The Sad Story of Ricky Naputi....Who was to blame?



  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 154 Member
    Very sad but he was to blame...but as a wife I would think she would have enough love to discuss her concerns with him if any before he got so out of control. I see many small children that are really overweight and that is where I blame the parents. I saw a lady ask a very small child if he wanted a big soda or candy he picked both (lol of course)...I was just shocked.

    What was really painful and aggravating to watch was the way she reacted when the doctor told her outright that she was to STOP feeding him so much and to focus on helping him lose the weight. She got extremely annoyed by the doctor and stalked out of the room.

    Yep she's a feeder! However, whether it's through issues surrounding; enabling, control, misguided feelings of "helping the person", or love who knows?, but at the end of the day he didn't get into that bed overnight & wake up the next day that size. Personal responsibility seems to be frowned upon these days.

    Ricky and his wife should have received psychological help. The wife, although concerned about her husband, was enabling him and I'm very surprised that Angel (the advocate) did not recognize that co-dependancy, especially since she went through a similar experience herself. I felt like screaming at her and the doctors because Ricky and his wife were in desparate need of a therapist to help them through the mental, emotional and psychological aspects of this situation and none of the professionals did anything about that. How could they not see this?
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    But what if he couldn't get his own food? And when his wife was told to refuse to bring him food (by the doctors), and she didn't?

    Is she an accomplice in his death?

    I don't think she was. In these cases, the caretaker (or some people like the term "enabler") is actually fearful of the bedridden person. Psychological dominance can be a powerful thing.

    This. I once watched a documentary about Patrick Deuel, who was 1000 pounds at one point, and he'd had bariatric surgery and was supposed to keep to a certain amount of food...well, they showed his wife at the store buying junk food and soda for him, and cooking up a whole pan of greasy eggs, and the interviewer kept asking how much food Patrick was supposed to eat, and whenever she'd try to answer Patrick would yell from the other room before she could answer. It was clear who was in control, even if he could hardly get out of his chair and she did all the food preparation. He admitted he could get "nasty" if people tried to tell him what to do. I can't imagine the hell of being that man's caretaker.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    10,000 calories a day seems like an astronomical amount to all of us but, in reality, at 900 lbs. it was probably giving him a caloric DEFICIT of around 2,600 - 4,400 calories per day.

    If the basic math of 14-16 calories per pound of body weight hold up at that extreme weight then his MAINTENANCE caloric needs per day would have fallen in the 12,600 - 14,400 range daily.

    So, even at 10K a day, the math should have been working out that he was actually loosing about 1 pound daily.

    That said, at that extreme weight and under strict medical supervision, it could have been possible for him to target a much more aggressive caloric deficit.

    Sad story all around and, in the best of all worlds, the caretaker could have had a bit more backbone about not enabling his poor (suicidal) decisions - however I would not put her in the criminal negligence realm.

    Personal responsibility, and probably severe depression, is the real culprit.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Maybe she wanted to be rid of him so thought that death by food was a humane way to murder him.

    Who would want to have to look after someone like that? Can you imagine the bedpan issues? I'm not trying to be funny here as I could not look after someone like that.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Your body, your life, your choice.
  • I think everyone is to blame because his family should've done something before he got bigger and as far as his wife is concerned I believe she is also to blame cause she fed him anything he wanted. She said he wore the pants in the family but sometimes you have to take that step and put your foot down and say no is no ; I saw the documentary and it broke my heart because he could've been saved. I see that she loved him but when she said that she didn't care - I got mad. I almost lost my ex husband at one point to his diabetes and when he was diagnosed I put my foot down and we changed his diet for his sake and our children. Now he goes to the gym and stays fit and takes care of diabetes. Ricky's widow should change her diet as well cause if not she can have health issues herself down the rode
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Why in the world would you blame the doctors? They're not miracle workers.

    The wife may be partially to blame as she could have just stopped responding to his demands for 10K calories worth of food, but that's a lot to ask.

    The person who is actually to blame is the person who died.

  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Unless she was spoon feeding him 10k cal/day, she does not bear the responsibility.
    Just because someone serves you something, you are not obligated to eat.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Sad as it is, it was his body, his choice!
  • I think the wife got sick of it all. Listen to the 911 call. It's almost as if she isn't really sad, but more guilty feeling. Age says "I was just laying next to him. " Then her reaction "I dint care anymore, " when the doctor that was going to get it accomplished was there. Ricky is at fault, but so is his wife. She took him on and continued to feed him. I think she gave him something and he went to sleep. She wasn't doing CO on him and says she already knew he was not coming back. I can imagine it's hard to listen to him beg for food, but he was still mobile when they met! Maybe he'd have never gotten bedridden without Sheryl ' s care. He's so big and is easy to do no autopsy and rule it just death, but then she doesn't even attend his funeral.... come on, that SCREAMS she assisted his death! I think she was tired of caring for him. They wanted the easy way out. He was about to get surgery! Does anyone realize how easily 150 lbs. weight loss would be and how fast he'd lose it at his weight? Like 1 month tops. He could've been a rabbit for a damn month. He had no swelling like water retention. Even the doctor felt his health was great for someone of his size. His skin was intact, so she kept him clean and dry. I think she was just done and possibly afraid of a different life with him. Maybe she knew he would get well and didn't want kids with him. I DO NOT BLAME HER FOR ANY WAY SHE FELT, but I DO BLAME HER FOR HAVING NOT JUST LEFT HIM AND TELLING HIS FAMILY TO CARE FOR HIM. She can't be forced to stay. They separated rooms and all. The steps were being taken. She could have fed him and left him to eat it and avoided the begging and crying and abusive talk. He would have relented; what choice did he have, he couldn't walk#
  • Oh, and furthermore, technically, she wasn't really his wife, so I doubt she would have been charged with neglect. By their own admission they'd never consummated their marriage. This is necessary to be legally a married unit. Yes, there is a marriage license and all, but you must consummate the marriage. He had a caring family, so had she wanted to leave she could have just told them and then no worries if neglect, but hell, doesn't seem to me that anyone would've given a damn anyway! They'd just have ruled it that he are himself to death anyway. I think the wife drugged him. She straight up more than once started saying she didn't care anymore. Then the 911 call was lame. She as much as said "I didn't do anything, I was just laying here. " You could tell the guilt had set in. She didn't give him CORRECT and didn't attend the funeral. Come on, she got away with murder! Yes, he ate too much, begged her for more and lacked accountability, but he was mobile when she came into his life. She fed him and shopped for the groceries. If she could boldly tell America on National Television that she didn't care anymore, then damn it, she could've told Ricky no on more food or poor quality, fattening food!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited January 2015
    People have the right to make their own choices, even if we don't approve of those choices and even if we know they're bad choices.

    My father ate like a guy who wanted to have a heart attack. Red meat, white bread and butter. The healthiest thing he ever ate was a can of Cambell's soup, lol. As a young man, he was very fit and athletic. Picture of health. Envy of all. But most people cannot get away with that crap forever and he had his first heart attack in his fifties. Then a second and a third. The fourth one killed him.

    I asked, cajoled and begged him to make better eating choices - eat some healthy food. I'd even prepare something that wasn't actually healthy, but was less unhealthy. Nope! He was all "Get the hell outta here" with the very idea of eating food that wasn't what he liked. The only thing he gave in on was vitamins. If I handed him the vitamin, he'd swallow it. Since he'd snack on fruit sometimes, I ordered him Fruit of The Month Clubs, so there'd always be good fruit, lol.

    He might still be alive today if he'd eaten healthy food. But he didn't want it. He didn't pretend that his diet was really healthy. No denial at all! He knew healthy food was better for him and chose to go the other way. Had this "Life isn't worth living if you don't enjoy it" attitude that was very frustrating.

    I'd pick him up food that I knew wasn't good for him. I'd order steaks online. I'd buy ice cream at the grocery store. I knew he shouldn't eat that stuff, but I got it for him.

    My heart was broken when he died and I miss him every single day, still.

    People have the right to make their own choices. His choice was to eat crap, so I helped him do it.

    And I'd do it again.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    It kind of blows my mind that someone would even suggest the doctors are to blame. Wow.
  • drabbits3
    drabbits3 Posts: 140 Member
    what about all the years BEFORE he hit 900 pounds? there were many opportunities before he got to that extreme for him and the people around him to make different choices. we all have a weight limit in our heads I think-a weight we will NOT go over, but maybe he didn't. what happens to an addict who never hits rock bottom? well, they die. just like a drug addict or an alcoholic who never gets to ENOUGH. what then? I don't know. my dad died because he was an alcoholic who never reached his ENOUGH, so I guess that what happens.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Yes, his wife absolutely enabled him. But HE was the one who chose to eat 10k calories/day. HE was the one who fed himself. He could've cut back on calories at any time. All he had to do was lose 75-150 lbs, which would've been a piece of cake at his weight. He simply wouldn't because he "couldn't do it by himself." He is the only person to blame.
  • Keynsham
    Keynsham Posts: 2 Member
    bbolesta70 wrote: »
    Oh, and furthermore, technically, she wasn't really his wife, so I doubt she would have been charged with neglect. By their own admission they'd never consummated their marriage. This is necessary to be legally a married unit. Yes, there is a marriage license and all, but you must consummate the marriage. He had a caring family, so had she wanted to leave she could have just told them and then no worries if neglect, but hell, doesn't seem to me that anyone would've given a damn anyway! They'd just have ruled it that he are himself to death anyway. I think the wife drugged him. She straight up more than once started saying she didn't care anymore. Then the 911 call was lame. She as much as said "I didn't do anything, I was just laying here. " You could tell the guilt had set in. She didn't give him CORRECT and didn't attend the funeral. Come on, she got away with murder! Yes, he ate too much, begged her for more and lacked accountability, but he was mobile when she came into his life. She fed him and shopped for the groceries. If she could boldly tell America on National Television that she didn't care anymore, then damn it, she could've told Ricky no on more food or poor quality, fattening food!

    Just watched this program and after listening to that 911 call I believe she TOTALLY MURDERED HIM she said he took some tablets after they argued then she dialled 911 immediately!! Yeh right did he take them intravenously?? As that's the only way they would have an immediate reaction. Tablets take about 20minutes to get into the blood stream as they go to the stomach first.. I'm appalled they didn't do a autopsy!! But why would they after all one giant problem just went away and no longer put a financial burden on any of the agency's concerned with his care.

    Cheryl Naputi is an enabler and was only happy when she had her victim totally dependant on her. It was when he was beginning to find some self will and finally managed to stand up when the two Drs from Australia came to see him that her attitude completely changed as seen on TV!! I feel concerned for the next man in her life!!
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    He was already huge when she married him. She was also morbidly obese. I don't think either of them had a clue how to fix the situation.
  • sixele96
    sixele96 Posts: 15 Member
    I guess because of him and his wife.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    He had an addiction to food and yes, it's sad but unfortunately he can only blame himself....
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member
    Each person is responsible for what they put in their mouth. And, I'm not sure what kind of person would feed someone who can't walk 10,000 calories per day. That's messed up.