Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Apolloag, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you "Thank you"! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this. I for one like seeing how I am doing on a chart with others. It shows that we all have our good & not so good weeks and that that is perfectly normal. Again, thanks. Tim

    I agree!! Thanks Apolloag!!!!
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Hey I just noticed you added me to the chart! Awesome! My weigh-in was yesterday and I was 230.6

    Last week was very motivating for me because I was stuck around 233-235 for a few weeks and finally started to go down again.

    As far as this weeks topic one thing I really want to do when I get down to my goal weight is to buy a lot of clothes. I'll be where I'm at so I won't need to be worried that it is a waste of money. I'm still wearing the same clothes that I was when I was 258 which is kind of sad.

    However today I was at Kmart and saw a good deal on Joe Boxer hoodies for $5.99 so I baught one and it was an eye opener because I've been wearing XXL's and I baught an L today. Sorry long story, but I'm very happy about it :D
  • I also want to say thank you bro. As for the prizes, I really don't have anything planned. This challege has helped me find that very competitive edge I used to have while trying to make it to the NFL, and then trying to become a world champion powerlifter..... I actually say that laughing, because I didn't make it to either one, but had a blast trying. So in short, every pound lost is like a reward all itself for me.
  • TreyTLH
    TreyTLH Posts: 11 Member
    Hey, I'm new but liked the discussion and support I see. I use cetain goals to help motivate myself. About every 10 lbs I have a small prize (massage, new gear for the computer or mountain bike). I also have major goal prizes set for 199 and 185. At 199 I will get a couple pair of sunglasses that I have liked but could not justify the cost. The 185 lb goal was to go skydiving but my wife is now expecting our first child and asked that I don't do that just yet. SO when I do reach the 185 goal it will probably be an adventure trip with zip lines or maybe scuba/snorkel trip. Feel free to add me as a friend on here, all support is welcomed!

    Age 37
    Height 6'2"
    SW 275 (Sept. 2009)
    CW 221.5 (Sunday)
    GW 185
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    Okay. I think I missed posting time, at any rate:

    SW: 327
    GW: >240
    CW: 298
    LWW: 312
    WD: 14lbs (scary!!!)
    TWL: 29lbs

    Saw my actual weight on my HOME scale for the first time ever (it will only go to 300).
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey guys - I just saw this thread and I just wanted to give you all encouragement. Back in mid-July I weighed in at 264 lbs and was poured into size 42 relaxed fit jeans. I first started to work out using Wii Fit, then I used other Wii exercises and the weight came off gradually. Then at the end of October, I started Power 90 (the precursor to P90X). I started with that because I knew physically I wasn't ready for P90X (which is what I wanted to do). I dropped more weight with that program and now I'm in my second week of P90X and I have lost a total of 49 lbs, but the big kicker was yesterday I fit into size 34 x 32 relaxed fit jeans with a medium sized sweater ... and I didn't look like a fat guy in a little coat... My ultimate goal is 195 lbs - I'm 6'2", so that my be a little adventurous at 42 years old.

    Just wanted to let you guys know that if you stick with it, you guys can meet your goals!

    P.S. I got my wife into working out with me and she's dropped 55 lbs in the same amount of time and is looking pretty smokin' hot herself.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    That is great to hear and is very motivating. My final goal was 200, but after seeing that you want to go lower and you're 4 inches taller than me I think I might need to reconsider!
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    No prizes for me, just taking it one day at a time. The next two days will be very difficult because I will be on a business trip. It's hard to eat well when you are eating out every meal.

    Apolloag, can you please change my goal weight to 225. I just realized the goal I set up in October didn't match the goal I gave you in January. Thanks!
  • Another slow week.

    1lb is all I lost. 263
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Weight today 140.5Kg.
    A week without the gym, just having to watch the cals. Slow week but still going in the right direction.
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Today - Feb 12th I am 238.6
    On Feb 5th, 2011 242.6
    On Jan 29, 2011 I was 245.4
    On Jan 22, 2011 I was 246.8
    On Jan 15, 2011 I was 247.8
    On Jan 9, 2011 I was 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 I was 253.4

    Just Finished phase 1 of P90X. Definitely gotten stronger. 25 days ago I could only do 4 push-ups now I can do 30 straight! It feels good!
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Just Finished phase 1 of P90X. Definitely gotten stronger. 25 days ago I could only do 4 push-ups now I can do 30 straight! It feels good!

    That's a huge improvement man be proud!
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Feb 12, 2011: 236.8

    High fives all around for the progress. We've been kicking *kitten* in this thread!
  • Up a bit from yesterday, but at 279.8 right now.
    (I think it was the two subway sandwiches :laugh: one for lunch & another for dinner.)
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and post up my weight. It was 272 this morning. I've been celebrating today and have eaten like a PIG!!! Tomorrow I go back on the wagon.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    I join the club with little but still some progress: 13 feb - 120.0 kg (lw 120.2) That's one small step for man, euh.. it is actually :grumble:
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks DS13. Good job to everyone else!
  • Good morning to all gents. finally we have our own man cave here in mfp.

    Starting weight = 280 lbs 1/06/11 5'9
    Current weight = 263lbs 2/07/11
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Feel like I might be hitting a plateau. Weighed myself a half dozen times this morning and the scale kept bouncing between 1 and 4 pounds lost. I'm going to play it safe and call it at 1 lb this week.

    Current weight 277
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Feel like I might be hitting a plateau. Weighed myself a half dozen times this morning and the scale kept bouncing between 1 and 4 pounds lost. I'm going to play it safe and call it at 1 lb this week.

    Current weight 277
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