The Zumba Crew - January



  • I am a Zumbaholic as well. I go to classes at the gym 3-4 days a week and when they have the Zumba partys I am usually there. I am thinking about getting certified and becoming an intructor because I love it so much and it burns so many calories. I got a Heart Rate monitor for Christmas and I have been burning almost 800 calories for the hour that I am there.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I've not seen any guys post on this. I'm guessing this is more of a ladies thing? or no? I saw Zumba for Kinect? Anyone tried that one? Anything to lose weight. I'm pretty sure the last time I gave a little power yell at the gym all of my dignity went. Hey......60 minutes on the Intense Training Interval. I deserved to yell a little at the last 1 minute and then when I was done I did a little dance.....oh yeah.......I did! I wish there were some people to join me at our little Y in Zanesville Ohio.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I've not seen any guys post on this. I'm guessing this is more of a ladies thing? or no? I saw Zumba for Kinect? Anyone tried that one? Anything to lose weight. I'm pretty sure the last time I gave a little power yell at the gym all of my dignity went. Hey......60 minutes on the Intense Training Interval. I deserved to yell a little at the last 1 minute and then when I was done I did a little dance.....oh yeah.......I did! I wish there were some people to join me at our little Y in Zanesville Ohio.

    I'm trying to get my husband to go with me. I think he would if he had more rhythm, lol. He has done it with me at home. There have been a few guys come down to the studio where I go and are regulars down there but so far, it's mostly women. I think we must intimidate the men or something, j/k. :)
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    was just looking at the zumba for the wii what do you all think of it? is it worth the money?

    definitely worth the money!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I've not seen any guys post on this. I'm guessing this is more of a ladies thing? or no? I saw Zumba for Kinect? Anyone tried that one? Anything to lose weight. I'm pretty sure the last time I gave a little power yell at the gym all of my dignity went. Hey......60 minutes on the Intense Training Interval. I deserved to yell a little at the last 1 minute and then when I was done I did a little dance.....oh yeah.......I did! I wish there were some people to join me at our little Y in Zanesville Ohio.
    More women tend to attend the classes, yes, but Zumba was created BY A MAN so why not get out there and do it! :)
  • mia_1980
    mia_1980 Posts: 21 Member
    hi! im going to my second zumba class tonight. I plan to get zumba for the wii soon also. Today I worked out to golds gym dance for the Wii.( this is a latin dance workout) I also have turbo jam/turbo fire. I plan to combine 20 min turbo jam and zumna 3-4x a week
  • I just started the Zumba DVD set and love them! It doesn't feel like the same old exercise routine and I'm definitely feeling it the next day!! I'm glad I'm not the only one hooked on it!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    talking about guys in class - my old class had several guys, some of which were older men and they really knew how to shake it!

    But on the OTHER hand, a few nights ago in my class, a guy came in who was claiming to be 'interested in class' and stood there watching the entire time. It made several of the women uncomfortable even though he kinda 'knew' one of my girls. He didn't even get out there and try, just gawked. Luckily my friends boyfriend is a cop, so he contacted the guy and told him not to come again unless he was serious about taking the class...and he also pulled his record to find out that the guy has been charged with assault in the past! Jeez, all that just to see us shake our butts!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I love Zumba, too! I realized it as a certainty when I tried to do Jillian Micheals "30 Day Shred". I lasted 16 days. I missed Zumba too much and I wasn't having any fun. Oh, I could complete the workout, I just hated it. Back to Zumba I go!
  • I love love LOVE Zumba! I go to two different classes with different instructors. I love it :D
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    isn't it amazing how different instructors can be!? I have had some that were more fitness-y and some that were more dance-y. Both are great, I try to balance both in my class.

    I am curious about what you like or don't like about your specific instructors. What makes the perfect class for you? I try to give plenty of cues, but some instructors don't give many at all. Do you all have favorite songs to dance to? I love Waka Waka!

    Does your teacher face the class, or in the same direction as the class? beto faces his classes, but I prefer to face the mirror. What about you guys?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Ok Zumba freaks...I just started the cardio party, and I couldn't make it through...I thought I was dying, so I had to switch over to Kinect "Your Shape" for some cardio boxing. Please tell me that if I stick to it I'll be able to get through Cardio Party without having a heart attack.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    you will. Just keep trying. It's inSANE how high your heart rate can get 'dancing' so make sure to take it down a notch if you have to! I always say that Zumba is a water friendly class too, so drink that water!
  • msNessaK
    msNessaK Posts: 6 Member
    Zumba is awesome, especially for someone like me who loves to dance, I get tons of excercise without even knowing it! I did classes 6 times a week all last summer included in my gym membership. After I went on vacation in September I just couldn't get back into the groove of things and I didn't do any excercise for 4 months. Once the overeating from the holidays was over enough was enough and I decided it was time to take control of my life once again. I am back into the swings of things and have been going 6 times a week (saturdays are my rest day) since the New Year. I'm definitely addicated to Zumba once again and I had a wonderful 880 calorie zumba workout yesterday!
  • Count me as part of the Zumba Crew! I love Zumba. I get so bored with other exercise programs and I've tried a lot of them. I find myself smiling through the workouts. How can you beat that? I've got the DVD's and I've gone to a few classes. Both are great but I love the energy that comes from the class. I had the same problem as some of the others when trying to record my workout. I am definitely going to invest in a heart rate monitor to have a better idea of the calories burned.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I don't know how I'd do it without my hrm. Before I got it, I was logging my zumba workouts at about 400 calories. Then the first time I wore my hrm it counted to 800 and I thought it must be wrong! But it wasn't, and I have gotten as many as 1200 but as few as 400 depending on the intensity of my workout.
    Now I know that on Zumba days I already need to be at my calorie goal before class, then I work my butt off in class so that I can have dinner when I get home!
    MOMDRE Posts: 10 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zumba for the Wii --- Im thinking I should get my measurements soon - Im not seeing any weight loss but I FEEL different....

    Good Luck to all of you! Id love to make some Zumba friends - so add me!
  • My name is Krystle! I love Zumba! I have the DVDs and have going at it for about 2 weeks now. I am definitely thinking about becoming a Zumba instructor once I get to my goal weight. My favorite DVD so far is the Sculpt and Tone...going home to do that and Cardio Party tonight!

    Its the one form of exercise that I enjoy doing and it doesn't even feel like I am working out! So excited about this new journey and looking forward to having a smaller waistline and having some fun doing it!

    I just doing the Scult n Tone, its seriously kicking my butt. I enjoy though, but its one serious workout! I do the Zumba fitness Live the most.

    Add me to the club!!! Im a Zumbaholic. Started the beginning of November, been doing it since. Ive lost 20 pounds so far.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm Sheri and I'm also a zumba -holic! I have the DVD's , the wii game and I take live classes. The DVD's and wii game are great but nothing beats the Live classes.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I love love love Zumba too! I've only gone twice, but it's the most fun ever. When I look at the clock I feel disappointed that time is passing instead of relieved like with most workouts. I can't imagine being bored with this. For all of you who are scared to go to a class, I have no rhythm or dancing ability but no one seems to care at all, they are having too much fun themselves. My instructor faces the mirror, which I like because I get mixed up if they do stuff opposite.

    For you Zumba wii users, we have carpet in front of the TV with the wii, do you think I could still do the moves? My husband is excited, he calls it "exotic dancing". I told him he'll never ever see me zumba, I'd die of embaressment!
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