1200 cal is NOT enough



  • stylesismine
    wait....what? then why is my calorie intake set at 1200? and my exercise I do isn't my EXCESS for the day? what I'm burning off??? oh my God. what???
  • shall724
    shall724 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey dead horse, come over here so I can beat you.

    Seriously... lol
  • stylesismine
    well thanks you snarky little twit. as someone who has struggled with weight loss and finally thought they found the key with MFP, I see all I've found is a site where rude remarks can be made instead of serious answers to my questions.

    YOU DONT KNOW ME. You dont know my struggles. You dont know my goals and how hard I'm working to achieve them. SO shut your smart mouth and back the hell off. TODAY!

    People like you ....yeah...people like YOU Shall724....you have all the answers don't you?
  • peachmagic
    peachmagic Posts: 57 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child. 1200 calories was my lunch yesterday, not a days worth of intake! I don't want to hear any excuses like "I'm never hungry" or that you cant find any high calorie foods that are healthy.

    My diet is heavily plant based. Even if my foods are not high calorie, I eat frequently and that adds up!

    Furthermore, if you can't meet a simple calorie goal you shouldn't even be exercising and causing further damage to you body.
    1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really) if you want to know how much you should really be eating calculate your BMR and then add calories based on your activity level OR calculate your TDEE which I highly recommend.

    It seems most of you want quick and instant results but under eating isnt the way to do it. Permanent and HEALTHY results that you can sustain are going to take time, effort, and certainly a hell of a lot more food.

    Well my doctor disagrees with you, so forgive me if I take her advice over yours...
  • stylesismine
    I have been eating 1200 a day and running 3-5 miles a day every day for two months. I keep plateauing and I guess now I know why. I am not educated on how or when to change things up. I was counting on MFP to tell me when I need more food / calories. I thought the 1200 was my baseline. I didn't know if I worked off 550 calories, I was supposed to eat that much again. Is that what I'm supposed to do? Can someone on here lead me in the right direction?

    I don't need yelled at. I don't need someone to sit here and "point out the obvious" I DONT KNOW the obvious. None of this makes any sense to me. I've lost 72 pounds since February, but I'm at a plateau I can't get off of right now. I have 32 pounds to go to reach goal. I'd really like to get there. I'm feeling great. My workouts are amazing. Honestly, if I didn't ever eat it wouldn't bother me. Honestly I'm not hungry, ever. So that's an issue. I DO KNOW I have to eat and I DO eat.

    I just dont know what I'm doing or what I'm doing wrong. I would like someone serious to help me. Not someone rude or sarcastic or someone who says "I dont have the time for that bs" I'm new, uneducated in this area, and I need help. Please.

    Thank you.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I didn't read all 17 pages, so I'm probably repeating someone. I lost all of my weight doing 1200, then 1300 calories and it worked beautifully for me. I did not exersise a whole lot, mostly walking. I have been maintaining for almost five monhts.
  • stylesismine
    please dont give that same piece of advice to everyone who posts on this thread. and remember, just because one thing works for you does not mean it will necessarily work for someone else "heavily plant based" ....some people cant do that. not trying to be rude or argumentative, it just happens. I work in the medical field.
  • stylesismine
    17 to 18 pages... where is this?
  • shall724
    shall724 Posts: 18 Member
    well thanks you snarky little twit. as someone who has struggled with weight loss and finally thought they found the key with MFP, I see all I've found is a site where rude remarks can be made instead of serious answers to my questions.

    YOU DONT KNOW ME. You dont know my struggles. You dont know my goals and how hard I'm working to achieve them. SO shut your smart mouth and back the hell off. TODAY!

    People like you ....yeah...people like YOU Shall724....you have all the answers don't you?

    EXCUSE ME? My comment was in reference to this entire drawn out topic..not to you personally. If I am addressing YOU, or YOUR comment, I will l will copy your post...got it?
  • stylesismine
    congrats on your weight loss. that is awesome! good for you!
  • lydwak
    lydwak Posts: 13 Member
    I'm on 1200 and eat back exercise calories, I also do a tiny bit of strength training every day or so. I'm maintaining pretty well, and not only hit my calories but also my other macronutrients such as protein. Any more and I would be a balloon.
    Thank you for wanting all us small people to be balloons.
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    Oh to be 19 again and know everything with such certainty...
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Well I don't really give a what you think. I happily eat 1200 a day (+ eating back some from exercise), don't feel hungry and have energy for at least 3 runs & 2 bike rides or long walks a week.

    Edit: I see you are 5' 8" ,around 130lbs and only 19 yrs old?? Well my stats are very different - I'm 5' 3" and 51 yrs old. When I'm down to my target, I will then increase to a maintenance level.

    So you are 19 years old huh? That makes you a qualified dietitian?
    I would rather trust the nutritionists on this site and those with a lot more experience.
    IMHO we all struggle here - obviously you don't.
    But having said that, you're entitled to your opinion, condescending though it may be.
  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    That was my point so how are you contradicting me? Basically what I am trying to say is that most people should not be eating so little, especially people around my height and weight.

    Grab a dictionary and learn what the word contradiction means.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Oh no point arguing in these threads. People will eat 1200 cals anyway let them.

    All that matters are TDEE and BMR, eat between then and you are fine. Eat below BMR then hit plateau, get stuck and have to eat even less to lose weight, eventually unmanageable. Burn muscle instead of fat. Yay.

    1200 cal is NOT enough for MOST people. Most people have a BMR over 1200 cals and some people have special diet requirements from their doctors to eat less (always listen to a doctor in those cases)

    For anyone who wants to bother. For the rest, I really don't care. As I said before you can't force people to change, you can only try to help prevent them from making the same mistakes you did.

    http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ (you shouldn't eat less than this)

    http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ (you need to eat less than this)

    Re-evaluate your numbers every 5lbs or every few of weeks as they will lower.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
  • helsbelshms
    helsbelshms Posts: 93 Member
    Wow some of the responses to this post are worse than the original. Yes most people are right, 1200 cals does work for some people, but the OP was also right saying it's not a one size fits all number.

    I have personally tried 1200 cals and it didn't work for me, a few weeks in and I was so desperate for bad foods that I caved. A couple of years later I've settled at 1600 cals and it's working because I include the bad foods in it.

    I don't agree with MFP setting a lot of people at 1200 cals, but I also think people need to be pointed in the direction of the correct posts to read and left to make up their own minds. When I did 1200 cals I wouldn't listen to anyone telling me it was too little, in my mind I was right.

    There are too many factors involved that a blanket statement doesn't work. Height, weight, age, mobility, health problems all come into it. Yes, it's true that eating too little can cause health problems, but I personally think it's a personal choice to make. All we can do on MFP is help people understand the health implications and let them decide for themselves.
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