Finding Meaning & Delivering Confessions



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Christianity will of course be at play a great deal due to my upbringing and the fact that I detest how it dumb down and dulls critical thinking in people. It is folly and foolish..."

    "But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"

    --1 Corinthians 1:27
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Christianity is 100% confirmed hoax

    Really? Where, when and how?

    Well lets start at the very beginning - Canaanites would tell of the creation myths as inspirational stories at celebrations. This is possibly why there are two of these creation stories at the beginning of the scrptutes(Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3). They were placed next to each other in the cannon and meant to be read in tandem. - How many Christians even realize that there are two creation myths in the Bible? RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, IN A DIFFERENT ORDER :P (Karen Armstrong, Dwight A. Pryor and David Flusser - make the case)

    The first account is a monotheisic rendition of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish (which predates Genesis by centuries). Nor was the fable taken seriously when Genesis was written. Here God (called Elohim by its author) conqurs chaos by bringing order to an already created world, and the climax of the story is the creation of man (male and female were created at the same time) after he created plants and animals.

    In the second story, God (called YHWH Elohim by its author) created man before plants and animals. In this account, God created The male, Adam first, then created the female, Eve.

    Next we can go to Genesis 6 where demons have sex with women and create a race of giants. I have said and made the case previously Jesus was well versed in the book of Enoch - hence 'the son of man' title he used on himself, only in Enoch does it refer to the Messiah. However Enoch goes much more in depth on these giants saying the were 5,000+ ft tall. - Possible? no.

    Jude also quotes the Book of Enoch giving it clear credibility to the Christian - in Jude 6-7 following up on the angels going into Sodom and Gomorrah that were going to be raped proving that angels/demons (same being) - can have sex with people. This is why Jude says some demons are in hell and some are able to travel the earth. - totally bat *kitten*, but whatevs.

    Genesis 1:14-19, says God made the stars to give light to the earth - seems sorta silly once you realize how tiny we are in the cosmos with stars running rampant out there not providing light or any benefit/advantage to earth.

    also the gap theory is a load of garbage - day 4 wouldn't have been able to come after day 3 - that's just silly

    for the critical thinker to take the Genesis account seriously, looking into other practically identical accounts should likewise be taken seriously... I'm not going to belabor the point, however the records were not kept orally, rather they were written on tablets - in UR where if you recall Abraham is said to have come from in the bible - (Gen 15:7)... and it was a popular TALE in Ur during the time of Abraham.. but it is worth noting that Genesis came about around 1400 BC while the Gilgamesh story regarding a global flood was from 2100 BC so I agree that the tale originated from the same group, however the Genesis account was a 'fanned out' - as you said, version of the tale. - once again don't want to derail your points of origin on this, but I recommend investigating the similarities... check out CBM 13532 which is the earliest of accounts of a global flood - it is incredibly similar to the biblical account. But as was stated previously the Bible has TWO creation stories (Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3) - I mean even the order of events changes - this should give pause to even a non-critical thinker.

    Let's talk about Jesus let's compare him to Horus - born of a virgin, 'only begotten son of the head God(father) - Osiris. depicted being born in a manager in egyption hyroglifics. Egyptians celebrated his birth on Dec 21, received death threats as a child.. an angel told his father and mother to take him to egypt... No data between ages of 12 & 30 just like Jesus... baptism at age 30 just like Jesus... baptiser was beheaded just like John the Baptist. miracles just like Jesus: walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, restored sight to the blind. Was crucifed, descended into Hell; resurrected after three days.... Attis of Phrygia was born on dec 25th to a virgin, savior of mankind sacrificed for us, his body was eaten as bread by his followers in remembrance just like Jesus .. was crucified on black friday and came back to life in three days after going to hell.. his blood referred to as 'holy blood' sacrificed for man's atonement.... the founders of the country knew all about this.. it is one of many reasons why Thomas Jefferson etc were not 'believers.'

    I believe that Christianity came to prevalence due to the process of 'Memetics' ..and the idea largely came about because it took something far too complicated, the origin of the universe, for any average person to understand and said simply... God made it in 6 days - and then took a rest?.... this enabled the common layman to grasp the origin of everything - and it is impossible to argue this with you from the viewpoint of strictly evolution because you yourself realize that we live in a very very very very old universe simply google Acasta Gneisses, or Isua Greenstone Bel... I won't over-elaborate my points any further... *sigh* my answers are not happy because once realized as I said on your other wall it drives people too a point of realization that there is no real purpose for human existence as a whole because of how insignificant we are at the cosmos - and for former believers this would hardly be a breath of fresh air... but regardless - even if one where to still believe or choose to believe in their heart the Bible - you are still a pawn being wielded around God's predestined 'divine' plan making you basically robotic - once again void of free will. - hardly a happy position to be in once again.

    We see human sacrifice in**** Judges 11**** with Jephath sacrificing his daughter as a burnt sacrifice - whens the last time you heard a sermon on that ;P ..some preachers even straight up LIE, or are willfully ignorant about this being an actual burnt sacrifice which irks me - According to Midrash 7 both Jephath and the high priest were punished. Phinehas lost the divine spirit. Jephthah got deathly sick, and he lost his limbs. Because his limbs were buried in many locations, the Bible says that Jephthah was “buried in the cities of Gilead."

    In the Talmud Bavli rape is permitted after conquering just not on the battle field

    we have * *** Deuteronomy 21:10-14 -10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14 But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants. But you shall not sell her for money, nor shall you treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her. - permitting rape as long as you shave the women's head. Matthew Poole himself came to the same conclusion 'ana' 'humble' 'force into submission' was also used referring to rape in Gen34:2

    Nicaea 325 indeed lead to the creation of the hyporstatic union, and I said previously on one of your post 'One does realize right that due to the trinity - the godhead would enable each member to have identical attributes - equipping Jesus - through the hypostatic union to have the ability of omniscience as well - being all knowing he would have foresaw his crucifixion - and he then went ahead with it anyway - a form of self-suicide, human sacrifice.' -in a sense it was just him permitting himself to be tortured as well, being a 'God' and being able to resurrect himself - I mean it wasn't even in a sense a TRUE TRUE sacrifice as in his 'life' 'life' and identity dieing, and I say that respectfully, it was a terrible tragic death, but it just doesn't make ANY logical sense to me - Also, the hypostatic union would make Jesus also immutable - a characteristic placed upon the father - which would mean he never changed his mind.... and lets compound on that because ironically God the father did change his mind exodus 32:14 - and even in that passage? ??? I mean seriously? ...regardless ^the concept to me is just bizarre..the necessity of Christ willful sacrifice because he was also all-powerful (omnipotent) - he could have picked anything to atone for mans transgressions - simply flipping a coin - simply saying some magic rite or spell (and according to the book of enoch - magic, spells -its all real... it actually lead to Enochian magic... I have studied many cults and occults ) ...regardless my point with Nicaea 325 is that Athanasius becomes Mr. popular due to his waging of a war against Arianism.. which lead to his being taken serious - he become bishop of alaxendria 3 years later!!! ..regardless - he basically selected the cannon (as did others^ I mean as I said this is largely personal interpretation and these scholars studied the txt much much more intently then now-a-days) ..anyway Nicaea 325 also established easter - which lead to the festel (easter) letters... which made Athanasius become one of the most POWERFUL christians ever because he released 'festel letter 367' and if you have no idea what Athanasius' festel letter 367AD is then google it - it is the NT cannon. Athanasius become Mr. Powerful - he was archbishop of Alexandria at age 30! .. scholars did not all agree on the cannon - but we went through with Athanasius' cannon - that is my point. He was in charge - he held the power for years and years- and the cannon is largely personal interpretation - they can cherry pick what literature they want to meet their doctrine- and they DID.

    I can go on if you would like?
    That proves the Bible is full of parables. It does not prove that Christianity or God are not real.

    I thought you were well-versed in philosophy. This was something we went into great detail about during my freshman year philosophy 101 course.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Meanwhile, what I said was virtually ignored (not to mention a post disappeared). Can you call out to existentialism/nihilism/atheism to save you when you fear you will drown? Or will they heal your eyes or your gallbladder when the doctors suggest invasive surgery? Will it heal your broken heart, or cleanse a guilty conscience? Can your money buy these things? Or can you debate enough to create these things?

    Like being sincere though - I don't think there is a God. Christianity is 100% confirmed hoax -so it def would not be that God, as I had said I spent more time researching theology then I have researching anything else. I previously gave a few points making the case, but I don't think it is healthy for Christians to read or be made aware of because then they are going to experience an existential crisis and may fall into existential depression.

    What if they've already gone through the existential crisis and then realized years later how much sense the Bible made?

    It does make sense - I was formerly a Christian myself. It is however a myth.

    And just food for thought.

    'Graduates with IQ's over 140 aged between 38 and 50 were contacted and it was found that only 16 percent had derived any personal satisfaction from religion.'

    Of course the lower the IQ the higher the number gets.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Richard Dawkins makes the point of how we overly evolved the brain by making it grow so rapidly (compared to evolution in other areas) due to the point I brought up previously - sexual selection - in humans the brain is and has been the peacocks tail. :wink:

    -in regards to the enabling of our self-awareness

    Neandermagon has already addressed that.

    ^addressed how? The guy that made the point that peacocks are dumb? - its not related at all to the point.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Christianity is 100% confirmed hoax

    Really? Where, when and how?

    Well lets start at the very beginning - Canaanites would tell of the creation myths as inspirational stories at celebrations. This is possibly why there are two of these creation stories at the beginning of the scrptutes(Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3). They were placed next to each other in the cannon and meant to be read in tandem. - How many Christians even realize that there are two creation myths in the Bible? RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, IN A DIFFERENT ORDER :P (Karen Armstrong, Dwight A. Pryor and David Flusser - make the case)

    The first account is a monotheisic rendition of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish (which predates Genesis by centuries). Nor was the fable taken seriously when Genesis was written. Here God (called Elohim by its author) conqurs chaos by bringing order to an already created world, and the climax of the story is the creation of man (male and female were created at the same time) after he created plants and animals.

    In the second story, God (called YHWH Elohim by its author) created man before plants and animals. In this account, God created The male, Adam first, then created the female, Eve.

    Next we can go to Genesis 6 where demons have sex with women and create a race of giants. I have said and made the case previously Jesus was well versed in the book of Enoch - hence 'the son of man' title he used on himself, only in Enoch does it refer to the Messiah. However Enoch goes much more in depth on these giants saying the were 5,000+ ft tall. - Possible? no.

    Jude also quotes the Book of Enoch giving it clear credibility to the Christian - in Jude 6-7 following up on the angels going into Sodom and Gomorrah that were going to be raped proving that angels/demons (same being) - can have sex with people. This is why Jude says some demons are in hell and some are able to travel the earth. - totally bat *kitten*, but whatevs.

    Genesis 1:14-19, says God made the stars to give light to the earth - seems sorta silly once you realize how tiny we are in the cosmos with stars running rampant out there not providing light or any benefit/advantage to earth.

    also the gap theory is a load of garbage - day 4 wouldn't have been able to come after day 3 - that's just silly

    for the critical thinker to take the Genesis account seriously, looking into other practically identical accounts should likewise be taken seriously... I'm not going to belabor the point, however the records were not kept orally, rather they were written on tablets - in UR where if you recall Abraham is said to have come from in the bible - (Gen 15:7)... and it was a popular TALE in Ur during the time of Abraham.. but it is worth noting that Genesis came about around 1400 BC while the Gilgamesh story regarding a global flood was from 2100 BC so I agree that the tale originated from the same group, however the Genesis account was a 'fanned out' - as you said, version of the tale. - once again don't want to derail your points of origin on this, but I recommend investigating the similarities... check out CBM 13532 which is the earliest of accounts of a global flood - it is incredibly similar to the biblical account. But as was stated previously the Bible has TWO creation stories (Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3) - I mean even the order of events changes - this should give pause to even a non-critical thinker.

    Let's talk about Jesus let's compare him to Horus - born of a virgin, 'only begotten son of the head God(father) - Osiris. depicted being born in a manager in egyption hyroglifics. Egyptians celebrated his birth on Dec 21, received death threats as a child.. an angel told his father and mother to take him to egypt... No data between ages of 12 & 30 just like Jesus... baptism at age 30 just like Jesus... baptiser was beheaded just like John the Baptist. miracles just like Jesus: walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, restored sight to the blind. Was crucifed, descended into Hell; resurrected after three days.... Attis of Phrygia was born on dec 25th to a virgin, savior of mankind sacrificed for us, his body was eaten as bread by his followers in remembrance just like Jesus .. was crucified on black friday and came back to life in three days after going to hell.. his blood referred to as 'holy blood' sacrificed for man's atonement.... the founders of the country knew all about this.. it is one of many reasons why Thomas Jefferson etc were not 'believers.'

    I believe that Christianity came to prevalence due to the process of 'Memetics' ..and the idea largely came about because it took something far too complicated, the origin of the universe, for any average person to understand and said simply... God made it in 6 days - and then took a rest?.... this enabled the common layman to grasp the origin of everything - and it is impossible to argue this with you from the viewpoint of strictly evolution because you yourself realize that we live in a very very very very old universe simply google Acasta Gneisses, or Isua Greenstone Bel... I won't over-elaborate my points any further... *sigh* my answers are not happy because once realized as I said on your other wall it drives people too a point of realization that there is no real purpose for human existence as a whole because of how insignificant we are at the cosmos - and for former believers this would hardly be a breath of fresh air... but regardless - even if one where to still believe or choose to believe in their heart the Bible - you are still a pawn being wielded around God's predestined 'divine' plan making you basically robotic - once again void of free will. - hardly a happy position to be in once again.

    We see human sacrifice in**** Judges 11**** with Jephath sacrificing his daughter as a burnt sacrifice - whens the last time you heard a sermon on that ;P ..some preachers even straight up LIE, or are willfully ignorant about this being an actual burnt sacrifice which irks me - According to Midrash 7 both Jephath and the high priest were punished. Phinehas lost the divine spirit. Jephthah got deathly sick, and he lost his limbs. Because his limbs were buried in many locations, the Bible says that Jephthah was “buried in the cities of Gilead."

    In the Talmud Bavli rape is permitted after conquering just not on the battle field

    we have * *** Deuteronomy 21:10-14 -10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14 But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants. But you shall not sell her for money, nor shall you treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her. - permitting rape as long as you shave the women's head. Matthew Poole himself came to the same conclusion 'ana' 'humble' 'force into submission' was also used referring to rape in Gen34:2

    Nicaea 325 indeed lead to the creation of the hyporstatic union, and I said previously on one of your post 'One does realize right that due to the trinity - the godhead would enable each member to have identical attributes - equipping Jesus - through the hypostatic union to have the ability of omniscience as well - being all knowing he would have foresaw his crucifixion - and he then went ahead with it anyway - a form of self-suicide, human sacrifice.' -in a sense it was just him permitting himself to be tortured as well, being a 'God' and being able to resurrect himself - I mean it wasn't even in a sense a TRUE TRUE sacrifice as in his 'life' 'life' and identity dieing, and I say that respectfully, it was a terrible tragic death, but it just doesn't make ANY logical sense to me - Also, the hypostatic union would make Jesus also immutable - a characteristic placed upon the father - which would mean he never changed his mind.... and lets compound on that because ironically God the father did change his mind exodus 32:14 - and even in that passage? ??? I mean seriously? ...regardless ^the concept to me is just bizarre..the necessity of Christ willful sacrifice because he was also all-powerful (omnipotent) - he could have picked anything to atone for mans transgressions - simply flipping a coin - simply saying some magic rite or spell (and according to the book of enoch - magic, spells -its all real... it actually lead to Enochian magic... I have studied many cults and occults ) ...regardless my point with Nicaea 325 is that Athanasius becomes Mr. popular due to his waging of a war against Arianism.. which lead to his being taken serious - he become bishop of alaxendria 3 years later!!! ..regardless - he basically selected the cannon (as did others^ I mean as I said this is largely personal interpretation and these scholars studied the txt much much more intently then now-a-days) ..anyway Nicaea 325 also established easter - which lead to the festel (easter) letters... which made Athanasius become one of the most POWERFUL christians ever because he released 'festel letter 367' and if you have no idea what Athanasius' festel letter 367AD is then google it - it is the NT cannon. Athanasius become Mr. Powerful - he was archbishop of Alexandria at age 30! .. scholars did not all agree on the cannon - but we went through with Athanasius' cannon - that is my point. He was in charge - he held the power for years and years- and the cannon is largely personal interpretation - they can cherry pick what literature they want to meet their doctrine- and they DID.

    I can go on if you would like?

    I write fictional stories for training purposes all the time.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Christianity will of course be at play a great deal due to my upbringing and the fact that I detest how it dumb down and dulls critical thinking in people. It is folly and foolish..."

    "But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"

    --1 Corinthians 1:27

    Yeah - it's great he willfully confounds (willfully confuse) people - Obviously the same God that deemed mankind mortal because Adam and Eve ate a fruit of knowledge.

    Christianity seriously is anti-critical thinking - I mean you as a christian are fighting against someone using critical thinking.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Meanwhile, what I said was virtually ignored (not to mention a post disappeared). Can you call out to existentialism/nihilism/atheism to save you when you fear you will drown? Or will they heal your eyes or your gallbladder when the doctors suggest invasive surgery? Will it heal your broken heart, or cleanse a guilty conscience? Can your money buy these things? Or can you debate enough to create these things?

    Can you call out to existentialism/nihilism/atheism to save you when you fear you will drown?
    Or will they heal your eyes or your gallbladder when the doctors suggest invasive surgery?
    Will it heal your broken heart, or cleanse a guilty conscience?
    Can your money buy these things?
    The healing of the broken heart yes, all the other things no.
    Or can you debate enough to create these things?
    I don't think so.

    Money can heal a broken heart? Oh dear.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Christianity will of course be at play a great deal due to my upbringing and the fact that I detest how it dumb down and dulls critical thinking in people. It is folly and foolish..."

    "But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"

    --1 Corinthians 1:27

    Yeah - it's great he willfully confounds (willfully confuse) people - Obviously the same God that deemed mankind mortal because Adam and Eve ate a fruit of knowledge.

    Christianity seriously is anti-critical thinking - I mean you as a christian are fighting against someone using critical thinking.
    But Christianity is based in Judaism, which actually encourages critical thinking.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Meanwhile, what I said was virtually ignored (not to mention a post disappeared). Can you call out to existentialism/nihilism/atheism to save you when you fear you will drown? Or will they heal your eyes or your gallbladder when the doctors suggest invasive surgery? Will it heal your broken heart, or cleanse a guilty conscience? Can your money buy these things? Or can you debate enough to create these things?

    Can you call out to existentialism/nihilism/atheism to save you when you fear you will drown?
    Or will they heal your eyes or your gallbladder when the doctors suggest invasive surgery?
    Will it heal your broken heart, or cleanse a guilty conscience?
    Can your money buy these things?
    The healing of the broken heart yes, all the other things no.
    Or can you debate enough to create these things?
    I don't think so.

    Money can heal a broken heart? Oh dear.
    Yeah. You just move on to the next stripper.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Christianity is 100% confirmed hoax

    Really? Where, when and how?

    Well lets start at the very beginning - Canaanites would tell of the creation myths as inspirational stories at celebrations. This is possibly why there are two of these creation stories at the beginning of the scrptutes(Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3). They were placed next to each other in the cannon and meant to be read in tandem. - How many Christians even realize that there are two creation myths in the Bible? RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, IN A DIFFERENT ORDER :P (Karen Armstrong, Dwight A. Pryor and David Flusser - make the case)

    The first account is a monotheisic rendition of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish (which predates Genesis by centuries). Nor was the fable taken seriously when Genesis was written. Here God (called Elohim by its author) conqurs chaos by bringing order to an already created world, and the climax of the story is the creation of man (male and female were created at the same time) after he created plants and animals.

    In the second story, God (called YHWH Elohim by its author) created man before plants and animals. In this account, God created The male, Adam first, then created the female, Eve.

    Next we can go to Genesis 6 where demons have sex with women and create a race of giants. I have said and made the case previously Jesus was well versed in the book of Enoch - hence 'the son of man' title he used on himself, only in Enoch does it refer to the Messiah. However Enoch goes much more in depth on these giants saying the were 5,000+ ft tall. - Possible? no.

    Jude also quotes the Book of Enoch giving it clear credibility to the Christian - in Jude 6-7 following up on the angels going into Sodom and Gomorrah that were going to be raped proving that angels/demons (same being) - can have sex with people. This is why Jude says some demons are in hell and some are able to travel the earth. - totally bat *kitten*, but whatevs.

    Genesis 1:14-19, says God made the stars to give light to the earth - seems sorta silly once you realize how tiny we are in the cosmos with stars running rampant out there not providing light or any benefit/advantage to earth.

    also the gap theory is a load of garbage - day 4 wouldn't have been able to come after day 3 - that's just silly

    for the critical thinker to take the Genesis account seriously, looking into other practically identical accounts should likewise be taken seriously... I'm not going to belabor the point, however the records were not kept orally, rather they were written on tablets - in UR where if you recall Abraham is said to have come from in the bible - (Gen 15:7)... and it was a popular TALE in Ur during the time of Abraham.. but it is worth noting that Genesis came about around 1400 BC while the Gilgamesh story regarding a global flood was from 2100 BC so I agree that the tale originated from the same group, however the Genesis account was a 'fanned out' - as you said, version of the tale. - once again don't want to derail your points of origin on this, but I recommend investigating the similarities... check out CBM 13532 which is the earliest of accounts of a global flood - it is incredibly similar to the biblical account. But as was stated previously the Bible has TWO creation stories (Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3) - I mean even the order of events changes - this should give pause to even a non-critical thinker.

    Let's talk about Jesus let's compare him to Horus - born of a virgin, 'only begotten son of the head God(father) - Osiris. depicted being born in a manager in egyption hyroglifics. Egyptians celebrated his birth on Dec 21, received death threats as a child.. an angel told his father and mother to take him to egypt... No data between ages of 12 & 30 just like Jesus... baptism at age 30 just like Jesus... baptiser was beheaded just like John the Baptist. miracles just like Jesus: walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, restored sight to the blind. Was crucifed, descended into Hell; resurrected after three days.... Attis of Phrygia was born on dec 25th to a virgin, savior of mankind sacrificed for us, his body was eaten as bread by his followers in remembrance just like Jesus .. was crucified on black friday and came back to life in three days after going to hell.. his blood referred to as 'holy blood' sacrificed for man's atonement.... the founders of the country knew all about this.. it is one of many reasons why Thomas Jefferson etc were not 'believers.'

    I believe that Christianity came to prevalence due to the process of 'Memetics' ..and the idea largely came about because it took something far too complicated, the origin of the universe, for any average person to understand and said simply... God made it in 6 days - and then took a rest?.... this enabled the common layman to grasp the origin of everything - and it is impossible to argue this with you from the viewpoint of strictly evolution because you yourself realize that we live in a very very very very old universe simply google Acasta Gneisses, or Isua Greenstone Bel... I won't over-elaborate my points any further... *sigh* my answers are not happy because once realized as I said on your other wall it drives people too a point of realization that there is no real purpose for human existence as a whole because of how insignificant we are at the cosmos - and for former believers this would hardly be a breath of fresh air... but regardless - even if one where to still believe or choose to believe in their heart the Bible - you are still a pawn being wielded around God's predestined 'divine' plan making you basically robotic - once again void of free will. - hardly a happy position to be in once again.

    We see human sacrifice in**** Judges 11**** with Jephath sacrificing his daughter as a burnt sacrifice - whens the last time you heard a sermon on that ;P ..some preachers even straight up LIE, or are willfully ignorant about this being an actual burnt sacrifice which irks me - According to Midrash 7 both Jephath and the high priest were punished. Phinehas lost the divine spirit. Jephthah got deathly sick, and he lost his limbs. Because his limbs were buried in many locations, the Bible says that Jephthah was “buried in the cities of Gilead."

    In the Talmud Bavli rape is permitted after conquering just not on the battle field

    we have * *** Deuteronomy 21:10-14 -10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14 But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants. But you shall not sell her for money, nor shall you treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her. - permitting rape as long as you shave the women's head. Matthew Poole himself came to the same conclusion 'ana' 'humble' 'force into submission' was also used referring to rape in Gen34:2

    Nicaea 325 indeed lead to the creation of the hyporstatic union, and I said previously on one of your post 'One does realize right that due to the trinity - the godhead would enable each member to have identical attributes - equipping Jesus - through the hypostatic union to have the ability of omniscience as well - being all knowing he would have foresaw his crucifixion - and he then went ahead with it anyway - a form of self-suicide, human sacrifice.' -in a sense it was just him permitting himself to be tortured as well, being a 'God' and being able to resurrect himself - I mean it wasn't even in a sense a TRUE TRUE sacrifice as in his 'life' 'life' and identity dieing, and I say that respectfully, it was a terrible tragic death, but it just doesn't make ANY logical sense to me - Also, the hypostatic union would make Jesus also immutable - a characteristic placed upon the father - which would mean he never changed his mind.... and lets compound on that because ironically God the father did change his mind exodus 32:14 - and even in that passage? ??? I mean seriously? ...regardless ^the concept to me is just bizarre..the necessity of Christ willful sacrifice because he was also all-powerful (omnipotent) - he could have picked anything to atone for mans transgressions - simply flipping a coin - simply saying some magic rite or spell (and according to the book of enoch - magic, spells -its all real... it actually lead to Enochian magic... I have studied many cults and occults ) ...regardless my point with Nicaea 325 is that Athanasius becomes Mr. popular due to his waging of a war against Arianism.. which lead to his being taken serious - he become bishop of alaxendria 3 years later!!! ..regardless - he basically selected the cannon (as did others^ I mean as I said this is largely personal interpretation and these scholars studied the txt much much more intently then now-a-days) ..anyway Nicaea 325 also established easter - which lead to the festel (easter) letters... which made Athanasius become one of the most POWERFUL christians ever because he released 'festel letter 367' and if you have no idea what Athanasius' festel letter 367AD is then google it - it is the NT cannon. Athanasius become Mr. Powerful - he was archbishop of Alexandria at age 30! .. scholars did not all agree on the cannon - but we went through with Athanasius' cannon - that is my point. He was in charge - he held the power for years and years- and the cannon is largely personal interpretation - they can cherry pick what literature they want to meet their doctrine- and they DID.

    I can go on if you would like?

    I write fictional stories for training purposes all the time.

    ^none of my points are fictional - look it up.

    If you mean the Bible purposefully made sections fictional to train - it makes the claim itself that it does not - it says itself that it is plenary verbal inspiration. - if you don't know what plenary verbal inspiration is then go look it up.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Richard Dawkins makes the point of how we overly evolved the brain by making it grow so rapidly (compared to evolution in other areas) due to the point I brought up previously - sexual selection - in humans the brain is and has been the peacocks tail. :wink:

    -in regards to the enabling of our self-awareness

    Neandermagon has already addressed that.

    ^addressed how? The guy that made the point that peacocks are dumb? - its not related at all to the point.

    The peacock's tail has no evolutionary value besides indicating that its possessor has not a single other genetic flaw.

    Our brains are extremely practical and have massive direct impact on our personal and species survival.

    They aren't parallel in any way.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Christianity will of course be at play a great deal due to my upbringing and the fact that I detest how it dumb down and dulls critical thinking in people. It is folly and foolish..."

    "But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"

    --1 Corinthians 1:27

    Yeah - it's great he willfully confounds (willfully confuse) people - Obviously the same God that deemed mankind mortal because Adam and Eve ate a fruit of knowledge.

    Christianity seriously is anti-critical thinking - I mean you as a christian are fighting against someone using critical thinking.
    But Christianity is based in Judaism, which actually encourages critical thinking.

    :drinker: Good point. The Jews themselves don't take this stuff literally - it's all bleh. -this opinion I'm sure came to relevance due to them encouraging critical thinking lol. They also don't say a huge percentage of the world is going to hell either, or that if you don't convert to their belief you go to hell.

    Christianity is a huge perversion of Judaism. Just like the Muslim beliefs are.

    My friends that are Jewish are very adamant about this. The Jewish God is a far different God then the Christian God.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Christianity is 100% confirmed hoax

    Really? Where, when and how?

    Well lets start at the very beginning - Canaanites would tell of the creation myths as inspirational stories at celebrations. This is possibly why there are two of these creation stories at the beginning of the scrptutes(Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3). They were placed next to each other in the cannon and meant to be read in tandem. - How many Christians even realize that there are two creation myths in the Bible? RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, IN A DIFFERENT ORDER :P (Karen Armstrong, Dwight A. Pryor and David Flusser - make the case)

    The first account is a monotheisic rendition of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish (which predates Genesis by centuries). Nor was the fable taken seriously when Genesis was written. Here God (called Elohim by its author) conqurs chaos by bringing order to an already created world, and the climax of the story is the creation of man (male and female were created at the same time) after he created plants and animals.

    In the second story, God (called YHWH Elohim by its author) created man before plants and animals. In this account, God created The male, Adam first, then created the female, Eve.

    Next we can go to Genesis 6 where demons have sex with women and create a race of giants. I have said and made the case previously Jesus was well versed in the book of Enoch - hence 'the son of man' title he used on himself, only in Enoch does it refer to the Messiah. However Enoch goes much more in depth on these giants saying the were 5,000+ ft tall. - Possible? no.

    Jude also quotes the Book of Enoch giving it clear credibility to the Christian - in Jude 6-7 following up on the angels going into Sodom and Gomorrah that were going to be raped proving that angels/demons (same being) - can have sex with people. This is why Jude says some demons are in hell and some are able to travel the earth. - totally bat *kitten*, but whatevs.

    Genesis 1:14-19, says God made the stars to give light to the earth - seems sorta silly once you realize how tiny we are in the cosmos with stars running rampant out there not providing light or any benefit/advantage to earth.

    also the gap theory is a load of garbage - day 4 wouldn't have been able to come after day 3 - that's just silly

    for the critical thinker to take the Genesis account seriously, looking into other practically identical accounts should likewise be taken seriously... I'm not going to belabor the point, however the records were not kept orally, rather they were written on tablets - in UR where if you recall Abraham is said to have come from in the bible - (Gen 15:7)... and it was a popular TALE in Ur during the time of Abraham.. but it is worth noting that Genesis came about around 1400 BC while the Gilgamesh story regarding a global flood was from 2100 BC so I agree that the tale originated from the same group, however the Genesis account was a 'fanned out' - as you said, version of the tale. - once again don't want to derail your points of origin on this, but I recommend investigating the similarities... check out CBM 13532 which is the earliest of accounts of a global flood - it is incredibly similar to the biblical account. But as was stated previously the Bible has TWO creation stories (Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3) - I mean even the order of events changes - this should give pause to even a non-critical thinker.

    Let's talk about Jesus let's compare him to Horus - born of a virgin, 'only begotten son of the head God(father) - Osiris. depicted being born in a manager in egyption hyroglifics. Egyptians celebrated his birth on Dec 21, received death threats as a child.. an angel told his father and mother to take him to egypt... No data between ages of 12 & 30 just like Jesus... baptism at age 30 just like Jesus... baptiser was beheaded just like John the Baptist. miracles just like Jesus: walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, restored sight to the blind. Was crucifed, descended into Hell; resurrected after three days.... Attis of Phrygia was born on dec 25th to a virgin, savior of mankind sacrificed for us, his body was eaten as bread by his followers in remembrance just like Jesus .. was crucified on black friday and came back to life in three days after going to hell.. his blood referred to as 'holy blood' sacrificed for man's atonement.... the founders of the country knew all about this.. it is one of many reasons why Thomas Jefferson etc were not 'believers.'

    I believe that Christianity came to prevalence due to the process of 'Memetics' ..and the idea largely came about because it took something far too complicated, the origin of the universe, for any average person to understand and said simply... God made it in 6 days - and then took a rest?.... this enabled the common layman to grasp the origin of everything - and it is impossible to argue this with you from the viewpoint of strictly evolution because you yourself realize that we live in a very very very very old universe simply google Acasta Gneisses, or Isua Greenstone Bel... I won't over-elaborate my points any further... *sigh* my answers are not happy because once realized as I said on your other wall it drives people too a point of realization that there is no real purpose for human existence as a whole because of how insignificant we are at the cosmos - and for former believers this would hardly be a breath of fresh air... but regardless - even if one where to still believe or choose to believe in their heart the Bible - you are still a pawn being wielded around God's predestined 'divine' plan making you basically robotic - once again void of free will. - hardly a happy position to be in once again.

    We see human sacrifice in**** Judges 11**** with Jephath sacrificing his daughter as a burnt sacrifice - whens the last time you heard a sermon on that ;P ..some preachers even straight up LIE, or are willfully ignorant about this being an actual burnt sacrifice which irks me - According to Midrash 7 both Jephath and the high priest were punished. Phinehas lost the divine spirit. Jephthah got deathly sick, and he lost his limbs. Because his limbs were buried in many locations, the Bible says that Jephthah was “buried in the cities of Gilead."

    In the Talmud Bavli rape is permitted after conquering just not on the battle field

    we have * *** Deuteronomy 21:10-14 -10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14 But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants. But you shall not sell her for money, nor shall you treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her. - permitting rape as long as you shave the women's head. Matthew Poole himself came to the same conclusion 'ana' 'humble' 'force into submission' was also used referring to rape in Gen34:2

    Nicaea 325 indeed lead to the creation of the hyporstatic union, and I said previously on one of your post 'One does realize right that due to the trinity - the godhead would enable each member to have identical attributes - equipping Jesus - through the hypostatic union to have the ability of omniscience as well - being all knowing he would have foresaw his crucifixion - and he then went ahead with it anyway - a form of self-suicide, human sacrifice.' -in a sense it was just him permitting himself to be tortured as well, being a 'God' and being able to resurrect himself - I mean it wasn't even in a sense a TRUE TRUE sacrifice as in his 'life' 'life' and identity dieing, and I say that respectfully, it was a terrible tragic death, but it just doesn't make ANY logical sense to me - Also, the hypostatic union would make Jesus also immutable - a characteristic placed upon the father - which would mean he never changed his mind.... and lets compound on that because ironically God the father did change his mind exodus 32:14 - and even in that passage? ??? I mean seriously? ...regardless ^the concept to me is just bizarre..the necessity of Christ willful sacrifice because he was also all-powerful (omnipotent) - he could have picked anything to atone for mans transgressions - simply flipping a coin - simply saying some magic rite or spell (and according to the book of enoch - magic, spells -its all real... it actually lead to Enochian magic... I have studied many cults and occults ) ...regardless my point with Nicaea 325 is that Athanasius becomes Mr. popular due to his waging of a war against Arianism.. which lead to his being taken serious - he become bishop of alaxendria 3 years later!!! ..regardless - he basically selected the cannon (as did others^ I mean as I said this is largely personal interpretation and these scholars studied the txt much much more intently then now-a-days) ..anyway Nicaea 325 also established easter - which lead to the festel (easter) letters... which made Athanasius become one of the most POWERFUL christians ever because he released 'festel letter 367' and if you have no idea what Athanasius' festel letter 367AD is then google it - it is the NT cannon. Athanasius become Mr. Powerful - he was archbishop of Alexandria at age 30! .. scholars did not all agree on the cannon - but we went through with Athanasius' cannon - that is my point. He was in charge - he held the power for years and years- and the cannon is largely personal interpretation - they can cherry pick what literature they want to meet their doctrine- and they DID.

    I can go on if you would like?

    I write fictional stories for training purposes all the time.

    ^none of my points are fictional - look it up.

    If you mean the Bible purposefully made sections fictional to train - it makes the claim itself that it does not - it says itself that it is plenary verbal inspiration. - if you don't know what plenary verbal inspiration is then go look it up.

    Right. God inspired people to write down stories that (s/he/they) wanted us to sharpen our moral teeth on.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Christianity will of course be at play a great deal due to my upbringing and the fact that I detest how it dumb down and dulls critical thinking in people. It is folly and foolish..."

    "But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"

    --1 Corinthians 1:27

    Yeah - it's great he willfully confounds (willfully confuse) people - Obviously the same God that deemed mankind mortal because Adam and Eve ate a fruit of knowledge.

    Christianity seriously is anti-critical thinking - I mean you as a christian are fighting against someone using critical thinking.

    You are not understanding the verse.

    I would be the last person to fight critical thinking, being a scientist.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Richard Dawkins makes the point of how we overly evolved the brain by making it grow so rapidly (compared to evolution in other areas) due to the point I brought up previously - sexual selection - in humans the brain is and has been the peacocks tail. :wink:

    -in regards to the enabling of our self-awareness

    Neandermagon has already addressed that.

    ^addressed how? The guy that made the point that peacocks are dumb? - its not related at all to the point.

    The peacock's tail has no evolutionary value besides indicating that its possessor has not a single other genetic flaw.

    Our brains are extremely practical and have massive direct impact on our personal and species survival.

    They aren't parallel in any way.

    smh. Dawkins was not comparing the actual tail to a brain.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Christianity will of course be at play a great deal due to my upbringing and the fact that I detest how it dumb down and dulls critical thinking in people. It is folly and foolish..."

    "But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"

    --1 Corinthians 1:27

    Yeah - it's great he willfully confounds (willfully confuse) people - Obviously the same God that deemed mankind mortal because Adam and Eve ate a fruit of knowledge.

    Christianity seriously is anti-critical thinking - I mean you as a christian are fighting against someone using critical thinking.
    But Christianity is based in Judaism, which actually encourages critical thinking.

    :drinker: Good point. The Jews themselves don't take this stuff literally - it's all bleh. -this opinion I'm sure came to relevance due to them encouraging critical thinking lol. They also don't say a huge percentage of the world is going to hell either, or that if you don't convert to their belief you go to hell.

    Christianity is a huge perversion of Judaism. Just like the Muslim beliefs are.

    My friends that are Jewish are very adamant about this. The Jewish God is a far different God then the Christian God.
    Catholics and many other Christian denominations also do not take the Bible literally. Not all Christians are Southern Baptists or Pentecostal or the like.

    And Jews don't believe in heaven or hell, so they wouldn't think people were going to go to hell.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    What is interesting is that your arguments against were not new to me, nor did they cause existential depression. Once again, you are using your eyes and brain to see what is not comprehendable by those methods. It's like Aristole trying to compute the internet speed on your computer, or measuring microwaves with a 12 inch ruler. Just because you cannot percieve, understand, or see something doesn't mean it isn't real.

    Luke 10
    In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

    23And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: 24For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Christianity is 100% confirmed hoax

    Really? Where, when and how?

    Well lets start at the very beginning - Canaanites would tell of the creation myths as inspirational stories at celebrations. This is possibly why there are two of these creation stories at the beginning of the scrptutes(Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3). They were placed next to each other in the cannon and meant to be read in tandem. - How many Christians even realize that there are two creation myths in the Bible? RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, IN A DIFFERENT ORDER :P (Karen Armstrong, Dwight A. Pryor and David Flusser - make the case)

    The first account is a monotheisic rendition of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish (which predates Genesis by centuries). Nor was the fable taken seriously when Genesis was written. Here God (called Elohim by its author) conqurs chaos by bringing order to an already created world, and the climax of the story is the creation of man (male and female were created at the same time) after he created plants and animals.

    In the second story, God (called YHWH Elohim by its author) created man before plants and animals. In this account, God created The male, Adam first, then created the female, Eve.

    Next we can go to Genesis 6 where demons have sex with women and create a race of giants. I have said and made the case previously Jesus was well versed in the book of Enoch - hence 'the son of man' title he used on himself, only in Enoch does it refer to the Messiah. However Enoch goes much more in depth on these giants saying the were 5,000+ ft tall. - Possible? no.

    Jude also quotes the Book of Enoch giving it clear credibility to the Christian - in Jude 6-7 following up on the angels going into Sodom and Gomorrah that were going to be raped proving that angels/demons (same being) - can have sex with people. This is why Jude says some demons are in hell and some are able to travel the earth. - totally bat *kitten*, but whatevs.

    Genesis 1:14-19, says God made the stars to give light to the earth - seems sorta silly once you realize how tiny we are in the cosmos with stars running rampant out there not providing light or any benefit/advantage to earth.

    also the gap theory is a load of garbage - day 4 wouldn't have been able to come after day 3 - that's just silly

    for the critical thinker to take the Genesis account seriously, looking into other practically identical accounts should likewise be taken seriously... I'm not going to belabor the point, however the records were not kept orally, rather they were written on tablets - in UR where if you recall Abraham is said to have come from in the bible - (Gen 15:7)... and it was a popular TALE in Ur during the time of Abraham.. but it is worth noting that Genesis came about around 1400 BC while the Gilgamesh story regarding a global flood was from 2100 BC so I agree that the tale originated from the same group, however the Genesis account was a 'fanned out' - as you said, version of the tale. - once again don't want to derail your points of origin on this, but I recommend investigating the similarities... check out CBM 13532 which is the earliest of accounts of a global flood - it is incredibly similar to the biblical account. But as was stated previously the Bible has TWO creation stories (Gen 1-2:3 & Gen. 2:4-3) - I mean even the order of events changes - this should give pause to even a non-critical thinker.

    Let's talk about Jesus let's compare him to Horus - born of a virgin, 'only begotten son of the head God(father) - Osiris. depicted being born in a manager in egyption hyroglifics. Egyptians celebrated his birth on Dec 21, received death threats as a child.. an angel told his father and mother to take him to egypt... No data between ages of 12 & 30 just like Jesus... baptism at age 30 just like Jesus... baptiser was beheaded just like John the Baptist. miracles just like Jesus: walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, restored sight to the blind. Was crucifed, descended into Hell; resurrected after three days.... Attis of Phrygia was born on dec 25th to a virgin, savior of mankind sacrificed for us, his body was eaten as bread by his followers in remembrance just like Jesus .. was crucified on black friday and came back to life in three days after going to hell.. his blood referred to as 'holy blood' sacrificed for man's atonement.... the founders of the country knew all about this.. it is one of many reasons why Thomas Jefferson etc were not 'believers.'

    I believe that Christianity came to prevalence due to the process of 'Memetics' ..and the idea largely came about because it took something far too complicated, the origin of the universe, for any average person to understand and said simply... God made it in 6 days - and then took a rest?.... this enabled the common layman to grasp the origin of everything - and it is impossible to argue this with you from the viewpoint of strictly evolution because you yourself realize that we live in a very very very very old universe simply google Acasta Gneisses, or Isua Greenstone Bel... I won't over-elaborate my points any further... *sigh* my answers are not happy because once realized as I said on your other wall it drives people too a point of realization that there is no real purpose for human existence as a whole because of how insignificant we are at the cosmos - and for former believers this would hardly be a breath of fresh air... but regardless - even if one where to still believe or choose to believe in their heart the Bible - you are still a pawn being wielded around God's predestined 'divine' plan making you basically robotic - once again void of free will. - hardly a happy position to be in once again.

    We see human sacrifice in**** Judges 11**** with Jephath sacrificing his daughter as a burnt sacrifice - whens the last time you heard a sermon on that ;P ..some preachers even straight up LIE, or are willfully ignorant about this being an actual burnt sacrifice which irks me - According to Midrash 7 both Jephath and the high priest were punished. Phinehas lost the divine spirit. Jephthah got deathly sick, and he lost his limbs. Because his limbs were buried in many locations, the Bible says that Jephthah was “buried in the cities of Gilead."

    In the Talmud Bavli rape is permitted after conquering just not on the battle field

    we have * *** Deuteronomy 21:10-14 -10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14 But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants. But you shall not sell her for money, nor shall you treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her. - permitting rape as long as you shave the women's head. Matthew Poole himself came to the same conclusion 'ana' 'humble' 'force into submission' was also used referring to rape in Gen34:2

    Nicaea 325 indeed lead to the creation of the hyporstatic union, and I said previously on one of your post 'One does realize right that due to the trinity - the godhead would enable each member to have identical attributes - equipping Jesus - through the hypostatic union to have the ability of omniscience as well - being all knowing he would have foresaw his crucifixion - and he then went ahead with it anyway - a form of self-suicide, human sacrifice.' -in a sense it was just him permitting himself to be tortured as well, being a 'God' and being able to resurrect himself - I mean it wasn't even in a sense a TRUE TRUE sacrifice as in his 'life' 'life' and identity dieing, and I say that respectfully, it was a terrible tragic death, but it just doesn't make ANY logical sense to me - Also, the hypostatic union would make Jesus also immutable - a characteristic placed upon the father - which would mean he never changed his mind.... and lets compound on that because ironically God the father did change his mind exodus 32:14 - and even in that passage? ??? I mean seriously? ...regardless ^the concept to me is just bizarre..the necessity of Christ willful sacrifice because he was also all-powerful (omnipotent) - he could have picked anything to atone for mans transgressions - simply flipping a coin - simply saying some magic rite or spell (and according to the book of enoch - magic, spells -its all real... it actually lead to Enochian magic... I have studied many cults and occults ) ...regardless my point with Nicaea 325 is that Athanasius becomes Mr. popular due to his waging of a war against Arianism.. which lead to his being taken serious - he become bishop of alaxendria 3 years later!!! ..regardless - he basically selected the cannon (as did others^ I mean as I said this is largely personal interpretation and these scholars studied the txt much much more intently then now-a-days) ..anyway Nicaea 325 also established easter - which lead to the festel (easter) letters... which made Athanasius become one of the most POWERFUL christians ever because he released 'festel letter 367' and if you have no idea what Athanasius' festel letter 367AD is then google it - it is the NT cannon. Athanasius become Mr. Powerful - he was archbishop of Alexandria at age 30! .. scholars did not all agree on the cannon - but we went through with Athanasius' cannon - that is my point. He was in charge - he held the power for years and years- and the cannon is largely personal interpretation - they can cherry pick what literature they want to meet their doctrine- and they DID.

    I can go on if you would like?

    I write fictional stories for training purposes all the time.

    ^none of my points are fictional - look it up.

    If you mean the Bible purposefully made sections fictional to train - it makes the claim itself that it does not - it says itself that it is plenary verbal inspiration. - if you don't know what plenary verbal inspiration is then go look it up.

    Right. God inspired people to write down stories that (s/he/they) wanted us to sharpen our moral teeth on.

    Da faq? did you not read what I pointed out above? ^^^ Christianity is a farce. I could provide even more evidence of it, but those points where all dead on and strong enough to make my case. The cannon itself - like the actual books that make up the bible are in debate with scholars - and the biggest of scholars are not even believers.

    What a faqqing crock. I'm explaining this on willfully deaf ears.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    What is interesting is that your arguments against were not new to me, nor did they cause existential depression. Once again, you are using your eyes and brain to see what is not comprehendable by those methods. It's like Aristole trying to compute the internet speed on your computer, or measuring microwaves with a 12 inch ruler. Just because you cannot percieve, understand, or see something doesn't mean it isn't real.

    Luke 10
    In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

    23And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: 24For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

    But how can you believe in it if it is proven to be a farce? It is like an adult explaining to a child how Santa couldn't make it to all the houses in time on a sled and smiling back and providing a quote back from the Christmas story. I mean? IDK - I don't think you understand what I said.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Christianity will of course be at play a great deal due to my upbringing and the fact that I detest how it dumb down and dulls critical thinking in people. It is folly and foolish..."

    "But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"

    --1 Corinthians 1:27

    Yeah - it's great he willfully confounds (willfully confuse) people - Obviously the same God that deemed mankind mortal because Adam and Eve ate a fruit of knowledge.

    Christianity seriously is anti-critical thinking - I mean you as a christian are fighting against someone using critical thinking.
    But Christianity is based in Judaism, which actually encourages critical thinking.

    :drinker: Good point. The Jews themselves don't take this stuff literally - it's all bleh. -this opinion I'm sure came to relevance due to them encouraging critical thinking lol. They also don't say a huge percentage of the world is going to hell either, or that if you don't convert to their belief you go to hell.

    Christianity is a huge perversion of Judaism. Just like the Muslim beliefs are.

    My friends that are Jewish are very adamant about this. The Jewish God is a far different God then the Christian God.
    Catholics and many other Christian denominations also do not take the Bible literally. Not all Christians are Southern Baptists or Pentecostal or the like.

    And Jews don't believe in heaven or hell, so they wouldn't think people were going to go to hell.

    The Catholics did take the Bible literally, as time has gone on of course they had to abandon some of their beliefs.

    I did not know Jews do not believe in heaven! - interesting.

    Regardless, my thinking is if you are going to cherry pick what you want to believe out of a religious belief as things fall apart your living in a state of incredible denial.