Pear shaped girl diellema!!



  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I fall into the "pear shape" category and for the life of my I can't understand you women who hate your womanly features. Your thighs are huge? In comparison to what??? Women are supposed to have fat in the lower region for bearing you want your thighs to be the same size as your calves? Help me understand!

    I don't think it's your body that needs adjusting but your MIND. You really need to be more open-minded about what you consider "attractive" so that you include yourself and your body into that category. I hope we are not comparing ourselves to celebs who are air-brushed to death and have really good plastic surgeons!
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    I fall into the "pear shape" category and for the life of my I can't understand you women who hate your womanly features. Your thighs are huge? In comparison to what??? Women are supposed to have fat in the lower region for bearing you want your thighs to be the same size as your calves? Help me understand!

    I don't think it's your body that needs adjusting but your MIND. You really need to be more open-minded about what you consider "attractive" so that you include yourself and your body into that category. I hope we are not comparing ourselves to celebs who are air-brushed to death and have really good plastic surgeons!

    ^^^ This!

  • RunChinni
    RunChinni Posts: 149 Member
    I fall into the "pear shape" category and for the life of my I can't understand you women who hate your womanly features. Your thighs are huge? In comparison to what??? Women are supposed to have fat in the lower region for bearing you want your thighs to be the same size as your calves? Help me understand!

    I don't think it's your body that needs adjusting but your MIND. You really need to be more open-minded about what you consider "attractive" so that you include yourself and your body into that category. I hope we are not comparing ourselves to celebs who are air-brushed to death and have really good plastic surgeons!

    I agree. I wouldn't call myself pear shaped and neither should most of you. You are all curvy. A size 8-10 pair of jeans or bottoms is rather NORMAL. The average woman wears a size 8.
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    Sadly, there is so much negative rhetoric everywhere about being pear shaped. I suppose the ideal shapes we’re presented with in the media is either the athletic slender type or the "curvy" hourglass.

    In Britain, "it's all gone pear shaped" is a phrase that's used a lot for when something goes wrong.

    For those of you who don’t use or hear this that often, Wikipedia describes this as "a situation that went awry, perhaps horribly wrong. A failed bank robbery, for example, could be said to have "gone pear-shaped". Less well known in the US it generated some media interest when British politician Margaret Thatcher apparently used the phrase in front of the world's press at one of her first meetings with U.S. President Ronald Reagan, with many reporters being unsure of the meaning of the term. The origin for this use of the term is in dispute. The OED cites its origin as within the Royal Air Force; as of 2003 the earliest citation there is a quote in the 1983 book Air War South Atlantic. Others date it to the RAF in the 1940s, from pilots attempting to perform aerial manoeuvres such as loops. These are difficult to form perfectly, and are usually noticeably distorted—i.e., pear-shaped."

    It's silly, but my insecure and nervous teenage logic once rationalised that if something going pear shaped is wrong, then surely my pear shaped figure was too!

    I first remember hearing negativity about a pear shaped figure during the coverage of the Royal Wedding of Edward and Sophie (the Queen's youngest son) in 1999 (when I was 13). One of the commentators muttered something in a very catty and patronising tone about Sophie Rhys-Jones having a "typically British pear shape". "But she dresses it so well, but it must be a struggle" or something to that effect was also said. I remember looking down at my big legs and wide hips in horror. Yes, it's sad that I remember this!

    Then in my late teens, I remember an episode of The OC (don't hate me!) when Marissa's mother Julie spoke of another woman as "pear shaped" with a sneer and a nasty smug eyebrow raise. Isn't it awful how the mind can hold onto the negative things we hear and then irrationally apply these words to how we look?

    It's little wonder that so many women don't want to celebrate their shape with all this nastiness floating about!

    I'd love to be a "perfect" hourglass - but it's very unlikely my body will change into one! Now that I’m no longer the neurotic teenager I'm happier to work with and try to improve what I've got by looking after my body instead of hating it!

  • Me too!!!! I was called "thunder thighs" by a mean boy in grade school and I never forgot it. I have been working hard at losing weight and toning up and the first place I noticed was smaller was my waist! Oh well, this is what we got and we might as well make the best of it.

    I'm at a point in my life that sometimes I don't care what others think. I wear shorts and bathing suit, I just keep it tasteful and no short-shorts or bikinis for me! At least not yet!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I like curves just fine, but my thighs are lumpy and unattractive. They are also huge compared to my upper half. I'm 1-2 sizes larger on the bottom and look disproportinal. I definitely am pear-shaped. I don't want to look like one of those stick-like supermodels. I want to have legs that look smooth and toned, not jiggly and lumpy with visible fat pockets and cellulite. I want to be able to wear a swim suit without being self-conscious about my huge thighs. My thighs are 25.5" around, down from 29. So they are bigger than my waist was when I was thin. My current waist is 29". Thighs only a bit smaller than my waist are too big and fat. I need to take another pic to demonstrate the problem. Losing weight has made my legs smaller, but now the loose skin makes them more jiggly than ever. :grumble:

    The other problem is my legs are short, while I have a long torso. So that just makes me look even more out of proportion. Gah.
  • upasanaD
    upasanaD Posts: 56
    I am pear shaped too ...but i can see some results now :)

    1. Body weight training - As your overall body fat reduces, the lower body fat will also reduce, so do lots of body weight training and cardio.

    2. Tone up Your Upper body - Do not focus only on your lower body.As we have less muscles in the upper body , to shape up the whole body you need to tone up your upper body with a pair of dumbbells.

    3. Increase your calcium intake - As the pear shaped people are weak boners, to increase the strength of your bones,include lots of low fat dairy products in your diet.

    4. Avoid unhealthy fat - As pear shaped body can easily store fats in the lower half, you have to avoid all kind of unhealthy fat like processed food, oily food and limited healthy fat.

    5. Lower body workout - Don't use too heavy weight while working out with your lower body, it may bulk up the lower body as it has more muscles there. Lunges, squats, kickboxing, Pilates and stretching workouts are very useful for me.

    Don't lose hope, Best of Luck
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Continue with fat reduction and eventually the legs have to follow suit. The body loses fat as it sees fit... Often, for women, this will mean that buttocks and thighs are the last to go and first to come... (This is a good thing since pear shapes tend to carry less fat around the middle which means less likelihood of metabolic disorders and heart problems...) Men (and some women) tend to gain first in the belly and of course, that is the last to go. Best wishes on achieving your goals
  • belanna5
    belanna5 Posts: 85 Member
    I am pear shaped too ...but i can see some results now :)

    1. Body weight training - As your overall body fat reduces, the lower body fat will also reduce, so do lots of body weight training and cardio.

    2. Tone up Your Upper body - Do not focus only on your lower body.As we have less muscles in the upper body , to shape up the whole body you need to tone up your upper body with a pair of dumbbells.

    3. Increase your calcium intake - As the pear shaped people are weak boners, to increase the strength of your bones,include lots of low fat dairy products in your diet.

    4. Avoid unhealthy fat - As pear shaped body can easily store fats in the lower half, you have to avoid all kind of unhealthy fat like processed food, oily food and limited healthy fat.

    5. Lower body workout - Don't use too heavy weight while working out with your lower body, it may bulk up the lower body as it has more muscles there. Lunges, squats, kickboxing, Pilates and stretching workouts are very useful for me.

    Don't lose hope, Best of Luck

    As somebody else told me when I asked the same question, tone your upper body, it helps to give you a more harmonious body shape.
  • cottonta1l
    cottonta1l Posts: 33 Member
    At my HW I was very pear shaped, and now I'm not at all. For some people, like me, it's just a matter of getting rid of the fat stored in your lower body. You can't spot reduce. Just keep to a deficit and you'll see your measurements shrinking over time.
  • EvaL01
    EvaL01 Posts: 8 Member
    I am pear shaped too ...but i can see some results now :)

    1. Body weight training - As your overall body fat reduces, the lower body fat will also reduce, so do lots of body weight training and cardio.

    2. Tone up Your Upper body - Do not focus only on your lower body.As we have less muscles in the upper body , to shape up the whole body you need to tone up your upper body with a pair of dumbbells.

    3. Increase your calcium intake - As the pear shaped people are weak boners, to increase the strength of your bones,include lots of low fat dairy products in your diet.

    4. Avoid unhealthy fat - As pear shaped body can easily store fats in the lower half, you have to avoid all kind of unhealthy fat like processed food, oily food and limited healthy fat.

    5. Lower body workout - Don't use too heavy weight while working out with your lower body, it may bulk up the lower body as it has more muscles there. Lunges, squats, kickboxing, Pilates and stretching workouts are very useful for me.

    Don't lose hope, Best of Luck

    Thanks for the motivation. I really want my thighs to shrink D: I'll continue doing my strength training, cardio, and ab exercises. So far I've lost 7 lbs.