1200 cal is NOT enough



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I do agree it's absurd. It's possible to get in enough protein with that many calories. But fat and other stuff? It can be pulled off, but you really have to know what you're doing and have good discipline. Most people on here don't know what they're doing.
    Most people don't adhere to minimums for 'fat and other stuff'. And even if they did and ate a whopping 700 calories of protein a day, that leaves an also-whopping 500 calories for 'fat and other stuff'.

    For someone who joined 2 weeks ago, you have lost a lot of weight and seem to have the whole population pretty much figured out, and have decided you know more. :huh:
  • TEMMEAlexa
    TEMMEAlexa Posts: 79 Member
    Eating less than that is required by the body to stay healthy is not going to help you lose weight .Infact it is going to create health problems for you as your body will not be getting the desired the nourishment that it needs.It is necessary to exercise to keep your muscles toned but then to remain healthy you will have to up your calorie intake,so think about it and then take the necessary decisions.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Exactly the reason I keep my diary closed. Nobody's business what I eat.

    My sentiments exactly :drinker:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I do agree it's absurd. It's possible to get in enough protein with that many calories. But fat and other stuff? It can be pulled off, but you really have to know what you're doing and have good discipline. Most people on here don't know what they're doing.
    Most people don't adhere to minimums for 'fat and other stuff'. And even if they did and ate a whopping 700 calories of protein a day, that leaves an also-whopping 500 calories for 'fat and other stuff'.

    For someone who joined 2 weeks ago, you have lost a lot of weight and seem to have the whole population pretty much figured out, and have decided you know more. :huh:
    Any chance you get to promote or support someone eating low calories you take. Like that adult male 6' tall, a young male. And your defense is well people don't adhere to minimums on fat intake. That's just ridiculous.

    You put no thought into what he might need as far as protein and fat go but automatically say it's fine. Just makes no sense. Especially when you personally have no idea what a 24 year old male needs. You're just spewing randomness.
    I don't promote low calories. I promote the stopping of spreading misinformation like "you can't hit your macros at 1200". You'd have to have some pretty odd macro goals to not be able to hit them in under 1200.

    Most fat intake recommendations are expressed as percent of calories, so 1200 doesn't preclude any recommended level. The one organization I know that does set a daily minimum independent of calories is Weight Watchers, which requires 2t. (around 80 calories) per day of healthy oils.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Please do share your sources of minimum fat intake levels while dieting and while overweight. I'm happy to learn.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Because one diet is temporary while the other is long term? Maybe it doesn't matter. I kind of wonder why a 24-year old male would need more fat than a female or older male, too, though.

    I've been looking around for fat intake minimums and am not finding anything that isn't based on percent of total intake. Nearly everything is worded as a maximum, also.

    I'm not anti-fat. I just think most of us, especially the overweight, tend to naturally get enough and that 1200 doesn't make it hard to. When you eat low cal for a while I think most people learn to pick foods with higher satiety which generally means each meal will include protein, fat and low cal carbs like vegetables.
  • billmartin1612147
    billmartin1612147 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a man weighing 162 lbs at 5'10" - and small boned. I was at 172 a few months ago before I became immersed in myfitnesspal. My goal was to get down to 164. I must be using this application wrong because it says for me to do a net 1530 calorie per day diet to get down to 164. I admit I have not "checked in" with weight. So maybe I should do that and it will raise my daily net calorie requirement. Also on alternate days I burn 660 calories and around 1000 calories, so about 5900 calories per week.

    I do mostly cardio workouts (brisk swimming and cardio machines) but do about 20 minutes of weight lifting 3 days a week.

    I do see from experience that even for me a net of 1530 calories is too little. I probably should have a net of 1900 calories. And lately I have been eating more to make that number red colored at the end of the day. I feel better about it.

    My need is to keep sodium down below 1700 on the average since I'm trying to get off of BP medicine. And I also got rid of added sugar in my diet and eat mostly whole foods, and mostly plant-based.

    But for a man even my size, 1500 net is too low.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child. 1200 calories was my lunch yesterday, not a days worth of intake! I don't want to hear any excuses like "I'm never hungry" or that you cant find any high calorie foods that are healthy.

    My diet is heavily plant based. Even if my foods are not high calorie, I eat frequently and that adds up!

    Furthermore, if you can't meet a simple calorie goal you shouldn't even be exercising and causing further damage to you body.
    1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really) if you want to know how much you should really be eating calculate your BMR and then add calories based on your activity level OR calculate your TDEE which I highly recommend.

    It seems most of you want quick and instant results but under eating isnt the way to do it. Permanent and HEALTHY results that you can sustain are going to take time, effort, and certainly a hell of a lot more food.

    There is no question that one can lose weight at the 1200 calorie level. Similarly, some people will gain weight at that level. Another fact is that hundreds of thousands of people have had safe, rapid weight loss at well under 1200 calories per day.

    When I was losing weight, I ate 800 to 1k cals/day net for 7 months and lost 95 pounds. I'm glad that I took that approach and I recommend that approach to some folks who have asked me about it. My diet was not based on a whim or on "bad science". Quite the opposite.

    I chose to lose weight on a low calorie diet that was very similar to that offered by a weight loss clinic in Southern California that has been in business for over 40 years and has 42 clinics in the SoCal area. It's a medically-based plan (people who enroll in the plan are examined by a PA) and people who have significant medical issues are not allowed to participate. People who follow the plan will, on average, lose 10% of their body mass over the course of a 10 week period. Lindora has data going back to 1972 to verify this.

    In sum, history and medical science tell us that a low calorie diet is a safe way lose weight and keep it off. You may not agree with that, you may not like it, and you may not understand it but that doesn't change reality.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm a man weighing 162 lbs at 5'10" - and small boned. I was at 172 a few months ago before I became immersed in myfitnesspal. My goal was to get down to 164. I must be using this application wrong because it says for me to do a net 1530 calorie per day diet to get down to 164. I admit I have not "checked in" with weight. So maybe I should do that and it will raise my daily net calorie requirement. Also on alternate days I burn 660 calories and around 1000 calories, so about 5900 calories per week.

    I do mostly cardio workouts (brisk swimming and cardio machines) but do about 20 minutes of weight lifting 3 days a week.

    I do see from experience that even for me a net of 1530 calories is too little. I probably should have a net of 1900 calories. And lately I have been eating more to make that number red colored at the end of the day. I feel better about it.

    My need is to keep sodium down below 1700 on the average since I'm trying to get off of BP medicine. And I also got rid of added sugar in my diet and eat mostly whole foods, and mostly plant-based.

    But for a man even my size, 1500 net is too low.

    Three key issues that people run into when setting up calorie goals: (1) MFP calorie recommendations are pre-exercise. If you get 1500 (or 1200, for a lot of women), that is a net number, and you are expected to eat back exercise calories. So if you are averaging 5900 calories burned from exercise on top of that, MFP would expect you to eat back on average 850 calories per day--quite a difference from 1500. (2) MFP's "sedentary" is really sedentary (and badly explained). If you walk around at all, or do household activities, or have small children you are chasing about, etc., you are almost certainly not sedentary, even if you have a desk job. If you have a Fitbit, let it adjust your goal. (3) You are expected to exercise your own judgment about the rate at which you should lose. If you don't have that much to lose, asking for 2 lb/week will get you a low calorie goal, and is probably more aggressive than makes sense (although depending on how you feel having a good amount of activity may make it more possible for longer).

    If you compare the TDEE method and the MFP method and make them equal for the exercise you plan to do (i.e. assume you will eat back exercise calories when doing MFP method) and the amount you are trying to lose (if your TDEE is 2500, 20%=1 lb a week, not 2), they are basically the same.
  • I think people should pay attention to how they feel! If you feel good on a certain number of calories, then eat that number of calories, if you feel sick and unhealthy on a x number of calories, then change it! Do whatever works for you!
  • Please do share your sources of minimum fat intake levels while dieting and while overweight. I'm happy to learn.
    Why would it differ from an overweight person dieting down compared to someone that is not overweight?
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Omg, I fainted, and bleed to death from eating 1,200 calorie diets for months... NOT! :D
  • stacibuk
    stacibuk Posts: 276 Member
    I lost a lot of weight eating at 1200 calories. I was always so hungry though. Then I started eating normally and I put on all the weight back and more. I now am doing the slower route of eating above my bmr but below my tree and it's working out fine. It's going slowly but I prefer it.
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    Well, for what it's worth, here is the info from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is what my nutrition textbooks base their recommendations on:

    The Low-calorie Diet (LCD)

    An LCD limits calories, but not as much as a VLCD. A typical LCD may provide

    1,000–1,200 calories/day for a woman
    1,200–1,600 calories/day for a man

    The number of calories may be adjusted based on your age, weight, and how active you are.

    An LCD usually consists of regular foods, but could also include meal replacements. As a result, you may find this type of diet much easier to follow than a VLCD.

    In the long term, LCDs have been found to lead to the same amount of weight loss as VLCDs.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Omg, I fainted, and bleed to death from eating 1,200 calorie diets for months... NOT! :D

    And I have turned into a raging madperson because I can't have chocolate or tasty, filling food at 1,200 calories!

  • Shimmysista
    Shimmysista Posts: 75 Member
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I do agree it's absurd. It's possible to get in enough protein with that many calories. But fat and other stuff? It can be pulled off, but you really have to know what you're doing and have good discipline. Most people on here don't know what they're doing.
    Most people don't adhere to minimums for 'fat and other stuff'. And even if they did and ate a whopping 700 calories of protein a day, that leaves an also-whopping 500 calories for 'fat and other stuff'.

    For someone who joined 2 weeks ago, you have lost a lot of weight and seem to have the whole population pretty much figured out, and have decided you know more. :huh:
    Any chance you get to promote or support someone eating low calories you take. Like that adult male 6' tall, a young male. And your defense is well people don't adhere to minimums on fat intake. That's just ridiculous.

    You put no thought into what he might need as far as protein and fat go but automatically say it's fine. Just makes no sense. Especially when you personally have no idea what a 24 year old male needs. You're just spewing randomness.
    I don't promote low calories. I promote the stopping of spreading misinformation like "you can't hit your macros at 1200". You'd have to have some pretty odd macro goals to not be able to hit them in under 1200.

    Most fat intake recommendations are expressed as percent of calories, so 1200 doesn't preclude any recommended level. The one organization I know that does set a daily minimum independent of calories is Weight Watchers, which requires 2t. (around 80 calories) per day of healthy oils.

    Those % of calories are implied to be of maintenance calories (for a person of normal weight for their sex, age, height). CDC says 20-35% of that. I got 2100-2200 maintenance calories, 20% of that would be 420-440 calories minimum from fats which comes out to be about 45-50 grams, I weigh 72 kg so rough estimate for total numbers would be 2/3 your weight in kg in grams or 0.8 times your lean mass in kg in grams.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Omg, I fainted, and bleed to death from eating 1,200 calorie diets for months... NOT! :D
    Sure are setting yourself up for success with a couple slices of peach for breakfast and plain chicken for dinner and 900 calories a day.

    You knowledge and attention to proper nutrition
    > Not even once.

    Success? You bet, I am more successful these 7 months considering I lost 77 lbs!

    I wasn't done eating for the day. If I eat over 1,200 good then. I basically eat to avoid hunger. So not everyday will be 1,200 on the dot, sometimes under or over. I don't binge eat either. Too damn stubborn for that.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Omg, I fainted, and bleed to death from eating 1,200 calorie diets for months... NOT! :D

    And I have turned into a raging madperson because I can't have chocolate or tasty, filling food at 1,200 calories!


    Try working in a chocolate shop. Thankfully I don't even think about eating a piece.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child. 1200 calories was my lunch yesterday, not a days worth of intake! I don't want to hear any excuses like "I'm never hungry" or that you cant find any high calorie foods that are healthy.

    My diet is heavily plant based. Even if my foods are not high calorie, I eat frequently and that adds up!

    Furthermore, if you can't meet a simple calorie goal you shouldn't even be exercising and causing further damage to you body.
    1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really) if you want to know how much you should really be eating calculate your BMR and then add calories based on your activity level OR calculate your TDEE which I highly recommend.

    It seems most of you want quick and instant results but under eating isnt the way to do it. Permanent and HEALTHY results that you can sustain are going to take time, effort, and certainly a hell of a lot more food.

    That's good for You!
    That's not good for me...thanks :ohwell:
    Im 4'2, 40 yrs old and have it set as sedentary.
    I know that a child at this height would weigh about 75 lbs...clearly Im not a child as I have a chest that carries more weight than a childs so I have to accommodate for that.
    I don't know if MFP goes any lower than 1200 because I never messed with it once it set me up.
    I eat normal things...Ive just learned to swap out some old ways w/ some new ways and have learned a lot along the way by some wonderful people on here.
    Please don't judge and make claims based on Your body...its not nice!
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