The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I have lost for 2 weeks in a row!! Thats unusual for me! From 233.8 - 227.0 !
    6.8 lbs down!! Maybe it can be done! :)

    WOW!!!! Thats awesome!!!! :)
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    sw: 177
    cw: 177

    here is my exercise schedule for this week:

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I heard that you were looking for the 'bigguns', well, here I am!
    I am the fattest in my family (next to my mom), at my job, amongst my friends and it sucks!
    I wear a uniform at work and am busting out of the biggest size and they
    changed manufacturers so now the new style biggest size doesnt fit me.
    Now that Im 50, I dont even get the "but you have such a pretty face"
    comments anymore..never thought Id miss that!
    I just jumped back on board here and have been tracking my intake
    and go way over calories every day..I need some will power.
    Anyway, thanks for starting this!
  • 90poundsoflard
    I am so glad you started this! It is just what I need to keep me motivated. I was always the biggest child in my class, so you know what that means. Yup, since I outweighed everyone I had to stand and watch as everyone else played on the teeter-totter. I got pretty good at saying, "It's OK, I don't care." But inside I was crying. It's not that anyone was so mean, but children say hurtful stuff. I started going on diets at a very young age, how does a cold boiled egg and greenbeans sound for lunch? That's what I took to school when I was 12. Now I know why I didn't lose weight eating that way. There's a good article on here about eating your exercise calories, so it all makes sense now. Too bad I didn't know that 25 years ago.
    I picked 150 as my goal weight because I love the way my sister looks at 140, and although we are the same height, she is much finer boned than I am. I'm afraid if I get down to 140 I'll look like a bony horse. :laugh:
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    SW 219
    CW 219
    GW 170

    I've always been told I don't look 200 plus and that I hold it well. :smile: Probably because I'm not shy about my figure. I've been getting in 30 minutes at least of cardio daily as well as a few additional workouts if I have time. I refuse to buy a scale but I will buy a sewing tape measure.
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Hey all,
    I would like to be a part of this group- everything I hear sounds like it is out of my mouth. I have never been thin, I dont even know what thin on me would be like. I dream about it, but sometimes it seems like a dream for someone else not me. I want no I need to make this happen. For me! For my husband and for my kids.

    my starting weight was 281
    my current weight is 277
    my goal 140

    I have to figure out how to get it off and keep it off. I have been down to 253 last year but put it back on. I need to figure how how to change not just diet.
    I am hoping this group will help with motivation and continue to push me, not enable me or accept my excuses. Somedays I really need to get my butt kicked :wink:
  • Evermyre
    Hello everyone. I didn't do very good at tracking my calories this past weekend unfortunately. I must have gotten used to somet hings though because I actually lost 2 pounds! Woo hoo. I'll be honest though I'm kind of waiting for that to not be true next week. My problem last weekend was mostly just not eating enough. Things got crazy and somehow I just ended up not eating. Getting back on that soon though. I have found a new motivation for myself though. I recently started seeing this guy (first new guy in 5 years! I'm kind of excited!) and he's in the national guard. He's going to be going for some training for about 3 months before he ends up going overseas. It would be great to have lost a ton of weight by the time he gets back and hopefully watch his eyes pop out of his head. :)

    What motivates you?
  • redruthie
    Hello everyone. I didn't do very good at tracking my calories this past weekend unfortunately. I must have gotten used to somet hings though because I actually lost 2 pounds! Woo hoo. I'll be honest though I'm kind of waiting for that to not be true next week. My problem last weekend was mostly just not eating enough. Things got crazy and somehow I just ended up not eating. Getting back on that soon though. I have found a new motivation for myself though. I recently started seeing this guy (first new guy in 5 years! I'm kind of excited!) and he's in the national guard. He's going to be going for some training for about 3 months before he ends up going overseas. It would be great to have lost a ton of weight by the time he gets back and hopefully watch his eyes pop out of his head. :)

    What motivates you?

    Watching his eyes pop out of his head is quite a sight to see! Very motivating :)
    What motivates me? Well, a number of things motivate me. Mostly, it's my Hawaii wedding coming up in 2012. I want to be healthy and hopefully have the eye popping effect on my groom to be! :D
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    What motivates you?

    I started trying to lose weight to inspire my Mother who had a heart attack on Thanksgiving on '09. She is overweight and has yo-yo dieted as long as I can remember. Once I started on MFP I tried SO hard to get her to just try using it, but she's resisted. At this point I've stopped pushing the issue, I know how it feels to have people on your back about losing weight. As we all know, each one of us has to be ready to start the journey, I just hope she's ready soon because I worry about her a lot.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member

    What motivates you?

    Lots of things motivate me. My health has to be the big one. I have Lupus and I want to see my son graduate from high school, college, get married and all the things he has ahead of him. About the best thing that can be done for Lupus is a healthy lifestyle. Having daily goals keeps me motivated to keep going. Small victories. :)
  • supertempdonna
    I'll join - I've always been the big one. Looking back I wasn't actually that bad, just unhealthy, but in my teens the puppy fat never went away and it's just got worse.

    I'm 174lbs now and I'm going to change that!
  • redruthie
    What motivates you?

    I started trying to lose weight to inspire my Mother who had a heart attack on Thanksgiving on '09. She is overweight and has yo-yo dieted as long as I can remember. Once I started on MFP I tried SO hard to get her to just try using it, but she's resisted. At this point I've stopped pushing the issue, I know how it feels to have people on your back about losing weight. As we all know, each one of us has to be ready to start the journey, I just hope she's ready soon because I worry about her a lot.

    I can relate to this. My grandmother has had countless strokes and health problems all due to her weight. She's at 450 lbs. Last year she had a stroke and was lying in the hospital bed asking for cheeseburgers, fries, and a milkshake. She inspires me to change where I could possibly be in 30 years. I try to help her change her habits and such, but it doesn't seem to work since she's "comfortable" not changing her habits. Change is hard, especially when you're older. Hang in there Meg! Your mom will see your progress and come around.
  • redruthie
    I'll join - I've always been the big one. Looking back I wasn't actually that bad, just unhealthy, but in my teens the puppy fat never went away and it's just got worse.

    I'm 174lbs now and I'm going to change that!

    Welcome to the club!!
  • sweetie89207

    thanks kizzy for putting that up there...i still cant figure out how to put it so it shows up on there...guess im just not that savvy lol...but thanks...i'll have to get to welcoming everyone who is new has been crazy starting and i havent even had the chance to get on here and check out how everyone was doing...but i hope within the next few days i'll have the chance to get on here and welcome all the new comers!
  • helenamonks
    I was a chunkie kid, chunkie adolecent, chunkie teenager all the way to FAT ADULT. lol... never knew what it was like to not have a spare tire in the front. I can't wait to see what it's like.
  • sweetie89207
    Welcome welcome welcome…man im a slacker with my own group! Yes u can all throw tomatoes at me!!! *ducks and covers face!* haha…well now that school has started im not on here as often but I gotta welcome everyone new…cuz that’s just how I do!

    @ TJoslin- amazing job with the first 20! Well never heard that “imagine urself thin” thing…sounds like a good idea but isn’t easy to do for ppl like us all…u are so right- it is the numbers game that makes this site so affective!...glad to have u here with us!...Welcome!

    @ Piratess- Welcome from over the ocean! U are so right on with that…and I know what u mean about the self conscious issues…I have the same thing- have my life unfortunately…and yes ur right…we all deserve that someone!!!...glad to have u here…Welcome!

    @ MdP1308- ok well since u said please hahah Your In! lol…WW drop out lol…never tried it before…you sound right on- whats the point if your miserable the whole time?...i hope if I can find the time- Somewhere! That I can get this club off the ground cuz I think we have sum great ppl here!...Welcome!

    @ Bekkyhughes- sounds like you have had your challenge over the years…but its great that you have found MFP because I think this site can help u just like its helping the rest of us to get our lives back on course and going in the right direction! Glad to have you with us…Welcome!

    @ Jsnyder7087- yep- that’s us- cant remember thin cuz it was only when coming out of the womb haha lol…glad to have you here with us on your journey into the unknown!...Welcome!

    @ TheBun- yup- all those diets have really gotten us to this point in our lives as im sure you would agree…to a point where its time for a real change for the better! Something that will work…you are right- its very hard to lose weight alone…but we are all here for you! Yes it may be a long journey but it will be a successful one, and I hope the ppl here on MFP can be here for you! Including myself! Never give up!...Welcome!

    @ Denee05- don’t you hate those titles (chubby, chunky, fat) im so ready to be over those! are so right- it would be nice to be able to shop in the clothes that aren’t old lady clothes because u wear women’s sizes when your still a child…oh please try to get motivated to exercise…its so important for your journey to a better you!!! Just try to find that person deep within who has the whip- pushing you to get up off the couch or bed and DO IT! No sorrys for anything on here! We all need to rant about our feelings everyone once in a while! Glad u could do it here with us!...Welcome!

    @ Debruhf- glad to have u on her with us!...hope we can all be an encouragement to everyone!...Welcome!

    @ Jojoof4- haha yep I say “them” too! Lol…ur numbers sounds about where I am/ want to be! You will be able to do it this time! With help and motivation from all your MFP friends you will be able to do this!!! I know it! Glad to have you here!!!...Welcome!

    @ Weslfuss- yea I kno what u mean- it was middle school for me also…and im heading to prolly around the 185-190 area…after a big addition of muscle lol…its gonna be a journey and it may take a while but I know you can do it!!! Stick with it and let the friends u make on here help u get there! Don’t quit for nothing…Welcome!

    @ DonaGail- haha yes ma’am I was looking for ‘em lol…yea I know what u mean- im the biggest in my group of friends and after a while it takes a toll on u mentally…you just gotta get sum motivation girl…now that you have decided to do this thing and change ur life- you gotta stick to it…don’t allow urself to go over! And if you do get sum exercise in there to get back under! With the help of MFP friends I know you can do this…glad to have you…Welcome!

    @ KMayeske- I hope sincerely that this group and your friends here on MFP can help u get motivated and stay there! Oh wow- u bring back such terrible memories from being the “fat” child in school always watching from the sides because u cant get up there and do it… *tear* MAN kids are mean!!!! Well just like the rest of us- we are going in this blind and you know when u get there – you will know that’s the right place to be…you’ll know it’s the weight to stop at!...glad to have you…Welcome!

    @ EgyptianMushroom- gosh do I kno that feeling- and after a while I started to rely on that…trying to make myself feel better “im not THAT big, or I LOOK smaller than I am” and its gotten so tiring…great that your getting that exercise in!...yea the scale measure thing is totally a personal choice and I think you’ll be happy with what you see change in your body!...Welcome!

    @ Nowic- YES YES YES…you do NEED to make it happen- what a great attitude!!! That is why losing weight by changing your diet is so good because its not a diet…it’s a life style change- you cant keep up with diets but if you change your lifestyle- you will be more apt and ready to adjust your life and to get the pounds off- AND KEEP THEM OFF!!! I hope all your MFP friends are helping you out and I hope this group can too..Welcome!

    @ Supertempdonna- glad to have you here in my group donna…It’s the decision you have made to change your life that is the first step in the right direction! I hope this club and its members and the rest of the MFP community can help you get to where you want to be…Welcome!

    @ Helenamonks- ugh chunkie…don’t ya just hate that word!!! Hahah spare tire- good point!...cant wait either…great to have ya!...Welcome!

    WOW that took a while…well I hope everyone is doing well…im gonna try to get everyone’s additional weigh-ins that you guys have posted and put up the link in my next post…and if you notice u haven’t given me an update- PLEASE DO!

    Also- anyone who is not already my friend please please send me a request cuz I want to have all my members be my friends- I love encouraging them and that way I can try to keep up with ya’lls progress!

    Thanks everyone for being amazing!

    ~Happy weight losing~
  • sweetie89207
    ok well here is the link to the picture of the weigh-ins...not much difference just added everyone new from the last round...only 2 ppl actually gave me their weigh ins for this past week...SOOOOO if ya'll wouldnt mind putting that on here when u get a chance i'd really appreciate it so i can add to your progress...all these blanks are depressing! LOL...jk jk

    thanks everyone hope ur losing is going well!
  • andonsmom
    andonsmom Posts: 2 Member
    I want in! I am new here and just starting out. I have always been bigger than almost everyone I know, I am ready to change that for good!
    I am currently at 334 lbs and my goal weight is 180-199??
  • kyliedurnan
    kyliedurnan Posts: 58 Member
    oh im SO part of this (;
    ive never been skinny , ive ALWAYS had chub.
    ive been getting called fat since i was about 5, and im now 14.
    ive been severley depressed/suicidal because of the bullying.
    that was actually just recently..
    but im so ready for this lifestyle change so i can prove to all of those who make fun of me that i can do it.
    im also a cheerleader so im ready to actually LOOK GOOD in a uniform..
    heaviest- 196
    started mfp- 194
    current- 187
    goal- 120-130
  • christa_dee
    i really don't want to post my weight but i belong in this club! luckily i'm only 17, so it hasn't been thattt long...but long enough! i can't wait to be a healthy in shape teenager for once!<3