Chipotle is Giving Us Too Much Food



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    :wink: :wink: :drinker: :drinker:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't know if this is relevant, but I hear ya on portion sizes varying! Honestly, the employees SHOULD just stick to what their company/trainers taught them to put into each meal. There are guidelines for a reason.

    I work at a chinese restaurant in a mall near my house, and I am always irritated by these loud, fatass customers who yell at me to add extra of everything when I'm putting their bowls together, even though the regular portions are QUITE large already, /and/ they are not paying any extra for that extra sesame chicken, ect.

    so, it's actually greedy customers that get portions doubled up past what they should be, past what you are supposed to be paying for/and logging in as calories.

    loud...fatass...greedy customers...

    You must make a killing in tips!

    Wow nice judgement.
    I'm actually a very, very sweet and bubbly person with every customer; people come back and are like "Heeey, I remember you, hi! :D"

    but then there are the rude, loud, greedy people I'm talking about.
    I was once SWORN at by this very overweight woman who had demanded double meat, and when I quietly and politely explained it would be 2 dollars extra, she screamed at me to just "give me the god damn food and shut up"
    I'm not exaggerating.
    these are the joys of customer service, no matter how sweet I try to be. :/
    so thanks for judging me by what I say on a message board and would NEVER actually say at WORK.

  • Hi, I just contacted Chipotle to verify how many servings of each item are supposed to go into a burrito bowl. I was shocked to find out that myself and most other people who eat at Chipotle have consumed way more calories than they are supposed to. The nutrition facts on a burrito bowl include one spoonful of any item that you add to the nutrition calculator. Unfortunately, many if not all Chipotle employees will double things like the rice, which would add an extra 180 calories. I've also noticed that they usually add an additional half spoon of the meats they offer. Next time you go to Chipotle, ask for only one spoonful of each item or you may be consuming way more calories than you planned.

    Man... you got given a hard time for what seems a pretty simple "hey FYI" kind of post. Chipotle got some fans out here. When you only have 1250 -1300 calories a day to eat you actually do have to be aware.....
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    We can now add panera to this list. Paid for a half salad given a whole one. Thanks panera (btw totally adjusted my journal. Problem solved)
  • I read, re-read, and read this post, and I'm still not seeing the issue.

    Really? Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. It's pretty straight forward. Chipoltle lists calorie counts for their food, he's simply pointing out that it's quite likely that what you're eating has more calories than what is listed.

    I don't get why people want to reply in a rude or condescending way to a post like this. Some people might not be aware of this and it's a valid point. Doesn't stop me loving Chipotle or being completely happy to have them overload me with the guacomole but it's something to keep in mind.


    Agreed. These forums are far too hangry! If people can't be polite, they should probably up their calories. Chipotle anyone?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    We can now add panera to this list. Paid for a half salad given a whole one. Thanks panera (btw totally adjusted my journal. Problem solved)

    That happened to me once. Got a You Pick Two and the clerk put my order up on the counter, laughed, and said "I accidentally made the full sandwich but it's cool sir, you can keep it." Did I call corporate and snitch on him? Nope. I enjoyed my free sandwich and went about my gurney.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I bet it was delicious. Mine was too lol!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I read, re-read, and read this post, and I'm still not seeing the issue.

    Really? Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. It's pretty straight forward. Chipoltle lists calorie counts for their food, he's simply pointing out that it's quite likely that what you're eating has more calories than what is listed.

    I don't get why people want to reply in a rude or condescending way to a post like this. Some people might not be aware of this and it's a valid point. Doesn't stop me loving Chipotle or being completely happy to have them overload me with the guacomole but it's something to keep in mind.


    Agreed. These forums are far too hangry! If people can't be polite, they should probably up their calories. Chipotle anyone?

    You guys must be the new kids.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You could say this about pretty much any restaurant in the entire you think it's just Chipotle employees who "overestimate" their servings? They're a bunch of kids working for minimum wage at a restaurant...not sure what it to be expected here. I would think that one would understand that even if amounts are posted on a website, when it comes to eating out, it's really a crap shoot as to what you're getting...I pretty much chalk any meal out to around 1000 calories or so.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I don't know if this is relevant, but I hear ya on portion sizes varying! Honestly, the employees SHOULD just stick to what their company/trainers taught them to put into each meal. There are guidelines for a reason.

    I work at a chinese restaurant in a mall near my house, and I am always irritated by these loud, fatass customers who yell at me to add extra of everything when I'm putting their bowls together, even though the regular portions are QUITE large already, /and/ they are not paying any extra for that extra sesame chicken, ect.

    so, it's actually greedy customers that get portions doubled up past what they should be, past what you are supposed to be paying for/and logging in as calories.

    Well, that was rude.
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    I actually find this helpful. I get their salad and will watch how much they put on it. I stopped getting sour cream because I swear they put a cup of it on there...ick.
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    This is not new information and it's definitely not limited to Chipotle. It's also why I hate dining out.

    Nutrition facts on websites are great and all, but every restaurant has that one cook who is heavy handed on the butter... Or cheese...
  • Guys,

    The reason the OP is getting so much slack I suspect is because of the confirmations of the Chipotle worker later in the thread. As the employee points out, a SERVING per Chipotle (read as "the numbers we use to calculate our website-posted nutritional info") is calculated in oz. and translated to spoonfuls/spoon sizes.

    The problem lies in this original statement from the topic poster: "The nutrition facts on a burrito bowl include one spoonful of any item that you add to the nutrition calculator." However, according to the employee this is blatantly INCORRECT. And in fact, we can immediately realize this. It is fairly straight forward that the bulk of the calorie content in a sour cream-free bowl is going to be the rice. A 1/2c (which is just a touch over the 3.5oz spoonful at 4oz.) of cooked brown is 200 cal. This is true of Chipotle brown rice or Minute rice @ home. So you're taking in 350 cal in rice with the 2 spoonfuls (and I don't think I've ever seen a Chipotle employee give 3). We also are given the 4 oz. portion of steak at 190. That bowl comes to only 540 + toppings.... so you can see that even with what the OP is calling "aggressive" portioning, the total calories are not at all getting out of control as he may have you believe.

    Note that I've rarely seen a Chipotle go egregiously over these numbers... maybe an extra oz/oz and a half or so of steak (basically giving you a half spoonful instead of 1/7, because seriously who can precisely pull 1/7 of a spoonful), or an high-topped spoon of rice. So, really, misinformation is being spread here. That doesn't excuse the "I don't care give me more wtf is your problem?" type of posts, but it does give a case as to why you need to be sure of what you're reading.

    At the end of the day -- here is what matters:

    1) You're already taking the big step of tracking/managing your weight, fitness, and health. This is huge and honestly 95% of the battle. If you are mindful and get into the routine, eventually the size variance of to-go/eating out food isn't going to matter to your success.

    2) Let's not forget that if you're being health-conscious, you're probably not getting sour cream/excessive guac/etc on your burrito. So everything in the darn thing is actually quite healthy. Solid grains/lower GI carbs from brown rice, great fiber from your bean choice, an utterly STELLAR protein:fat ratio for any food, let alone fast food (roughly 5:2, which beats even an aggressive Macro balance of 50C:25F:25P), and a few USDA servings of veggies depending on your preferences.

    3) Given the reality of the situation and how corporations work, chances are very high that your 500 calorie burrito bowl is not suddenly becoming a 900 calorie one.

    Burrito on!
  • I read, re-read, and read this post, and I'm still not seeing the issue.

    Really? Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. It's pretty straight forward. Chipoltle lists calorie counts for their food, he's simply pointing out that it's quite likely that what you're eating has more calories than what is listed.

    I don't get why people want to reply in a rude or condescending way to a post like this. Some people might not be aware of this and it's a valid point. Doesn't stop me loving Chipotle or being completely happy to have them overload me with the guacomole but it's something to keep in mind.

    It's just a no **** Sherlock Holmes moment is all. Eating food prepared by someone else is an excellent source of inaccuracy in logging. I thought a detail like that would be pretty hard to miss reading the forums but I suppose I guessed wrong

    You have been here for a few years, OP has been here for a few months. The information was new to him and he thought he would share it with anyone who didn't already know. Seasoned veterans shouldn't be surprised when newbies are learning things for the first time, and they certainly shouldn't be nasty and treat them like idiots. These forums are incredibly lacking in civility.
  • Kiki829
    Kiki829 Posts: 60 Member
    I was clearly venting about the RUDE, loud, nasty ones,
    not some polite person like yourself kindly asking for a little extra.

    I'll be sweet as sugar and say, politely, "Sorry sir, it will be a few dollars extra, is that okay?"
    and these people I'm talking about will EXPLODE into angry, swearing rage and tell me it's unfair,
    as if /I/ make the rules.

    also, I treat every customer very kindly even though I am not permitted to take tips, though I have been offered many tips before, which speaks of what a polite server I am.

    rude, loud, fatass, nasty ... anymore adjectives you'd like to add to that ever growing list?

    Seriously, you're a gem. (that was actually sarcasm) ... Pretty much what I'm seeing is that you are a bit self absorbed, and totally loud, rude and nasty. But hey, congrats on not being a "fatass"!

    I don't see why you are giving this lady a hard time. I'm overweight, and I can perfectly picture the fatass, rude customers she is describing. Maybe you have never met would know it if you did, and you would think the same, whether you were overweight or not.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    2) Let's not forget that if you're being health-conscious, you're probably not getting sour cream/excessive guac/etc on your burrito. So everything in the darn thing is actually quite healthy. Solid grains/lower GI carbs from brown rice, great fiber from your bean choice, an utterly STELLAR protein:fat ratio for any food, let alone fast food (roughly 5:2, which beats even an aggressive Macro balance of 50C:25F:25P), and a few USDA servings of veggies depending on your preferences.

    What is inherently unhealthy about "sour cream/excessive guac"?

    Also, what is inherently more healthy about "brown rice" compared to "white rice"?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The reason the OP is getting so much slack I suspect is because of the confirmations of the Chipotle worker later in the thread.
    I guess the first four pages of jabs were the warm-up. :laugh:
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    i go it once every 2 weeks.....i beg them to put as much of everything on that delicios flower tortilla as possible....load me up
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member

    Only got thru first 3 pages so far but had to post. It is one of my favorite dishes when travelling for work. I do not know what you people are talking about. I have no issues eating a whole chicken burrito bowl and could probably eat two and still want to lick the bowls out.

    The discrepancy doesn't worry me. It all balances out in the end. In fact I pretty much count on some restaurants being off. It could be either direction. Either I will lose or I won't. I have found though, as long as I track everything I eat to the best of my ability, I lose weight.
  • Arachnapheria
    Arachnapheria Posts: 55 Member
    The reason the OP is getting so much slack I suspect is because of the confirmations of the Chipotle worker later in the thread. As the employee points out, a SERVING per Chipotle (read as "the numbers we use to calculate our website-posted nutritional info") is calculated in oz. and translated to spoonfuls/spoon sizes.

    Read what the OP said:
    I just contacted Chipotle to verify how many servings of each item are supposed to go into a burrito bowl

    So the OP isn't giving made up information since this is the info he was given by the company. The fact that a supposed employee challenges this later on is irrelevent to why everyone is being so rude to the OP. This is the General DIET and Weight LOSS Help forum. The OP gave the information in an attempt to help others. The people being ****s about it are just showing what horrible and nasty creatures they are and there is no excuse for it.