Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Woot. 3 mile run + 0.8 mile walk on the treadmill today. Definitely worked up a sweat. Thankfully it was all for not because I also binged on some seriously unhealthy chocolate trail mix :grumble: Goddamn! Oh well :ohwell: Hopefully I can make better choices the rest of the day. I think I was just exhausted from not sleeping and emotionally eating.

    Came home from the gym and made an awesome BLUE MONSTER shake! Wow. So good. Choc + PB + Blueberries = Heaven.

    1 cup almond milk
    1 scoop choc PB whey isolate
    1 Tbsp natural PB
    1 large handful baby spinach
    1 cup frozen blueberries

    So incredibly good. This is getting put into the rotation, for sure.

    Guam - I wish everyone had the time I have to spend in the kitchen! I absolutely LOVE it. That's why I always try to share my findings with the wonderful ladies on here :bigsmile:

    Megan - I am SO jealous of your bootcamp workout today! Wish I had been feeling it. Tomorrow's a rest day, and Sat and Sun I am running, but maybe I can fit in a class next week. Sounds like a great burn!

    Seripha - Thanks! I am trying :wink: It's definitely easy to fall into very unhealthy habits at the bar. Most of my coworkers eat "street meat" once the shift is over and I'm always the only one that brings a healthy snack to have after work (usually fruit, cottage cheese or occasionally cereal). Sure I might look like a loser, but I am staying healthy and that's what matters to me. I don't drink at all, so that's easy enough to avoid. The rest is just declining invitations to social events, which is easy enough since my co-workers are mostly all obnoxious jack@sses anyway :happy:

    QOTD (yesterday) - I wanted to think of something good for this... There is PLENTY that I can do now that I couldn't do a year ago. I could go on for days. But the most striking change, I'd say, is in my attitude toward myself. Although some days I feel like an utter failure (for instance, for eating WAY too much choc trail mix), I can honestly say that I can finally look in the mirror and actually LIKE what I see. I can look at myself without thinking critically about how I look and I feel good knowing how healthy and capable my body really is. I don't cringe when I catch a glimpse of myself in a store window or the boyfriend's vanity mirror, and often times I actually stop to check myself out because I still "see myself" as the older, heavier Meag in my head most days. It's a wonderful feeling!

    No idea about today's QOTD - I'm CONSTANTLY laughing! Could of been anywhere - but it was likely at Ty's place last night. We tend to have absolutely ridiculous conversations and end up both in stitches.

    That's all! Back to chores and that - enough procrastination!
  • Melissa--What a cute story about your little one working out with the dog bones! I am so impressed that you find the time to get in your workouts with little ones at home. I hope I can do that one day when I have kids!

    Allie--How awesome that you get fireworks for your bday every year! :tongue: Way to go on meeting your goal!!! And that's great that you fit in your jeans! I also have a pair of jeans that are a little too snug that I am hoping to fit back into!

    Megan--It's so great that you went to the gym even though you were tired. One thing is for sure, you never feel worse after working out!

    Cait--Good job getting your workout in without leaving the house! I feel like people on this thread are so great about making it work, some way, some how! Hope your foot feels better so you can get your run on!

    Aly--I really hope you can get to the bottom of your headaches. I think you are right that your body is telling you something. I hope you figure out what it is so you can get better!

    Guam--You are doing awesome on your workouts! Kickboxing and hula??? I am impressed! Your cruise sounds so fun! I feel your worry about all that food. It's hard to resist. It's great that you have a workout buddy though! Just try to go first thing in the morning and maybe that will help you moderate what you eat during the day because you will know you have already worked so hard and want to keep it up!

    Nadine--LOL yes I had to take my posters down too because I got tired of explaining. Except I would first have to explain that they were mine and not my hubby's, and then explain why I wanted to look at scantily clad models... Great job on your workouts!

    Gonks--Way to go on your run!!!

    Tara--Awesome loss girl!

    Meag--I hope you can catch up on your sleep! I think you are the busiest girl I know! Great job on your continued awesomeness at working out and healthy cooking! Have you ever thought about being a nutritionist/trainer/healthy lifestyle coach??? Seriously, you would be great at it!

    Mary--I think it's wonderful that you look forward to your elliptical! I do too sometimes. You can just kinda zone out and go!

    Seripha--So glad your cleanse is helping you out! I'm with you on running in snow!

    AFM--Today I did my "step class" in the basement again because we have about 7" of snow and counting and I am not leaving the house today! I'm wishing we owned a shovel because I would totally get out there and shovel the driveway just for the burn! I can see my neighbors out shoveling and I am a little jealous! Don't know any of them well enough to ask to borrow their shovel.. I did get out and play in the snow with my dog this morning! She LOVES it! She loves sticking her face in the snow!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I'm going to be continue to be selfish (for good reason I think). I got fired when I showed up for work yesterday, effective immediately. It's undoubtedly due to my clash with my boss and because I was in my probationary period, I'm not entitled to severance or anything of the like. Obviously it's for the best as I hated my job, but financially it could suck if nothing good comes up. I did file for unemployment though I'm not sure if I qualify (holy confusing!). I did manage to have a second interview (for the job I interviewed for on Monday) via phone yesterday. And I had a chance to follow up on the other job I interviewed for a few weeks back. Nothing bad to report, so let's hope it continues that way. Otherwise, I had a phone screen for a job in DC this morning...not that I want it, but it's always good practice.

    The plan is to move back to MA sometime in the next few weeks. Currently living at my parents' summer house in NH (where I have no internet), it's much, much colder (near the mountains) and I'm so isolated. I do have more time now for weekday running and organizing though but not necessarily how I wanted it to happen. I was dreaming of the day I could quit, but they just beat me to the punch :sad:

    Hopefully this is the last time I get fired. It's certainly the first. Blah.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Jill- Sorry to hear about the job situation, but it sounds like it was for the best. I had a situation happen at a job where I was unhappy and I clashed with all my coworkers( I was the Assistant Manager) and I had been looking elsewhere but suddenly something happened and I had to leave. I was able to find something soon after and I am much happier, I hope the same happens for you. I know this is not easy. Good luck!

    Nadine- I never got to respond to your comment about triathlon, and let me say you can totally do it. Anyone can! There is a girl on my team who barely knew how to swim when she started and know she is getting ready to complete the race. You can do anything you put your mind to.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Jill - Sorry to hear about your job. But stay positive. You have had interviews & another one's up, so something good will definitely work out soon. Good luck!!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Thanks ladies! I literally just typed that, checked my phone and had a voicemail from the job I want in MA. They're running my background check now and intend on making an offer as soon as that comes through. I have a Top Secret clearance so I can't foresee anything in the last 2 1/2 years (since I got my TS) that would halt my offer.

    AHHHHH. Hope this all works out !!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    For those of you that want some motivation - JIll works her *kitten* off and she gets back what she deserves! :bigsmile: Also, check out those GUNS! :noway:

    KICK *kitten*, Jill. That's wonderful news! So happy to hear it! Now send some of your job-search luck in my :huh:

    Meag :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jill...sorry about your old job, but everything happens for a reason...and I have no doubt that one of these other jobs is YOURS and will be the best thing that ever happend to you!! so an EARLY CONGRATS on that!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Jill - I :heart: your attitude toward the whole situation!! I am a strong believer of everything happening for a reason!! I hope that it all works out for you!!
  • Jill--Sorry about your job, but definitely sounds like you are on the way to bigger and better so congrats on being able to leave a place that made you unhappy!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Jill craziness- I have been trying to keep up and SOOO glad to hear things may be working out with the other job!!! very very cool it will definitely help to keep you in a better mental state.

    Welcome back EMMMMYYYYY!!! YAY

    Things seem to be moving really well on this thread this week- sorry I have been so lame at keeping up with everyone. I have been here in mind and spirit though (aka lurking the thread and reading peoples posts). Seems like everyone has been having craziness. For those of you that are newer to the thread a few months back we all talked about our jobs and what we do. Anyway- I run a small high end home goods and home furnishings store. We have tons of stuff in the store and we also do interior design work. Anyway, I am basically the sole employee/store manager so its me and the two owners who are fabulous and I adore. I love running the place for them, but this week has been NUTSO!!! They have been out of town for a week and half for a funeral and things have just been crazed here. Cant complain because I love- just a little insight in to my lack of support recently... SORRY LADIES!!!! :embarassed:

    Anyway- I have still be on MFP logging food and exercise even witht he craziness so that is a good thing. I did go to the gym last night for my cardio. Head just was not in it again BUT I got on the treadmill did my 10min warmup (even up to 9:59 I was still trying to decide if I was going to run or do the bike- my foot felt great I just wasnt mentally in to it). Anyway, got off did my stretching and decided I needed to just get over it and run. So I did- I ran my mile and increased it by 10% as Meag suggested... so did 1.1 miles- and let me tell you it was TOUGH last night. I think my body was so sore from doing Jillian the day before instead of my typical lifting routine. So I was sucking wind- and almost gave up a few times but I didnt. I got through the mile and was hurting physically but felt great mentally. So to still get in a good cardio workout I hopped on the bike and did hills for 20 minutes. All in all I am happy with the the results and that I found a good balance of pushing through a mental road block but still listen to my body.... anyway hope this made sense!!!!

    Miss you ladies- hoping to get back in the swing of things on here in the next few days!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag--I hope you can catch up on your sleep! I think you are the busiest girl I know! Great job on your continued awesomeness at working out and healthy cooking! Have you ever thought about being a nutritionist/trainer/healthy lifestyle coach??? Seriously, you would be great at it!

    I probably just make myself SOUND busy :tongue: I am sure I could be busier! I just procrastinate a lot and spend an unhealthy amount of time on MFP hehe

    I would LOVE to work towards a career in health + fitness but the industry is horrendous and I already cannot stand dealing with all the BeachBody coaches and folks out there to make a buck off the backs of people desperate to find a quick fix. I would love to dedicate my time to helping people work towards healthier living, but if it means dealing with all that garbage, I'd rather just do it on my spare time and with people I trust and care about :happy: But yea - I think I'd be pretty awesome at it too! So thanks! :blushing:

    For a while I've been toying with the idea of opening my own business once I'm financially stable. If I can make it something I'm passionate about, like food/fitness, then all the better. But I know that I'll end up doing something that makes me happy so I am alright with doing other *kitten* in the meantime. It's all about making the best of what you've got, IMO.

    Anyway, glad to see all the action in here. Keep it moving, ladies!
  • Hey everyone just spent the last little while catching up on here. So much going on! I guess I'll catch on eventually, but you guys are really good at replying to everyone! For now, I'll try with a few replies ...

    Meag - I think starting your own business (if it's financially feasible of course) is an excellent way to make a living from doing the things you love. If you've got the right idea and your heart is in it - go for it! You seem like you have a lot to give to the health/fitness industry! How saturated is the Hamilton area with what you'd be interested in? To your question earlier, I am in Toronto now, pretty close to Hamilton.

    Jill - I'm sorry to hear about losing your job but definitely sounds like you'll soon be on to much bigger and better things! Plus you have an excellent attitude toward it all, I'm sure what will get you back up on your feet in no time!

    meggonk - good job on the 10k run! That's almost 8 minutes under your goal time, good for you! I'm inspired.

    Seripha - What kind of cleanse are you doing and how long do you do it for?

    Now this is a noob question, but what is AFM?? I'm gonna go and take a guess that it's some acronym to indicate the rest of the forum? I keep seeing it and for a while I was wondering who AFM

    So I went to my yoga class on Tuesday and Duncan (my fave instructor) really gave it to us! It's supposed to be a core/vinyasa class and he killed it on the Core part. Love him for pushing us! This also means I met half my goal for the week! Yay! I've been home sick since Wednesday so haven't made it up to the gym yet but I think I'll go up tomorrow and get some cardio in. I really have no excuse, the gym is in my building.

    Oh yah, I made my scale goal! Dropped 1lb. I want to wait until the end of the week though to see if it sticks. I've been really good in sticking to my diet so it should be legit!

    QOTD - the last time I had a really good laugh was the other day when my 4yo nephew asked why I have to pull my eyes down to take out my "tic tacs"... we asked him what he was talking about and he said "you know, her tacs, her tic tacs". LOL then we make the contact lens connection. He makes me laugh on a daily basis.
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Cheralicia - AFM = As for Me, TOM = Time of the Month. (The second one always pops up on this thread, so I thought I would give you a forewarning :)

    It's not really a cleanse that involves eating weird stuff or doing it for an exact number of days. It's just hot water, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper (cayenne cleanse drink under recipes). It's supposed to help your digestive system get rid of all the bad stuff and promote regularity. I'm going to do it for about a month I think and most recommend 2 - 3 weeks for people that don't like the taste, but you could do it indefinitely if you like. I know that after a week it's really helped my IBS, so it's a win for me. It's not for losing weight or anything like that though. Just for assisting digestion :)

    AFM - Totally binged on Haribo gummy bears. Ended up way over my calorie intake for today even with the extra pushups, sit ups and lunges at the end of the day to try and make up for it. I'm proud that I logged it because I could have just not and pretended to be 'good' like I sometimes feel like I should. Or not log it at all and not complete my diary for the day. But I'm trying to be accountable and shrugging this off as one bad day of the week. Tomorrow will be better (my diary was awesome today until after work) and I will be able to keep going.

    On a positive note, had some people at work today say I was looking super fit this (academic) year. I'm glad people are noticing that I'm working hard on my health. Even if I am not losing as much as I would like, I'm definitely toning up and sliming down measurement wise. My yoga pants I bought back in September that were a little tight are now super loose :D
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-you should totally open a smoothie and healthy salad shop or something! those are really popular out here i know!

    Cheralicia-great job on meeting your scale goal and you have 11 days to keep it off plus maybe more! wtg!

    Seripha-way to log your calories still.. its really important in my opinion so you know why what happens happens...if that makes sense! and congrats on your compliments from others...feels great doesnt it? :)
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    hey everyone! I haven't posted here in a while... this thread takes off so quickly it's hard to keep up! I just wanted to let all of you know that I have been trying to catch up as frequently as possible and you all are SO inspiring! This thread is awesome. I wish I had more time to catch up right now individually but I really need to get to bed. It's been hard getting back in the swing of things for school. New schedule to get used to!

    meag- I can totally see you in that line of business! You would most definitely make a difference in peoples' lives! Your positive attitude is always so inspiring.
    seripha- way to stay true to logging your cals! I feel the exact some way sometimes when I see the angry red numbers.. but that just reminds me that this is exactly what this site is for, and tomorrow is a new day! :)

    And to be honest I had no clue what AFM meant until that previous post.. haha! So now I can use the proper lingo :)
    sooo AFM- I have been really proud of myself staying true to my goals of more workouts and water this month (and in general.) I've been to the gym almost every day since the semester started and I've been taking my water bottle with me to class, the gym-- everywhere. So I was pretty disappointed when I got on the scale yesterday for the first time in a while and it said I was up about 1.6 pounds. Although now I realize it could have been because it's my TOM now. Or maybe because I've also been starting to lift weights consistently over the past couple weeks. HOPEFULLY it's one of those because that was pretty discouraging. :(
    And one thing that's hanging over my head is wedding dress shopping. My wedding is now in less than 5 months and I haven't looked for a dress yet. I know, that's shocking. I keep trying to wait until I think I'll be comfortable enough (not ideal weight-- just more comfortable) to see myself in a dress but I'm afraid it's never going to come. I'm running out of time! I may just have to bite the bullet and try one on soon... like yesterday-soon. yikes. Everyone tells me I can always get the dress altered as I lose more weight, I'm just afraid I'll see myself in the dress now and get totally discouraged and hate the way it looks.
    Alright, that's enough of me being a Debbie Downer for one night! Keep it up, everyone! Even if I'm not constantly active on my posts I'm always trying to catch up and I love reading about your success!
  • TGIF! I hope everyone is having a great Friday, mmm maybe I should start a QOTD? - How do the weekends factor into your diet/fitness routine, do you keep it up straight through or consider it a free-zone?
    - Personally, as much as I always plan to go to the gym on the weekends or stick to my health plan, it always goes out the window. Some weekends I'll be good but generally I'm much more controlled during the week. This weekend I foresee being good except for tomorrow morning. Family brunch at a great restaurant, kind of like dim sum with over the top, decadent ingredients. I love food too much to deny myself but I will stay away from the wheat/meat. I'll make up for it with some gym-time though.

    Seripha - That mixture is what my husband uses when he's sick, he says it helps kill the bacteria, so I guess it's good for many things. Glad to hear it's helping your IBS. As for your tone-up, that's great! Even if the scale doesn't say much has changed, the inch loss is what really counts! It's also good that you made the effort to log the excess calories. Seeing the jump in your diary may help curb you next time, but with that said, it's OK to cheat every once in a while! (and thanks for the acronym update)

    emmarie - don't let the scale discourage you from wedding dress shopping! It's so much fun once you actually get in there and start trying things on. Plus, like your friend said, you can always take the dress in when weight comes off. I had my wedding dress taken in 3 times before the actual day. Just don't do the other way around, I had a friend buy her dress too small in anticipation of weight loss and 3 weeks before her wedding she nearly killed herself trying to lose weight and squeeze into it.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Gonks- Awesome run!~!... everyone here that runs have really inspired me to see what I can do. I was ALOT, but my goal this weekend is to go to the gym and see what I can acomlish on the treadmill. I get really bad shin splints, even from walking sometimes, but Im gonna give it a shot anyway.

    Radd- Keep up the good work! I feel like I havent gotten too much dont this month, but when you said we still have 12 days I got excited!~!

    emmarie- I understnad how you feel about not wanting to try on dresses. My clothes situation is not as important as a wedding dress, but all my winter clothes are black stupid sweaters cuz I was fat and depressed last winter and thats all I bought. But I dont want to try anything else on because I feel just as fat everytime I try anything new, so I just gave up! Its all mental. Go out with a bunch of girlfriends, and let them be honest with you, you might not feel completly comfortable, but at least you will get over the initial scare. Hell, you might even love the way you look!~!

    Serphia- Congrats on the compliments!~!~! I bet that made your day, hell it should make your month!~!

    AFM- not too excited about this week, watching these two other dogs has really taken it out of me. I feel like all I do is walk dogs all day! I have to take mine out for at least 20 min or he gets mad at me. So needless to say, I didnt get in too much "good cardio" I did loose one pound, so I am at 166. I wanted to be lower, last week it kept flipping between 166 and 167, so I just went with the higher. I guess I am on the right track, as you have all reminded me before, at least im not gaining weight! I want to get to the gym this week. i do home workouts, but I just dont think its enough since I dont work, I dont get too much extra movement daily. (Other than cleaning!~!) My husband comes back today, its been a week since ive seen him.. so thats fun. I just hope I can make it through the weekend and be good with my calories. I also started taking a multivitamin today. I have been SO TIRED this past week. I dont know if its cuz I am depressed or if my body just realized how much I have been doing, in realation to the past few months and it wanted a break. So we will see if the vitamins help, if not, my body will just have to get used to it. I plan on bringing it next week!~!~!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Meag- If you ever open a health/fitness related business, let us know! Mayhaps we can arrange a trek to the Great White North to check it out!

    Seripha- I love those gummy bears!! My bf's grandma buys them for him in like bulk- but I can totally understand about going overboard with them. Way to log!! I actually use them on my long runs...cuz gels creep me out. There was a whole article on Runners World about alternatives to gels, and I guess gummies are all carb and sugar which is what your body needs for those and excuse to eat gummies! yay !

    Emmarie- I would say hitting wedding dress shopping, even just to try on and get a feel for the shape/silohuette you want for your body. Even when you lose weight, the same type of dress will still be generally applicable/complimentary and you def want time for alterations (don't forget to leave room in your dress budget for them- they can run as much as 20% of the cost of the dress!) . But I think going out soon and just as you are will be good- learn to give your body some love as it is! Good luck and keep us posted.

    Cheralicia: good luck with brunch! I hope you get in all your gym time!

    QOTD: How do the weekends factor into your diet/fitness routine, do you keep it up straight through or consider it a free-zone?

    I proly fall somewhere in between on this one- I have slightly different rules for the weekends than I do for during the week. For 1 my WI is Sat morning so usually there is 1 splurge on either Sat or Sun (take out, or big homemade breakfast, or something similar). Also the boy isn't so strict on when he needs to eat, but he likes more meat/cheese based meals (which rack up cals fast) so usually we will do sleep in/late breakfast/me little snack/ big late lunch-dinner/ me little snacks til bed. It's not what I would prefer at work, but it allows us to eat some of the junky food we love to bond over (did I mention our first "date" consisted of grocercy shopping and proceeding to eat ALL of the marshmellows out of a giant, 7$ box of Lucky Charms?) without going too overboard. I'm also pretty lax with my workouts- I usually have a run scheduled Friday and Saturday, but I almost always miss 1 of them. But again, with the boy more in the picture over the weekend, I don't really stress about it because we walk a TON. Like bare minimum, we walk about 3-4 miles a day over the weekends (our apts are about 1.75 mi apart, we shop, we go between apts, we love to walk after dinner, even in the snow). So even if I miss one or even both workouts, I don't usually stress about it too much.

    So yea, AFM-- today is a sad day. Last week I posted about how my best friend in the office is moving to Boston. Her last day was supposed to be last friday but she decided to stay another week to help the transition. So yay! I had an extra week but that also means that today is the last day. And it's bumming me out. But I'm trying to be all stiff upper lippy cuz I know she's bummed about leaving (her fiance lives in Boston and his job earns there you go). But I am putting together a surprise that I think she will LOVE- one of my (boss') authors sends out this CRAZY calendar every new year of her cats (no I'm not lying, she really goes to kinkos and makes us calendars every year) and my friend was jealous (this is the kind of crazy, silliness over which we bond) of my copy. So I got her one and had all the other assistants sign it and I'm marking it with all manner of crazy holidays and other such observances. It's going to be epic. So focusing on that and not on the missing her angle. *sniffles* yea focused on the calendar...
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Kandace, I think we replied at the same time :-)

    1- 1 lb a week seems so so slow, but it does add up! Even looking back before I started MFP I lonly ost about a lb a month (I wasnt tracking, just trying to cut down on junk and commit to exercising) which was a total of 8lbs before I started (putting me in another "decade") It seems soooo slow but if you focus on doing the right things for your body, pretty soon it's 4 months later and you are (almost) in the 140's and you're like "How'd that happen?"

    Also you look like you are mostly on track for your January goal- pretty positive

    Any ways I just wanted to say keep pluggin along. 166 is a great number to be at from where you started. Keep focused, we know you can do it!

    Have good time with the hubby!!
This discussion has been closed.