Females only - lifting/weight training results?



  • hellomandarkk
    hellomandarkk Posts: 15 Member
    I train one specific area per day. So today is tuesday, LEG DAY! I usually start with a High Intensity Warm up. Usually a round of some type of push up, burpee, mixture haha. Then I start with squats. Just a small bar with 35lbs. I am working my way up. Only lift what you are comfortable with. If you need a spot, ask dont be afraid. There are ppl willing to help. Anyway, I do about 3 sets of 10. It gets harder the more you do so push yourself! From there, I do weighted Lunges (forward and reverse), then go to the machine for leg press. After that, I use a stepper, and smaller weight dumbells and do some kick backs. (step up, kick your leg backwards with your weights by your sides). After all that we do another set of High Intensity air squats, push ups, or whatever until failure.
  • clarion_r
    clarion_r Posts: 53 Member
    This thread is amazing, thanks to everyone posting!
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I've only been at this for a short while, but I'm starting to see some slight definition in my back (and I'm building baby biceps, but I don't have a pic yet)
    Getting rid of those love handles too, lol :) I can now do three sets of 12 (elevated) pushups from my toes, and it's amazing how much of an effect it's had on my whole body. The lat pulldowns help too, of course. :P


    A wedgie that will never be picked...
  • MonicaBenavidez
    MonicaBenavidez Posts: 92 Member
    All you ladies look AMAZING! So inspirational-- I know it takes guts to put yourself out there, but please know how inspiring you are to all of us. :)
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    A wedgie that will never be picked...

    Oh my bad, I thought we were here to discuss progress, not insignificant clothing placements.. -_-

    ETA: Anyway, all of you ladies look fantastic, the inspiration you all give me keeps me going! :flowerforyou:
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    A wedgie that will never be picked...

    Oh my bad, I thought we were here to discuss progress, not insignificant clothing placements.. -_-

    ETA: Anyway, all of you ladies look fantastic, the inspiration you all give me keeps me going! :flowerforyou:

    I didn't mean anything by the wedgie comment. A couple of my friends and I were talking about wedgies that couldn't be picked. Not trying to derail the thread. Good job on your progress. Hope to see future updates from you.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    A wedgie that will never be picked...

    Oh my bad, I thought we were here to discuss progress, not insignificant clothing placements.. -_-

    ETA: Anyway, all of you ladies look fantastic, the inspiration you all give me keeps me going! :flowerforyou:

    I didn't mean anything by the wedgie comment. A couple of my friends and I were talking about wedgies that couldn't be picked. Not trying to derail the thread. Good job on your progress. Hope to see future updates from you.

    Ah okay, very well then. I realize that sounded really snarky too, sorry! & Thanks :)
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    In for the motivation. Just restarted my weightlifting regimen. I feel great today but we'll see about tomorrow....
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Bump! Girl Power! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: I can't wait to get down to the lean/bulking stage again. Muscles are sexy! :happy:
  • deezer602482
    deezer602482 Posts: 24 Member
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    I am so inspired by all of you!!!

    I only have free weights up to 10 lbs at home and a 10 lb Kettlebell. I would love to be able to do this from home. Can I get started simply with the equipment I have and slowly work my way up? I honestly haven't lifted anything other than what's listed (and not consistently) since high school almost 20 years ago :blushing:
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    I am so inspired by all of you!!!

    I only have free weights up to 10 lbs at home and a 10 lb Kettlebell. I would love to be able to do this from home. Can I get started simply with the equipment I have and slowly work my way up? I honestly haven't lifted anything other than what's listed (and not consistently) since high school almost 20 years ago :blushing:

    You'll outgrow 10 lbs incredibly quickly even if they are heavy enough to start with. I've never lifted before and my upper body (still) is very weak but that would have been too low even to start with for lower body exercises and I've now outgrown it even for shoulder presses (my shoulders are my weakest point). When you start and try and push yourself, you'll probably notice that you're a lot stronger than you think :flowerforyou:
    That being said, if you can't/don't want to either join a gym or get heavier weights, you can also look into bodyweight training. A good starting point for that could be Body by You/You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren.
  • craigmc1960
    craigmc1960 Posts: 20 Member
    Bumpity Bump
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    @bombshellphoenix - Excellent! Thanks for the info! I'll check that out. A little nervous to get started (I'm in my 40s) but I really need to do something. Diet alone just isn't cutting it!! Appreciate the advice!!

    No problem at all! Here's my original inspiration when I joined the forums


    The greatest thing about weightlifting for me was the change in body composition. The scale is still a gauge I use loosely to ensure I'm gaining at a decent pace or when I go back to cutting, that I'm not losing too quickly but it truly makes a difference to maintain muscle mass and later gain to be lean. You've got this!

  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    bump so when my fat finally melts off you'll be able to see the muscles that are hiding underneath!! They're growing and I'm shrinkin!!
  • cvaj09
    cvaj09 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow, you look great. I'm still I n the process of losing my excess fat, Burt I also started doing a bit of strength training, mainly push ups and sit ups.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 111


  • ColoradoDogMom
    ColoradoDogMom Posts: 23 Member
  • DistilledVixen
    DistilledVixen Posts: 93 Member
    BUMP!! Want...too....keep...looking....must...go...back...to...work. :/
  • onetallmamma
    onetallmamma Posts: 10 Member
    Bump :-)