P90X Group?

edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I have seen a couple groups that are motivating each other as they complete the hard workouts in P90x and I would really like to be part of one of these myself, but they have all already started and I do not want to already be behind. i have tried to complete the P90X myself many times but I always stop due to lack of motivation. The farthest I got was a month into it. If there is anyone out there who knows of a group that is going to start this challenge soon or would possibly be intrested in making one, please let me know.:)))


  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    i'll be starting p90x sometime next month, but most likely as part as a hybrid with insanity or turbo fire.
    feel free to add me :)
  • Sweet! I look forward to starting the P90X again.:)
  • I will be starting soon. I was supposed to start this past Sunday, but I decided to celebrate the Packer's win Saturday night, so I was just not up to doing anything Sunday! This Sunday is another Packers game, but am thinking I'll still try doing it in the morning if you're interested in starting the same time. I could use the motivation as well!! :happy:
  • I JUST started today!! LOL I am sore and hoping for lots of weight loss :)
  • That sounds great! Mirah is that ok with you? Or would that be to soon for you to start?
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    The group I rely on in has people from all over the program. I'm on Day 60, someone else is in the first week. Don't be shy! A few of us did start together, but others have joined us along the way, and we all support one another! If you find a group that's snobby about you just beginning... find a different one :smile: In fact, it'll probably be more helpful to post on a group with some P90X veterans, in case you have any questions or want motivation about a specific thing.

    Welcome to the cult! :laugh:
  • Well I have decided I am going to start tomorrow.:) I figured we could all just get on this and tell of our progress and motivate each other! I am really excited and can not wait to start I hope we can help each other through these 90days and all reach our goals.:)
  • Hi guys, I just got my P90X in the mail a few days ago and I'm really excited to start! I plan to gather what I need this weekend, take my pictures and measurements, go grocery shopping, and BRING IT on Monday morning :)
  • Awesome!!!! :) We are all going to get into such great shape. I am so excited!
  • So day one was yesterday and boy am I feeling it!! I am so sore and...ok with it :) I have Plyo today...I was shocked this morning when I stepped on the scale...I had GAINED 4 pounds and yea you guessed it, I FREAKED out.....once I calmed down I looked into it and read Chaleans blog and it is NORMAL to gain a few pounds over the first 2-3 weeks due to the muscles breaking down and this causes inflamation that eventually turns into lovely muscles :)
    I will post all my starting stats later and I also think I am going to hide my scale....I step on it like 5 times a day and I am just getting discouraged so maybe a once a week weigh in....can't wait to hear what you guys are thinking about it!!
  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    I'll be starting monday
  • I am starting on Sunday! Please add me to the group.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    My husband and I are starting Monday! Can't wait!!
  • Yay so many ladies starting around the same time as me! It will be great to have you guys to share my pains and gains with :)

    Beautifuldisaster: you've got it right - put that scale away!! The numbers may be discouraging but the inches you will lose and the way your clothes fit won't lie. I do plan to weigh myself once a week or so but I only have 8-10 pounds to lose so I don't want to depend on the number too much. When I see my stomach/butt/thighs getting smaller I will be a happy girl!

    I like workout buddies so feel free to add me :)
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    well i have two more weeks of Insanity to go....realistically i'm probably going to start mid-february. i'm starting a new job at the beginning of february and won't get paid until about the 18th, and i have plans to buy a pull-up bar and some weights then.

    during the in-between time i plan on working through some turbo fire workouts to see if i could/should incorporate them into my hybrid, or just sticking to p90x/insanity hybrid.

    in conclusion, you can start w/o me lol
  • Ok. I am really sorry that it did not work out. Whenever you do start feel free to join the group if you would like some motivation or people to talk to.:)
  • Well day 2 was umm fun but hard lol I did Plyo and let me tell you Tony Horton must not have gotten the memo that I am fat and my legs are not big fans of junping around with me on top hehe....I actually did alot better than I thought I would and even though I have to crawl up the stairs now I REALLY liked it! I burned 824 calories~~crazy! I still need to do my measurements grr. I am also really excited to actually be doing this with so many wonderful ladies...feel free to keep me acountable! and I will do the same!!
  • well i have two more weeks of Insanity to go....realistically i'm probably going to start mid-february. i'm starting a new job at the beginning of february and won't get paid until about the 18th, and i have plans to buy a pull-up bar and some weights then.

    during the in-between time i plan on working through some turbo fire workouts to see if i could/should incorporate them into my hybrid, or just sticking to p90x/insanity hybrid.

    in conclusion, you can start w/o me lol

    I also have the Turbofire and I LOVE it....I wanna try to add some of the HITT programs into my weight training days :)
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    oh no worries!

    i might start sooner than expected, maybe early feb, i'll keep you posted!
  • Day 1: Chest and Back was killer! Lets just say this dvd will not be my favorite. Lol. I stuck through it and did all of the exercises, but had to resort to doing knee push ups for most of the push up sets and I used the bands for all the pull ups because I know that I can not do any pull ups! I was really proud of my performance durring the ab ripper video though. I never had to stop and the only one I could not do were the fifer sicsors...(I can not spell). I do think that while I did the oblique v-ups I looked like a dead fish though. Haha. But overall it was a very good day, and I even did all of the bonus Mason twists at the end!:smile:
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