What lit your fire?



  • megan116xo
    megan116xo Posts: 40 Member
    I looked in the mirror, how i thought i looked and what I saw did not match up. I was also tired of family members calling me fat!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I watch a lot of the fat shows on T.V. My favorite is my 600 lb. life. And when I watched a show where a young girl (21 years of age) weighing almost 600 lbs. only could walk 85 steps in a day--that did it for me.

    At the time I was probably 15 pounds overweight, and her grandma. I rejoined my Jazzercise class, got back in shape and now I feel decades younger. 2 pounds to goal!
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    My mom came to visit me (she lives in Texas and I lived in Michigan at the time) and she had gained so much weight it was terrifying.

    I saw how hard it was for her to get around, how out of breath she got just from walking, and found she had the "big girl smell" (you know what I'm talking about so don't pretend you don't.)

    She was always over weight but she had ballooned up to over 450 lbs. I was almost 300 lbs then and it scared the crap out of me. She's my 7 year old nieces guardian and all I could think was that she wasn't going to live long enough to see her graduate high school at this rate.

    I was wanting to lose weight before, but always found a "reason" that I couldn't, but see what had happened to my mom really knocked some sense into me. My mom is still working with her insurance to get approved for surgery (they've been battling it out for 4 years now) but I never wanted to get to the point where that was my last option, so I started watching what I was eating and joined MFP a few months later.
  • PudgyPanda91
    PudgyPanda91 Posts: 72 Member
    Honestly, even though it probably sounds bad and is sorta silly...

    I found out that I weighed more than my boyfriend. Significantly more.
    He's overweight and he always talks about how fat, etc. he is.
    I told him he needed to stop saying that and he was like well if you weighed xyz much you'd do the same thing.

    :huh: well. i do.
  • Aliceyogi
    When my favorite pair of jeans no longer fit. I took a look at them in the mirror and they looked awful!! I felt awful. The last two years I had been in a very stressful environment and had not paid attention to myself at all. When I couldn't zip the zipper I was like screw this!! I dropped a lot of different people, projects, activities, and started focusing on me again. Loving every minute of it too! And I was able create a new healthy environment with lots of people to motivate me and encourage me. Sometimes you just gotta start from scratch!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    My boyfriend lights my fire when he does that thing with his tongue....

    Oh...sorry, different question.

    When I had to buy new jeans because the old ones no longer fit, I knew it was time to do something. I just graduated with my BFA, so I suddenly had time to do it. Plus I began dating an amazing man who is beautifully fit, and we inspire each other. So things just converged in all the right ways.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    For me, it was being diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Getting up from a chair would cause such pain, that I'd scream. I know there's no getting rid of it, but I figure if I could drop 60-70 pounds, it will cause a lot less stress on my joints; maybe even postpone a dreaded hip replacement.
  • twalker475
    twalker475 Posts: 16 Member
    Last week I read a success story of a 40-something YO woman who went from squishy to buff, and for some reason something clicked in my head. I haven't lost any weight since June, kind of a backlash from a fairly restrictive diet I was doing and decided to go off of...so been trying to find my way again on my own and making some less than great food choices along the way. I had been feeling like I really NEEDED this other program and couldn't do it on my own, but after reading this story I thought, "This is all within my control." I have the body I have now because of the choices I've made, and it is entirely within my control to make different choices to get the leaner body I want. It snapped me out of victim mode and put me back in the driver's seat. I've been tracking everything I eat since then and know that if I continue to, I will get where I want to go.
  • ThomasGinter
    ThomasGinter Posts: 36 Member
    Being forced to look through racks upon racks of clothes that are tents covered in sequins, glitter and flower appliques while my friends get to wear cute, stylish clothing! Nothing says "fat chick" like this:


    HA!! That is hilarious! For us guys it is Hawaiian shirts and stretchy pants/shorts.
  • ThomasGinter
    ThomasGinter Posts: 36 Member
    For me it was a combination of things. How I looked in pictures, recurring episodes of gout, turning 40, and just feeling awful all the time.
  • akgreen324
    akgreen324 Posts: 74 Member
    Seeing how I looked in pics and also see that the scale just kept going up and my clothes were fitting tighter and I was not happy with a lot of things in my life so I decided to take control of at least one
  • AlexStepanski
    My daughter started me on the way to eating healthy but what sent me here is looking to be with someone and being rejected time and time again. My daughter and the opposite sex! Plus I am sure my X wife will be happy to see me in shape and with someone else! When I told her I quit soda's last month she said it was probably easy for me because I have strong will power. I sure do need every bit of that will power to get me threw this weight losing challenge!

    I am about to go buy a weight scale to get this ball on the ground.
  • srd_23
    srd_23 Posts: 43 Member
    I am a single mom with a full time job and a long commute... I came home one day and my son was BEGGING me to play a game with him. I just told him I was "too tired..." He said I'm ALWAYS too tired to play with him. I realized he was right and that I was missing out on his childhood because I'm just "too tired" to be a part of it. I have to work to pay the bills, thats out of my control. What I DO have control of is my body. I knew I had to loose weight to get my energy back and be a better mom.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    My boyfriend lights my fire when he does that thing with his tongue....

    I need one of those!!! A bf that isssss.... ;)

    awesome response.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    Since my life kinda took the backwards route: Got a chronic disease at 21 right after I got married, and was bedridden for the better part of 8 years, and then had to take prednisone for 11 years. By all accounts I should have died multiple times by now.

    Since I am barren due to health issues, I decided to get credited for a catechesis certificate. I had to take a morality class. Sister Madeleine Grace said one sentence that just reverberated in my mind over and over, "We have a moral obligation to God to take good care of our bodies. No matter what our age or limitations. If we can walk, and we need to walk an hour a day to do our best to be healthy, that is what we do. If we should not drink caffeine or salt or sugar, then we do what we can. This is our Temple of the Holy Spirit"

    She considered it expressing gratitude to God when we took care of ourselves. I hate taking care of myself, because it always seems so hopeless, and out of my control. But when she said that, I thought, I can try to take better care of myself. I have slowly lost a bit of weight surprising my Dr. completely. I still have energy issues, but I do what I can and sometimes "fork downs" are all I can do! But I do it, because I am grateful for me. Which is so weird to even hear. I am more grateful for everyone else, but I am grateful for me as well.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    My sex life, I was soo uncomfortable in my own skin I couldn't orgasm!:embarassed:
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    My daughter. She's 11 and a few months ago she started to have some crying episodes around bedtime. When I went in there to talk to her about what was wrong, she said she was worried about me, about my health, and about losing me because I am overweight. I am a single mom, and we don't have a lot of family. At her age, she has become much more aware of things in relation to life and death, and she was telling me once when she was crying that she didn't want me to die and leave her alone. :( So that was it. The two of us started going on walks together, and then shortly after I changed my eating habits. Oh, and the bonus is my daughter is happier. No more crying because she's worried about me. She knows I'm working on changing.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    My separation and pending divorce with my husband of 6 years (Together for 10).

    My sisters told me, hey - you're going to lose all sorts of weight. Best diet ever.

    I decided if I was going to lose weight anyway, I should do it right.
  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    My mom and I bond over going outlet mall shopping. I realized this spring that I no longer fit into 16s, and that was the last size in normal stores. Meanwhile, my mom fits into 8s. I was embarrassed, ashamed, and realized that I wanted to live like her, not like my disease ridden, obese relatives.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    A combination of a lot of things actually, but mostly I really wanted to wear cute clothes and actually look cute in them. I was embarrassed of having to go to the plus size section. I was embarrassed when my boyfriend asked me my size so he can buy me clothes. I was embarrassed when trying on clothes that were size 18 & haven't them NOT fit.
    I finally started to take responsibility for my weight and now size 16 is too big! & I couldn't be any more proud!!