Brides on a Mission: Week 2



  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: Don't worry about everyone else, seems like lots of people make this number 1 priority and spend lots of money they never wanted to. Whats important to YOU and YOUR FIANCE, that is what is most important. Would you rather have the wedding of the century or an amazing honeymoon? Would you rather spend it all for the wedding and honeymoon or be a little low key but still wonderful and have that money for a major purchase, like a house. Do whats best for you!!

    I really agree with this idea! You have to decide what is really important when planning your wedding. For us, we went with a lot of DIY projects to save on money for the DJ, Videographer, and Photographer. I really wanted to have a great time and have all of the memories documented afterwards. I've heard so many other brides post that their wedding day went by so fast, they didn't have enough time to take everything in. I don't want that to be how I remember my day. If have to skimp somewhere else I will....

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    PS: When I went to a local print shop (all invitations) she printed on my response cards, invites, envelops wtc for 75! All I said was well Im not willing to pay over 100.00 for it lol.

    I started the first phase of the invitation printing today at my parent's house. The toughest thing was working out how my design would fit onto the invitation paper that I bought at Staples. This has our brown and purple paisley background and our monogram. They turned out great, but we lost quite a few because the printer had trouble picking up the extra thick cardstock. We also did the vellum (semi-transparent sheet) that will go over top of the design, which actually has the details of the wedding ceremony on it. The vellum went well. We're going to hold off on paper punching them and adding ribbon until closer to the mailing time so they don't get smooshed.*LOL*

    Next weekend we're going to move on to the RSVP cards and napkin rings, which will also have our paisley design on them.

    I'll keep you informed about the process. Hopefull we won't lose as many due to printer problems next time!!!!*worried* Although, I definately still think it's worth doing your own because it's completely custom.

  • Please look for Brides on a Mission: week 3 :smile:
  • Brides on a Mission: week 2
    1.Weight loss/inches lost: just come back to dieting update next week
    2.Highlight of the past week: been of the ciggy's for 3 weeks
    3.Lowlight of the past week : trying to get motivated and stay off the ciggy's
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have : (thats the one i want)
    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: just put away anything left at the end of the month and throw loose change in a tin it soon adds up
    6.What do you do for a really intense work out:
    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day):N/A
    8.Weekly wrap up: stressfull week but can only get better
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    1.Name: Jenn
    2.Age: 27
    3.City: San Jose, CA
    4.Occupation: School Receptionist
    5.Wedding date: No clue
    6.Fiancés name: Kris
    7.How long have you and your fiancé have been together: 9 years
    8.Heaviest weight: 186
    9.Goal weight and date: 130 lbs by my wedding day
    10.Favorite type of exercise: walking
    11.Favorite healthy food: watermelon

    1.Weight loss/inches lost: I lost 35 lbs but gained some back
    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got engaged on Friday night! lol 1/21/11
    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): after putting on my ring I lost control of eating healthy
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): again no clue
    5.Do you have any wedding ideas to share: not yet, but soon I hope
    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: every Sunday I walk to the park while pushing my kids (2 tots plus stroller=103lbs) the walk is about two hours.
    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): I wasn't engaged last week, but I am good about drinking my water on most days
    8.Weekly wrap up: ? I guess I am trying to figure all this out still. People are asking me questions and I have no idea when, where, or how many! Aaaahhhhh! I have only had the ring 4 days people! :laugh:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I am new here. New to being engaged and this thread, not to MFP. I just got engaged on Friday night and have no clue what I am doing or how to plan a wedding! I have been waiting for this a long time. Nine years and two kids later he asked me to be his wife and I think I am still in shock! :laugh:
    Where did you all start?
    How can I figure out a budget? (We are very poor :tongue: )

    I don't know about you all, but I can't stop looking at my ring! :love:
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Jenn, we're on Week 4. You can find it here:
  • Hey Jenn, we're on Week 4. You can find it here:

    Thanks Heels24!
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