Days of our Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • mabella17
    I am really getting TIRED of Stephanie!!!! Time for her to go down :laugh: oh and I am Team Sami !! :drinker:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I love Sami, even when she was terrible! I find it sad that Grandma Brady's acting is BETTER as a stroke victim than when she is playing a healthy person!

    The whole E.J. having the goods on Sami and keeping the kids is so stupid. She has a recording of him saying he kidnapped his own daughter! I think it's pretty equal! LOL
  • mabella17
    HAHA I was thinking the same thing about Caroline, her acting is not that great ... no wonder she never got too many lines.
    It's about time Stepahine gets what's coming to her!!!!!
    And what is up with Bo and Hope, there is no way that would ever happen .... but I guess that's why it's a Soap :)
    I finally got today that Jennifer's new doctor friend is working with the Prison Warden to get the "body parts"
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I have always been a huge fan of the Beau/Hope duo. Poor Carly - always sloppy seconds with Beau!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh, do NOT do that to adorable, sweet little Johnnie!!!! I am starting a campaign: Save the Eye!!!!!!!!!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    so, what do u guys think of vivian being on the island? do u think victors gonna rescue her just for a date with maggie..... god, i hope not!! im glad that brady went off on nicole today, shes been using him too much! now, i know nicole cant carry a child or whatever, but since her and brady were "in love" did it ever dawn of them to try using a surrogate so they could have their own child....... not sydney. brady has money, they could have tried things..... or they could have adopted their own baby. i dont understand why they never did this. its quite annoying actually. johnny needs a haircut, like NOW!! i dont like ej anymore. now they plan to do god knows what to rafe. ej's sooooooooo jealous of him. i wonder whats gonna happen and i hope sami doesnt fall for ej again...... so sick of that story line. this bo and hope **** is just unbelievably stupid. the whole prison thing was stupid. people dying, and selling organs..... i mean, seriously?? who's getting paid top dollar to write this ****?? and.... i was actually shocked when i saw stefano was behind this. i never saw that coming, and usually this show is pretty predictable. why would stefano, whos such a genius, hire that dumbass lady (i cant think of her name, the warden) to do his dirty work??? she's so so so dumb!!!!! i agree with u guys about carolines acting!! i havent liked her much the last couple yrs. i think shes just too old. cant act anymore. i knew melanie was gonna end up preg. now phillip has all these damn kids!! why the hell do they refer to the other 1 as pocket? i expect him to resurface in the future someday. i dont understand why he's not part of the family, since he's a kiriakis.....ya know?? i cant believe that kate and victor would allow it. im not a big fan of melanie, she cant act either. i wonder whats gonna happen with this whole crew... mel, phillip, steph, nathan, chloe and daniel. we'll see!! sorry this is so long, havnt vented in a while about days!! lol!!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Bring back Eric - Sami's brother - or Sean, and some other people... Sick of the Stephanie/Melanie boyfriend swapping. Seriously!! I'm sick of Melanie's little spoiled brat outbursts, and why they're all hot for the little one that lied and did all sorts of nasty stuff and now acts like she's holier than thou, I don't get it. She is like krypton to Stephanie... lol
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    I agree..... they need some other ppl. And yes, Melanie was a nightmare and now shes a saint!! lol! I'm curious whats gna happen with rafe. what r stefano and ej gna say, rafe molested sydney?? i havent watched todays yet. i do not want to see sami go back with ej. not again!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I don't remember the story line about Pocket. I know they've been mentioning him and somehow Stephanie's mom was going to adopt him or something, and she is really pissed about it, but I don't remember the story at all!

    I wonder if Stefano has some goods on Rafe about his dead wife and how she died. Remember how that was so hush-hush?
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    omg.... the story about rafes wife!! hahahahaha!!! that came and went and it was soooooo dumb!! remember the psycho sister of the dead wife?? she came outta no where, kidnapped and tried to kill him and then the story was over. wtf?? but.... stefano was behind the sister coming back into town..... so ur thought could be right! im hoping so bad that nothing happens with sami and rafe. i dont wanna watch that again. its obvious that ej still likes her, idk y, but i hope whatever theyre planning will not go thru and it will blow up in their face and sami and rafe will get the kids back. wouldnt that be!! OH.... remember when rafes sister got hit by the car?? there was that mysterious hand in a couple episodes that had copies of a cd or something.... they never did anything with that or showed who it was. anyone remember that?

    As far as Pocket...... why the hell do they call him that?? i remember that the embryos were switched and belle ended up preg with seans baby and mimi's egg has philips sperm and it was supposeed to be destroyed. but mimis mom hired someone to carry the baby. she then was planning to blackmail or something the kiriakis' with the baby for money. the n the surrogate realized the baby she was carrying was a kiriakis and she wanted money too. they didnt ever really get into it. all of a sudden phillip found out about it and was searching for the baby and i remember an episode where he was in an apt and found a pill bottle that said tyler kiriakis. i dont remember anything else, they just dropped it. i never understood y the kiriakis family didnt want one of their heirs....ya know?? and u see how kate is acting about Parker, she wants to take him from chloe. why doesnt anybody want this tyler kid?? theyre talking about him so much. i wouldnt be surprised if he comes back and is like 12 or so!! Philip doesnt seem to care about Parker either. he has all these kids, but doesnt give a damn!! all he cares about is this kid with melanie. and....... i dont know why melanie is pushing nathan away. its not like they cant be together just because shes pregnant. um, hello..... nathan can be a stepdad!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I missed about five years of Days and I think the whole Pocket story was during that time. I never heard about Tyler! LOL Are they one and the same?

    Chloe sure does whine a lot. What a baby!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Yes, his name is Tyler but they call him Pocket and I dont understand why. The child was never actually on the show physically, not that I recall. hahaha, Chloe is a whiner. what do u think theyre gonna do with rafe? I think that they found someone who looks like rafe, or they created someone and theyre gonna program this guy to be an *kitten* that Sami wont like, and then they will kidnap the real rafe. Theres clearly something going on in the Dimera basement. I hope like hell this plan of theirs doesnt go thru and they get busted instead!! im soooo sick of the Dimeras winning!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yes, seems there is something going on in the basement! LOL

    Why did Jennifer steal the organ doc's keys? I missed something.

    I must admit I cracked up when Vivian came back with the tree leaves still in her hair. LOL
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Well today, theres some mysterious woman coming to Salem. Is it going to be Rafes dead wife?? or the sister like you mentioned?? ot, maybe its someone totally different. who knows!!

    Jen stole the keys because she saw Hope and Hope told her the Dr was up to something. So, she conveniently hugged him and stuck her hand in her pocket and the keys were right there. She wanted to sneak into the Infirmirary and she needed the keys.

    Yes.... the leaves in the hair we're funny!! the whole island thing was funny!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    The mystery woman sounds young. Hmm.....who had a secret baby.....LOL. Didn't the mystery girl show a pic of someone? Who was it? All I could see was that the woman in the pic had blond, short hair.....hmmm.....gotta think on this one. LOL
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Mine was interrupted today by some local breaking news when they showed her trying to book a plane but her credit card was cancelled, so idk if i missed anything. i did see the part with the picture, and yes she had blonde hair, but u couldnt really make out the face. i have no idea who it was. phillip has the mystery baby, but it was a boy. i think this has something to do with rafe and the plan in the basement. I also have no idea, i think i'll ask my mom.... she seems to alwasy know!! lol!
  • mabella17
    The mystery woman is Nicole's sister, Taylor. Not sure what part she is going to have in the whole thing. I don't want Rafe to die, lol
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    oh ok...... damn, i 4got about her!!!!! how did u find that out?? im noticing that nicole seems different, like not such a ***** sometimes. she seems like she cares more and i was wondering that if she finds out about the basement project, if she would say something. theyre clearly making a substitute rafe in the basement. i wonder how thats gna play out. I dont think rafe will die but they keep mentioning memory loss, so i imagine he'll have some loss or something. i like rafe..... way better than ej!!!!!
  • mabella17
    I have Days as a "like" on my facebook page and they had a clip of "Taylor" on there.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I don't remember Taylor. I did see someone's comment on FB that she will get involved with EJ...??? Interesting....