Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • I agree it is very hard to go without that snack, but I try to save calories. I never max myself out, just in case I have a SUPER craving. With that said my wife and I have some 100 cal snacks, lite popcorn, and skinny cow Ice Cream. None of which equals out to 200 cals alone.

    By the way the 100 cal snack game is really competitive right now. You can find most of what you may crave in an already portioned package...

    Thumbs up to both Skinny Cow & Snack Packs. Portion control was always My major problem, I'd buy a container of ice Cream, and use multiple scoops, but with Skinny Cow, 1 serving is easy, just one sandwich / bar / container, if I wan't a little extra, take the sandwich and open it up into a bowl, break apart the outer part, add a sliced banana.
  • Yes Skinny Cow is wonderful!!!!!!!
  • I try not to eat later than 8pm. I noticed on my eating diary that i was using more than half of my calories after 8pm on things that i didn't really need to eat. Now, i eat dinner early around 5-6pm and then if i absolutely need a snack in the evening I eat it before 8pm. I get hungry later but i just drink water.
  • I try not to eat later than 8pm. I noticed on my eating diary that i was using more than half of my calories after 8pm on things that i didn't really need to eat. Now, i eat dinner early around 5-6pm and then if i absolutely need a snack in the evening I eat it before 8pm. I get hungry later but i just drink water.

    5-6PM I'm still driving on the road, Dinner is around 7-8 Pm on a late day around 9 :laugh:
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    A slice of bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter usually kills cravings if I have them at night. Then I wash it down with a cup of decaf coffee. Shortly after I brush my teeth and the minty clean feeling usually prevents me from wanting to eat anything lol

    Same for me. Big fan of the 9pm peanut butter toast.

    BTW, are you peeing beside a lake in your pic? If so, best profile pic I've seen. :-D
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    LOL Unfortunately at the moment I was only fishing and not peeing. However the cooler behind me was full of beer so I won't say it didn't happen later. Just don't want any evidence. ;)
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Lol...can't go wrong with a good pee pic.

    I usually eat earlier around 5pm. I try to setup my day so that I can have 800-900 calories for dinner. I try to brush teeth and be in bed before 10. That helps.

    When I snack, I will eat a piece of tillamook cheese with 10-15 wheat thins. 200-300 calories.
  • Not the best week for me. I did drop weight, but I had to drop 4lbs to drop 1lb. Sounds crazy, but that just means I went up to 268, and back down to 264....

    SW : 275
    CW: 264
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Today on Feb 5th, 2011 I am 242.6

    On Jan 29, 2011 I was 245.4
    On Jan 22, 2011 I was 246.8
    On Jan 15, 2011 I was 247.8
    On Jan 9, 2011 I was 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 I was 253.4

    I am still doing P90X but will be adding Insanity to my work outs. The eating healthy is surprisingly getting easier and easier. I still dream of Pancakes on the weekends (wheat pancakes). One day I will have enough self control to actually have some. Until then its just eggs or cereal for breakfast

    Hope everybody is doing well!
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Weigh-in for February 5th: 238.2

    Shout-out to my buddy TVision for the 3 lb drop! Eff you, weekend carb up!
  • 241 for me - missed last week due to being ill.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Had to survive a week with 5 business lunches/dinners. So a little progress, CW 120.2 (still in kilo ;-)
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    No change this week - a bit of a disappointment but I knew it would happen at some point, I'm in to my second month on the plan.
    Bad week coming up, twisted my lower back in the gym today so couldn't do CV. Trying to get some calories in the bank before settling down to Super Bowl and all the extra munchies involved. If I can't get to the gym I'm doomed :sad: . Next week will be a struggle.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    CW: 274 lb

    Wasn't able to excercise this week. Hurt my back moving the freezer, washer, and dryer to clean. Need to be more careful.
  • CW 282
    Was thinking it wasn't a good week, then looked at last week's weight (284.4) so I guess it wasn't that bad. Down. 2.4 for the week.
  • CW - 261 Slow Week for me
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    You guys are doing great, every bit helps, stick with it!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Sunday 02/06/11 = 278lbs
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Good evening Men! I hope you all weighed in before the Super Bowl! For me, I know that today was definitely a "no loss" day (and hopefully it was also a no-gain day). In any case, we had a pretty decent week. It kind of seems like for all of us that the weight loss is slowing down. My calorie counting so far has always revolved around losing 2 lbs a week. The first 4 weeks, I lost more than that - sometimes 4 or 5 lbs. It sure comes off fast initially! Don't be frustrated with the "low numbers"! It's easy to be frustrated after several weeks of 3-6lb loss. As long as you are losing something, that's great!

    And PaulC, no worries about this past week - tomorrow is a new day and a new week ahead! If you can't hit the gym, try doing 2 x 20 minute walks a day. You can do it!

    Today, I'm checking in at 242.2lbs. Hats off to Bigeddy, on his second week.


    This week's topic: Not that this is your main motivation for losing weight, but do any of you have "prizes" set-up for when you reach your final goal? Or perhaps for your mini-goals? I remember last year when I reached 260, I went and bought a Sirius radio for my car with a subscription. Even though my main goal is to be a healthier person for my family and myself, it was kind of fun to set some "prizes" up along the way. Please share your stories or ideas. I'm still trying to think of something for 230 and 220!

    Keep up the good work Men! You are doing awesome!

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Apolloag, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you "Thank you"! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this. I for one like seeing how I am doing on a chart with others. It shows that we all have our good & not so good weeks and that that is perfectly normal. Again, thanks. Tim
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