30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    18 days of shredathon this is day 6 of level 2 for me. I felt much stronger today. My pace was a little off during the ab jacks or as I like to call them "death jacks" but I am getting there. I got through all of the cardio without resting so my major issue is just the last section of ab work. I think it is because my shoulder muscles are so fatigued by that time that I struggle a bit. I also got to sleep in about a half hour longer today and I think that was much needed to help with my endurance.

    So glad others are posting about thier struggles and triumphs as well, it keeps me motivated to push through it.
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Does anyone else seem like these 10 days on level 2 are going much faster than the 10 days on level 1?
    Working into more plank moves with me knees. keep icing after and pain meds before it really wasn't too bad today, got a good sweat in felt accoplished!
    Watched level 3.....yowza! ya we don't so much get rid of planks we just add to them...lol. It is gonna be rockin!
    day 17 total= Level 2 day 7 complete.
  • jrpressley36
    jrpressley36 Posts: 1 Member
    You should use Ibuprofen (Motrin) instead of tylenol for inflammation.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L2D4 getting deeper into my squats, i am still following Anita on the planks. this is a intense workout
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the idea! I was using what I had here at home. Will keep it in mind when I head to the store next.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    You should use Ibuprofen (Motrin) instead of tylenol for inflammation.

    Yes, I agree, take Ibuprofen not Tylenol for inflammation. Good suggestion.:smile:

    Good morning shredders! :flowerforyou:

    I just finished L2 D 10!!! YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Uh oh.....Level 3 starts tomorrow. :noway:

    Well, Jillian is definitely doing "something" to me. This morning I easily got through level 2 AND burned more calories according to my HRM. :bigsmile: So I guess, (for me at least) 10 days of the same routine built my stamina up and my muscles remembered what I needed them to do. So, moving on to the next level will "challenge" my muscles by doing something completely different. This is the secret to working out successfully, Don't do the same thing every day for too long or your muscles get used to what they are doing and the workout is no longer as effective.

    I also have my weigh in tomorrow morning. GASP! I always get nervous about stepping on the scale. Oh well, my pants are doing up much more easily and (unless I imagined it) my belt did up a notch or two less also.

    Well, good luck all you shredders. I wish you all a good workout. :drinker:

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    Today was day 6 of level 2. Still have to work really hard to keep up with the cardio but starting to enjoy the victory afterwards.
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    19 days, 7 on level 2. I made it through the whole routine tonight still doing it modified on the plank jacks but I did it. YEAH! It was nice that I was able to do the exercise in the afternoon today instead of having to workout so early in the morning. I think my muscles had more rest time and were less fatigued. Breathing seems to be getting easier for me too. I am feeling good and enjoying this level a little more, just in time to go to death level 3 :laugh:
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Celebrating 20 days of shredathon and a 1 pound loss for a total loss of 4 pounds since I began. Not spectacular but a loss non the less. Day 8 of level 2 for me. Still a little bit of struggle at the end but I have so improved since day 1 of l2 . Hope everyone is doing well!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning fellow shredders, :flowerforyou:

    Oh my! I'm just (still) recovering from Level 3, Day 1! :frown:

    It's still a blur. I remember telling Jillian at one point that I hate her. :angry:

    I am soooo glad I don't have bad knees. Just beware everyone, Jillian kicks it (literally and figuratively) up another big notch.

    The 2nd set of jumping sumo squats were getting quite challenging.

    I did the whole workout without resting at all. My heart rate is still up. Whew!!!

    I did loose another pound this week, so really happy about that::bigsmile: My goal is to lose 1 lb per week so I am on target.

    Well, the payoff? I'm treating myself to something that "makes me feel pretty" as my reward.:blushing:

    Well, to the shower and then I'm off to go shopping!!! :happy:

    Good luck shredding everyone. :drinker:

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    Today was day 7 of level 2. I'm really loving this. Hope everyone else is too.
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Got my knees under control!!! I did the regular workout level 2 with all the planks! wowee tomorrow is my last day on level 2 :bigsmile: I don't know if I am excited or frightened! lol. I am thinking a little of both.
    You gals are awsome for shredding it up. Well I gained my 2 lbs (acctually 3 lbs from my weigh in Wednesday) back.:grumble: But you know what has come to visit so I am thinking here in a couple days I will be back to "normal" .
    Day 19 total: Level 2 day 9!
    We can almost see the finish line, this is when we don't walk we RUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L2D5 finished. that last circuit really kicks my butt. i can't even imagine level 3. but i lost 2 lbs this week a total of 3 since i started :)
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    Whew!!! Level 2 Day 4 done!!! Missing those few days really pushed me back!!! I did notice I was able to go a little deeper into the exercises though!! Still can't seem to get the dang push up down...So I'm following the beginner lady on that one!!! (Just for reference, I don't know either of the girls names...lol...I do it with the sound off cuz my little one is sleeping...) I did a preview of what level 3 is gonna be like cuz I kept reading it on here....lol...and WOW....i am so not looking forward to that one....lol...only 6 more days to go though!!!

    DebbieW- LOL I can so relate to you telling JM you hate her....lol....I was telling her she sucked and needed to just sit down earlier....lol

    emkamp- really glad to hear you got your knees better!! and must say I am really inspired by you sticking to your workouts even though you were in pain!!! you go girl!!! lol
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 9 L 2 21 days total. Still resting more than I want on the last ab routine, I don't think my shoulder and arm muscles are ever going to catch up and be strong enough to support me for the whole one minute routine, they are so fatigued at the end. Still going to keep pushing and trying.

    Love reading all the posts and glad I am not the only one who sometimes hates Jillian. I bet I told her to shutup three times today. I probably should turn the audio of her off now cause she annoys me sometimes.
  • I haven't done this in a few days; combination of my rotator cuff problem, exhaustion and now a cold. I'm not giving up, just need to be able to breathe to do it! Hope everyone is still going strong.
  • im in.....i was doing it before its tough but you can feel that it works...will start again tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks so much for posting on here and supporting me! two thirds of the way done with the shred. I have never.....I really mean NEVER.... stuck to an exercise anything this long!
    Tomorrow is day 1 of level 3! 20 days complete Level 2 day 10!
    So Jillian I am sorry in advance for what I might be telling you tomorrow! Shred on, Shred on.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L2D6 done. Yes Jillian i feel like I'm going to die. o boy i do hate those planks. I'm going deeper into the workout though
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    Today was day 8 of level 2. I'm still planning to make it more of a six week thing than 30 days so level 3 will start on Saturday. Hope I'm not the only one dragging this out. I think there are going to be great benefits either way.
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