Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • SarahRenee82
    SarahRenee82 Posts: 18 Member
    My starting weight was 195lbs and I am now down to 188lbs in 13 days!!!

    I am trying to do this the right way. Smaller portions, more fruits and veggies, more lean proteins. Avoiding processed flour and sugar (basically any white food). I am visiting the gym 3-4 times a week. I drink a ton of water. So much so that I visit the bathroom almost every hour. Thank goodness it's right down the hall from my office!

    I want to lost 30 pounds, but my first goal is to get down 15 pounds. I am trying to break up my weight loss into smaller chunks, so it won't seem so impossible and overwhelming.

    I feel fantastic! Plus, it helps that I am in a psuedo competition with my boyfriend. He is convinced that the Atkins diet is the way to go. I think he's full of crap. I am determined to prove him wrong. I want long term weight loss, not a quick fix.

    Feel free to add me! I update my diary daily :)
  • CydMG93
    CydMG93 Posts: 11
    ADD ME!! :D
  • katherinemab
    katherinemab Posts: 57 Member
    Hi All! I'm back and committed in NYC. This journey isn't a 5k but a marathon and that has finally permeated through my thick skull. Have 40lb to lose overall and am looking for some support for the ride! Feel free to add!
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! East coast Canada here! Looking to get motivated and to give motivation in return. I truly believe hearing others stories and finding people who can relate is a huge part of anyone's journey, new friends always welcome.
  • Heatts
    Heatts Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone. My old account was deleted by someone else so I had to restart with new name and no pic of me. Anywho, I'm a nerd (Trekkie and starting Doctor Who to name some specifics) and I love yoga and tea. Looking for some friends to support and motivate each other. I am a 27 year old female. I've already lost 13 pounds, looking to lose 37 more or thereabouts.
  • joycelreed
    joycelreed Posts: 17 Member
    I am 65, happily married to one, mother of 5, grandmother to 13 and friend to many. I have type 2 diabetes. I lost 50 pounds last year but have managed to gain back half of it. I'm looking for a fitness pal buddy. Someone who is willing to message me at least once a day with encouragement or questions about our success...our families... the weather... or anything.... Just someone to touch bases with and help keep me accountable. I promise to encourage you too. Let me know if you are interested.
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    Looking for friends...nothing feels worse than begging for them tho haha
  • ^agreed ahaha
  • eaphk
    eaphk Posts: 14 Member
    ^ haha indeed!
    i also need some buddies :D
  • Basically I'm 19 and I wanna lose 25 lbs I want a friend so we can motivate each other and stuff
  • kurkwartburg
    kurkwartburg Posts: 28 Member
    Have been on MFP for about 80 days, looking for active people, as i went through and dropped those that have been gone. Will send invites out as well as i go through the pages.

    Was at 250 have lost 32 pounds so far, 1st goal is to hit 200. After that 185 ish, depending on how i look and how much muscle i have gained. Always looking for new tips, and willing to offer advice if i have had that issue myself.
  • My name is Krista, I am 29 and looking for a healthier me. I have lost 18 pounds, 15 since I started using myfitnesspal. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tumblr_m5zwaw1xqB1ryaomko1_500.gif
  • SqueakStormborn
    SqueakStormborn Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm new here, not sure how to add anyone yet and don't really want to involve Facebook friends (little self-conscious!) so please feel free to add me.

    I'm hoping to lose two stone but more importantly to improve my fitness. I used to dance but after a serious illness left me immobile for two years I'm now incredibly unfit!

    Have had a few false starts but on the ball now :-)

    Thank you and good luck to you all xx

    Ps. I must add that I don't get a huge amount of time so although will endeavour to be as supportive as possible may not be available every single day... Please don't feel neglected if this is the case! xx
  • MyTurn2BHappy
    MyTurn2BHappy Posts: 475 Member
    Anyone can add me! I'm always looking for fun friends to get me through these crappy diet days!!
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    Hello! My name is Skye! I follow the Paleo diet. I love it. Would love to make new friends here. I still have about 35 pounds left to go, but I plan to keep with MFP long after that day. It really does help you keep in control. Please feel free to add me and say, "Hello!" would love to encourage each other! =)
  • tyrodev
    tyrodev Posts: 8
    Hi! To anyone who see this post, feel free to add me :)
  • gimmedatfork
    gimmedatfork Posts: 19 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm 21 years old, trying to lose about 40lbs. Feel free to add me, I can use all the help I can get and I'd love to be a motivator to you as well :)
  • Rollsworth
    Rollsworth Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all. I am on the Keto diet and looking for support :) Add me if you want to chat or need some support
  • Rad_Mom
    Rad_Mom Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ya'll I'm a southern belle in Florida looking for friends and support during my journey to get fit and healthy. I'm 30 years old and back in June of this year I wanted to crawl in a hole and die when I realized I was 315 lbs at 5'11". On top of that my boyfriend or fiance depending on how nice he is likes to constantly remind me I'm... "big" even though I know he wants to say fat. When I have a cheat day were I eat something different than normal or don't go to the gym for a day he is always there to remind me I'm big...Oh he's not small either he's a big guy himself but he feels since he's been around the same weight for so many years he as the right to step on my toes.

    Anyways I'm a super positive person (although I do have depression and anxiety I do my best to sit on it and be happy), and I love helping others in anyway possible. I hope to make many friends on here and have fun getting healthy together.