it matter? You shouldn't have to take a class to know that 1200 isn't enough for everyone.
  • Atrocity108
    Atrocity108 Posts: 328 Member
    Honestly, I do between 1200-1300 a day, and I feel great. I am 6'4 and was at 360lbs. Now, I am down to 270 by maintaining that 6 days a week. It works for me.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Honestly, I do between 1200-1300 a day, and I feel great. I am 6'4 and was at 360lbs. Now, I am down to 270 by maintaining that 6 days a week. It works for me.

    That is really sad. Your BMR is 2279.
  • somara627
    somara627 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi veg

    I didn't take offense at all to your blog post; I'm in agreement that for ME 1200 is simply not enough calories.

    I'm 5'3, 44 years old, never had any children and weigh 145 pounds.

    I'm older and that means my metabolism is slowing down but for me to have enough energy to do the spinning, strength training and occasional barre, TRX, or yoga class I freaking need to eat more.

    For me I'm all about being strong and healthy; ideally I'd love to be 130 with between 15-18% body fat so I'm throwing the 1200 calories out the window (since I cannot go that low without feeling weak) and instead calculating my TDEE and see how I do with the macros consume.

    Everyone has different goals and such..some people want to be a number on the scale..or a size in their clothes..we all have our motivations.

    You stated your opinion.. think it's cool..and great dialogue.from everyone on the forum.

    No offense taken:smile:
  • KaruBlack
    KaruBlack Posts: 43 Member

    Hello, just to let you know on how to stop the continuation of this miscommunication, just edit your initial post to something that people will not take as "offensive". I understand what you were trying to say, that 1200 calories is not a fit all size, especially since MFP normally starts you off at this point which makes people believe that this is how much they have to eat when in fact there is more information that needs to be taken into account in order to determine how many calories a person should have each day. Especially someone who is new and does not know what to look for this can become confusing.

    Since this is a forum and no one can determine the tone you are writing in I think a lot of people became angry because of what they perceived as your tone and statement. Nor should anyone only focus on one part of a statement.

    But I understand what you are trying to say and you should not have to apologize anymore since I have seen you apologize multiple times.

    Thank you!! I thought about it but I can't figure out how to edit it or delete it. :explode:
    MFP must have only basic forum features then. You may just need to let this die then. You are only going to stress yourself out by continue to post in this particular topic.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    What gets me about the "1200 is dangerous" mentality is why people don't see that if it truly was, MFP would be open to all kinds of litigation for using it as their floor.

    I truly believe it's not dangerous for anyone. You see 1200 and values like it used in all kinds of plans and apps. A lot don't even have floors (Fitbit, for example, as well as any diet plan that doesn't include calorie counting).

    It's recommended here for weight loss, which by its nature is temporary and applies to those with excess body fat to use for energy in a deficit.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    What gets me about the "1200 is dangerous" mentality is why people don't see that if it truly was, MFP would be open to all kinds of litigation for using it as their floor.

    I truly believe it's not dangerous for anyone. You see 1200 and values like it used in all kinds of plans and apps. A lot don't even have floors (Fitbit, for example, as well as any diet plan that doesn't include calorie counting).

    It's recommended here for weight loss, which by its nature is temporary and applies to those with excess body fat to use for energy in a deficit.

    It is NOT for everyone. 1200 diet is a joke. It isn't one size fits all. Its bogus, I would not survive on 1200. I tried it before and you know where it got me? THE HOSPITAL. I would never ever suggest it to someone for no reason at all without any consideration of their height/weight/age/gender.

    All these fad diets and books suggesting 1200 are just out to make money and don't give a crap about your health.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,225 Member
    I said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone"

    ...you then went on to say " or anyone really" ......

    To me, this meant, 1200 is not enough as a universal number or for anyone...... Apologies if this is not what you meant!
    For some of us...and I mean me.... to be absolutely specific!...... Losing weight at TDEE hasn't happened, losing weight at 1200 and eating back exercise calories, hasn't happened also. I am finding it hard to find my numbers! I am glad eating in excess of 1200 works for you... Great! It doesn't for others!!!

    If you're eating back exercise calories and your small enough to where 1200 is enough for you I see nothing wrong with that.

    Hmm, 19 years old and knows it all! Unless your are extremely brilliant, you aren't old enough to have any credentials to make any of your advice credible. I see no scientific studies backing your position. Quite frankly, I wouldn't accept your attitude from my own kids who are considerably older than you. How about you do you and I'll do me and let everyone else do what they want to do?

    If you don't agree you don't have to comment. I swear everyone wants to use the 'age thing' as an argument.

    Welcome to Internet forums!

    People can comment whether they agree with you or not.

    Exactly so why you're so upset over my post is beyond me. I corrected my wrongs and apologized.

    I am not upset.

    I just don't agree with you.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    What gets me about the "1200 is dangerous" mentality is why people don't see that if it truly was, MFP would be open to all kinds of litigation for using it as their floor.

    I truly believe it's not dangerous for anyone. You see 1200 and values like it used in all kinds of plans and apps. A lot don't even have floors (Fitbit, for example, as well as any diet plan that doesn't include calorie counting).

    It's recommended here for weight loss, which by its nature is temporary and applies to those with excess body fat to use for energy in a deficit.

    It is NOT for everyone. 1200 diet is a joke. It isn't one size fits all. Its bogus, I would not survive on 1200. I tried it before and you know where it got me? THE HOSPITAL. I would never ever suggest it to someone for no reason at all without any consideration of their height/weight/age/gender.

    All these fad diets and books suggesting 1200 are just out to make money and don't give a crap about your health.
    It's recommended here for weight loss, which by its nature is temporary and applies to those with excess body fat to use for energy in a deficit. You are 5'8" and 130. It's not going to tell you 1200 unless you tell it you want to lose weight. You don't have weight to lose. If you did really need to lose 2 lbs., you'd lose it in a couple weeks and avoid the hospital.

    You understand how MFP arrives at 1200, right? It's just math and it does consider one's height, weight, gender and age.
  • Atrocity108
    Atrocity108 Posts: 328 Member
    Honestly, I do between 1200-1300 a day, and I feel great. I am 6'4 and was at 360lbs. Now, I am down to 270 by maintaining that 6 days a week. It works for me.

    That is really sad. Your BMR is 2279.

    yet I have lost a lot of weight and feel great. Also, this was under my doctors recommendation. So, how is that sad?
  • mikegerber1
    mikegerber1 Posts: 38 Member
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I took no offense to what you said. I am 5'2" and 53 years old. I need to eat less than you, but I eat more than 1200. I am fairly active and if I didn't I would starve. I don't know why people get so crazy. Hang in there, girl. :)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child.
    ... 1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really)
    1200 is the minimum someone should be eating unless they're under the supervision of a doctor (or are very short).
    1200 is the minimum someone? Isn't this what I JUST got yelled at for because a statement like that ignores a persons height, weight, gender, age. 1200 IS NOT a universal number.
    That's the medically-established minimum (for women), yes.
    Will you believe Harvard Medical School? (I'm pretty sure they know what they're talking about.)

    calorie intake should not fall below 1,200 a day in women or 1,500 a day in men, except under the supervision of a health professional

    Maybe you'll learn about this once you start classes.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,225 Member

    Hello, just to let you know on how to stop the continuation of this miscommunication, just edit your initial post to something that people will not take as "offensive". I understand what you were trying to say, that 1200 calories is not a fit all size, especially since MFP normally starts you off at this point which makes people believe that this is how much they have to eat when in fact there is more information that needs to be taken into account in order to determine how many calories a person should have each day. Especially someone who is new and does not know what to look for this can become confusing.

    Since this is a forum and no one can determine the tone you are writing in I think a lot of people became angry because of what they perceived as your tone and statement. Nor should anyone only focus on one part of a statement.

    But I understand what you are trying to say and you should not have to apologize anymore since I have seen you apologize multiple times.

    Thank you!! I thought about it but I can't figure out how to edit it or delete it. :explode:
    MFP must have only basic forum features then. You may just need to let this die then. You are only going to stress yourself out by continue to post in this particular topic.

    You can edit your posts.

    You just click on edit button under your existing post that you want to edit, and change whatever in the post you want to change.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child.
    ... 1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really)
    1200 is the minimum someone should be eating unless they're under the supervision of a doctor (or are very short).
    1200 is the minimum someone? Isn't this what I JUST got yelled at for because a statement like that ignores a persons height, weight, gender, age. 1200 IS NOT a universal number.
    That's the medically-established minimum, yes.
    Will you believe Harvard Medical School? (I'm pretty sure they know what they're talking about.)

    calorie intake should not fall below 1,200 a day in women or 1,500 a day in men, except under the supervision of a health professional

    Maybe you'll learn about this once you start classes.

    I did already. it is a load of crap. it landed me in the HOSPITAL. What the heck. Doctors suggest these BS diets all the time doesn't mean they are right.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Honestly, I do between 1200-1300 a day, and I feel great. I am 6'4 and was at 360lbs. Now, I am down to 270 by maintaining that 6 days a week. It works for me.

    That is really sad. Your BMR is 2279.

    yet I have lost a lot of weight and feel great. Also, this was under my doctors recommendation. So, how is that sad?

    Trust your doctor I guess. If I was you I would get a new doctor. You are under eating severely.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    What gets me about the "1200 is dangerous" mentality is why people don't see that if it truly was, MFP would be open to all kinds of litigation for using it as their floor.

    I truly believe it's not dangerous for anyone. You see 1200 and values like it used in all kinds of plans and apps. A lot don't even have floors (Fitbit, for example, as well as any diet plan that doesn't include calorie counting).

    It's recommended here for weight loss, which by its nature is temporary and applies to those with excess body fat to use for energy in a deficit.

    It is NOT for everyone. 1200 diet is a joke. It isn't one size fits all. Its bogus, I would not survive on 1200. I tried it before and you know where it got me? THE HOSPITAL. I would never ever suggest it to someone for no reason at all without any consideration of their height/weight/age/gender.

    All these fad diets and books suggesting 1200 are just out to make money and don't give a crap about your health.
    It's recommended here for weight loss, which by its nature is temporary and applies to those with excess body fat to use for energy in a deficit. You are 5'8" and 130. It's not going to tell you 1200 unless you tell it you want to lose weight. You don't have weight to lose. If you did really need to lose 2 lbs., you'd lose it in a couple weeks and avoid the hospital.

    You understand how MFP arrives at 1200, right? It's just math and it does consider one's height, weight, gender and age.

    This was when I was OVERWEIGHT. 1200 was not enough. Especially with exercise. I do not trust MFP calculations.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,225 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child.
    ... 1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really)
    1200 is the minimum someone should be eating unless they're under the supervision of a doctor (or are very short).
    1200 is the minimum someone? Isn't this what I JUST got yelled at for because a statement like that ignores a persons height, weight, gender, age. 1200 IS NOT a universal number.
    That's the medically-established minimum, yes.
    Will you believe Harvard Medical School? (I'm pretty sure they know what they're talking about.)

    calorie intake should not fall below 1,200 a day in women or 1,500 a day in men, except under the supervision of a health professional

    Maybe you'll learn about this once you start classes.

    I did already. it is a load of crap. it landed me in the HOSPITAL. What the heck. Doctors suggest these BS diets all the time doesn't mean they are right.

    Nobody is saying 1200 is right for You.

    Doesn't make it BS for all other people.

    Yes I know you keep saying you know this - but then you seem to post things contradicting it. :indifferent:
  • Atrocity108
    Atrocity108 Posts: 328 Member
    so, a 30+ year experienced doctor knows less than a 19 year old student?
This discussion has been closed.