College + Alcohol - How do I solve this problem?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I won't give up my beer.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    some of you seem to think I'm planning all night ragers and getting "****faced" on a daily basis. I can assure you this is not the case. I've been in college for 2 years now, and of legal drinking age for five, I don't drink "because the cool kids do it". The kind of alcohol consumption I was referring to was the occasional pint at the Uni bar, or a few glasses of wine with dinner. No need to worry about my overall health :)

    I'm not assuming that you are drinking other than in moderation. But if you drink as moderately as suggested here--an occasional pint or a couple of glasses of wine--it really doesn't matter what you drink. Just count the calories.

    If the calories (or what you eat after) are enough to derail the weight loss, it might be worth looking into drinking less, but I'm not at all assuming that that's a problem for you.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    The hell with all this moderation nonsense. Drink 'till you puke. Problem solved.
  • christinalong1991
    christinalong1991 Posts: 74 Member
    I won't give up my beer! lol But, I know that once I start drinking, that voice in my head that tells me to stop eating goes away and that totally derails me, soooo....2 solutions that I use are 1) if its not worth it, don't drink for the night, 2) I know I'm going to drink, so I work it off beforehand, watch what I eat all day, and save those calories to eat as I'm drinking. I also pre-log the beers i *think* im gonna have beforehand, and try to just stick to what I've allotted myself. When all else fails, tequila and lemonade instead lol
  • enitsirhck
    enitsirhck Posts: 36 Member
    I know this isn't what you asked but as someone who didn't realize how good I had it until my last semester, my advice is not to fart around, period. Even if you're overloading on credits, you'll probably be spending less than a "grown-up" 9-5 in class - use that extra time. Study, work out, hone a skill, learn a new language, volunteer - just do something. If you're in a sorority ok yeah you're spending that time, hopefully building your network and making friends, but remember you're in college to build your future. Future You will thank you for not wasting a good opportunity - If i had spend the time I wasted in college playing video games working on myself, I'd be ten years ahead of where I am now in terms of the benefits of quality of life in my health both physical and mental.

    The booze will always be there, but the time you squander never comes back.

    My advice: Don't drink enough that you need to worry about the calories, and remember that everybody loves the DD
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Are you actually interested in drinking? I would rather spend my calories on something else (a cookie) than a few drinks, so I didn't drink much at all in college and did just fine.

    You can always grab carbonated water with a lime, and no one will know the difference :).
  • mysweetjenna
    mysweetjenna Posts: 52 Member
    First, work out before you go out-allows you a cushion.
    Second-always have a water on the side...and DRINK IT.
    Third-allow one good beer; it'll be filling. Then switch to liquor-honestly there is not much is difference brown or clear. Just steer clear of cordials. Mix with water, club soda, or diet-something.
  • I'm in college as well and I noticed that when I didn't drink I continued to lose weight and make improvements in the gym. I started to cut myself some slack and started drinking again and going out to parties thinking it would only be a couple times and then I would go back to being healthy but it took me 3 months of that and 8 pounds heavier to realize that drinking and partying and staying out late doesn't work for me. I would drink and get the late night drunchies and eat fast food and then feel terrible about it the next day and would be too hungover to workout and it was a terrible pattern. I realized that my weight loss goal was much more important to me than partying and getting drunk was. I still go to parties but I might only have like one drink. It helps that I tend to get terribly hangovers as well lol
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member

    Oh well if you read it on the internet then it must be true. I guess we should recommend drinking to anyone at dangerously low bodyfat percentage so that they can prevent further fat loss despite beinh at a caloric deficit. Since I guess alcohol is magic now.
  • tbrown1974
    tbrown1974 Posts: 30 Member
    Since you are a little fussy about what you drink (as am I), drink what you like and work it in to your weekly calories. Exercise a little more during the week to bank some calories. Like some suggested, see if you can use diet sodas to cut back some calories on drinks you like that involve soda. #nojudgementhere

    Ok, so I'm in college, and as many of you might or might not remember college tends to involve some amount of drinking. Is there a good way to plan my drinking, or do any of you know if e.g. wine contains less carbs than beer or vice versa? I am kind of a fussy drinker and not much for those light beers that to me mostly tastes like water. Although I do like mixed drink, wine etc etc.

    Help please! :)
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Ok, so I'm in college, and as many of you might or might not remember college tends to involve some amount of drinking.

    It does? I went to university to study, not get drunk and party.

    You'll live without the alcohol, trust me. It's all empty calories anyway. And if you NEED alcohol to have a good time, then you have a bigger problem than the amount of calories it has.
  • Make yourself the DD or the person who makes sure you don't get in bad situations - worked for me. I'd rather have a clear head when out with a bunch of college students because crazy things have been known to happen.
  • toronto88
    toronto88 Posts: 21 Member
    Alternate an alcoholic drink with perrier/club soda
    Buy beer in individual cans and just bring 1 or 2
    Hard liquor with no-cal mixers if you wanna get slammed
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey, as a (former) big time college party-er Ive learned a few things. Wine coolers and stuff like Mike's Hard Lemonade have tones of suger. Stay away from cocktails(or limit to 1) and stick to light beer. I know it tastes like p*ss water(especially our American lites for me ive gotten used to european beers so its a hard thing to do) but it is less in sugar which is where the calories are coming from. I am still am in college and a big party-er but I try and not bring my credit cards and just bring enough for a few drinks, enough to have a good time but not enough to cause me to be falling over or chundering in the toilet when i get back. Saves on money and embarrassment
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Ok, so I'm in college, and as many of you might or might not remember college tends to involve some amount of drinking. Is there a good way to plan my drinking, or do any of you know if e.g. wine contains less carbs than beer or vice versa? I am kind of a fussy drinker and not much for those light beers that to me mostly tastes like water. Although I do like mixed drink, wine etc etc.

    Help please! :)

    I would go for spirits with a low calorie mixer. (i.e. Vodka and diet lemonade/vodka & coke zero/gin and slimline tonic)

    Make every second drink just the low calorie mixer. (i.e. coke zero/plain tonic). :drinker: (this also means most people will assume you are still drinking alcohol too).

    Don't get into the habit of eating when drunk. Eat beforehand, drink a big glass of water and go to bed instead of eating when drunk.

    A strong black coffee, shower and a mud mask is the best hangover cure - don't spend all day trying to eat your way out of it!

    It would be too easy to put on weight if you are drinking high calorie, low alcohol drinks followed by drunken pizza and kebab binges. ;)
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I went to college and I did not drink. Believe it or not there are many people that choose not to go crazy in college.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Drink whiskey. Be epic.
    QFT. :drinker:
  • whatyouwill
    whatyouwill Posts: 71 Member
    Vodka, Lemonade and Lime.
  • shapelyJ
    shapelyJ Posts: 57 Member
    Ok, so I'm in college, and as many of you might or might not remember college tends to involve some amount of drinking.

    It does? I went to university to study, not get drunk and party.

    You'll live without the alcohol, trust me. It's all empty calories anyway. And if you NEED alcohol to have a good time, then you have a bigger problem than the amount of calories it has.

    Like I said it tends to, it does not have to. I have friends who don't drink and that is more considered a strong, mature choice than being "lame or uncool". I however, LIKE most alcoholic beverages :)
    Make yourself the DD or the person who makes sure you don't get in bad situations - worked for me. I'd rather have a clear head when out with a bunch of college students because crazy things have been known to happen.

    I don't have a drivers license :\ And even if I did no one here drives to pubs or parties, we either take the bus, walk or ride our bikes.
    Change your major to a science major. You won't have time for drinking.

    also drinking and college is an excuse.

    Law school and I barely have time to sleep, let alone drink.

    I am studying veterinary medicine so I already have enough on my plate :) Although I still have more time to spare now than I've ever had before. The hard thing when studying is not snacking while you do it! I always tell myself I deserve a treat because I'm studying and my brain needs energy...
    Alternate each drink with a glass/bottle of water. Heck, just walk around with water. It looks like vodka and you'll get to enjoy watching other people be drunk.

    ^^^^This! Especially that last part.

    I'm not looking to appear to be drinking, I actually enjoy the drinking. But every other water is always a great way to go! I do try to drink lots of water when I'm drinking alcohol, but I probably need to take it to another level!
    Are you actually interested in drinking? I would rather spend my calories on something else (a cookie) than a few drinks, so I didn't drink much at all in college and did just fine.

    You can always grab carbonated water with a lime, and no one will know the difference :).

    Yes, yes I am. I would take a good beer or a glass of red over a cookie any time!!
  • shapelyJ
    shapelyJ Posts: 57 Member

    I checked it out and it barely has any of the beers I usually drink :(
    I'm guessing it's mostly American brands so it's not that helpful :\