Body by vi



  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    The OP wanted only people who have actually tried it to comment.

    Is that really such an incredible request and difficult to understand? I personally won't pay a ton of money on a sub par product that promises more than it delivers, and i don't think anyone has been a bully, here. But c'mon, people. If you don't have the experience, positive or negative, why bother posting?

    And yes I realize I don't have experience with it, either, but I figured I'd risk it since this thread seemed in need of a little mediation. So yes, I'm a hypocrite. :-P

    All the positive she will get is people trying to sell it. I know people who have done it. I know that it is way overpriced and she does not need it. Is my opinion invalid?

    Not invalid, but unwanted. Some people need to learn the hard way to value others' input. If those are the parameters she put on her thread, that's her choice.

    Ya. Ok. The truth is always unwanted. But forum and we can all give our opinions.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP my two cents and I will try to refrain from being negative or at the very least snarky.

    I personally have not tried it but from my time on mfp (few months shy of two years) the majority of successful people on here who have lost weight and kept it off, as well as gotten into phenomenal shape have refrained from using such products or learned very quickly there is no substitute for a healthy and sustainable diet usually consisting of a moderate deficit and exercise.

    My advice would be to save your money and start developing a healthy relationship with food and moderation. Exercise also has many benefits.

    A couple of links to help you on your way...

    IMO if you use a tool like the products from "Body by vi" they can cause you to lose weight but in actuality it is just being in a calorie deficit that causes weight loss, and if you rely to heavily on these type of products they inevitably become a crutch. In summary I think it would be beneficial for you to develop a healthy relationship with food asap.

    Thank you for not being rude. Too many bullies already on here

    No one is bullying you.

    Bullies = People who have given the OP information that didn't walk the little line that was set in the original post. It doesn't matter that the information was correct or anything like that. It wasn't what the OP wanted to hear. Thus, bullies.

    Your definition is an insult and affront to actual victims of bullying.
  • kphillery
    kphillery Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on Body by Vi. It's what works for me! Haven't been on it long, but i'm seeing results. My homelife/ worklife fits around it and altho I hear the negativity, I'm seeing results and I like the taste. Had a friend who did it and lost great! So I wanted to experience it for myself and all I can advise is that anyone who's curious or interested try it for themselves. 2 weeks, 7 lbs down... I'm not disappointed.
  • kphillery
    kphillery Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on Body by Vi. It's what works for me! Haven't been on it long, but i'm seeing results. My homelife/ worklife fits around it and altho I hear the negativity, I'm seeing results and I like the taste. Had a friend who did it and lost great! So I wanted to experience it for myself and all I can advise is that anyone who's curious or interested try it for themselves. 2 weeks, 7 lbs down... I'm not disappointed.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    No I am not selling it I want to try it. And as I said I'm not interested in hearing from negative posters who have not tried it, but don't mind people who have tyvm

    Tasted bland, and I was hungry again within an hour. Not worth the money

    Editing post to add that while i could have added peanut butter, chocolate, strawberries, bananas, etc to make it taste better, I didn't because I wanted to see what it tasted like in its "natural" form. If I'm paying $100 month, I'm not too keen on spending extra money to make an already expensive product taste better
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm on Body by Vi. It's what works for me! Haven't been on it long, but i'm seeing results. My homelife/ worklife fits around it and altho I hear the negativity, I'm seeing results and I like the taste. Had a friend who did it and lost great! So I wanted to experience it for myself and all I can advise is that anyone who's curious or interested try it for themselves. 2 weeks, 7 lbs down... I'm not disappointed.

    That's great that you found something that's working for now, but come back when you've lost all the weight using it and kept it off for over a year. That's the real measure of success. I'm also curious if you plan on using the product forever or if you are just using it for now? When my friend stopped using it he gained all his weight back plus some because he never learned how to actually eat.
  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    Here's something to think about:

    Let's say you buy into the hype (even though 99% of us are going to tell you not to, not that you wanna hear it)... and you order it.

    Then you start to do two shakes a day, and some sort of real food for dinner. You lose the 40 of the 50 left of your goal doing this.

    ....they they go bankrupt, shut down, and you're left without your miracle shake.

    What then?

    You can resort to some other snake oil salesman, or you can learn how to feed yourself now... on foods that are sustainable, readily available, and not being sold by some schmuck that is trying to hit a quota so they can get a car.

    I would listen to this man. He knows whereof he speaks!
  • Pinkemi
    Pinkemi Posts: 963 Member
    So.. like a stupid smuch like I am.... I got sucked into buying Body by Vi.

    Honestly... I lasted about a week on it before giving up. I was hungry all the time... i had terrible mood swings... and it upset my stomach!

    Honest honest opinion.. Don't waste your money! I really wish I hadn't.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    It really doesn't matter, you will lose weight if you cut calories by drinking two meals. The problem with this and all other similar products is that you will very likely gain all the weight back unless you plan on drinking two shakes per day for the rest of your life. Much better to create your deficit with regular food and get into habits that you can maintain once you hit your goal.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    I appreciate everyone's opinions and replies but I am going to try it. Just got 6 sample packets so we will see how it goes.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I appreciate everyone's opinions and replies but I am going to try it. Just got 6 sample packets so we will see how it goes.
    so after asking and reading all of the stuff... educated experienced responses, you're still trying it? Were you going to try it anyway? If so, why ask?
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    I got 6 free samples. What's to lose?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I appreciate everyone's opinions and replies but I am going to try it. Just got 6 sample packets so we will see how it goes.
    so after asking and reading all of the stuff... educated experienced responses, you're still trying it? Were you going to try it anyway? If so, why ask?
    Seeking validation. Just looking for someone to tell her it's awesome and make her feel better about doing it.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    You know what maybe this works for some people. Nothing is one size fits all, everyone is different. So of this works for me then great. If not then lesson learned.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I appreciate everyone's opinions and replies but I am going to try it. Just got 6 sample packets so we will see how it goes.
    so after asking and reading all of the stuff... educated experienced responses, you're still trying it? Were you going to try it anyway? If so, why ask?
    Seeking validation. Just looking for someone to tell her it's awesome and make her feel better about doing it.
    I got 6 free samples. What's to lose?

    Well, a lot of the community here takes time and puts effort in actually trying to help people. I know a lot of the folks that have responded here, including myself, have spent plenty of time trying to help folks out... whether it's setting realistic goals or offering help.

    I know that when I see people ask for help and basically ignore good advice, I'm much less likely to try to help them again. So you could certainly be leaving that impression with others.

    Like the other thread you abandoned, I'll think twice about replying on anything you ask in the future... since you're obviously not looking for legit advice, but just validation.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You know what maybe this works for some people. Nothing is one size fits all, everyone is different. So of this works for me then great. If not then lesson learned.

    I have a question. What are you hoping that it will do? You said, "so if this works". What are you wanting out of it?
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    Just because I didn't respond, doesn't mean I didn't read it and take note.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    You know what maybe this works for some people. Nothing is one size fits all, everyone is different. So of this works for me then great. If not then lesson learned.

    I have a question. What are you hoping that it will do? You said, "so if this works". What are you wanting out of it?

    That's kind of a stupid question, I want to lose weight.