Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Whoo Hoo!
    Feeling really positive this morning.
    Went for some retail therapy yesterday instead of eating my frustrations with the spouse.
    I bought a top off the REGULAR RACK!!!!! First time in years. I don't even know how many years, pretty sure it is at least 10. It is a little tight but I will wear it in public today.

    Walked 4 minkes instead of 5 yesterday. I plan on adding 1 mile to my workout today to make up.

    LOVE this group,
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Sunday Sharing: I am really irritated this morning. Yesterday I posted that I have been successful in making it to the gym and logging everything. My calories have been right around what they should be according to my TDEE. I did my weekly weigh in this morning and I gained 2 LBS. All I can say is WTF??? How does this happen? I am doing everything that I should be, eating healthy, hitting the gym, logging everything to make sure I am staying within my TDEE recommendation and this is what happens. I know it is not muscle gain because I do not workout to the point that I would gain 2 LBS of muscle. This wil not stop me from continuing to workout and eat healthy but it is very discouraging.

    I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Brenda... There are millions of metabolic processes happening in our bodies constantly, so there that many reasons why you saw a 2 lb gain. We chalk it up to a water gain, sodium retention etc. BUT if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and just keep at it despite what the scale says you WILL see results. Your weight may be up, but you may have actually lost some fat from your stomach, hips and ankles. Hard to see something like that, right? As long as your TDEE is correct (may take weeks to see if it actually is) just keep going.

    I don't advocate it because people put too much faith in their scale as THE measuring tool of success or failure and would freak out on a daily basis, but I weigh myself every day. I have an app where I can chart it, and I can see how my weight fluctuates. There is a definite pattern to it. And that pattern includes lots of ups when I know I was perfect the last few days. But then there will eventually be a bigger drop that is the true loss, then smaller gains again before the next drop. That's my pattern anyway. We can fluctuate 5+ lbs per day, and it's normal! and it's not FAT so it's not that what you're doing is not working.

    The best thing you can tell yourself when you see a 2lb gain from a week a go is... Did I eat 7000 calories above my TDEE this week? If not, then it's not a FAT gain.

    And you're right... It's not muscle gain. Muscle cannot be built while cutting calories, because your body needs the fewer calories it's getting even more and muscles production is last in line. People tend to lose some muscle actually. To gain muscle you have to do the opposite of what we are doing and eat a calorie surplus every day.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @cblue... Awesome that you bought off the regular rack! I'm finally able to fit a women's XL top, but am so used to the men's T shirts that hide my arms and stomach that I cannot bring myself to wear the women's fitted T's quite yet.

    @nagyca... Way to go with staying under your calorie goal.

    @susan... The feet! Oh, that would an annoy me too! I find it really weird the random sounds I can pick out of the background and everyone else is like "huh?" That bothers you?
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Bump for later. Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--I also weigh every day b/c I've read studies that show it's better for losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. I used to be scale-obsessed--weighing multiple times a day and freaking out over any little fluctuations upward and then not weighing for a week. The only way I conquered that obsession is by weighing every morning and leaving it at that. It took almost 2 months of consistent weighing, but I got over the anxiety connected to that number. I totally agree with you that it's not good to use that number to define success or failure since it's only one of many measures.

    @brenda--what tanya said. :smile:

    @lori (cblue)--congrats on your awesome NSV of buying off the regular rack!! :drinker:

    @nagyca--I loved your story about running home with your kids--another great NSV! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--congrats on an awesome first week back! You can see what I wrote to tanya about weighing daily. I firmly believe it's a good habit, but I also understand that people have to do what is right for them. If weighing once a week and not worrying about that number is what will work for you, then that's what you should do. :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--can't wait to see wedding pictures. :smile:

    @fera--great SV and awesome proof that you've found balance. :drinker:

    @tracy (tlh)--wow, just reading about your life makes me tired! :laugh: Love the cake!

    @kris (mow)--such a cute kitty! :love:

    @wnnim--great job exercising to burn off those extra calories! :drinker:

    @laurie--sorry you have to wait until monday for your results--hang in there!

    Sorry if I missed anyone and welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    Saturday Success:
    I got to the gym yesterday before meeting a friend to take the train into the city. We met some friends at a festival, and even though I think I drank way too many calories worth of sangria, I logged everything and was only over by 189 calories. Also, did a lot of walking and dancing, sa a pretty active day when you add that to the gym visit.

    Sunday Sharing:
    I'm doing okay with the new calorie goal, but it's still hard to get used to logging exercise and then NOT eating the calries back since they're already figured into my TDEE. In fact, I've already had one day when I forgot to tog a walk with gunner and had to go back and add it the next day b/c I want an accurate log.

    I'm also still working on the protein. I haven't hit my goal everyday, but I'm getting pretty close on the days I'm short. :ohwell:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym YARD WORK INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym CLEANING INSTEAD
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = (200)
    100g of protein = 4/31 days
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    GrammyWhammy- happy_anniversary-2376_zps4334552d.gif

    Happy National Lazy Day
    Have a lazy day in the back yard! - Grab those pillows and blanket and have a relaxing day laying under your favorite shade tree in the back yard. Absorb in all the nature sounds, the rustle of the trees and the feel of the wind.To honor and enjoy a nice lazy day of doing nothing at all. Let this holiday be the day you forget all about your work, chores and erronds. Let your mind and body be lazy for a the whole day and re-energize your spirit. Let today be the day you find a new way to be lazy and enjoy every minute of it.

    If you enjoy lazy day holidays like this one, then you will surely love National Relaxation Day too. It's another day just for doing nothing but relaxing.

    “We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough.” ~Helen Keller

  • KrisN30
    KrisN30 Posts: 19
    I love the August Challenge because I have been working on my calories. i have been working hard at getting the right kind of fat in my diet and reaching my calorie limit and not go over.
    @Mow-Beautiful Cat :) great picture. Mine always look angry when i take pictures of them lol.Then they run away before the shot gets taken lol.
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    @Tanya- the 7000 calories above TDEE is an interesting way to look at this. I most definitely did not do that!! Thank you for giving me some perspective. I will keep doing what I am doing and see what happens.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Morgori/Tom - I think I'm going to celebrate and take full advantage of Happy Lazy Day. Don't mind if I do.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Had a good weekend and made great progress on the laundry room project. Countertops and lighting are ordered, tile is purchased, carpenter and electrician scheduled and paint matched for painting the new structure to support countertop above the washer/dryer.

    Also stayed under my calorie goal both days so I count this weekend as a success!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 8/10

    Good Days: 8
    Not so Good Days: 1
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 1
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    My name is Kate, and I have to lose 73 pounds. I have been taking care of my family for a very long time. My mom and dad moved in with my brother and I seven years ago. A year after they arrived, my dad passed away from a AAA. At least it was quick. My mom after that gradually went downhill, as did I. I was an RN for twenty plus years, but that plus the stress of taking care of my mom and my brother, who had drug and psychiatric issues sent me over the edge and I am retired. I lost my mom last september and my brother passed away this past mother's day. It has been the first time I have had to concentrate on myself after being so busy with everyone else. I have a really good friend that has been of great help to me, and I am in the process of moving to her town since I have no one here anymore. I must say that I have been feeling so much healthier since I have started to improve my diet. I also have started to walk regularly and think that it has helped my mood. I have been pretty much staying on a diet for the past three weeks and yet my scale only says I lost ten pounds. I guess that is good, but I am so anxious to be at my goal. I am trying to allow myself a treat now and again so I don't have so much craving. I bought whey protein to improve my protein intake and it has been like a treat for me because it is chocolate. That has dampened my need for sweets. Enough about me. I just want to say that I like this topic and all the support that you folks provide to each other. This is new to me, I have been a loner for a very long time. Thanks, Kate
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Welcome Kate.

    @Brenda - My new trainer and I worked out a deal with the scale and I have been very happy with it. I weigh every Thursday or Friday when I see him. If I am up over what I was 4 weeks ago then I can have a meltdown. If it is down then I know I am doing things right. This has been working for the last 9 weeks. The daily or weekly fluctuations were sending me to the fridge and causing a much slower progress.

    Tomorrow 45 minutes on the elliptical and swim for 30.
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    I found this afternoon. Started logging right then and there. Looking forward to a new life. I had lost 130 lbs. about 12 years' ago and was walking 3+ miles four or five times a week, plus lifting weights. I was looking awesome and feeling great for the first time in my life. Then I met my now husband and we got married. We are both addicted to food, but he has a very physical job so he doesn't pile on the pounds like me. I'm disabled, so my life is more sedentary than his.

    It should've been the happiest times of my life (new hubby, new life together, looking & feeling great), but all within the first two years of our marriage, I suffered two miscarriages, lost my older sister (and best friend), and got breast cancer. I started gaining weight. I think I was depressed about my losses and the "Big C" and my thinking was, "What the heck? I've been through a lot of hardships and now I've gotta' go through cancer and treatment, why not just eat whatever I want?". Well....I did that for eight cancer-free years! I just ate whatever and whenever I wanted. Then this past November, I was diagnosed with a 2nd breast cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy w/o reconstruction. And so I continued packing on the pounds. I am now at my heaviest weight ever! I'm 53 and need to lose 200 lbs.

    I am looking forward to turning my lifestyle around: feeling better, looking better, and gaining my self-esteem back. Plus, I get to talk with some amazing people who are going through similar life changes.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm happy to report that today is my 50th day since joining MFP and logging my calories every day no matter how ugly it might be (and there have been ugly days!). I have lost 11 lbs so far which breaks down to about a 1 1/2 a week, which is pretty darn good from all I read. I'm still struggling with wanting the weight off now and working on my negative self-talk. I guess when you have a lifelong habit it just doesn't change overnight. Lord knows I’m trying!!

    @annem6806, welcome to the group and to my MFP!! You picked a great place to take control of your life and back to who you want to be. You have suffered so much but you are determined to make the changes you want to make. I’m right there with you and I support you totally! :flowerforyou:

    @Kate, losing 10 lbs in 3 weeks is awesome!!! Good for you for changing your life and going after what you want. Keep it up and please don’t get discouraged. We can encourage each other. :flowerforyou:

    @Lives, your laundry is going to be amazing! :bigsmile:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I thought I posted but I guess not.

    Today I caved and ate a bunch of cookies. So my diary is almost a whole day's worth over calories. I almost didn't log them but I had to be honest with myself and my accountability friends. Tomorrow is a new day.

    I got new running shoes last night, not sure if I said that. I went with Brooks Ravenna 5 in purple/light blue. They are great and I am sure I will love them as much as my Ravenna 4. Excited to maybe test them out tomorrow if my foot is feeling better. I am thinking I will just do week 11 over again. I could always do day 3 and free style the rest of my two weeks haha. I have been getting terrible headaches and migraines lately and my meds aren't working for them. Think it's time to get them looked at again.
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    bumping to follow
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Brenda... Yes, people tend to confuse weight gain with fat gain. It's fat we want to lose. And the only way to gain a pound of fat is to eat 3500 extra calories. When I learned to think of it that way, it made me look at the scale differently too, and start to notice my trends instead of daily/even weekly fluctuations.

    Tlh: love the cake, it looks great!

    AFM: went out in a canoe today for a few hours, but I don't paddle so I sat in the middle. I'm not much of a boat person but am attempting to go kayaking with my BF and friends next Sunday. Should be fun provided I can get the paddling and steering down.

    After canoeing my BF and I went to a barbecue at a friend's house. Being not much of a meat eater but needing some protein I had a hotdog and some pork tenderloin with a potato salad, garden salad, pie and ice cream for dessert. I didn't bother to try and log it,but had only one moderate helping of each... So much better than in the past where I'd put more on my plate and go for seconds. To walk away from a dinner like that without being stuffed is a huge NSV for me.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tanya- I also weigh in everyday. The daily fluctuations don’t annoy quite so bad anymore since they are a normal part of this process.

    Brenda- I also agree with Tanya. There are many factors that will change your weight daily such as Time of day, salt, water retention, TOM (time of Month) so unless you are really eating a huge amount of excessive calories then you should not see a gain stick around for extended periods of time. For me, I lose the weight before my TOM and then it returns shortly after it has started or ended. It is water weight so it takes it time to drop again. Stay the course and the results will come. Have you taken your measurements.

    Tom- I like National Lazy Day- may need to celebrate in full tomorrow.

    Welcome, KrisN.

    Lives to Travel- glad to hear about the progress on the laundry room.

    Katie- Welcome. You have found a very support group of people. 10 lbs in 3 weeks is fantastic. Remember this is a marathon not a sprint, give it time since you are making changes that will last a lifetime. Treats are good and many of us hear have learned not to deprive ourselves of the treat we want. It is easier to eat just one of something when the craving first hits than to wait until it gets to strong and you end up eating more of that than you should.

    Cblue (Lori) please swim a few laps for me. I am missing it terribly this week. I love swimming too.

    Annem- Welcome, you have taken the first step in realizing that you want to the make the change for yourself and to get back to a healthy weight. We will be here to support you. Are you in treatment now for the cancer? I have a couple of friends who are fighting breast cancer.

    Ebailey- Yeah for new running shoes.

    Beckah- Glad to see you checking in.

    Skinny/Karen- I am getting my emotions under control and hanging in there.

    Robin- Thanks for updating the August challenge. I greatly appreciate it.

    tlh-The cake looks great.

    Success- I lost another pound today. Now, I should let everyone know that it has to do with that TOM. I tend to lose weight very quickly in the days leading up to my period and the first couple of days. Then the weight will come back on in a few days. Right now, I am enjoying seeing the lower number on the scale. It may also be helping that I have been eating below my calories the last few days and trying to reduce my sugar intake. I will see what happens in the next week. I really hope that the 192.2 sticks around for a while.

    Tomorrow, I am going to get some blood tests provided I don’t back from my doctor to post pone since TOM might skew some of the results.

    Has anyone heard from Kinnurse (Charlotte) lately?

    I am Laurie, 44 and I teach middle school 8th grade science. I started this journey at 268+ pounds about 4 years ago and found this site about 3.5 years ago. It has been an interesting journey and there is always something to learn. Many things were discovered by trial and error when it came to eating the right foods, balancing the sweets and adding exercise. What I have learned during this time is that I love to exercise and to try new things. During the past 4 years I went from no exercise to walking, spin bike, rock climbing, biking, swimming, aerobics, and now running. I am proof that you can change and that exercise will become easier with time. Now, I can’t stand the thought of every giving up exercise of any kind, even running. Running is the hardest activity for me and not my favorite but I can do it and will continue to push it.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @erienne (ebailey)--glad you got your new runners! I've always been a "shoe" person, but it's taken on a whole new level now that I'm a runner. I find I have a hard time entering a shoe store without at least trying on some cute running shoes. I try not to buy new ones until the old ones wear out which gives me incentive to wear out the old ones by doing lots of running. :laugh: I HATE migraines! Hope you get some relief soon. :flowerforyou:

    @teresa--happy 50th!! :drinker: You are losing at a great pace--keep going! :flowerforyou:

    @anne--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @lori--that's so smart of your trainer to say you can only freak out if the scale is higher than it was 4 weeks ago--I love that mentality. I tend to be fine as long as my scale reads within 5 or 6 lbs of my ticker weight. I don't like when it goes higher than that, but even when there's an occassional spike, I've found it's temporary and goes away the next day.

    @kate--I agree with teresa, 10 lbs in 3 weeks is great! I also allow myself whatever I want (foodwise) provided I stay within calories or make up for it the next day. Like you, I worry if I deny myself something, I will just crave it that much more. Your story is moving with all of the loss you've experienced. Hugs to you for taking care of your family for so many years. One thing I've found many of us "losers" have in common is that we struggle to put ourselves first. Whether it's due to family or job or some other demand in our lives, we take care of everyone and everything but oursleves. I've been doing this for almost 3 and half years and I still have a hard time prioritizing my health needs over job, family, and friends. My toughest issue is that once school starts I will have so much grading--I constantly have to force myself to put it aside and go to the gym or for a run with my dog. I feel it's a struggle I will have forever, but I'm getting better at it. :smile:

    @L2T--sounds like your project is well under way!

    @brenda--glad tanya gave you that perspective. Another thing to consider is that sometimes it takes your body a few weeks to catch up with the changes you make. I know when I was in weight loss mode, I would sometimes have a few great weeks of eating and exercise with no losses on the scale. Then I would have a few so-so weeks and would see a big drop. :huh: When I looked back at my reports for my first year on MFP, I could clearly see that it takes my body about 3 weeks to "respond" to changes in my calorie allowance. Once you've been on here for a couple of months, take a look at your reports to see if you can find any patterns to your weight loss that can help you make adjustments to your nutrition. :smile:

    @krisn--my dog also usually looks angry in his pictures. Whenever I bring out the camera, he flattens his ears and gets "shy." :laugh:

    AFM--had a semi-lazy day (thanks to tom for telling me about the holiday :wink: ). I walked gunner and did some yard work. Tonight I'm just finishing up my laundry and watching tv. Tomorrow I'm meeting a colleague at work to prep for our AP classes. Then I have that health assessment with the trainer at the gym. I'm kind of nervous that he'll tell me my fitness level is awful. :noway: I know it's silly, but I guess I've watched too many episodes of Biggest Loser. :tongue:

    I will be well over my protein goal thanks to the hubs smoking some ribs and chicken. I also think I will have calories to spare which is good b/c I'm short 200 right now. Would like to get that back to zero nd into a surplus again.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym YARD WORK INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym CLEANING INSTEAD
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym YARD WORK INSTEAD

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = (200)
    100g of protein = 5/31 days