Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Mammawto9
    Mammawto9 Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning from the Pacific Northwest. I am Judy....most people call me Mammaw. I have 110 pounds to lose. I hit my highest weight at 271 pounds last week. Totally scared myself. Time for lifestyle change. Realizing and acknowledging I am a hidden binge eater. Admitting I overeat and stuff myself in private took alot for me to admit and actually put in writing. I have issues and hurts I am still dealing with sometimes hourly or minute by minute. But r days in I am doing ok. Stayed busy this morning puttering outside and around the house for about an hour and a half. I am feeling positive about thus change. I even spoke to my hubby about house frightened I am. He us 60 and I just turned 57. Do not want to squeeze my heart and organs with fat any more. I am determined not to fail like so many many times in the past. Being constantly reminded of my failures by my children they mean well but actually really make me feel like it isn't worth it. So I am doing this on my own. So that is part of my story...
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hello all, glad to be back on here, checking in. I haven't been on much this summer, as I've been up north and we don't have internet or TV. The good thing is that I think it's making me healthier. I spend more time doing physical things ie. swimming, boating, walking. Also, I have lots of time to plan what to eat.
    I've tried to catch up reading this thread and can't believe how many new people are on here. It's a wonderful group here and welcome to all of you and I wish you success. The support here is great.
    Tuesday Goal: I desperately want to lose another 2 lbs. within the next week. I weighed myself today and I lost 2 lbs. from my last weigh-in, so I'm thrilled. I'm losing, slowly but surely. I want all you new people to know that I'm not perfect, I deviate, eat junk and then get back to it. I'm trying to avoid these episodes. but they have happened, especially when I'm stressed...I turn to food.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am cleared to exercise again. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: I was at the gym when I found today. I just could not sit around waiting any longer. I had to run and try out the new shoes.

    I do have a mild backward leakage around the arortaic valve. NO Heart disease or other major problems.

    I love my new shoes.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Awesome news Laurie!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • wolflova1954
    well i need to try that as i am not the one who cooks here,i am disabled at the moment and my fiance does the cooking. thanks for the tip
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @tlh... hope your daughter is feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Robin Williams' passing was very shocking. I had no idea he had bouts of deep depression. Now I understand it when I see photos of him... I can see it just beyond those twinkling blue eyes. :frown:

    I went right off the rails today.. Picked up what I thought was peanut butter rice krispie squares topped with marshmallows, only to get home and find there are no rice krispies... ewww. I ate 2 squares anyway. Days like this form when I don't eat a proper breakfast at home... I was lazy this morning and grabbed a bagel on the way into work instead of making my eggs. Oh yeah, and I had a Big Mac and fries for lunch :blushing: I will have a protein smoothie with fruit for dinner and call it a day.

    On a positive note though... (because I need to find a silver lining) a co-worker gave me 3 uniform skorts (skirt with shorts underneath-- I have no idea if they are just a Canadian thing or what so I thought I'd explain) that she doesn't like. They fit me perfectly, and I honestly think she is much smaller than me. I wouldn't call her overweight at all. I have no idea how they fit me but they do. Actually they are just a bit loose in the waist too. I also noticed they are size 20 (just the uniform company size, not standard size) and when I initially ordered my uniform last May I was a 28. :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Goals- To keep being active and exercise. I don't want it taken away from me again. I was very creative with how I exercised- ie an easy bike ride, jog today.

    This week on Wednesday- I will swim tomorrow night unless I walk with a friend.
    Trainer on Thursday- so that will be a good workout.
    Friday- I am going climbing and it is back to the hard stuff.
    Saturday back to the pool.
    Sunday- I think I will try scuba diving at the local pool.

    Monday is back to work.:cry: Sad to see vacation end.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I got my laptop back, so now I can do a longer post. I really hate typing on a tablet! :angry:

    First of all, welcome to all of the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    @krisn--I know it's easier said than done, but you shouldn't wait to start feeling good about yourself. You are here and you've made a commitment to a healthier life. That's something to be proud of and to feel good about even before you start to see tangible results. Also, every day that you make even one better choice regarding food or exercise than you did in the past, take a minute to feel good about it. All of it will add up to feeling better and better about who you are right now, which will translate to wanting to continue to make those good choices. :flowerforyou:

    @ton (morgori)--I'm a middle child and definitely have some middle child attributes, but "introverted" is not one of them. :laugh: I know I've read a lot on the subject that says if there is a 5 year gap or more between children, you start over. My younger sister is 7 years younger than me, so I was the baby for awhile which may account for my deviation from the norm. I know from looking at birth order charts of traits, I posses both middle child and last child characteristics. I like to think I got the best of both. :wink:

    @kelley (kah)--I love the fat2fit calculators. I hope switching up your numbers helps shake things up for you.

    @L2T--My progress chart is flat for the past year, so I know how you feel. I'm also working toward seeing a number that starts with a 1 and a 7. I feel like I'm on the right track with my change in calories. Now I just need to be patient and keep going. :smile:

    @coffee--I also weigh daily b/c I've read studies that show people who do so are more successful with weight loss or maintenance. I also forced myself to do so to rid myself of the scale anxiety. Seeing the numbers fluctuate up and down was hard at first, but eventually I got used to it. I don't enter those daily fluctuations into MFP, but only chech in when the scale drops below my ticker weight. However, I did track the fluctuations on paper for awhile so I could see the patterns. As someone else said, you have to do what works for you. If the scale is too discouraging right now, then stick to your plan of every 10 days until you feel you can start weighing more regularly without fear of the fluctuations. :flowerforyou:

    @fera--glad your kitty is all better, and good luck with the move!

    @tracy (tlh)--sorry to hear about your daughter--hope she heals quickly. :flowerforyou:

    @toots--good luck with all involved with bringing those 2 boys home. As others said, just focus on maintaining until you get through all of the stress involved in the process.

    AFM--Some of you asked about my health assessment with the new trainer at my gym. It went fine and wasn't at all scary. :blushing: It was a series of quick tests to rate me on 5 parameters from 1 to 8--1 being poor and 8 being excellent.

    The first was BF% and I rated a 1, but I already knew my % was too high.

    The second was cardiovascular fitness and I rated an 8, so all of that running is paying off. :bigsmile:

    Next was muscle strength which was rated based on my max weight chest press of 80 lbs. I rated a 3, but he said he felt that number was skewed b/c I NEVER use that machine. He thinks I'm probably more of a 5 or 6 based on what he saw overall.

    Next was flexibility, which I rated a 1. The rating was based on one stretch from the torso, and he feels it's also slightly low b/c most runners are really tight through the torso.

    Finally, my muscle endurance rated a 6, so that was pretty good.

    My overall score was in the average range for my age and gender.

    The trainer's name is Sydney (he goes by Syd) and I really, really liked him. We talked for a long time about what I've been doing, and my goals. He actually said most of the exercise I've been doing sounds great. He also liked that I've calculated my TDEE based on my maintenance. He thinks I've probably been overestimating my exercise calories, and that's why I've maintained rather than lost. He didn't make any suggestions that we do any 1:1 sessions--he wants me to keep doing what I'm doing (with some slight changes I'll go through in my goals) and do another assessment in 90 days to see what progress I've made.

    So this brings me to...

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Syd is a big proponent of HR zone training, so wants me to get a new HRM and to focus on keeping my HR up during strength as well as cardio.

    2. He thinks I should switch from the heavy lifting to more reps at about 50% of my max weight. He said that will help me build strength without all of the tightness that comes from heavy lifting. That's how I actually learned to lift in college, so I'm fine with trying that for a while to see what kind of results I get.

    3. He wants me to buy a foam roller and use it regularly to help with flexibility.

    4. He would like me to get back to doing some pilates or yoga moves a few times a week.

    So those are my goals, as well as continuing to keep my calories in the 1680-1780 range on a daily basis. I already screwed up and fell back into my old way of thinking on Sunday. I ate back some exercise calories and even thought of the 234 left over as a surplus and added it to my tally. I caught the mistake today and redid the math (:grumble: grrr--math), so my tally is now correct.

    TOnight I'm going to Cooper's Hawk with some friends for dinner. I have almost 1400 calories left, and I WILL make my calorie goal.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + trainer DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -131
    100g of protein = 5/31 days
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    tlh0407- hope your DD recovery goes well.

    Happy Middle Child's Day
    When : Always August 12th
    Middle Child's Day gives a little well deserved recognition to the wonderful and special middle child in the family.
    For parents of three children, you likely know the "Middle Child Syndrome" all too well. If you grew up the middle child with both older and younger siblings, you know the feeling from a very personal perspective.
    The first child is the first child. Beyond a doubt, the first born is a very special occasion. And he, or she, has all of mom and dad for a while before the second child comes along. The final child is and always will be the baby of the family.
    This author knows what its like to be a middle child. We won't go into a dissertation about what Middle Child Syndrome is. Rather, we will focus upon one aspect. Older and younger children tend to be more outgoing, or extroverted. The middle Child tends to be more introverted, quieter, perhaps a bit of a loner.
    It is very fair and fitting that we celebrate, and place into the limelight, the middle child today. Go out and enjoy this day to the fullest. Tell the world about it. Be a little outspoken, and let the world know how great it is to be the middle child. You truly are a wonderful, talented, and special person!
    Happy Middle Child's Day to all of my fellow middle children!

    “Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.” ~Thomas Jefferson


    I'm a middle child here, too and I am introverted and a loner. So maybe there's something in that lol
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots/Amber: China! Are you going to Guanzhao to pick up your children? So excited for you. BTW, any new books out there for me to read? If so, where to find them? Amazon? Safe journey.

    How did you know all Chinese adoptions are finalized in Guangzhou? Do you know someone else who has adopted from China? Well, I don't know what the last books you read were. Have you read Rules of Engagement and The Tell-Tale Con? Those were my last two books.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes y'all. I'm you are all tired of hearing about it lol. All we are waiting on now is final travel approval. Our agency thinks we will get that probably next week. Then we will leave a week or so after that. I hope to lose weight there since we've been warned that practically nothing is safe to eat haha
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Basically, I just want to repeat last week for the most part. My logging is back on track. Exercise was 5 days, which was good. I’m going to do that once again and in week 3 start to increase my intensity. I really took a little step back, but it’s coming back slowly and my endurance is building again. I still need to push more water though, which has always been a challenge. Overall, I feel good about my focus right now.

    @ Laurie – I’m glad you’re still getting some activity in, which doesn’t surprise me. A nice steady walk is a nice change up for you and that’s OK too. This was an older post than I just saw your exercise release. Woo Hoo!!! While I still think those leisurely walks were good for you, I know you’re ready to get back into your regular routine. I’m really glad too no heart disease or other major problem, which is really the AWESOME news!!!

    @ GrammyWhammy - A lose is a lose. You’re back on track and that’s what really is important. The losses will come while they may be slow and steady they will come. Keep fighting the good fight!!!

    @ FeraFilia – So excited for you guys!! I know the moving process is no fun, but it’s great to know the new adventure and challenges in store for both of you. He’s always in control and that’s all that counts!!

    @ Brenda_1129 – I’ve got the same goals. Focus and just keep doing what we’re doing. We CAN DO IT!!!!

    @ Tamm427, Coffee300, Soosun, Mammawto9 – Welcome! You’ve found an amazing support system. If you can, I would recommend checking in at least once a day. These folks will support you, but you have to make the effort too. Good luck on your journey.

    @ Frances_Bacon – The thread moves quite a bit during the week. Weekends are much slower so it’s a good way to catch up and get to know everyone a little more. I’ve been on here for two years. While I went in a couple of funks, I knew they would still be here and they were with welcoming arms.

    @ L2T – I have no doubt you’ll get there. You know what you need to do and you’ll do it. Of course, hopefully, you’ll balance the work stuff better than I did. I know it’s not going away so I had to really dig deep and figure out how I’m going to balance everything. My first thing is not being so hard on myself. I’m a bit of a perfectionist and really bad about delegating. I think I can do it better and quicker myself. I’ve had to really work hard at relying on others around me. It’s a very tough lesson to learn.

    @ Teresa_3266 – Very well said regarding the battle with addictions. I’m so sorry to hear about your father. In the past 2 years, we had 2 young guys in their early 40’s who graduated with my sister both commit suicide. When I was in the 8th grade, my best friend shot herself. I struggled for many, many years trying to grasp and understand. It’s not a joke that anyone should take lightly that’s for sure.

    @ Melwillbeheal – Welcome back! I was a bit MIA this summer too, but not having fun just making myself more frustrated due to work stress. A couple of us are taking those baby steps to get back on track. You will too in no time. Glad you enjoyed the great outdoors!!

    @ Tanya – Luckily, this day is almost over and do not eat like that tomorrow. No worries!! But, LOVED the skort comment story, which is awesome!! And I do know what a skort is. LOL!! 28 to 20 is no easy feat and you did it!!! Now it’s just downward you go – good for you!

    @ Skinny/Karen – It sounds like a decent health assessment overall, which doesn’t surprise me one bit. You’ve worked hard and stayed on track (the majority of the time) and it definitely shows in your fitness. I think you’ve got some good goals that are attainable, but should push you a little too. Very proud of you and can’t wait to see you next month in NYC!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Teresa_3266 – I would think baking them in the oven would work fine, not really sure how long or what temp. though. If you have a thermometer like any chicken it should read 165 degrees in the center to be safe.

    Laurie – Great news! Excited_man_2.gif

    Skinnyjeans/ Karen- “@ton (morgori)—“ 2years ago I was much closer to a ton or at least a ¼ ton.:bigsmile:
  • moodyfeesh14
    moodyfeesh14 Posts: 811 Member
    Newb here!!!
    For the august challenge I want to try and control my salt, it always seems to be way over
    Will Do: continue stronglifts 5x5 which I just started last week
    Will Never Do: Stop eating out and baking for work.
    Later: Desperately need a new swimsuit but I am refusing so until I fit into my current one or a size smaller I will wait to buy a new one.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes y'all. I'm you are all tired of hearing about it lol. All we are waiting on now is final travel approval. Our agency thinks we will get that probably next week. Then we will leave a week or so after that. I hope to lose weight there since we've been warned that practically nothing is safe to eat haha

    I've been to Guanghou as I lived in Japan and travelled around Asia. I believe I've seen the orphanage...I remember a sign that said , Canadian Chinese. Orphanage, or something like that. It was a nice building (for China). Yes, You will definitely lose weight wheather you try to or not. Sometimes even though I wanted to eat the food, just looking at it would turn my stomach.
    I've been to China several times (once on my son's honeymoon!). BE's quite easy to get ill there. If in doubt, abstain from eating. I think what you're doing is adopt a Chinese baby...the child's life will be amazing with you as parents.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    whoops, sorry, you are American, so it's probably a different orphanage you are going to.
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    @Susan~YES WE CAN!!!

    This evening was a good evening for me. I found some new inspiration and I spent 2 hours at the gym tonight. I walked my first 5K since my knee surgery and I was only 12 minutes over my pre-surgery time. I know this sounds bad and I was a little upset about it at first but then I thought positive and realized this is a huge accomplishment. A few months ago I was in a brace and on crutches. After that I was feeling real good so I did a 45 minute of water aerobics class which I thought might kill me but I finished it. Had a nice healthy dinner and now it is homework time. I just had to share this with you all as I am in a better place today then I was a few days ago. Fingers crossed that my knee is okay tomorrow!! Good night
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Crap. I keep writing a post and exiting out.

    Foot still healing. Hoping to run on Friday. My headaches finally went away today so I did some housework. The bathrooms are finally done and I got around to cleaning up our room to vacuum.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MowMow - love to see your newest kitty - hes aborable - I missed your storya but getting him - can you pm me with more details?

    t i h - you are incredible - glad your daughter is pulling thru her crisis - and you get a dream oven - your cakes are charming!

    Susan - since I have a mouth/burning pain problem I'm just reintroducing myself to foods - Kiwi was the latest - I enjoyed it but it ended up not being so good for me.
    So glad you're working on a balanced life!

    KateIrving - thanks for opening up so much in your Sunday Share - you have given so much of yourself away to care for so many members of your family - good for yuo to decide to take care of yourself with better nutrition and walking and plans to move to your friends town. I like you! :drinker:

    annem - welcome - you sure have survived a lot! you have backbone a plenty - we'll help you find it and put it to work! You will succeed this time if you think it is possible iwth the help of many friends and allow yourself a few small backslides along the road of progression and don't GIVE UP! just stick around for the long haul!

    Teresa - congrats on 50 days here and 11 lbs lost! WOOT! Happy Dance!

    AFM - well I'm caught up with page 1 - no small success. I've been drowning in lots of people problems that are no big deal but take lots of phone calls. THEN I made a big boo-boo. I poured Dawn Dish Soap instead of Rinse AId into the rinse dispenser in the dishwasher. When that happened it was late at night. I caught my mistake right away and didn't run the load. On-line advise requires me to get a specific tool to detach the device from the door to drain it - or alternatively, just pour water into the rinse dispensor until it overflows and keep doing that until the soap dilutes - heck that advise says it take about 70-100 tries for that to work. So its to the Market to buy the special tool!

    Days Under calories so far: 7/12
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Skinny/Karen- Great news on the health assessment. Sounds like you have a found a great trainer. I very seldom lift at max so 50% should work for you.

    Brenda- Great job with the 5K. Your time was impressive for your first time out after surgery. Keep up the hard work.

    Robin- That is awful about the dish washer. Hope you found the special tool and were able to get it fixed.