Brides on a Mission: Week 1



  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I just saw this thread, so I hope it is ok that I'm joining a little late.

    Getting to know each other

    1. Name: Katie
    2. Age: 29
    3. City: Kendallville, IN
    4. Occupation: Registered Nurse
    5. Wedding date: undetermined
    6. Fiancés name: Harry
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: Almost 4 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 265 (when I delivered my daughter)
    9. Goal weight and date: 155 by fall of 2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Elliptical
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tilapia

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 3 pounds
    2. High of the week: losing three pounds!
    3. Low of the week: having a cold
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: not really
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): destination I think
    6. How did he pop the big question: we were looking at rings and he just bought it right then
    7. Share a food tip: If you don't buy it, you won't eat it!
    8. Share an exercise tip: I try to exercise in the morning that way I get it over with.
    9. What do you want out of this group: motivation and support
    10. Quick week wrap-up: Overall, I had a pretty good week. I just need to stay on track!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I posted mine in my picture section

    wow you're going to look stunning!!

    On a side note, when I marked our 1.5 year mark to my fiance, he told me that he's coming to 1 bridal fantasy show with me...after arguing for months that he's not stepping foot into one of those...yay success!
  • I am just about to post week 2! Look for a new thread: Brides on a Mission week 2
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    For those of you who are just joining, follow the link to the latest thread on this topic:

  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    hello girls! Im getting married on 11-11-11 and hoping to lose at least 30 more lbs by then! ahhh
  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    1. Name: jillian
    2. Age: 25
    3. City: peabody ma
    4. Occupation: deposit operations at a bank
    5. Wedding date: 11-11-11
    6. Fiancés name: anthony
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: known eachother awhile been together 3 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 196
    9. Goal weight and date: 150 by any time i get there
    10. Favorite type of exercise: tae bo
    11. Favorite healthy food: hmmmmmm

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1 pound
    2. High of the week: snow day!
    3. Low of the week: hmm
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: getting save the dates this week!
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): traditional
    6. How did he pop the big question: out at our favorite summer spot
    7. Share a food tip: If you don't buy it, you won't eat it! (keeping this!)
    8. Share an exercise tip: try doing something fun or with others that why its not so terrible
    9. What do you want out of this group: motivation and support
    10. Quick week wrap-up: didnt reallly exercise enough and could have eaten better on monday
  • ehockstad
    ehockstad Posts: 5 Member
    1. Name: Liz
    2. Age: 30
    3. City: Bethlehem, PA
    4. Occupation: teacher
    5. Wedding date: 7/10/11
    6. Fiancés name: Rob
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 1 year, 10 months
    8. Heaviest weight: 190
    9. Goal weight and date: 160 by 7/10/11
    10. Favorite type of exercise: treadmill, walking, volleyball, tennis, yoga
    11. Favorite healthy food: veggie stir fries, fruit, sushi

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: just started...Bad news is that I had the flu last week; good news is that i shed a few holiday lbs from that :-/
    2. High of the week: work is going well
    3. Low of the week: high fiber diet = bloated & gassy
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: met the florist today and picked out lovely flowers
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): outdoor/traditional
    6. How did he pop the big question: on the beach last May
    7. Share a food tip: Dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate and satisfies cravings!
    8. Share an exercise tip: I use the "10-minute rule": When you're not feeling into it, make yourself work out for 10 minutes. Chances are, after those 10 minutes are up you'll continue for longer.
    9. What do you want out of this group: motivation and support
    10. Quick week wrap-up: Had a good week, great workouts at the gym, pants are fitting.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • 1. Name: Vicki
    2. Age: 28
    3. City: Peterborough (UK)
    4. Occupation: Bank cashier
    5. Wedding date: 9/8/12
    6. Fiancés name: Gary
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 and a half years
    8. Heaviest weight: 340 ish
    9. Goal weight and date: no idea more looking at dress size than what i weigh
    10. Favorite type of exercise: swimming
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tuna salad

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: not tracked yet
    2. High of the week: not tracked yet
    3. Low of the week: not tracked yet
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: venue booked
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Country house small intimate wedding
    6. How did he pop the big question: xmas eve on an air bed in his mums lounge with a xmas card to my fiancee with the line inside "i guess you know what this means" then he pulled out the ring awwwww
    7. Share a food tip: little and often
    8. Share an exercise tip: dont over do it
    9. What do you want out of this group: the same as the rest of you motivation and support ( and a little giggle to boot)
    10. Quick week wrap-up: just getting back on the diet after a 6 month break
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member
    I would love to be part of this thread - Oct bride here!

    1. Name: Shannon
    2. Age: 31
    3. City: Lebanon, NH
    4. Occupation: Administrative Assistant (hospital)
    5. Wedding date: 10/15/11
    6. Fiancés name: Ryan
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years on March 9th!
    8. Heaviest weight: 193
    9. Goal weight and date: 125 by 8/15/11
    10. Favorite type of exercise: dancing
    11. Favorite healthy food: Salads

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: .2 so far
    2. High of the week: I haven't given up of binged on bad food yet although I am bit discouraged ..
    3. Low of the week: teetering between 151-152lbs.. I am dying to see the 140's!
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: venue, dj & photographer booked!
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Outdoor in the Fall :)
    6. How did he pop the big question: My fiance has a thing with random Tuesday's.. one week prior to our 4 year anniversary on a Tuesday night, he prepared a candelight dinner for us. He had a glass of champagne waiting for me when I got home from work .. snuck up behind me with that and my ring and said "will you marry me?".. so adorable!
    7. Share a food tip: smaller portions and eating every 2-3 hours throughout the day helps me
    8. Share an exercise tip: listen to your body and you don't have to kill yourself to gain results.
    9. What do you want out of this group: support, motivation, laughter and help!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: a little discouraged but trying to stay positive and mix things up to see results. I have come pretty far and won't give up that easily .... again! Good luck everyone!
  • Hooray..great thread!

    1. Name: Rosie
    2. Age: 29
    3. City: Manchester, UK
    4. Occupation: Director of an IT recruitment company
    5. Wedding date: 1st Sept 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Mark
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 4 yrs ish? (shhh)
    8. Heaviest weight: 182lbs (shamefully)
    9. Goal weight and date: 1st goal is 146lbs by 1st Sept. Second goal 130lbs (no date for that yet)
    10. Favorite type of exercise: I haven't found one yet
    11. Favorite healthy food: Sweet potato and low fat feta

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: haven't measured yet
    2. High of the week: Iooking at hotels in search of our wedding suite :)
    3. Low of the week: having cherry beers at my fiance's bday party
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: I think my dad might be swaying towards coming :) Now I just need to work on my mum
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Botanical glass dome in a park
    6. How did he pop the big question: flew me to Jersey (UK) and proposed whilst we were watching the sun set on an empty beach (sounds cheesy but it really wasn't).
    7. Share a food tip: Planning!! Lunches are the hardest with no prior effort
    8. Share an exercise tip: Make yourself do it...even when you really can't be bothered.
    9. What do you want out of this group: Tips, support, motivation...
    10. Quick week wrap-up:still feeling guilty about those cherry beers :drinker: :grumble:
  • Please see the new thread. A new one is posted every week on Sunday nights.
  • Amberama
    Amberama Posts: 17
    EDIT: Whoops! I've now postedin the current thread!

    I know I'm late to the thread but here's my info!

    1. Name: Amber
    2. Age: 29
    3. City: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
    4. Occupation: Public servant
    5. Wedding date: 31 March 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Shaun
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 77 kg
    9. Goal weight and date: 68kg by December 2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Group fitness
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tomatoes!

    Now to read through the thread and catch up! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm new round here so am slowly getting into things.

    Amber ;)
  • annet28
    annet28 Posts: 1
    I found this dress on the ysa website-- I Love it!!! Can't find a price or any actual photos (ysa makino 2666) can any one help?????
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