what do you have for breakfast?



  • 50g oats, 200ml rice milk, 20g walnuts, 80g blueberries, sweetener and cinnamon...

    to be precise 0.0

    and black coffee!
  • ChrisManch
    ChrisManch Posts: 46 Member
    I usually have Porridge made with 30g oats, 1 tablespoon "luxury fruit muesli" (which is about 50% oats, and 50% dried fruit), level tablespoon Sucralose based sweetener and 120ml Skimmed (fat free) milk.

    Stirred, microwaved for 1.5 minutes, stirred again, and microwaved for 30 seconds. (When I tried microwaving for 2 mins it sometimes boiled over). Then leave for a minute or so.

    The fruit in the muesli adds interest without adding too many calories.

    Served with black filter coffee.

    I then don't feel hungry until about 2pm.

    Occasionally I have 2 boiled eggs or 2 Shredded Wheat with skimmed milk but always with black coffee.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    I usually have light Greek yogurt with some fruit or the oatmeal that doesn't come in the packets with some fruit or unpasteurized honey.
  • wbl512
    wbl512 Posts: 21 Member
    Toast (40 cal); fruit; cottage cheese with chives
  • LizReeb
    LizReeb Posts: 17
    One slice of sprouted grain whole wheat (low sodium) toast, a sprinkling (10g) of goat cheese, a slice of bacon (because screw it, I want freaking bacon), and an egg white. Comes out around 179 calories. Then I have some room to add in fruit or something else about two hours later. (As I'm one of those folks who eats about every 2 hours)
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    I drink a smoothie every morning. I always use spinach, homemade kefir, chia and flax seeds, and organic whey protein powder. I add different combos of fruit. This morning it was strawberries, blueberries, and half a banana. Yesterday morning it was half an orange, a thick pineapple ring, and half a banana. Sometimes I'll use PB2 and a banana.
  • sen301
    sen301 Posts: 12 Member
    1/4 cup Oatmeal
    1/4 cup Oat Bran (combined with Oatmeal)
    2 tsp Almond butter in Oatmeal mixture after cooked
    1/4 tsp Flax seed
    1/4 tsp sugar
    14 Almonds or 1 boiled egg
  • smhbarton
    smhbarton Posts: 1 Member
    My husband bakes me vegan muffins for breakfast. They are delicious, healthy, and fill me up until lunch time. I can send you the recipe.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Usually lunch... Haha.

    Today it was Spaghetti Squash with homemade spaghetti sauce...
  • CaitlinElizabethx
    CaitlinElizabethx Posts: 2 Member
    I have had a half a cup of dannon vanilla yogurt ( any kind is fine) And added a tbs of peanut putter. It has a lot of protein and it fills me up. Plus it tastes really yummy! :smile:
  • MystifiedFluff
    MystifiedFluff Posts: 50 Member
    I have a variety of options for breakfast. I tend to mix and match depending on my mood so it keeps things from getting boring. They seem to average about 400 calories which seems ideal for me, but you can play around with it to fit your mornings.

    Choice 1 - Oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries. I like Nature's Path Flax Plus variety as a base, but you could whip up your own rolled oats to cut out extra sugar. I'm a big fan of nuts,and I find walnuts taste the best in oatmeal. You can swap for a different fruit to add variety, but I've found this one is my fav even though I am NOT a fan of oatmeal "mush".

    Choice 2 - Evol breakfast burrito, Greek Gods plain greek yogurt, fruit (strawberries, kiwi, or blueberry usually), and Cascadian Farms Ancient Grains granola. I love Evol breakfast burritos, full of flavor, filling, and not full of scientific jargon in the ingredients list.

    Choice 3 - Cereal with milk and some fruit- yeah I know not very original, but quite nice in the summer. I usually like to mix Cascadian Farms Hearty Morning with some Kashi Go Lean.

    Choice 4 - Belgian Waffle with sausages and fruit (w/ yogurt sometimes) - I like Bob's Red Mill Waffle Mixes, but you can easily whip up a mix from scratch (I've managed to do so a few times, but I'm lazy, lol). A waffle iron is needed otherwise you can make pancakes with the same mix. It is a smidge higher calorie than the others I've listed so I have it as a weekend treat with my family, but not much and you can always just eat one wedge and freeze the rest. They reheat well in the iron, micro, or toaster oven.

    I've also tried making frittatas, muesli, scrambles, muffins, and homemade breakfast sandwiches (sausage or ham with scrambled eggs and cheese on a croissant/bagel) Some worked better than others due to time to make and complexity. It doesn't help I'm usual juggling my 3 year old son's breakfast at the same time. Hope this stuff helps give you some ideas. Be creative and flexible with your meals, it has helped me immensely.
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    oatmeal with almond milk or greek yogurt with fruit. sometimes I bake muffins for the week.
  • alexsondra34
    alexsondra34 Posts: 57 Member
    awesome, thanks for the info. I have to say that i have always eaten breakfast though, i'm not sure why it's come across like i don't.
    i just need ideas cos bread, pancakes and french toast have no place in a diet ( too much fat and sugar) and i'm bored with the scrambled eggs.
    thanks everybody!!
  • alexsondra34
    alexsondra34 Posts: 57 Member
    thank you very much, i'll try the pancakes, i miss pancakes.....and i forgot i have chia seeds in my pantry so i'll defenitively try that.
    here's some ifo for those who are not familiar with chia.

    Chia seeds are harvested from the Salvia hispanica plant, a type of sage in the mint family they were a staple of the ancient Aztec diet; they may be eaten raw or prepared in a number of dishes. Raw, they are an excellent source of dietary fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids.
    They are easy to digest (easier to digest than flax seeds which require grinding) and they contain more nutrients than flax seeds or salmon.

    • The anti-inflammatory properties of chia seeds are beneficial for arthritic patients. It has been found to be effective in reducing the pain and inflammation, associated with the condition.

    • Chia seeds boost metabolism and also promotes lean muscle mass. It is one of those foods, which is rich nutrients and is filling, but is low in calories. So, chia seeds are used for weight loss and weight maintenance programs.

    • One of the most important chia seeds health benefits is that they help in improving the function of the brain. The essential fatty acids promote efficient nerve transmission.
    Chia seeds are known to increase the energy production in the body. The energy produced by these seeds lasts longer allowing one to perform day-to-day tasks without getting tired and stressed.

    • Once soaked in water, these seeds can also be beneficial for those trying to lose weight as the soluble fiber in the chia seeds makes one feel full faster thus controlling the excessive food intake and cravings for fatty foods.

    • Eating water soaked chia seeds is also known to cleanse the digestive system by eliminating junk build up from the intestines. It also helps you get rid of toxins in the digestive tract.

    • Another advantage of consuming chia seeds is that they are easily digestible due to fiber content and helps you maintain a smooth digestive system.

    • Chia seeds absorb a lot of water and hence after consumption they help a person keep well hydrated for longer by retaining the electrolytes present in the body fluids.

    • Chia seeds do not have a very strong taste unlike other seeds, such as flax seeds, which is why they can be easily used in various recipes without damaging the original taste.

    Chia seeds are much healthier than flax seeds and do not go rancid. Also, gram per gram, there is more fiber, protein omega 3's and antioxidants than flax. The best chia seeds are called Mila.

    Chia seeds may be ground into pinole, a meal that can be used for porridge or baked goods. They may also be soaked in fruit juice or water to make a dish known as chia fresca in Mexico. Chia seeds are very absorbent and develop a gelatinous texture when soaked in water.

    It helps the body retain fluids and electrolytes, it forms a gel in the stomach that slows the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar, and

    it helps build muscle and other tissues. Chia is a source of protein and boron, which aids in the absorption of calcium. Chia seeds can be used to make a gel that one can substitute for oil or other fats in a variety of recipes. Chia gel can be added to any sauces, jellies, or baked goods, for example.
    Making a batch of chia gel is simple. Chia seeds absorb nine times their weight in water, so use a ratio of nine parts water to one part chia seeds. Put the water in a sealable plastic bowl and slowly pour in the seeds while whisking with a wire whisk to prevent clumps. Let stand for a few minutes before whisking again, repeat this process once, then seal the bowl and store the gel in the refrigerator. It will last up to two weeks.

    The seeds are not the only important part of the chia plant. The sprouts are also edible and can be used in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes, much like bean sprouts.
  • alexsondra34
    alexsondra34 Posts: 57 Member
    thanks for the suggestion unfortunately i dont't find them filling enough as it's already processed it takes less time to digest and also chewing it's necessary for your brain having enough time to send the full signal to your stomach.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Lately, I've been eating All Bran with some fruit of some kind, almond milk, and a tablespoon of chia seeds in it. Yummy!
  • alexsondra34
    alexsondra34 Posts: 57 Member
    Well, remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. No wonder you can't function. that's too little of a meal to kick start your day. Try to make breakfast the meal that you eat the most calories on and just cut down on the other meals. A good example would be a 2 egg spinach omelette(only 1 yolk) and a morning smoothie like 0% fat milk, a banana and 1 table spoon of peanut butter. That's about 500 calories and should get your morning going. It all depends on your caloric needs.

    hello there, the little meal has over 500 calories,bread is a killer.
    right now i'm eating 2 scrambled eggs with 2.5 ml olive oil, 50 g turkey ham (53cal per 50g),1 dietary specials crisp bread 25 cal, coffee with organic oat milk and xylitol, that's 323cal and my stomach is happy but i'm just bored with the eggs and porridge.

    Can't really cut any of the other meals as my allowance is 1540, i am consuming about 1275 and i do daily exercise equivalent to about 350-450 cal per day and i'm built like a guy, tall and build muscle fast, thanks for the suggestion though, spinach omellete sounds good.
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi OP,

    You say gluten free bread, so I'm guessing you're either wheat intolerant or Coeliac.....

    I'm Coeliac and I love porridge, so I have 50g of porridge oats (Tesco Everyday Value don't seem to upset me so I happily take the risk and save a few pennies) 250ml skimmed milk, 10g 74% cocoa chocolate and 30g shelled hemp (Linwoods - - available in some Teso and all Holland & Barrett stores) - heat it up in the microwave and it's delicious, filling and protein rich breakfast that keeps me going for hours - It is a bit high in calories (with my ingredients 539) but it's at the start of the day and I've always liked a hearty breakfast.

  • Gypsie111
    Gypsie111 Posts: 1 Member
    I have Quinua flakes (so like porridge) with strawberries (or any other type of fruit), a bit of hunny...
  • MissFlawed
    MissFlawed Posts: 89 Member
    40g of oatmeal = 144 cal
    An apple (100g) = 54 cal
    15 g of peanut butter for a topping = 95 cal
    200 ml skim milk = 66 cal


    Very early snack (right after breakfast, I was feeling a lil hungry this morning)
    170g of strawberries = 54 cal
    80g of blueberries = 46 cal

    = 459 cal