How to Track Weight Watchers Points on MFP!!



  • pj4jj48
    pj4jj48 Posts: 2
    It still works: you can get the script here:

    This worked for me! Thanks!
  • Sussysue
    Sussysue Posts: 34 Member
    YEAH :):):) it worked in Chrome. Thank you very much lol
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Interesting! I just did my points vs. cals and I would be over my points for the day but only at 1000 cals because I tend to eat differently then WW suggests.

    I needed the structure of the meetings to get myself up and going again bc I was struggling alone. Now that I am motivated again I am not sure what I will end up doing. I like the control of seeing my exact cals and macros yet the freedom and mentality that WW allows with the extra weekly points and moderation is good for me too. I tend to get crazy and strict with myself on MFP and when I blow it fall off hard.

    Anyway, gonna do WW points for the first month and see. I like the idea of maybe doing both here. Thanks for the tip!
  • kmel2479
    kmel2479 Posts: 102 Member
    Bump so I don't lose instructions!
  • LilyPoulp
    LilyPoulp Posts: 5
    Ok ... i tried again and again but nothing ... si this is my last question : does it work on mac OSX ?
    Because i don't understand what's the problem ....
  • LilyPoulp
    LilyPoulp Posts: 5
    YES ! I find my problem .... it doesn't work if your change the language of myfitnesspal, only english works ! If someone know if it's possible to change this problem in the code, please let me know.

    Thank you for the post :)
  • I'm not sure if this has already been asked, but is there any way to view the WW points on the MFP app for iPhone?? I only use the app... not really the website ever, and was just wondering if and how this can be done. thanks!!
  • This is awesome! Thanks so much for this tool and everyone who has worked on explaining it--it took me about 2 minutes to get it to work.
  • lms4310
    lms4310 Posts: 21
  • goalisfit
    goalisfit Posts: 3
    Do I have to copy and paste the script to my diary? I am so confused.
  • quinnbeee
    quinnbeee Posts: 2
    Help! When I try and open use script link my browser times out every time. I am using Firefox with the grease monkey add in.

    Thanks in advance!
  • quinnbeee
    quinnbeee Posts: 2
    i figured it out! One thing fruit and veggies free points on ww but it is counting them with points in mfp??????
  • inoj
    inoj Posts: 3 Member
    Works on my Mac OSX - Used Chrome
  • Lauri524
    Lauri524 Posts: 54 Member
    I can't seem to access the following link (?)
    I would like to count Weight watcher points, too! Is this link still working? If not, can someone let me know how I can do this? I love my "free" fruits and veggies! Thanks!
  • Lauri524
    Lauri524 Posts: 54 Member
    So I finally got the points to come up! My questions is, does it track extra points for exercise or is that asking too much? :)
  • nam1026
    nam1026 Posts: 1
    How did you get it to work? I'm trying now. Just times out.
  • Lauri524
    Lauri524 Posts: 54 Member
    I used this link via Mozilla Firefox/GreaseMonkey:
  • So, I got this to work but I'd like to update to the new point system - I know I have to change two things to "true" but how do I edit the source code?
  • chiwalker
    chiwalker Posts: 8 Member
    I was able to download the script, so can see ww points now. How do I edit the source code to get the weight watcher points to calculate the new way?

  • sammerin3d
    sammerin3d Posts: 1 Member
    If you're using firefox- to edit the script there should be a little monkey face in the upper right hand side of your screen. Click the arrow next to it and click "manage user scripts" Then click "preferences" under the MFP/WW bar. A screen will pop up and at the bottom you and click "edit script" to change that.

    The problem I'm having is no matter what I change to true/false my fruits and vegetables are showing up as points. Is there any way to get your "free" foods to really show as free? I really wanted to still track fruits and vegetables and see the comparison between MFP tracking the calories of my fruits and veggies and WW not counting them. Any advice?

    This thread has been around so long that the people who figured it all out left :) haha