Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Saturday morning stats

    CW 284
    GW 220 (think I will be lowering this number)

    Method - Eating smarter, Raquetball, Treadmill & just plain moving around more.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Weigh-in for 1/22/2011: 245.4. Up almost a pound from last week. Not good!
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Don't sweat it Jaskelly all it is, is a "minor" step back. Your going to take a huge leap forward this week I'm sure.
  • pgp_protector
    Missed this thread.
    Started MFP at the start of the year

    SW 305
    CW 289
    GW 205

    Method Eating better, more exercise
  • spinndrift
    Well I've let the side down this week and have put a pound on so I'm 248 this week.

    I had two nights out and enjoyed my food a bit too much but normal service has been resumed now and that was January's treat.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Am in a very similar situation

    Current weight: 271 (Started @ 280)
    Goal Weight: 200-210. And around 10% body fat (currently around 27-31%)
    Method: Eating only healthy foods, P90X (I'm on day 6)

    Add me as a friend if you guys like.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Checking in: CW = 277 lb. :smile: Excercised for 90 minutes and burned 1,283 calories. Need to start excercising longer each day.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well I've let the side down this week and have put a pound on so I'm 248 this week.

    I had two nights out and enjoyed my food a bit too much but normal service has been resumed now and that was January's treat.

    You haven't let anyone down. We all have our little setbacks or stumbles. This will just motivate you to pick it back up this next week. What you have already accomplished is a huge motivator to the rest of us.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Hey guys - my weigh in is at 247.6lbs. I was disappointed that we haven't heard from a few guys for a couple weeks in a row. Hopefully they are still keeping at it and perhaps we will hear from them again!

    Welcome to the new guys, pgp_protector and fitPhil2011!! Please send me your last weeks weight and I can add you to the ranks. For anyone else who wants to join, please send in your weekly weight for Saturday or Sunday. Doesn't matter which weekend day, just be consistent. Also, please send 'starting' Jan 2 weight (or best estimate), goal weight, and anything else you'd like to share.

    spitfirex007 - are you wanting to join this group? Please send the rest of your info if you do.

    #1 (for most weight lost since last week) goes again to PaulC9554! Way to go - keep it coming! I also added a category for total weight lost - of course, this is lost since January 2, when we started.

    For those of you who had a slow week and didn't make as much progress (or gained a little), don't worry about it! This week is a new week! Count those calories and keep your control! If you don't make the gym, at least take a 20-40 minute walk.

    Also, plan your goals around eating less. There are days where all I get in is a 20 minute walk, but I am still able to meet my calorie goal for the day (1700 total calories a day - helps me lose 2 lbs a week or more). If I happen to exercise more, then I am able to eat more that day. If you set your goals to exercise and burn 800 calories a day, and you have a crazy schedule, then your goal will be more difficult to reach. At least, that is what I have experienced. When I was in college, I use to go to the gym to work out 4-5 times a week. However, I wasn't really paying attention to what I was eating. I have found that losing weight is mostly about counting my calories, but the exercise is important too. Without both, I am not successful in this process.

    Ok, the results:

  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    In addition to the results posted, I wanted to add this week's discussion topic:

    What does everyone do for breakfast?
  • spinndrift
    Well - I'm quite happy today as I'm at the same point I was this time last week so well and truly back on track.

    I've also got my dates for LEJOG (cycle ride from the southern end to the Northern of the UK) so very very motivated. I also discovered my 'wish list' from this time last year and I stated that I wanted to be 17.5 stone by the end of January this year so I'm only 2lbs off that.

    As for you question apolloag, for my breakfast I have porridge made with semi skimmed milk and either a handful of raisins or blueberries with a teaspoon of cinnamon (this apparently assists in the releasing of carbohydrate from the oats) and a double expresso. I hated porridge but have learnt to love it as it fills me up and lasts a long time.

    During the summer I switch to a Dorset Cereals musili with two tablespoons of greek yoghurt but if I'm out riding then it's back on the porridge.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    spitfirex007 - are you wanting to join this group? Please send the rest of your info if you do.

    Sure man I'll jump in if it's not too late.

    Start Weight: 280
    Start Date: 1/19/11
    Current: 171
    Goal: 200
    Goal Date: Aug 31st

    Anything else?
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Just stumbled over this thread and good to see how we men can create a competition on losing weight. So, if it's not too late I will be happy to convert my kilo's into pounds and join (that is if people from across the Atlantic are allowed)

    Succes to you all
  • Ibgroovy
    First post on here. I don't suppose there is any definite starting or ending to this, but I'm in. I started in September at 290 by strength training and trying to eat less carbs. It worked, in that I'm a lot stronger now in January than I was in September, but I found I was eating more to compensate. On 1/1/2011, I weighed 306, which was the most I've ever weighed in my life. I finally took the advice my wife has been giving me for 20 years, and started counting calories. After a couple of weeks of just trying to bring it down, I started using MFP, hooking up my Droid and the website. GREAT combination!

    Starting weight (2011/01/16): 300 lbs
    Current weight (2011/01/24): 289.6 lbs
    Goal weight: 220 lbs (I may stop at 230, depending on how i look and feel when I get there.)

    One week on the plan, now, with a goal of losing 1.5 lbs per week, dropped over nine pounds -- over ten in eight days. I know, that's far faster than is good for you, but that's the easy part. I've been sticking to the 1.5lbs/week plan; it just dropped off really fast the first week.

    For me, the trick is to make sure I count every single calorie. If I know I have to write those little buggers down, I just plain don't eat as many of them. I figure I'll switch to a 1 lb/week plan once I've dropped another ten.

    I know, I know, one week on ANYTHING isn't much to celebrate -- but it's a start. 10 down, 70 to go!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    In addition to the results posted, I wanted to add this week's discussion topic:

    What does everyone do for breakfast?

    I am not very good with breakfast. Monday - Friday its a couple of cups of coffee. I get to work around 0620. Around 8, I will have a couple of hard boiled eggs or a piece of fruit. The hardboiled eggs and fruit just started when I began MFP.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    For breakfast during the week, I usually eat Quaker High Fiber Maple and Brown sugar oatmeal. Occasionally I will eat Smart Ones breakfast sandwiches that has Canadian bacon, cheese and eggs on an English muffin. Recently tried the Smart Ones Ham and Cheese Meal and French Toast and they were good to me.

    If I have more time I might make turkey sausage with eggs and toast.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Hey guys - my weigh in is at 247.6lbs. I was disappointed that we haven't heard from a few guys for a couple weeks in a row. Hopefully they are still keeping at it and perhaps we will hear from them again!

    Welcome to the new guys, pgp_protector and fitPhil2011!! Please send me your last weeks weight and I can add you to the ranks. For anyone else who wants to join, please send in your weekly weight for Saturday or Sunday. Doesn't matter which weekend day, just be consistent. Also, please send 'starting' Jan 2 weight (or best estimate), goal weight, and anything else you'd like to share.

    spitfirex007 - are you wanting to join this group? Please send the rest of your info if you do.

    #1 (for most weight lost since last week) goes again to PaulC9554! Way to go - keep it coming! I also added a category for total weight lost - of course, this is lost since January 2, when we started.

    For those of you who had a slow week and didn't make as much progress (or gained a little), don't worry about it! This week is a new week! Count those calories and keep your control! If you don't make the gym, at least take a 20-40 minute walk.

    Also, plan your goals around eating less. There are days where all I get in is a 20 minute walk, but I am still able to meet my calorie goal for the day (1700 total calories a day - helps me lose 2 lbs a week or more). If I happen to exercise more, then I am able to eat more that day. If you set your goals to exercise and burn 800 calories a day, and you have a crazy schedule, then your goal will be more difficult to reach. At least, that is what I have experienced. When I was in college, I use to go to the gym to work out 4-5 times a week. However, I wasn't really paying attention to what I was eating. I have found that losing weight is mostly about counting my calories, but the exercise is important too. Without both, I am not successful in this process.

    Ok, the results:

    My last weight in was 298
  • pgp_protector
    Today 287 (well 286.4 but I round up when I log it)
    My internet is spotty for the next few days, so I'll primarily be updating via Phone app.
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    For breakfast: I'm stuck for things to eat due to work hours. For the last few days it's been a snack packet of Marmite rice cakes with sliced ham.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Regarding the new guys - remember, please send me your weekend weigh-in (Saturday OR Sunday). You are welcome to share more often than that if you'd like, but I will only be looking at the Saturday or Sunday numbers.

    @ bigeddy - you are welcome to join - I can convert kg to lbs, and will report it in lbs at the weekly report.

    Regarding breakfast, I have been in the routine for several months now of having a Nutrigrain Breakfast Bar (Apple Cinnamon). I am usually eating this in the car on my 20 minute commute, and I accompany it with a Caprisun juice. This totals to 200 calories. This usually ties me over until 11:30AM and sets me up well for the rest of the day, regarding available calories.

    Keep up the good work guys!