What lit your fire?



  • KatieKansan
    KatieKansan Posts: 61 Member
    Looking at pictures of my best friend and I at a concert.. She wears like a zero. ugh! Also I think for me it was feeling sluggish and lazy all the time. Now that ive lost 34 I have so much more energy and I actually want to go do things!
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Want to wear nicer clothes and just feel more comfortable in general doing every day things
  • commandoshy
    Massive body image issues after which I realized I'm queer and would really like to look more feminine, which with my current figure is impossible.
  • OUCHilly1
    OUCHilly1 Posts: 44 Member
    It wasn't really a conscious decision at first. My Doctor upped my thyroid medication from 120 mg to 180 mg and the pharmacist started giving me Armor Thyroid again instead of the generic version. I started feeling better. Pretty soon the water weight came off really fast (10 lb of it). Then I realized I was actually going to lose weight instead of gain more weight. I went for 252 to 244 so fast I was nearly in shock. I wanted to keep track of what I was eating and how much and I found this app... The scale goes up and down from day to day now but the trend is steadily decreasing body mass... happy happy me!: noway: :noway: :noway:
  • jennrambles
    jennrambles Posts: 34 Member
    Being forced to look through racks upon racks of clothes that are tents covered in sequins, glitter and flower appliques while my friends get to wear cute, stylish clothing! Nothing says "fat chick" like this:



    Why do they make so many sparkly, applique'd, freaking floral overloaded clothes for plus size women? I shop at the men's Big and Tall store, more along my tastes. Cargo shorts, plain tshirts, that's me. I spent years wearing 'floral sparkly sequined' tents before I just said "Frick this, I'm not wearing this stuff anymore!" and that's when I started shopping at the Big and Tall.

    But, my actual 'lit my fire' moment was when my (overweight, diabetic) father approached me and said "You don't want to die of a heart attack by age 40." and then offered to pay for 6 months of a personal trainer and 2 years of gym time. He then said 'Or you can have a car." I took the gym.

    Been doing this since June 5th, and I'm down to 321 from 349. That's not even my all-time high, either. I was in the 380s once.

    Losing 28lbs so far has given me a big boost of confidence that this time around (I've been up and down a lot), I GOT THIS. Now my mom (who is ailing) is my biggest motivation. I know some day I'm going to have to give her baths and things like that, and I don't want to be unfit when that happens.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I think everyone that is actively losing was once in what I call... excuses hell.

    Usually there's a period of time where you're like.. okay. This is it

    What was your end of being out of shape motivation?

    Great question...

    When I hopped on my doctor's website that stores my medical records & realized I had gone from 240 to 315 in 5 years, and my BP had gone up 60 points.

    Made the decision that day (110 days ago), cuz I knew death would then be in about 5 years at that rate.

    No looking back now. That dude is gone, never to return.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Midlife crisis!
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Every year I promise myself I will lose weight for the next time that the season comes about. So, in my fat christmas dress, I'll say, next year I'll be in a thin Christmas dress. Or for Valentines Day I'll promise next year I'll fit into cute lingerie. Or for family reunions and weddings I promise next year I"ll look good for seeing these people.
    My favorite time of year is summer, and I had promised I'd be wearing a thin bathing suit and that I'd look good playing beach volleyball, and I'd be able to run 5ks again. Well, this summer is the same old thing. While I was sitting on the beach looking at all of the people playing volleyball and I was on the sidelines hiding tears that I didn't want anyone to see, I decided that this was the last time. And I still may not be at goal at any one of those seasons in the immediate future, but I will live every day in a healthy way and keep finding ways to make the right decisions nutritionally and with my exercise. Soon I will be smaller.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Realising that most of my friends were married and had kids and I had been single for 6 years and also that I missed going to the gym, I thought my health was holding me back, and it was but I still push myself as much as I can.
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    I'm half way through my weight loss journey but I've been in maintenance at this weight for almost a year. I intentionally went into maintenance because I was just burned out on focusing on losing and I had a lot and I mean a LOT of stuff going on. I've been living in a place where it's really hard to track my food and it's 105 degrees so exercise is difficult. Yep I've sure got excuses....

    I'll be moving back to the states in January and I just said to my self, that I could move back at my current weight and start restart my weight loss journey when I get back.... OR I can get a jump start on things and be 20 pounds lighter. I voted for the 20 pounds. It's the least aggressive weight loss mini goal I've ever had. I'm usually a "go big or go home" kind of person but I'm trying not to sabotage myself with an all or nothing attitude so I figure that 1 pound a week is a good compromise between maintenance and pushing super hard for 2-3 pounds a week.

    Tiny goals are so much better than big ones. :) I've been poking my various goals and such, and I've come to the conclusion that the deficit I can keep up is 150 kcal per day. I'm totally not in a rush to lose weight or anything, so it felt really good to have an attainable goal! I'm going to lose 1 lb per month or something.
  • cseybold1
    cseybold1 Posts: 1 Member
    When my weight hit 200 and I was faced with going up another size.

    Then I went on a medically-supervised weight loss program at the beginning of the year and have been losing slowly but surely. Then about 6 weeks ago, I reframed my view of the process. We have a weekly group meeting with a dietitian, and at one meeting, we were all talking about having cheated with food that week and how badly we felt. The dietitiian said "You know, we don't talk about it as cheating anymore. We say that you are facing a challenge." Well, that clicked with me and appealed to my competitive streak. When I want to eat too much now, I think "Hey food, I am stronger than you. I am not under your control. You can't stop me from reaching my goal!" I also started walking in the morning before work. Now my weight loss is where it should be and maintenance is within reach.
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    Massive body image issues after which I realized I'm queer and would really like to look more feminine, which with my current figure is impossible.

    Queer solidarity! *highfive*
  • genki90
    genki90 Posts: 94 Member
    When switching from winter to summer clothing I couldn't find anything that fits me.. I spend the whole summer hiding my body under loose clothes that my mom's friends didn't need anymore. I even went to the beach fully dressed while making excuses that I was on period and couldn't swim. I wasn't happy with me and let my body reach it's highest weight. I started to realize that I was going from "curvy" to "fat". My laziness was also hurting my body, since I started experiencing back and shoulder pains because my poor muscles couldn't support a right posture. I had lost my confidence and couldn't even do my work properly.

    At the end of this horrible summer I visited my awesome cousin, who got me into calorie counting. She also wanted to get in shape so we promised each other to lose weight and workout regularly until the next time we meet.
    So here I am, counting the calories and trying not to eat everything that's in the fridge. I get hungry way too often but try not to think about it. I love my body and do not wish to cause any more harm to it.
  • commandoshy
    Massive body image issues after which I realized I'm queer and would really like to look more feminine, which with my current figure is impossible.

    Queer solidarity! *highfive*

    *highfives back* yay!
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    Splitting up with my wife after finding out she was cheating on me, had my life back to myself again and there was a lot of things I wanted to do and I couldn't physically do them at the time (Play footy, mountain biking etc.) so time to get fit!

    It's strange but it seems it takes an event like that to make some us look in the mirror to see what we have let ourselves become. I know it happened to me after a divorce. I was young and got on a bike and just rode till 20 lbs was just gone didn't even notice the weight coming off. Now I'm too out of shape and bad knees/back to even get on the bike. I think our mirror lies to us when we are happy and shows us the truth when we are sad. Good luck on seeing the real you and reaching your goal. :-)
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    Every year I promise myself I will lose weight for the next time that the season comes about. So, in my fat christmas dress, I'll say, next year I'll be in a thin Christmas dress. Or for Valentines Day I'll promise next year I'll fit into cute lingerie. Or for family reunions and weddings I promise next year I"ll look good for seeing these people.
    My favorite time of year is summer, and I had promised I'd be wearing a thin bathing suit and that I'd look good playing beach volleyball, and I'd be able to run 5ks again. Well, this summer is the same old thing. While I was sitting on the beach looking at all of the people playing volleyball and I was on the sidelines hiding tears that I didn't want anyone to see, I decided that this was the last time. And I still may not be at goal at any one of those seasons in the immediate future, but I will live every day in a healthy way and keep finding ways to make the right decisions nutritionally and with my exercise. Soon I will be smaller.

    Keep Strong and Don't Blink! Whoverine :-)
  • Anahita_Swims
    Anahita_Swims Posts: 4,127 Member
    clean slate from cancer ditched the dude that was making me sad and turned my life around :)
  • digistyle
    digistyle Posts: 40 Member
    Getting on the scale and noticing that 300 lbs was not that far away! Thankfully, that was 42 lbs ago.
  • browneyes6082
    browneyes6082 Posts: 20 Member
    One night I got on the scale and realized that 200 lbs was less than 10lbs away. I was shocked. I went online and signed up for Planet Fitness, C25K, took my measurements, made a meal plan, downloaded MFP, took a picture of me in nothing but my underwear and posted it on the fridge, and then I went off to the gym for the first time in my life at about 2 AM. It was like something finally clicked for me and I realized "I can't do this. I can't do this to myself, I can't do this to my Husband. I can't be this way when we have a family and that's just a couple years away from now."
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    Having to get on Blood Pressure medicine.

    I've always had back and knee problems but I know it's made worse by all this extra weight. I always say I'm going to lose so I look good for my kids HS graduation. Didn't happen. Now I'm coming up to college graduation and need to change.

    Fooled around with trying to lose but the pain always held me back. Now with being put on BP meds that was the kick in the butt I needed. I'm going to get fit and do all the things that I have been putting off because of my weight/back/knee and hopefully get off meds.
    I have the pain whether I work out or not, so might as well work out.
    Bring on the sports cream, ice, heating pads, ibuprofen! I'm ready.